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Direct a Trailer!

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Since DLC will indeed get trailers, as evidenced with Banjo and Hero, I'll write one for my hopeful next rep, which will be a Bandai Namco rep: KOS-MOS (74) and her Echo (more a Ken-style semi echo), T-elos (74ε). KOS-MOS has a new design exclusive to Smash that borrows from elements of her Xenosaga 2, 3, and Xenoblade 2 designs; and T-elos's design is based off her Xenoblade 2 design. There will be World of Light elements in this as with Hero's trailer.
song is below, refer to appropriate timestamps for certain parts. bolded + italicized lines indicate lyrics translations for potential subtitles or something (or potential English cover lyrics hmu if you wanna use em)
The setting is a sci-fi looking area in the Light realm as Galeem!King Dedede and Galeem!Ken attack Bayonetta and Palutena, who seem to be having trouble. The camera cuts briefly to a pair of heels walking along the metal walkway, and the song cuts to 0:14 as the following appears:
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Cut back to the mysterious woman, who seems to whip a pair of gatling guns out of seemingly nowhere and fires at the Galeem-controlled fighters, but not before calling out to Bayonetta and Palutena, "Get down." After the possessed fighters are pushed back, the witch and the goddess turn around to the combat android as she says:
"Target acquired."

KOS-MOS Locks On!

Begin first lyrical portion as basic gameplay with KOS-MOS, featuring her stage, is shown, including her fighting Mega Man and ROB:

In the silent city, the leaves gently sway
Even the street signposts seem like an illusion

No matter how much I call out for it
I cannot seem to reach the sky
That gets tainted and stretches out into infinity

Cut between CGI footage of KOS-MOS and the other two facing more Galeem controlled fighters and more gameplay as these lyrics play (0:57):

I incline my ears to the sky
That divides this world asunder
(Brave New World)
And I hear a voice inviting me

I look up at the boundless sky that divides this world asunder
(Brave New World)
And I know the world’s all but a stage

Back to CGI as the three seem to be outnumbered, and a familiar face steps in as the song cuts to 1:39:

The lines that divide these brave new worlds begin to blur
And now the light and the dark start to fuse together and become one

Another android woman similar to KOS-MOS, but with violet body armor and silver hair, lands in front of the three and says, "Wow, KOS-MOS. Didn't know you were this incompetent." She draws a laser scythe and takes a combat stance as:

T-elos Cuts To The Chase?!

Cue the song skipping to 2:25 as T-elos gameplay is shown, including Namco Gang Represent aka PAC-MAN, KOS-MOS and T-elos taunting together, along with a Mii Swordfighter wearing the Lloyd Irving costume, a Gunner wearing a Klonoa hat, and a Brawler wearing the Heihachi costume, as well as T-elos fighting Banjo, Wolf, Link and Bowser:

Up above, the sky beyond my reach divides this world asunder
And in turn, this brave new world is born anew

I look up at the boundless sky that divides this world asunder
(Brave New World)
And I know the world’s all but a stage

Final Smashes shown at 2:51, starting with KOS-MOS's X-Buster (which starts with her announcing, "Charging!") against Galeem-controlled Inkling Boy, Hero, and Lucina on Hero's stage; and T-elos's U-TENERITAS (which starts with her saying, "Had enough yet?") against Dharkon-controlled Female Corrin, Captain Falcon, and Joker on Persona 4-themed Mementos:

And therefore

I won’t hesitate anymore
I won’t look back anymore
I’ll just keep running on
Toward the boundless sky

Back to CGI, the Galeem fighters surround the four as Palutena and Bayonetta give the two android ladies a boost toward Galeem. Cut back to gameplay; showing off a new World of Light Co-Op mode as KOS-MOS attacks Galeem and T-elos attacks Dharkon in the final battle as the song cuts to 3:07 and plays until the end:

With all my power
I pray with all my heart
That my soul does not get scattered in the wind
I want to hold on
To my dreams and wishes
And keep on running
To the brave new world that awaits…!

Before the trailer ends, you hear one familiar voice saying, "That put a dent in them," and another saying "I'm gonna go all out", teasing at Elma being the final character of Fighter Pass 1 (75), bundled with Mecha-Fiora (75ε).

end trailer
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Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Switch FC
Here’s a DeMille trailer idea for his support thread I decided to quote:
I always picture it starting with Kirby cooking up some stuff in his cooking pot, with a pile of three or four Maxim Tomatoes next to him. The camera would pan back and forth as he grabs one, puts it in the pot, stirs it in, and repeats. When he reaches for the last one, though, a foot stomps down on the tomato and crushes it - the camera pans up to reveal, "DeMille Drops In!"

Then it'd be a gameplay reel showing off his abilities. I think it'd be cool if, in one scene, he faces off against Mario and Luigi, where they knock him around a bit, and then he retaliates with his Final Smash, where he would call on his own allies! A cool callback to how DeMille's game inspired the combat of Mario and Luigi. It'd be especially cool if Mario and Luigi attacked from the left side of the screen, while DeMille stood on the right, in reference to the battle systems of M+L vs Tomato Adventure.


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Name of Trailer: Beware the Pain Train!
Smash logo thing at the start
The trailer starts with :ultyoshi: exploring inside a jungle when he comes across a lizard which runs scampers off causing Yoshi to curiously chase after it, unknowingly to him we can see a creature with a stripe pattern hidden in the foliage letting out a growl. Yoshi is seen continuing chasing after said lizard suddenly the ground starts shaking as Yoshi gets hit and goes flying into a tree crashing on the ground as he sees a large shadow looming over him which is none other than Tigrex who roars down at Yoshi.

Tigrex charges in! (Shows gameplay of moveset and Final Smash.)
Smash Ultimate Logo.

What follows is a montage of Yoshi fighting off Tigrex which ends with them charging at each other as it smashes to black.
End of Trailer
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Over there! (Note: Not a 100% guarantee)

The trailer starts off with a homage to Smash Bros’ original commercial, with four men in Mario, Pikachu, DK and Yoshi suits trouncing through a field, hand in hand.

Right before Mario would trip Yoshi, however, it cuts to a man in a Banjo suit jumping out of a plane, assuming his backpack will serve as a functionable parachute.

Just like the original Banjo~Tooie commercial, Banjo plummets to the ground, landing atop the guys in Nintendo suits. While everyone’s recovering from the revolting development, they’re shrouded in the shadow of a certain marsupial suit.

“Hey! Moustache man, backpack boy!”

The Nintendo mascots look up to see a man in a Crash Bandicoot suit shaking his head, before tossing a set of Joycons at them.

Cut to your everyday~gameplay reel (perhaps live~action Crash could spout insults at the Nintendo demographic) before the trailer cuts to Crash’s apartment where everyone’s playing Smash together. Crash’s apartment’s pretty disgusting, with Wumpa fruit stains on the walls and crates as footstools.

