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Dirtiest Player in the Game - Wario Social Thread


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Because I'd rather be in Europe or South America traveling during the summer, if at all possible, especially after graduating from school.
Ah I never understand why people want to travel like that. I'd rather travel around America hit Miami Vegas LA Hawaii places like that but oh well I guess different strokes for different folks.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Ah I never understand why people want to travel like that. I'd rather travel around America hit Miami Vegas LA Hawaii places like that but oh well I guess different strokes for different folks.
I've been to Hawai'i already, and it was amazing. Why would I want to visit sprawling metropolises when I live in big cities most of my life? I'd rather visit scenic areas that are seeped in historical importance and natural beauty than areas who's primary allure is debauchery and hard partying.

I just think you've never been to Europe is all, haha. The food is more natural, everything is more quaint and close together/familiar feeling, and the women, at least in Portugal and Spain, are quite amazing.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I've been to Hawai'i already, and it was amazing. Why would I want to visit sprawling metropolises when I live in big cities most of my life? I'd rather visit scenic areas that are seeped in historical importance and natural beauty than areas who's primary allure is debauchery and hard partying.

I just think you've never been to Europe is all, haha. The food is more natural, everything is more quaint and close together/familiar feeling, and the women, at least in Portugal and Spain, are quite amazing.
Na I've never been to them. There's a lot of place in America that are rich in history also. With beautiful scenery also. *Shrugs* Women are beautiful everywhere though.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
Not saying there isn't. But Europe has been around for hundreds of years longer than America :p
Chinas been around for longer I don't see you rushing off to go to china =/. But seriously I'm an American and I'd rather learn about the history of my country/ visit my countries historic places than go to some foreign country and learn crap about them that's what the interwebz is for.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
it's one thing to read about a place on the internet and another to actually be there

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
Chinas been around for longer I don't see you rushing off to go to china =/. But seriously I'm an American and I'd rather learn about the history of my country/ visit my countries historic places than go to some foreign country and learn crap about them that's what the interwebz is for.
You can learn lots of crap about the US on the internet I've heard.

Not trying to make this Europe vs States debate, but Europe really has to offer a much larger variety of cultures, in a space which is really not all that large. You can tour around for a couple of weeks for a relatively small amount of money and enjoy a lot of different things. I don't know how much of a cultural taste you get when going from coast to coast in the states, but I doubt it has the same feeling as going from Britain to Greece. You could go to Asia for that as well, but really that requires all sorts of visa and in Europe people can actually speak English (which may actually prove useful).

Last thing I'd like to point out is that going to Europe is just a fantastic experience unlike any other, if the man wants to go just let him instead of convincing him that going OOS is really much more fun :D


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Chinas been around for longer I don't see you rushing off to go to china =/. But seriously I'm an American and I'd rather learn about the history of my country/ visit my countries historic places than go to some foreign country and learn crap about them that's what the interwebz is for.
It's on my to-do list, lol. I just actually know 2-3 European languages, so it's much easier for me to go there, plus they have that whole "lack of Communism" thing going for them as well so there aren't strange restrictions and regulations to worry about AND I have a Euro passport.

Lord Chair wants us to visit him :)


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I've been to Germany, Spain and Portugal. Basically everywhere else that I can arrange to go, I will go. I have family in Spain though so I'll definitely stop by there again.

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
Yeah that was some rather blatant advertising. Perhaps I do want some more 'merican love for Europe (not smash related per se). Oh well.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
You can learn lots of crap about the US on the internet I've heard.

Not trying to make this Europe vs States debate, but Europe really has to offer a much larger variety of cultures, in a space which is really not all that large. You can tour around for a couple of weeks for a relatively small amount of money and enjoy a lot of different things. I don't know how much of a cultural taste you get when going from coast to coast in the states, but I doubt it has the same feeling as going from Britain to Greece. You could go to Asia for that as well, but really that requires all sorts of visa and in Europe people can actually speak English (which may actually prove useful).

Last thing I'd like to point out is that going to Europe is just a fantastic experience unlike any other, if the man wants to go just let him instead of convincing him that going OOS is really much more fun :D
I don't think there's much of a European American debate. Simply point America is the greatest country in the world why would I want to visit another country?

