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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
You know the sillyness that was going on about people calling Kazuya a shoto? Well Hungrybox made a new meme tier list:

Shoto Tier: Ryu, Ken, Mega Man, Mii Brawler, Mario, Luigi, Zelda, Ridley, Samus, Dark Samus, Simon, Richter, Kirby, Ice Climbers.

That was a good laugh. lol
Funny thing is, you can make a rather strong case for Mario being a shoto - at least his pre-Brawl incarnation. Like, it's not a ridiculous proposal.
Hell, even his current Smash incarnation ticks more boxes than Kazuya or even Terry.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Cut talk is weird because we never bring up the very real possibility of Sakurai retiring from Smash or game dev as a whole & the series going on hiatus for the next decade+.
Honestly I think it'd be the other way. The second Sakurai decides he's retiring Nintendo would scramble to find a replacement and start working on the next Smash immediately. If Smash isn't the vision of one creative any longer why even wait?

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven

These are the third party characters who IMO are 99.9% never going anywhere. I anticipate that regardless of how big the roster is next time around, we'll probably see characters like Tails / Chun-Li / Zero etc. Expanding on those tight-knit "obvious" third parties feels like the right way to handle big-ticket base game newcomers that won't feel particularly jarring even if the roster is cut down considerably.
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Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
Dublin, Ireland

These are the third party characters who IMO are 99.9% never going anywhere. I anticipate that regardless of how big the roster is next time around, we'll probably see characters like Tails / Chun-Li / Zero etc. Expanding on those tight-knit "obvious" third parties feels like the right way to handle big-ticket base game newcomers that won't feel particularly jarring even if the roster is cut down considerably.

The Capcom ones seem a lot more questionable. The Bandai Namco ones have decent odds of staying, including Kazuya who we haven't actually gotten yet.

The only two I think are fixed are both SEGA:

:ultsonic: :ultbayonetta:

  • Losing Sonic would be a uniquely big deal; also he has been in every Smash Bros game that had third-parties.
  • They own two of the three Bayonetta games and that ratio is likely to only keep closing the gap; although there is a part of me that wouldn't be surprised if when we get a Bayonetta 4 Nintendo flat out buy her broader franchise off SEGA to cut out the middle man from future installments. Amusingly making Sonic the only 'fixed' third party, which does seem fitting.
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Deleted member

Honestly I think it'd be the other way. The second Sakurai decides he's retiring Nintendo would scramble to find a replacement and start working on the next Smash immediately. If Smash isn't the vision of one creative any longer why even wait?
Sakurai has too much rapport to immediately replace & Ultimate is the perfect game to port to the Switch's successor while leaving the series relatively quiet for that generation like what happened with Mario Kart.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Sakurai has too much rapport to immediately replace & Ultimate is the perfect game to port to the Switch's successor while leaving the series relatively quiet for that generation like what happened with Mario Kart.
Mario Kart still had Home Circuit and Tour, so I think we would still get a new smash game, not necessarily a traditional one. But even then If Sakurai Retires of his own volition, Nintendo still has control over smash, and due to how much money it makes, They would almost certainly get a new director.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
The Capcom ones seem a lot more questionable.
I don't see how. Capcom is still one of Nintendo's closest partners, releasing one of their biggest games of the year exclusively on Nintendo hardware for starters. Mega Man is also in a pretty unique position of being used in random trailers like Bowser Jr or Ridley (where he literally dies by impalation) which shows Capcom is pretty damn lenient with the character and also that Sakurai seems him as a particularly significant part of the Smash family. Pretty sure Mega Man and Monster Hunter showed up in Dragalia Lost as well, a pretty shining example of how these two collaborate frequently in ways both big and small.

And if you have Mega Man I really see no situation where you wouldn't just bring Ryu back too. They're kind of like a package deal IMO, and there's just as little reason to remove Ryu from the game as there would be Mega Man as another big name series with a long-spanning Nintendo history that Capcom has no issues lending not just to Smash, but apparently all over the damn place. Street Fighter is EVERYWHERE lately so Capcom is clearly not holding back.