As the live~action Mario looks around and shakes his head, Crash states “You know what they say; Get N or Get Out!” Crash proceeds to usher Mario out the door as the director offscreen yells CUT! and spouts encouraging banter as the screen fades to black.


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Switch FC
*Obligatory cross flair*

We open up to a monastery, where a fight is happening. We then cut to :ultcorrinf: in that fight in a forest, just barely dodging what looks like a whip. The strange object forms back together, revealing itself to be a sword. The man holding it eventually shows his face.

Byleth Begins the Lesson! (Gameplay with a remix of Fódlan Winds)

As :ultcorrinf: is defeated, Byleth makes his way back to the monastery and nearly sheaths his Sword of the Creator. Suddenly, bushes rattle and Byleth draws the sword back out. The mysterious being draws out of the bushes, and it's...a goose?

Untitled Goose Splash Art! (Yes, all this is happening in the TH CG artstyle, with Fódlan Winds still playing with even more gameplay)

The goose knocks Byleth down and steals the Sword of the Creator, and Byleth gives chase with an axe.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
*Cross Flare beginning*

Camera starts with Dracula's Castle at night, the rain lightly dropping. The camera then pans towards a nearby city, then goes black.

The Super Smash Bros Ultimate logo fades in white text, then as it disappears, the "R" in "Bros" and the "E" in Ultimate turn red.

The camera cuts to the streets, where Snake is sneaking around looking for anyone in the city. He runs into an alley, then looks around. He peers around the corner to his left, hoping to find his allies. Nothing. Sighing lightly in disappointment, he turns his head back, only to be face-to-face with an undead monster that tackles him with a guttural yell. Snake struggles with the monster for a moment before finally pushing him off, then makes a break for the next street, only to see a large horde of the monsters, who take notice of the Legendary Mercenary. Knowing he's outmatched, he turns and runs, trying to find cover only to find another smaller group that notices him. Knowing that he's surrounded, Snake readies his Nikita, ready to attack until an explosion appears from the larger horde. A car then breaks through from the blast with a single human getting out.

"You look like you need help," he says. "Good news is, you're backup's here!"

The man takes out his gun and takes aim.

LEON Takes Up Residence!

As both Snake and the now-named Leon begin the slaughter, it then cuts to gameplay, with Leon showing a slow, zoner-like playstyle and many references to his games, from Ganondorf chasing Leon in Luigi's Mansion (A reference to Mr. X) to fighting alongside fellow Capcom mains Ryu and Mega Man against Terry, Bayonetta and Ike (The latter two representing Mai and Iori respectively. The Leon, Ryu and Mega Man teaming up is a reference to their respective franchises' involvement in Marvel Vs. Capcom), then finally showing the Raccoon City stage. After showing Leon's Final Smash, the camera then cuts to a panning shot of the city skyline, then zooms out as the lights form the Smash Bros logo.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate x RESIDENT EVIL
(大乱闘 スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL x バイオハザード)

Dead zombies surround Snake and Leon as the two tiredly pant for a bit.

"Looks like we're done here," says Leon, who then turns to Snake. "Think you can handle it from here?"

Snake turns to Leon and stares at him for a moment, then nods with a soft, yet reaffirming smile.

"Then in that case," says Leon as he holsters his gun. "Hasta luego."

As the Raccoon Police Rookie and the Former FOXHOUND Agent part ways, a figure with blond hair and sunglasses looks down at the scene, a sneer creeping upon his face before the camera fades out.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I already posted this idea on Reddit, so I might as well post it here too.

Smash logo opening

The trailer starts with Bayonetta fighting Dracula. An After Burner Kick to the face causes Dracula to stumble back before he transforms into his demonic second form.

Before they can resume fighting, a purple headlight shines through the window, moments before a demonic motorcycle crashes through it. Its rider leaps off, landing between the two as the motorcycle crashes into the wall. The camera pans up the newcomer as he says to himself "Looks like I got here just in time!"

Dante Crashes the Party!

Cut to gameplay footage showing some of his moves, his specials/Final Smash, and his stage. I have no idea how he'd play, since there are dozens of different directions that they could go with him (each DMC game, aside from 2, could probably give you at least three separate movesets on their own), though I feel like his big gimmick would be Style Switching (changing his specials to focus on mobility, melee weapons, ranged weapons, or defense) or weapon switching (changing up his moveset to suit the situation and make his combos more stylish, though this would be a much more complicated option from a development standpoint).

The trailer ends by cutting back to CGI, where Dante and Bayonetta are side by side, pointing their guns at Dracula as they shout "Let's rock, baby!" followed by Super Smash Bros. Ultimate x Devil May Cry.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
*Cross Flare beginning*

The trailer starts with a large, mountainous plain. It's peaceful and silent until a distant roar is heard. The camera then cuts to Cloud and Ryu being knocked into the side of the mountain. They look up to their opponent, a large, very angry Rathalos. Cloud attempts to attack with a Blade Beam, only for the large wyvern to counter with a fireball that clashes with the projectile, creating a large explosion. Ryu sees this chance and attempts to strike from behind, only to be smashed in the torso with its poisonous tail, leaving Ryu incapacitated. Cloud, seeing his friend in danger, attempts to come to his friend's aid, only to be smashed into the ground by the Rathalos, its poisonous claws sinking into his back. Cloud and Ryu look up in despair at the King of the Skies, fearing this may be their final moments. They close their eyes and prepare for the worst...only to hear the sound of a loud and heavy thump. They open their eyes and saw a figure with a sword as big as Cloud's embedded in the Rathalos' head. As the monster lets out a roar and staggers in pain for a moment, as the new figure gives Cloud and Ryu herbs that dispel the poison's effects. The figure is revealed to be a single man clad in a bright red scaly armor. As the armored man and the now-recovered Rathalos stare each other down, Cloud and Ryu knew in that moment that what they saw just now...was Proof of a Hero.


The now-named Hunter charges towards the Rathalos with his Greatsword before it cuts to gameplay. It shows his multiple alt costumes based on different monsters, as well as a female alt, in addition to his moveset, which includes all of his weapons from across the series, as well as essential MH tools. The trailer then shows Zorah Magdaros, the Monster Hunter stage (No, I did not stutter), in addition to the many background cameos which include many monsters well known in the series. The trailer then caps off with his Final Smash, involving explosive barrels, a Palico and a Deviljho before cutting to the Smash title.


The trailer then cuts back to the CGI, where the Hunter, Cloud and Ryu deal a final blow to the Rathalos, at last killing it. The Hunter then takes out a knife as to carve off some scales, only for him to see Ryu and Cloud all worn out and bruised up. The Hunter then puts away his knife, takes out a large spit and starts cooking a rather large slab of meat on a bone for the Tireless Wanderer and 1st Class SOLDIER as they lie down in resting for a bit.


Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
We still doing this? Alright.

The trailer opens up with the iconic Smash cross flare.

