So while we wait for the direct announcement in a few days, I'm going to list my 5 characters that could be the final fighter. Feel free to share your 5 characters that could be the final fighter.
Dr. Eggman
Master Chief
FIVE Big Bad Burger King Bets, huh?
Well here we go. If I win... I like either Whoppers with Cheese and Pickles ONLY, the Original Chicken Sandwich with NO mayo, or the new Ch'King with no sauce. And of course fries and drinks, onion rings are fine too.
1. WALUIGI (my top guess)
2. Phoenix Wright (perhaps with a Hero/Koopaling situation with Edgeworth/Athena/Apollo alts?)
3. A Pokemon/Trainer (Late SwSh trainer, some random Pokemon repping New Snap, etc)
4. Maybe a late Sonic character like Eggman? Maybe comes with a bonus Metal Sonic as an echo for Sonic if you purchase Eggman? Wishful thinking.
5. Lulu from Warioware? I'm just gonna throw her out there so I can be the one guy who gets it right if I'm right.