It's on my to-do list, lol. I just actually know 2-3 European languages, so it's much easier for me to go there, plus they have that whole "lack of Communism" thing going for them as well so there aren't strange restrictions and regulations to worry about AND I have a Euro passport.

Lord Chair wants us to visit him :)
But the history of china......


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
america is the greatest country....I don't know about that. Watch Sicko and look at how life in France is. Hard to say, America is the strongest country by far, I'll give you that, but the best?

and travelling is sooo much fun man. I even had fun just going to america and seeing the difference between Canada and USA, I can't imagine how amazing it would be to experience something different altogether. All my travels have been when I was young (like 12-13) so I can't remember to well and it wasn't much variety (Mexico, Nicaragua, Cuba, lol). I am thinking on either europe or China this summer as well cause I'm dying to travel for some reason.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
america is the greatest country....I don't know about that. Watch Sicko and look at how life in France is. Hard to say, America is the strongest country by far, I'll give you that, but the best?

and travelling is sooo much fun man. I even had fun just going to america and seeing the difference between Canada and USA, I can't imagine how amazing it would be to experience something different altogether. All my travels have been when I was young (like 12-13) so I can't remember to well and it wasn't much variety (Mexico, Nicaragua, Cuba, lol). I am thinking on either europe or China this summer as well cause I'm dying to travel for some reason.
doesnt Europe take like 55% of your paycheck?


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Come on, stop spouting ignorance, everyone has their faults. Europe takes a lot of money to spend on universal health care and other more socialist policies, while the U.S. doesn't. Instead, our private business leaders take billions grant money supposed to help revitalize our economy by creating American jobs and instead create those jobs off-shore because it's cheaper. Baseless nationalism is stupid, and the cause for many wars, every place and system of rules has its faults.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
although they take much tax, the citizens are **** well taken care of, many many things are paid for them including post secondary schooling, which you know yourself is a very stressful situation for both yourself as a student and your parents/guardians. Their healthcare is amazing and the money is also distributed to help people in need in better ways than simply giving money, they give services that are MANDATORY rather than by choice leaving many to be lazy and receive their cheques. But these services also help the ones in need to get their life back together in many ways that exceed our own.

the fact that even here in Canada it we have had a decrease in taxes (from 15%-13%) and it has cut many services. But the fact that people here in Canada (specifically the tuition situation) asking for it to be reduced furthermore yet we are not willing to pay the taxes for it. The fact that we want better streets, construction, better government housing, etc. Yet we don't want to pitch in the hlep for a better licing standard??? Quite contradicting.

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
Income from: ...to: Tax
€ - € 18.218 33,45%
€ 18.218 € 32.738 41,95%
€ 32.738 € 54.367 42,00%
€ 54.367 € - 52,00%

Income is per month, we do have a tax exemption based on a number of issues, and a general tax exemption (further making the system progressive). The 55% you're thinking of really only applies to people with a high income. A full intake on (in this case) Dutch taxes would completely destroy my Saturday afternoon, just posting for reference (and god to take away stupid misconceptions).


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
america is the greatest country....I don't know about that. Watch Sicko and look at how life in France is. Hard to say, America is the strongest country by far, I'll give you that, but the best?

and travelling is sooo much fun man. I even had fun just going to america and seeing the difference between Canada and USA, I can't imagine how amazing it would be to experience something different altogether. All my travels have been when I was young (like 12-13) so I can't remember to well and it wasn't much variety (Mexico, Nicaragua, Cuba, lol). I am thinking on either europe or China this summer as well cause I'm dying to travel for some reason.
It is he greatest country in the world. But I guess you'd have to leave under the American system an understand the benefits of it in order to feel this way. I mean I don't see people swimming across shark infested waters to get into canada....