The first thing we see are the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook performing together onstage. It then cuts to the crowd, full of Inklings and Octolings, enjoying the show. There are some Smash fighters there too, like Mario and Sonic, also having a blast. Then it cuts back to the performers again, as they finish off the show with a bang—fireworks, confetti, and the strobe lights all go off. But before the show truly finishes, they speak up in Splatoon's traditional textbox.

CALLIE: Thank you all for coming tonight! We hope you enjoyed the show!

MARINA: But before you go, we have one last song for you!

PEARL: And a guest star too!

MARIE: Please welcome...

The lights start to dim, the smoke machine goes off and covers the entire stage in smoke.

Everyone in the crowd looks at the stage in awe and excitement. The platform on the stage starts to raise from underneath, and all that we can see is a silhouette's hand holding a mic. The smoke starts to clear, and...

It's Mike Kirby.

Everyone is surprised and astonished. Marie pipes up.

MARIE: Wait a second, that's not...

Before Marie could finish her sentence, Kirby cuts her off and sings loudly and terribly, causing everybody to recoil in cringe and cover their ears. Suddenly, Kirby is hit with a Home-Run bat thrown at him from off-stage, with the "Deadly Blow" effect playing. Kirby loses his copy ability and is set flying. Everyone removes their hands from their ears and looks for the person who did it.

A mic is raised into the air, and the camera pans down.

It's Jigglypuff.

Everyone is even more surprised and astonished, and before anyone could object, Jigglypuff starts singing, sending everyone to sleep. The camera cuts to various shots of people sleeping—the playable Smash Inklings, Octolings, Mario and Sonic, Kirby, the Squid Sisters, and Off the Hook. Jigglypuff stops singing, and notices that everyone is asleep. She gets angry and removes the cap from her mic and starts to draw on everyone's faces. The camera then cuts to the various shots of people sleeping again, but this time with Jigglypuff's doodles on them.

Cut to a third silhouette.

A voice can be heard.

???: Uh-oh, this doesn't look good... This concert's a total wreck! Everyone's asleep, and now they're getting their faces drawn on! I'm the only one awake who can stop this. What do I do, what do I do....

Cut to a lightbulb appearing above the silhouette's head, lighting their face. Part of their hat can be seen clearly now.

???: Yeah, I know!

They jump up.

PaRappa Rappa: I gotta believe!

PARAPPA doesn't cut corners!

Cut to gameplay of PaRappa beating up Jigglypuff, and showing off his moveset. The instrumental version of Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap is playing. Voices can be heard commentating.

SUNNY FUNNY: Wow, PaRappa's real good at fighting!

P.J. BERRI: Yeah, *munch munch* he must've gotten it from the other tournament he fought in...

KATY KAT: But this one is much bigger! Look, there's Mario!

Cut to PaRappa fighting Mario and beating him up.

SUNNY: And Megaman!

Cut to PaRappa fighting Megaman and beating him up.

P.J.: And even Pac-Man! I wonder what those pellets taste like...

Cut to PaRappa interrupting Pac-Man's Power Pellet move and eating the pellet.

LAMMY LAMB: O-oh, there sure are a lot of s-strong and scary people here...

Cut to PaRappa fighting Ike, Ganondorf, Bowser, Ryu, Simon, Snake, and Ridley.

MA-SAN: (They don't look too tough.)

Cut to PaRappa getting beaten up by the aforementioned, with his U Rappin' Meter dropping to a blinking Awful. The music starts to distort.

PARAPPA: Man, these people are no joke!

CHOP CHOP MASTER ONION: Remember PaRappa, kick! Punch! It's all in the mind!

PARAPPA: Teacher?! Yeah, you're right! I can't give up now!

CCMO: Kick!

Cut to PaRappa kicking Ike. Awful stops blinking.


CCMO: Punch!

Cut to PaRappa punching Ganondorf. Bad starts blinking.


CCMO: Chop!

Cut to Parappa chopping Bowser. PaRappa rises to Bad level. The music starts to distort less.


CCMO: Block!

Cut to Parappa blocking/shielding Ryu's Hadouken. Good starts blinking.


CCMO: Once more now! Kick!

Cut to PaRappa kicking Simon. PaRappa rises to Good level. The music returns to normal.


CCMO: Punch!

Cut to PaRappa punching Snake.


CCMO: Chop!

Cut to PaRappa chopping Ridley.


CCMO: And block!

Cut to PaRappa blocking/shielding Bowser's Fire Breath.


Cut to PaRappa showing off his three taunts.

CCMO: Don't get cocky, it's gonna get rocky, we gonna move down to the next ya jockey now. Duck!

Cut to PaRappa ducking/crouching Ridley's Skewer.


CCMO: Jump!

Cut to PaRappa jumping over Snake's Remote Missile.


CCMO: Turn!

Cut to PaRappa sidestepping Ike's forward Smash. Cool starts blinking.


CCMO: Pose!

Cut to PaRappa taunting once more. PaRappa rises to Cool level.


CCMO: You're picking up too fast! I'm outta here!

Cut to PaRappa with the Final Smash aura emanating from him. He taunts, and then uses it.

PARAPPA: It's party time, come on everybody!

Cut to PJ, Katy, Lammy, and Ma-san joining PaRappa on their respective instruments (turntable, bass guitar, electric guitar, and drums) and playing alongside him. PaRappa starts rapping an excerpt from PaRappa's Live Rap, similarly to his Stage 3 Super in PSAS, knocking everybody out.

Cut back to CGI. The camera cuts between shots of everybody cheering for PaRappa on stage, with Jigglypuff's doodles still on their faces. PaRappa bows and bows again. A giant Chop Chop Master Onion rises from the background, surprising everybody except for PaRappa, who turns around to face him.

CCMO: PaRappa, I am so proud of you. Congratulations.

PaRappa jumps up in happiness.

PARAPPA: Alright! Thank you, teacher.

PaRappa turns around to face the crowd again and bows some more.

PARAPPA: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Everybody! and don't forget! You gotta believe! Thank you! Alright, alright! ladies and gentlemen boys and girls! Thank you so much! This was all made possible because I never gave up! And I always believed in my lovely Sunny Funny! Yeah, thank you!

The camera zooms out and fades to black.

The trailer then shows the traditional "Super Smash Bros. x" screen, and adds the PaRappa the Rapper title to the right. Fade to black again.

Cut back to CGI. PaRappa is shown alongside the Squid Sisters, Off the Hook, Kirby, and Jigglypuff signing autographs after the show. Mario and Sonic can be seen somewhere in the line too. A female Inkling in PaRappa's traditional beanie approaches PaRappa and points to her two tentacles and then points to PaRappa's dog ears. PaRappa, embarrased, laughs and says,

PARAPPA: What? No, these are my ears!