Cutting third parties will be controversial in and of itself, cutting Mega Man would be a travesty. Nintendo knows it, everyone knows it. There's no reason not to bring back such a heavily requested and easy-to-grab character and to be totally honest with you I think he's just as safe as Sonic.
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Sakurai has too much rapport to immediately replace & Ultimate is the perfect game to port to the Switch's successor while leaving the series relatively quiet for that generation like what happened with Mario Kart.
Why wouldn't they immediately replace him? It's not disrespectful if the man retires of his own volition.

I don't know if Ultimate or really any Switch game is comparable to MK8. MK8 was on the Wii U, it sold like 8 million copies and was basically a new game for any person who didn't own a Wii U. An Ultimate port could sell well but I doubt there would be much double dipping.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2021
YR: After the Kazuya presentation, Sakurai announces the final fighters pass and to decide the fighters there will be another fighters ballot.
kinda neat but I'm almost certain only the community darlings would win (stuff like Crash, Bandana Dee, Waluigi, Shantae and Tails which don't interest me in the slightest)
so I'd have to cross fingers and wish for at least one of those to be Dante, Chief or Doomguy

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
YR: After the Kazuya presentation, Sakurai announces the final fighters pass and to decide the fighters there will be another fighters ballot.
Sorry to be the downer but that would be kinda lame for me since I would accept none of the characters I actually want would have a chance of getting very far. And what would happen is discussion would be even less favorable to the little guys and revolve around the same few characters even more than before. Have to say, the tribalism with Ultimate is already worse than it was with Smash 4 so I can’t imagine these conversations being any fun to partake in with a ballot at play.

I mean, more fighters is more fighters and that’s still a good thing. I would just probably end up casually enjoying the ones who get picked and wouldn’t be participating very much in speculation.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2021

One more to go!

How would you guys rank the newcomers so far?
It has some god tier inclusions like Kazuya, Steve & Sephiroth, alongside above average ones that pleased a lot of fans. However, some of them feel forced (filler) and weren't really necessary (Incineroar, Byleth and non-echo Isabelle), but it's not like any Smash game that came before didn't do the same.
I still feel we got done dirty with no new Sonic or Megaman reps (Bomberman too), but aside from that it's by far my favorite lineup of newcomers from every Smash game.


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
Dublin, Ireland
I don't see how. Capcom is still one of Nintendo's closest partners, releasing one of their biggest games of the year exclusively on Nintendo hardware for starters. Mega Man is also in a pretty unique position of being used in random trailers like Bowser Jr or Ridley (where he literally dies by impalation) which shows Capcom is pretty damn lenient with the character and also that Sakurai seems him as a particularly significant part of the Smash family. Pretty sure Mega Man and Monster Hunter showed up in Dragalia Lost as well, a pretty shining example of how these two collaborate frequently in ways both big and small.

And if you have Mega Man I really see no situation where you wouldn't just bring Ryu back too. They're kind of like a package deal IMO, and there's just as little reason to remove Ryu from the game as there would be Mega Man as another big name series with a long-spanning Nintendo history that Capcom has no issues lending not just to Smash, but apparently all over the damn place. Street Fighter is EVERYWHERE lately so Capcom is clearly not holding back.

Cutting third parties will be controversial in and of itself, cutting Mega Man would be a travesty. Nintendo knows it, everyone knows it. There's no reason not to bring back such a heavily requested and easy-to-grab character and to be totally honest with you I think he's just as safe as Sonic.

The 'catch' in my view is that Mega-Man can also be used to sell Capcom's own fighting games via crossovers, and from what I hear (though don't quote me on this) they might actually be starting to care about those more again. So they might want to save the character who can sell fighting games for their own fighting games.
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Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019

One more to go!

How would you guys rank the newcomers so far?
Pretty good, though I wish Richter, Daisy, and Dark Samus got more mechanical differences added to them. Also, not fond of the Fire Emblem milk-machine.

