True Blue Warrior
Smash Hero
And so does a ton of characters. What is even your point if not an excuse to rationalise arbitrary gatekeeping?Okay but Ridley and Banjo still fit well enough as crowd pleasers.
“But Skull Kid/Midna/Lloyd Irving could never be E3 worthy, they’re not huge icons!!! What do you mean
That’s basically what a lot of “E3 worthy” speculation boils down to.
Exactly.I feel like trying to pin certain characters as "E3 Worthy" at some point has stopped being speculation and has just become Gatekeeping.
It’s a case of hindsight bias to pretend the likes of BK and K. Rool were always universally seen as important and popular character additions when they were just as down-played as a lot of current characters discussed are.I think people should keep in mind that Banjo and Kazooie are supposedly an example of why a character has to be "worthy" of E3 to be shown there. AKA, "they'll never add them when MS owns Minecraft which is way more successful and active".
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