Fade to Super Smash Bros. credits screen. Trailer ends.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
This assumes Ryu Hayabusa, Neku Sakuraba, and Elma (Xenoblade X) have been revealed before in season 2. Elma is the first Spirit promotion, so Octoling would be the second Spirit promotion (Octoling Girl & Octoling Boy).

cross flash

This music starts playing:

Galeem can be seen in the sky as the camera shifts to underwater as Galeem fades into the distance. The camera keeps descending into the sea until you see an area that looks like the Fake Plastic Station in Deepsea Metro. Four characters controlled by Galeem - Mario, Luigi (who yes I know is canonically controlled by Dharkon in WoL; I'm trying to make this a counterpart to Hero's which had Dharkon controlling peeps normally controlled by Galeem, you'll see why Galeem though soon), Female Corrin (see Luigi and it was technically Male Corrin controlled by Dharkon in canon but I digress) and Female Byleth, patrol the outside of some mysterious building as green ink with a weird sanitizer like texture surrounds the ground ahead of them. (Now you see why I chose Galeem and their aura for this - the light blue represents Sanitization.)

Dialogue boxes appear throughout the trailer, with the mentioned characters' Octo Expansion portraits starting with:

Marina: What kind of place is this...?

Pearl: Yo, that light thingy up there is givin' me reeeeeal bad vibes...

Cap'n Cuttlefish: But we can't get outta here long as those guys are patrollin'.

Just then, a stream of peach-colored ink cuts across the green "sanitizer" ink, followed by a purplish-pink stream.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: WHOA!

Pearl: No way... could that be?

The music stops as two moving ripples form on the streams of ink, before:


This music starts playing:

A shot of purplish pink ink shoots from a Charger-type weapon and hits the Galeem-controlled Mario, sending him flying. The remaining "guards" turn their attention to the puddles of ink as two Octolings emerge from the ink: a female purplish-pink haired one with a female leather suit, and a male with peach colored hair and a similar suit, as the song reaches 0:10.

Marina: It's Agent 8!!

Title card shows at 0:12:

Octoling Paints The Town Pink!

Pearl: Excuse YOU, their name's Eight!

Gameplay starts as the song resumes, with various Galeem-controlled characters representing "Sanitized" versions of the Smash characters, even again, ones canonically controlled by Dharkon in WoL proper, like Cloud, Wolf, Lucina and Daisy, and actual canon Galeem-controlled Smashers like Captain Falcon, Ness, Bowser, and at one point Inkling with the yellow Agent 3 alt, a throwback to Hijacked Agent 3. Octolings use a variety of weapons the Inklings don't, like Dualies (which they can also use to dodge), Chargers, Umbrellas, and Splatlings, and their Bomb is a Toxic Mist which slows opponents down instead of the standard Splat Bomb. At one point, some DLC characters NOT controlled by Galeem appear, including the DQ8 Hero (pun on both of them being nicknamed Eight), Elma, Hayabusa, and Neku. At one point, the Chaos Gold Female Octoling taunts with a Mii Swordfighter wearing Rex's Outfit, Male Byleth, and the Spring Man AT (Switch fam represent). Other alts are shown: Order Silver (Male), Wizard Burgundy (Female), Knight Slate (Male), Narwhal Lilac (Female), and Unicorn Periwinkle (Male). (Those are all Splatfest colors in 2, with the exception of the first two which are taken straight from Octo Expansion.) Dialogue continues:

Cap'n Cuttlefish: You got a lotta weapons at yer disposal, kid. Use 'em wisely!

C. Q. Cumber: You're in Smash instead of the Deepsea Metro - test fai--

Pearl: OUTTA HERE, ya slimeball!

When the song gets to 0:25, cut back to CGI briefly as the Octolings get in their Ballers and charge in on the remaining three guards. Back to gameplay, the Octolings' Final Smash is shown - Baller. They can move around and hit opponents a few times before automatically detonating, instantly KOing anyone in point blank range. It can also be detonated early by pressing B. Gameplay resumes until 0:37, with another brief cut back to CGI as a Galeem controlled Agent 3 (Yellow Female Inkling) leaps down from the top of the building.

Marina: Agent 3?! How?!

Pearl: Don't have a seacow, Marina. I'll take it from here!

As the song resumes, gameplay continues as Octoling's stage, MC. Princess Diaries (the Final Fest Shifty Station) is shown, with the ruins of the NILS statue in the distance and Pearl and Marina in a helicopter above. It eventually cuts to Pearl descending from the helicopter with her special ready, and the Octoling getting her to whip out her Princess Cannon to blast a Galeem-controlled King Dedede and Agent 3 to the right with the Chaos ink blast (to the left, it's the Order ink blast).


the dialogue of Boo-YAHHHHHHH lines up with Pearl actually shouting it until the song ends with the fade out at 1:00 and the Smash Ultimate logo appears.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
*Cross intro*

The camera pans across a desert, with loud, sharp sounds ringing out. The camera cuts to Bayonetta and Joker shooting each other with their own guns in their own respective stylish ways. Bayonetta fires a heart made of bullets, but Joker slides beneath and releases a barrage of his own bullets. Just as they are about to get in close, a large barrage of bullets comes from the side, pelting them and knocking them to the side. The two look at their assailant, a large bald man with a massive looking gun. The two aim their guns at the man, who in turn lets out a hefty laugh.

"You are going to need much bigger guns!"

THE HEAVY Is Blu-min' Reddy!

The Heavy then begins unloading a large barrage of bullets at Joker and Bayonetta before cutting to gameplay. The Heavy appears from a teleporter and hops onstage. He then runs offscreen before dealing two swift meaty punches to Little Mac. The camera then cuts to Incineroar, who attempts to grab the Heavy, only for him the latter to grab the former and suplex him. Heavy is then seen knocking Sonic off the stage before turning away and taking a bite from his Sandvich, healing himself. More gameplay is shown until the camera pans over the stage Teufort, showing a regular game of Team Fortress 2 in progress in the background. Heavy then activates his Final Smash by bringing out a large bomb cart and running forwards with a mighty push, catching R.O.B. and Mega Man. The two robots then get knocked around an arena by Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Engineer, Medic, Sniper and Spy before they plummet into the Final Terminus just as Heavy pushes the bomb inside, causing it to explode as the Merc team watches.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Team Fortress 2

Gameplay is then shown of a RED Heavy walking up to a BLU Heavy and proceeding to perform the Kazotsky Kick. Looking around for a bit, the BLU Heavy then decides to join him. The camera fades out.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / Valve Corporation


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Switch FC
(NOTE: This is a trailer concept that assumes Claude was the TH rep instead of Byleth)

(Cross flairs)

The trailer opens up to Garreg Mach Monastery, with Roy and Ike having a formal sword fight (Here’s the reference) After a few clashes, an arrow suddenly appears right in between Ragnell and the Sword of Seals. The two fumble over after clashing blades again, get up, and see a mysterious boy in a yellow cape with a bow. “This is supposed to be Smash?” the boy says. He then points the arrow at Ike and Roy again. “…You sure it’s not all the same with your weapons?”