Come on, stop spouting ignorance, everyone has their faults. Europe takes a lot of money to spend on universal health care and other more socialist policies, while the U.S. doesn't. Instead, our private business leaders take billions grant money supposed to help revitalize our economy by creating American jobs and instead create those jobs off-shore because it's cheaper. Baseless nationalism is stupid, and the cause for many wars, every place and system of rules has its faults.
I don't think me saying America is the greatest country in the world is baseless nationalism. Also I'm not sure who you saying that is spouting ignorance however don't you think it's a little silly for someone to not want to go to china because of communism but has already visited germany????? But whatever what do I know I'm just some baseless ignorant America who believes that his country while not perfect is still the best place to live and doesn't need to run off to other countries and learn about their cultures when there's enough in America for me to learn about.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
the fact that even here in Canada it we have had a decrease in taxes (from 15%-13%) and it has cut many services. But the fact that people here in Canada (specifically the tuition situation) asking for it to be reduced furthermore yet we are not willing to pay the taxes for it. The fact that we want better streets, construction, better government housing, etc. Yet we don't want to pitch in the hlep for a better licing standard??? Quite contradicting.
This is actually pretty standard anywhere. People always demand tax cuts while at the same time demanding that national debt be decreased and they want increased benefits from the government, as if they're supposed to make money appear out of thin air.

And yeah... Germany isn't communist. I didn't call anyone ignorant, it was a statement of forewarning. I said don't start listening to baseless nationalism because it leads to ignorant and oftentimes inflaming statements.

I live in the US and while I think the freedoms here are great as is their (for the most part) acceptance of all cultures., I don't really think I'd claim that it's the greatest country without a doubt. Our privately funded election campaigns means we'll never have presidents free of deals and lobbyists. I've studied business here at the university and learned first hand that the primary goal of most modern day business leaders is to make as much money as possible in the short term and then cut their losses and get out, at the expense of everyone else. We also have a horribly corrupt insurance system (legal theft, as I call it). Their entire business strategies revolve around trying not to pay people the benefits that they are paying for. The most egregious of these is the health insurance system, where they won't even cover people for pre-existing conditions, WHICH IS WHAT THEY'D MOST NEED TO BE COVERED. This kind of **** doesn't fly in other countries, for example.

Also, to claim that people aren't immigrating into other foreign nations just because you haven't heard about it or watched foreign news is silly. People from third world countries are immigrating into almost every modern nation. Spain started passing laws to inhibit people getting in because they had so many people entering illegally from South America.

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
Also, to claim that people aren't immigrating into other foreign nations just because you haven't heard about it or watched foreign news is silly. People from third world countries are immigrating into almost every modern nation. Spain started passing laws to inhibit people getting in because they had so many people entering illegally from South America.
Quoting that part to stress its truth. Immigration laws are subject to national debate in various West-European countries for several years if not decades.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Kourou, French Guiana
Haha, saying that Germany is communist is actually a good proof of ignorance. In fact, I believe (but I may be wrong) that not a single country in Western Europe is communist. In France, which seems to be thought as a communist country by quite a few people in the United States, the communist political party is almost inexistant and gathers something like 2% of the suffrage.

As for the debate about the best country... I doubt there is a best country. As long as you have a good situation in a developped country, or in a country which heavily favour the rich, you are likely to meet the best conditions anyway. However, if you don't have a good social or financial situation, it may be interesting to see how your country can provide you and access to good life conditions by lowering inequalities. That's a point where the United States are not so good (at least, from my point of view).
This kind of thing can be seen with various studies and indexes, like the following ones : HUman Developement Index, Human Poverty Index, Democracy Index, Corruption Index or Education Index.
Those are of course only statistics, and summarizing the situation of a whole country by a single number doesn't mean that much, but still, that's relevant.

As for not going out of the United States because you don't see the need of discovering other cultures… it just mean you're not curious and that's quite sad (more than having false conceptions about other countries), especially considering that the US still lack a great historical and cultural background because of it's "recent" birth, despite its current influence over the world.

Edit : Chair, don't even ask me how I happened to post here XD

Humpy Thrashabout

Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2009
I only eat Skippy peanut butter. I've never eaten any other kind because it's the best peanut butter.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I know that the problem I mentioned is in all places of the world, I just mention Canada to show that my own country has it's flaws rather than bash another one.

Sihoka's post was awesome, he brought up what I didn't mention clearly at all, at how the poor are handled in US and it is an important part of the topic.