On the other hand, I do love the addition of Banjo, and enjoy most of the other additions. Plus, Sephy's addition means that Final Fantasy content is no longer bare bones.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
The 'catch' in my view is that Mega-Man can also be used to sell Capcom's own fighting games via crossovers, and from what I hear (though don't quote me on this) they might actually be starting to care about those more again. So they might want to save the character who can sell fighting games for their own fighting games.
I feel like if that was the case they wouldn’t be shilling their fighting game icons Ryu and Chun-Li everywhere they possibly can. I don’t think the inclusion of these characters in Smash would have any significant bearing on whether or not people want to play a MVC game for instance.

If anything Smash’s titanic size is great for keeping Mega Man relevant to a modern audience who may even purchase those games because they recognize him from Smash Bros.
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Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009

One more to go!

How would you guys rank the newcomers so far?
I’m really happy with them in general even if the only characters that were on my most wanted list were Sephiroth, K. Rool, Ridley, and Joker. I’ll try to list them from favorite to least favorite:

1) Sephiroth
2) K. Rool
3) Joker
4) Ridley
5) Dark Samus
6) Pirahna Plant
7) Incineroar
8) Simon
7) Chrom
8) Kazuya
9) Pyra/Mythra
10) Banjo & Kazooie
11) Hero
12) Terry
13) Richter
14) Byleth
15) Ken
16) Isabelle
17) Min Min
18) Inkling
19) Daisy
20) Steve


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
I'll say two things in this post:
1) To CapitaineCrash CapitaineCrash : Fair point dude, It'd be great if EA opened up to the ida and actually got content fo some kind (ibb4 they actually do lmao)

2) God, can we talk about how GOOD this game has made the third party characters look?

Like, in the August 2018 direct, Sakurai said "He's been given a bit of a makeover" regarding :ultsimon: when we all saw how CLEANNNNNN the man looked!


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
Minor question about Kazuya: What would his battle entrance be?
I believe we got a glimpse of it in the trailer:
Right when the trailer cuts to gameplay footage, it shows Kazuya smirking.

I'm going to guess his stage entrance is a good ol' fighting game character drop down, with him landing, smirking, and then proceeding to position his hands and feet, right before the countdown ends.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2019
I believe we got a glimpse of it in the trailer:
Right when the trailer cuts to gameplay footage, it shows Kazuya smirking.

I'm going to guess his stage entrance is a good ol' fighting game character drop down, with him landing, smirking, and then proceeding to position his hands and feet, right before the countdown ends.
Interesting, though you forgot to mention that his left iris changes from black/brown to red.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I wanted to send this to my Smash server to celebrate our roster. Apparently the filters deemed it inappropriate. I crossed out Pyra/Mythra and sure enough... the image was able to be sent...
Pyra and Mythra are not for good boys and girls :4pacman:

Deleted member

Why wouldn't they immediately replace him? It's not disrespectful if the man retires of his own volition.

I don't know if Ultimate or really any Switch game is comparable to MK8. MK8 was on the Wii U, it sold like 8 million copies and was basically a new game for any person who didn't own a Wii U. An Ultimate port could sell well but I doubt there would be much double dipping.
It’s not about disrespect, it’s about his unique pull in the industry & how Ultimate is such a hard game to top. Mario Kart 8 DX’s success is only going to give Nintendo the idea that they can just port a game over with DLC intact and still have it sell like hotcakes. I get a successor is going to have a harder time regardless but there’s enough going against another quick turnaround for Smash that people just don’t want to consider the idea of a hiatus.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Something I am thinking right now: if Splatoon 2 is losing a online feature next month (online lounge), how would Ultimate’s online features be a year or two down the line?

Assuming all DLC is present for the rest of the Switch lifespan.


Sep 26, 2013
Something I am thinking right now: if Splatoon 2 is losing a online feature next month (online lounge), how would Ultimate’s online features be a year or two down the line?

Assuming all DLC is present for the rest of the Switch lifespan.
I think Smash is safe as long as they're not planning another Smash game on the system.

Splatoon's case seems to be more of a strong-arming into buying Splatoon 3.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Something I am thinking right now: if Splatoon 2 is losing a online feature next month (online lounge), how would Ultimate’s online features be a year or two down the line?

Assuming all DLC is present for the rest of the Switch lifespan.
I mean I was already doubting that weekly events would continue for long after the last fighter released, so...
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