Claude Goes Gold!

The trailer then cuts to gameplay at the Garreg Mach Monastery stage. Claude shows off various different attacks throughout (such as stunning opponents with Encloser, commanding his Battalions and using a Fusillade that meteor smashes Meta Knight-along with Poison and Rose arrows-jumping at a 90 degree right angle with Curved Shot, and tossing Zelda a bouquet of flowers, only to be attacked by Link). Other gameplay shots show, like Claude shooting Tingle’s balloon with his Up Smash, shots of the different houses and their leaders (save for the Golden Deer on the bridge, where Leonie is in the center instead of Claude), Byleth in the background teaching in one of the classrooms, Hanneman popping out of an Assist Trophy, and Claude using his Final Smash, Fallen Stardust.


Claude then crouches down and notices the red, blue and yellow Pikmin in Garden of Hope.

@ 2018 Nintendo

Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION.

Concept references:
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Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Got 2 I'm going to drop here

Number 1
Video cuts to the trio of Links fighting off a horde of ROBs in the factory location from Subspace Emissary. The ROBs eyes are all red and clearly corrupted by something. All 3 Links take out a few ROBs but end up being overwhelmed quickly. A few arrows come from above to take out some ROBs, which clearly surprised the Links. The battle turns back into the favor of them until a giant ROB with glowing red eyes shows up with a bunch of smaller ones. The giant ROB starts to attack and the Links are all knocked down. The ROBs close in but then the giant ROB's eyes turn from red to blue, and it starts attacking the other ROBs. They small ROBs start to get cleared out while someone jumps from the top of the giant ROB and cuts the head off of a ROB right infront of the Links. The character is shown and the splash art is revealed to be....

Aloy Overrides the Battle

Number 2

Sakurai decides to cut to the character select screen to show off how it looks with the newly revealed
on the screen. He says he has something he wants to show us and tries to select her, but the icon disapears. Sakurai looks puzzled but says it's not a big deal and probably just a bug and he can show us with a different character. He goes to pick Mario but Mario's icon goes away as well. Sakurai tries to select Peach but the same things happens. Suddenly all the icons start to disappear until only the random box is left. The box then turns into a picture of the character with the text saying....

Only Monika(from Doki Doki Literature Club)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2019
Cross-Flare Opening

We cut back to Dracula's castle, where the Belmonts are still fighting monsters.

The legendary hunters stumble as they try to push back the monsters.

(Luigi's ghost can be seen floating back into his body as the monsters rush out of the room after Simon & Richter)

The camera cuts to Richter, as he takes a fall, and the monsters prepare to feast. Simon jumps into the room, but doesn't stay up for long. Just then, a powerful fist engulfed in fire smashes into a vampire, slamming it out of the window.
Luigi is now back in his body, and peaks into the room, then the camera is behind hom, also looking into room.
From the shadows, a chain with a blade on the end slams right into a mummy.
As it is quickly whipped back towards the shadows, a yellow armored fist punches it into the ground.
Then from the shadows, out steps a Ninja in yellow.

Scorpion Gets over Here!

The camera cuts back to Luigi standing in the door, as he faints and falls to the ground. His ghost then emerges from his body and runs away down the hall.

Then it shows Scorpion grabning a zombie and throwing it across the room, smashing through the wall.

The scenes then cut to gameplay revealing the fire based Semi-Echo of Richter.

Then Sakurai would talk Mii fighters and whatever, and have to stree that Scorpion isn't a Belmont Echo...

This was fun to design... Really liked doing this...
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
*Cross intro*

The trailer starts in a full-on anime style, a single school-girl walking down a street at night. Suddenly, she stops, hearing sudden sounds, and sees two shadows jumping around the rooftops. The camera pans upwards and reveals Sheik jumping from rooftop to rooftop. She jumps upwards, turns around, and fires a barrage of needles behind her. The needles whiz past her pursuer, which is revealed to be Meta Knight, who avoids it with a Dimensional Cape. Meta Knight then appears, closer to Sheik, who knocks him away with a Bouncing Fish kick. The chase continues for a moment before the girl decides, she's going to join, too. She jumps upwards, and a bright flash of green light enshrouds the camera before she lands on the roof in a completely different outfit. She then takes out two wakizashi swords, and stabs the roof in front of her, causing stone spikes to stop Sheik in her tracks and jump away towards Meta Knight, who notices this sudden attack. The two stare at this new girl, who removes her swords from the ground and enters a stance. With a determined smile, she says in Japanese, "I'll show you a dance cloaked in shadows!"

ASUKA Is Ready To Bounce!

The trailer then cuts to gameplay, where Asuka's moveset is shown. At one point, she launches Palutena with a Side Smash, then with a green flash of light, bounds towards the goddess before releasing a relentless barrage of strikes. She is then shown on Suzaku Castle with Terry fighting against Hero (Eight) with Takamaru summoned. Her stage, Hanzo Academy Grounds, is shown, with many Hanzo Academy students in the background. Asuka then shows her Final Smash, which has her catch opponents in a pillar of raw energy before relentlessly barraging Bayonetta and Female Corrin with many attacks and Ninpo before dealing a final strike that sends them soaring to the blast lines. Asuka then lands on the ground and bows to the camera.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Senran Kagura Estival Versus

Asuka is then shown walking a bit on Hanzo Academy Grounds before a white-clad Zero Suit Samus lands behind her. Asuka turns around, performs a flinched animation, then runs off with Zero Suit Samus on her tail. The camera then fades out.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / Marvelous Inc.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
*Cross flair opening*

The trailer starts with a Splatfest concert in Inkopolis, with the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook performing a collab concert. Inklings and some Octolings are jamming to the music for a bit. The camera pans to an Inkling who walks by a glowing green root for a bit. The four aquatic idols finish the song they were singing before they invite onto the stage the two Inklings that have been invited to Smash, as guests of honor of sorts. Callie, Marie, Pearl, and Marina then talk to the audience about them holding a celebratory Smash match to commemorate their inclusion in such a prestigious tournament. Before the two Inklings can begin the match, two streaks of dark pink ink fly from the audience and land in between the two Inklings. They reveal themselves to be like the Inklings, but not at all. They take out their weapons and get ready to fight.

OCTOLINGS Test Their Mettle!

The trailer then cuts to gameplay of the Octoling’s moveset, showing them to be a semi-Echo of Inkling but with weapons not represented in Inkling’s moveset. They show the Final Smash, the Booyah Bomb, which engulfs the Inklings in a powerful ink before cutting back to CGI. The two Inklings and the two Octolings look like they are having fun, the four idols performing another song. Suddenly, the power goes out, to the panic of the whole of Inkopolis.


They hear the sound of a drum going off, looking around to see where it’s coming from.