Legendary, I think I misread that, lol, are you saying there are sharks in the waters of Canada?


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
This is actually pretty standard anywhere. People always demand tax cuts while at the same time demanding that national debt be decreased and they want increased benefits from the government, as if they're supposed to make money appear out of thin air.
I just want the government to stay out of my business and leave me alone and not try to regulate everything\.

And yeah... Germany isn't communist. I didn't call anyone ignorant, it was a statement of forewarning. I said don't start listening to baseless nationalism because it leads to ignorant and oftentimes inflaming statements.
Communism socialism do you really want to try and split the two. Both words often get used interchangeably all though they're not the same I just sweep them all under the same umbrella.

I live in the US and while I think the freedoms here are great as is their (for the most part) acceptance of all cultures., I don't really think I'd claim that it's the greatest country without a doubt. Our privately funded election campaigns means we'll never have presidents free of deals and lobbyists. I've studied business here at the university and learned first hand that the primary goal of most modern day business leaders is to make as much money as possible in the short term and then cut their losses and get out, at the expense of everyone else. We also have a horribly corrupt insurance system (legal theft, as I call it). Their entire business strategies revolve around trying not to pay people the benefits that they are paying for. The most egregious of these is the health insurance system, where they won't even cover people for pre-existing conditions, WHICH IS WHAT THEY'D MOST NEED TO BE COVERED. This kind of **** doesn't fly in other countries, for example.

I wouldn't say our Health Care system is corrupt however, you need to get to the underlined issues which is the problem with our system. One people running to the emergency room when they have a simple could or two how high the medical malpractice cases are. Health care is not right it is not in the constitution you are not entitled to it. If you want it go out and work for it there's plenty of private health cares you can afford or can accommodate anyone stop looking for a hand out.

Also, to claim that people aren't immigrating into other foreign nations just because you haven't heard about it or watched foreign news is silly. People from third world countries are immigrating into almost every modern nation. Spain started passing laws to inhibit people getting in because they had so many people entering illegally from South America.
I don't remember saying that. What I do remember is saying that I don't see people swimming across shark infested waters in order to get into Canada. You're from one of the border states I don't know how close you are to the border however, you should know how much of a problem border patrol is down there. If you don't then that's sad. So your point about So while your example of South Americans sneaking into spain may be valid however is out of context.

Haha, saying that Germany is communist is actually a good proof of ignorance. In fact, I believe (but I may be wrong) that not a single country in Western Europe is communist. In France, which seems to be thought as a communist country by quite a few people in the United States, the communist political party is almost inexistant and gathers something like 2% of the suffrage.
If we go back to the works of Karl Marx we currently have yet to see a communism go together because what pure communism is, is the revolution of the world. With that said communist has not yet made it to the point Captilism however is still strong.

HUman Developement Index[/URL], Human Poverty Index, Democracy Index, Corruption Index or Education Index.
Those are of course only statistics, and summarizing the situation of a whole country by a single number doesn't mean that much, but still, that's relevant.

As for not going out of the United States because you don't see the need of discovering other cultures… it just mean you're not curious and that's quite sad (more than having false conceptions about other countries), especially considering that the US still lack a great historical and cultural background because of it's "recent" birth, despite its current influence over the world.

Edit : Chair, don't even ask me how I happened to post here XD
There is no debate about best country America is the best hands down. Is it perfect? No, however, is there a better place to live on this Planet no.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
*sigh* Alright, change of topic, lol. I can already tell this argument would go on forever regardless of how many of your remarks we debunk.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
*sigh* Alright, change of topic, lol. I can already tell this argument would go on forever regardless of how many of your remarks we debunk.
Yeah I know silly me for having pride in my country. Maybe I should hate America and say down with America =/.


Smash Cadet
Feb 21, 2010
Ah I never understand why people want to travel like that. I'd rather travel around America hit Miami Vegas LA Hawaii places like that but oh well I guess different strokes for different folks.
There is no debate about best country America is the best hands down. Is it perfect? No, however, is there a better place to live on this Planet no.

biased much?

This shows how much of a closed mind you have. How can you say "lulz amerca iz best to live" when you cant be half ***** to learn about other countries?
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