Suddenly, large roots glowing with green light start growing and wrapping around the concert stage.


The Inkopolis fighters and the Inkopolis singers then finally look and behind the latter is a single figure, beating on a drum at an increasing rate. The roots then twist and reveal the fighter to be a green gorilla with large drumsticks. The gorilla drummer reaches the climax of his performance before creating a final drum beat that shakes the stage.

RILLABOOM Drums Up A Beat!

The Inklings and Octolings on the concert stage then put aside their match for a moment before jumping towards the Drummer Pokemon. The gameplay shows Rillaboom and his playstyle for a while before showing its Final Smash, G-Max Drum Solo Plus, which completely annihilates the Inklings and Octolings on stage.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The trailer finally shows the four Inkopolis fighters, the Squid Sisters, and Off the Hook performing a song together, boosted by Rillaboom’s rhythmic drumming.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
The trailer is a Pikmin animation with a Captain's Log beneath explaining Olimar's POV of what's happening on screen. I'm only writing down one sentence from the log through.

Olimar and a group of Pikmin are walking through a forest, which is giant to them of course, the Pikmin rush up to a molehill and Olimar tries to call them back with his whistle to no avail. He then notices a giant steel ball and instructs them to pick it up and return it to the Onion - the Pikmin rush to pick it up, complete with the meter from the Pikmin series. Olimar then looks behind himself and is shocked by what he sees

"I can not describe the being I saw, such a strange, otherworldly, creature... I could only ask myself..."

it pans up to show the being he described, an angry spectacled rodent wanting his steel ball back

"Literally who?"

MUDDY MOLE goes manic!

It shows gameplay footage of the new fighter and ends with more CG

Muddy is about to stomp on the Pikmin while Olimar quivers in fear - Muddy notices this and holds out his hand for the tiny spaceman - they forgive and forget as Olimar hangs on to Muddy's claw - but Muddy shakes too hard and Olimar flies into this distance, his panicked Pikmin chase after him while Muddy sweats.

"Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Mole Mania"
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Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2018
This breaks quite a few deconfirmation rules that are probably going to be followed in the actual DLC, as well as the 4th wall, so if you don’t like that stuff, I’d suggest skipping over this trailer. It’s really a far-fetched dream, never-gonna happen sort of thing in not only the who, but the how too.

Edit: To reiterate, I was really like “Forget Logic. Just make it fun” for 95%. Next trailer will be more reasonable.

*Sakurai presentation with character reveal, somewhat like Byleth’s*

Sakurai does his intro and then says: “While we usually reveal the fighter and the move set first, I feel like we should show off this update’s Mii fighter outfits first this time. Please take a look”

The Outfits shown are:

Rathalos Armor (Swordfighter)
Wonder Red (Brawler)
Pheonix Wright (Brawler)
ASTRAL CHAIN Hero (Gunner)
Primid Outfit (All)

PHEONIX WRIGHT Makes his case!

(Gameplay begins, with District Court as a stage)

Pheonix: Mii Costumes simply can’t disconfirm someone if I’m here!

Sakurai: What!? That’s impossible! I’ve had to pass up some of my favorite characters for Mii Outfits!

Maya Fey: Well not this one! Come on, Pheonix! Show them your stuff!

Pheonix: I will prove to the court, and to the people, that I have what it takes to be the best!

Maya Fey: Use your evidence and let them have it!

(Showcasing an Evidence-based gimmick)

(More gameplay, with the gimmick)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate x Ace Attorney

Sakurai: Wait, if you’re a defense attorney, then who’s the defendant?

Pheonix: Probably the fans, I guess.

Sakurai: Ok then. These characters, besides Pheonix, will not be made into playable fighters, just like other Mii Outfits, Assist Trophies and Spirits-

Sakurai: Again? Now you have me intrigued, because I think I would have known about this.

Pheonix: Yes, your hono- I mean Mr. Sakurai. If you would please take a look at this.

*Evidence that is used in Pheonix’s moveset appears, with nothing that seems out of place*

Pheonix: Wha- I thought I had it right here! Where’s the evidence!?

Maya: Got it right here! I’m a Spirit medium, remember?

Sakurai: Aren’t you still in training?

Maya: Well, yeah, but I’ve been preparing for this specific moment.

Sakurai: Okay then, *Maya pulls an indeterminate spirit from her pocket and Sakurai examines the spirit* but why this one?

Pheonix: We we’re on our way to a case, and it just followed us around.

Maya: It was practically begging for me to try it, so I couldn’t just let it sit there. Speaking of which!

Pheonix: Here we go.

(A text box from the AA series appears, with Pheonix saying (I really hope this works))

(Maya lets the spirit fly away)

*Trailer Smash Ball Intro*

(Animated (not CGI) shot of Samus, Simon, Pit and Inkling in the Light Realm)

(The spirit flies through different locales in the Light Realm, each with Pit and Inkling chasing after it, followed by Samus and Simon at a much slower pace, before they all stop at a rope bridge in front of a couple of waterfalls. It floats low above the middle of the bridge.)

(The spirit slowly morphs into a humanoid body, with the light coming from it slowly turning from rainbow, to purple)

Pit: Oh man! Looks like we got a new challenger approaching!

(Simon readies the Vampire Killer. Samus points her weapon at the resurrecting spirit-turned-fighter)

Simon: Look out! Be ready for anyone. Or anything.

Pit: AnyTHING?

Inkling: *aiyee sound effect*

(With a flash of purple light, the Spirit completes its transformation into a fighter.)

(The camera starts at the bottom of the fighter, showing their red shoes, slowly panning up to reveal the mysterious character’s identity)

SHANTAE is Ret-2-Go!

(gameplay segment)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate x Shantae
(Cuts back to Sakurai)

Sakurai: Well, we’ll show you more about Shantae, the Half-Genie Hero, later. For now, let’s talk about the Ace Attorney himself, Pheonix Wright!

(The rest of Pheonix’s presentation)
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
*Cross flair intro*
The trailer opens up with an 8-bit cave. After a moment of silence, sprites of Mega Man, Simon and Arusu (The DQ3 Hero) walk on-screen. The three stop before Mega Man turns to his fellow 3rd-Party NES Fighters before a text box appears above him.





The three then march deeper into the cavern. In the shadows, a silhouetted sprite of a man appears. The camera then pans downwards to the chamber where an evil-looking statue is building with energy. The 3 to approach the statue before it transforms, turning everything into 3D. Mega Man, Simon and Arusu tense, ready for battle, as the giant monster that was the statue glares down at them. Just as the monster is about to strike, a vicious barrage of fiery sword strikes causes the monster to stagger for a bit before a new figure lands in front of the three heroes. The being is revealed to be a ninja with an elegant-looking katana and a crest of silver. He draws his sword and assumes a stance.

RYU HAYABUSA Goes to the Edge!

The legendary Dragon Hawk himself, Ryu Hayabusa, then leads the charge to fight the Demon Statue. The trailer then cuts to gameplay, showing him to be a fast, over-the-top combo character who uses Ninja Arts and flashy ninja moves to attack his opponents. He even shows a highly telegraphed clone Art that copies whatever moves he uses. It then shows Basilisk Minefield as Ryu Hayabusa's stage before it shows his Final Smash, where he sends two clones to attack multiple enemies before the three tense and swing their respective swords in such a way that three dragons made of fire that completely immolate the opponents.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Ninja Gaiden

As the Ryu Hayabusa, Mega Man, Simon and Arusu end their battle with the Demon Statue, the ninja then senses a presence. He turns and finds a Greninja Puppet glaring daggers at him. The two stare down at one another, the Ninja Gaiden intro theme playing in the background. Then, both Frog Pokemon and Wielder of the Dragon Sword charge at one another. They leap into the air, Greninja wielding a massive water kunai while Ryu has coated his katana in fire. The swings between the two are slowed down for a moment before it speeds back up, a large cloud of steam exploding from the impact of both weapons before the screen fades to black.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / KOEI TECMO HOLDINGS CO., LTD.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
*Cross flair intro*

The trailer starts with a brief, yet imposing shot of Galeem. The camera then pans out and cuts to an abandoned city. Clashing sounds are heard until Shulk is knocked off-screen. He hastily gets up only to gain a vision from the Monado. In it, puppet versions of Mega Man and R.O.B. are charging their respective energy weapons before releasing a massive energy bolt that explodes and completely incinerates Shulk, much like Galeem's trails of light. The vision ends and Shulk is immediately hit in the torso by a Metal Blade, courtesy of the Mega Man puppet from the vision. The camera then cuts away to reveal a lone figure running along the rooftops before latching onto a strange metal box-like entity and beginning to float downwards. Shulk, as he fends off Mega Man with Stream Edge, is then barraged by a helicopter punch, courtesy of a puppet R.O.B. from behind. Shulk then attempts to activate Monado Speed before he is grabbed from behind by Mega Man, who holds the Colony 9 Scientist as R.O.B. hits Shulk with a Gyromite. Mega Man then releases Shulk and plants a Crash Bomber before jumping back as it detonates. The figure from before then lands on the ground before zooming along the ground as though they were floating. Shulk props himself up, only to see R.O.B. and Mega Man charging their respective Robo Beam and Mega Buster. Shulk attempts to get up, but a sharp jolt of pain from the beatings pushes him further down. Shulk, now worried that the vision will come to pass, closes his eyes resigned to his fate. The puppet R.O.B. and Mega Man then release their energy, making the large energy bolt from before. Suddenly, at the last second, something whizzes by Shulk and picks him up before the bolt explodes. Shulk opens his eyes and looks up to his savior: a black-clad, white-haired woman with two katana and a blindfold over her eyes. She looks down at the Heir to the Monado before taking out both swords and preparing for battle against her adversaries.

To put it simply, it's like she's about to carry the Weight of the World of Light.

2B Is Dressed To Kill!

The camera then cuts to gameplay in the City Ruins, where 2B is ready for battle. She showcases a unique moveset involving her companion, Pod 042, and her signature weapons, Virtuous Contract and Virtuous Treaty. She manages to beat a few fighters before she is swiftly defeated by multiple more forces of Galeem. CGI then cuts back to 2B, who is sliding along the ground next to Shulk. The two look up and see an entire army of puppet Mega Men and R.O.B.s that are imposingly approaching the two. Just as they get close enough, a swift streak of bloody red silhouettes flies past the closest puppets, completely annihilating them. 2B and Shulk then see a new figure similar to the former, but with more disheveled hair and no blindfold. 2B looks on in shock whereas Shulk is staring up in confusion. The girl looks down on at the two people behind her, a cold, yet caring look in her eyes.

"Letting Galeem's goons beat you down? So not like you," snarked the girl. "Not that I wanted to save you, anyways...just don't get in my way and nobody besides these punks gets hurt."

A2 Goes Berserk!

The trailer then cuts to gameplay of A2 as an Alt Costume for 2B. The scene then shows the stage, City Ruins, where various Machine Lifeforms and YoRHa Units are spectating the match. The trailer then cuts to 2B's Final Smash, which has A2 barrage the opponents while in Berserk Mode. As soon as A2 is finished with the attack, 2B then activates her Self-Destruct function and explodes.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X NieR: Automata

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / PlatinumGames Inc.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
*Cross flair intro*

The trailer begins with an old ruins, where a single gold statue of Galeem lies. The camera then pans towards Joker, who has engaged in battle with a large Shadow is towering over them. Joker manages to defeat the large Shadow before heading towards the statue. He reaches out to grab the statue, only for a gunshot to narrowly miss his gloved hand. Joker whirls around and notices a single woman standing in front of him in the shadows, pointing akimbo guns at him. The woman walks out of the shadow as the camera focuses on Joker before she is completely in the light. She then talks to Joker, a posh British accent escaping her lips.

"I'm afraid I'll be taking that from your hands."

Joker, in response, tears off his mask and unleashes Arsene, ready to do battle. The woman, unfazed, can only sigh.

"On your head be it, then, Phantom Thief."

LARA Gets Ready To Raid!

The trailer then cuts to gameplay of the Tomb Raider herself, Lara Croft, showing herself to be a blend of her Classic and Modern appearances, including costumes between both eras. Lara is shown to have a style that compliments the acrobatic platforming and combat of the original Tomb Raider games. She is then seen on her home stage, Croft Manor, which takes place in the Main Hall. Her Final Smash is then shown to be a T-Rex rampage across the stage, damaging only the opponents as collateral.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Tomb Raider

Lara, having finished her battle with Joker and secured the Galeem statue, notices her wounds. She attempts to tear off a part of her shirt to use as a bandage before stopping. She turns up to the camera with a stern look.

"Don't you think you've seen enough?"

Lara then takes out a shotgun and with a loud blast, covers the screen with a white flash that cuts to black.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Radiance of a Chromatic Cross:

*Cross flair intro*
The trailer begins with a Smash invitation letter, sitting in a dark room with naught but three rectangles of light shining from the top of the screen. After a few moments, a creaking sound is heard, and a larger square of light stretches out and envelops the whole letter before a single hand grabs it and pulls it out. A figure with black hair looks down at the letter in their hands in contemplation before turning slightly towards the camera as sword swinging sounds are heard.

Meanwhile, The Luminary is fighting with a bunch of fairies, battering some with his sword and frying others with Zap spells. The fairies are clearly winning against him until the Luminary casts Bounce to reflect their projectiles back at them. After resting for a bit, the Luminary walks off towards a strange building off in the distance: a shrine, one that he feels wouldn’t look too out of place in Hotto. He warily walks up to it, curious what a shrine like this is doing in the middle of nowhere. He then hears a power sound before jumping out of the way just in time for some needles to hit the ground where he once stood. He looks around for his assailant before he sees someone: a young girl in a red dress and a long gohei, floating in the air in front of him. She lands on the ground, then with an good stretch, prepares for battle.

REIMU Plays Her Hand!

The trailer then cuts to gameplay, showing Reimu Hakurei, Shrine Maiden of Paradise, who brandishes a Spell Card in front of her before charging offscreen. It then shows her charging towards a Zero Suit Samus with a Super Scope, the projectiles of the gun just Grazing Reimu before she unleashed a pillar of amulets from the ground to launch ZSS. The scene then shows her flight capabilities, whizzing past a floating Peach. Then we see her fighting Marx, who is unleashing his bouncy ball attack. It then shows her mobile zoner playstyle, with an unorthodox projectile game. The trailer then cuts to her stage, Hakurei Shrine, where the many Touhou characters are spectating the match, including Yukari, who opens portals to different parts of Gensokyo. Reimu then unleashes her Final Smash, Fantasy Heaven, where she unleashes a barrage of rainbow orbs that home in on everyone that isn’t her.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Touhou Project

The Luminary is seen lying on the ground exhausted before Reimu wipes the sweat from her brow. She then sits down in her shrine, a nice cup of tea in her hands before the camera pans up to her Smash invite, hanging from her wall on a plaque.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / Team Shanghai Alice


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Switch FC
Diddy Kong is jumping from vine to vine looking for bananas when something hits his head. After landing onto the ground, he looks from the ground and sees what looks like a mango. Suddenly, more of them start falling from the sky and Diddy frantically dodges them. After running for a bit, Diddy then hears a faint "ooga booga" in the distance. A familiar orange tornado starts whirling around furiously in the jungle; when it starts to cease...

Crash Goes for a Spin!

(Cue Crash's gameplay montage, ending with Crash doing his signature dance on the victory screen)


@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION / ACTIVISION.


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Switch FC
Disclaimer: This is another concept that assumes Celica was in the base game instead of :ultchrom:

A battle is taking place on a snowy castle…two mighty warriors—one of them a simple boy, and the other being the great King of Evil, Ganondorf—face each other on the bridge.


The boy’s sword clashes with Ganon’s as they fight each other to the death. The swords clash several times as the boy angrily attempts to strike Ganon’s head.

“You took EVERYTHING…everything that I ever loved! You took my friends, you took Zofia…and now, Celica, too!”

As the boy almost manages to slay Ganon, Ganon counters with a straight stab. The boy narrowly dodges, only to be pushed back by an electric punch. He can barely stand on his feet, but he still jumps up aiming for Ganon’s head. Ganon counters with a final sword swing that sends the boy flying back to the ground and sends the boy’s sword flying. With the boy in his last legs, Ganon drops his sword and walks over. Just as he’s about to finish off the boy with his Warlock Punch, a strange orb of light falls from the sky and intercepts a split second before Ganon attacks, who stops his momentum as he’s launched from his spot.

The boy looks up, and sees an angelic figure descending below…after close examination, it’s exactly who he thinks it is: Celica.

“Don’t worry, Alm…you’re not alone.”

Ganon stares in shock for a second, and picks his sword up off the ground, getting ready to engage Celica.

“I shall defeat you…with Mila’s divine protection!

Celica Sets Off!

(Gameplay, gameplay, gameplay)


@ 2018 Nintendo

Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.
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Deleted member

Excluding the gameplay segment, the entire trailer is in the style of Super Bomberman R.

*The trailer starts of with a shot of Planet Bomber, as the Narrator talks, the screen fades from the planet, to the outside of where the Bomberman Bros. live, to the inside of the of where they live.*

Narrator: Planet Bomber, home of the Bomberman Bros. Saviours of the universe...

*Inside the building where the Bomberman Bros. live, White and Red are sitting near a TV holding controllers, while Black stands behind them watching. Blue is off to the side trying to sleep, Pink and Aqua sit in the corner talking, and Yellow runs around the room.*

Narrators: ...and fans of Video Games.

Red: I got K.O.'d again? You must be cheating!

White: You're going to have too practise harder if you want to win.

Red: Let's see how you deal with my Final Smash then!

Red: Yes, I won!

White: Nice work!

Black: I could've done that without getting hit.

Red: Want to prove it?

*This is when Green bursts through the door, holding a letter.*

Green: We've got mail!

*Green runs over to White, Black and Red. Red reaches towards the letter.*

Red: Can I see?

*Green moves the letter away from Red's hand.*

Green: No. It's for me.

*Yellow stands behind Green and looks over his shoulder.*

Yellow: Ooh, it says "to Bomberman Bros."! Can I open it?

Green: No! It's my letter.

Red: But Yellow just said it was for-

Green: Doesn't matter, it's my letter!

White: Green, hand over the letter. It's obviously for all of us.

*Green gives to the letter to White, and White proceeds to open it.*

White: Thank you. Now, let's see what it says. "Dear Bomberman Bros. We would like to invite you too... Super Smash Bros."?

*All of the Bomber Bros. besides Blue crowd around White.*

Red: Isn't that game we were just playing?

Black: I will look so cool once I meet Mario, not that I'm cool already of course.

Yellow: I can't wait to meet Pac-Man!

Aqua: Does that mean we have to fight people again?

Blue: I though we already crossover with Simon and Snake...

White: You all know what this means, we're going to have to train even harder to prove we're the best fighters ever. Come on, let's get to work!

*The Splash Screen featuring White Bomberman then appears, stating "Bomberman Blasts into Battle!" Gameplay of Bomberman and the other member of the Bomberman Bros. as Alternate Costumes is then shown.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
A Steel-Barreled Sword of Vengeance

*Cross Flair Intro*
(A black background is shown as a red mark is slowly being formed onscreen. A voice is heard throughout.)

Guttural Voice: Your unbound fury is known beyond the stars, your eternal battle has ravaged their numbers...but now, a new battle awaits...one that shall test your very limits! Rip and Tear...until it is done!

(By the time the mark is complete, it fades out before cutting to a fire-lit hallway of blackened metal, multiple silhouetted puppet fighters defeated and sprawled across the floor. A Mega Man lies face-first on the ground, his helmet with a hole in its side. A Richter lies against the wall, the shattered chain links of the Vampire Killer scattered across the floor. An Olimar lies face-upwards, his helmet broken wide open. A Mario sprawled sideways with his hat in tatters. Just then, a lone figure walks past them. As this happens, a chant is heard.)

Kar En Tuk...

(As the figure continues walking past felled Puppets, a few more, a Ridley, a Snake, and a Ganondorf, charge towards him. Effortlessly, the figure sucker-punches Ridley before grabbing his tail and skewering it through his mouth, a visceral filter blurring out this violent action. He then blasts the Ganondorf with a massive double-barreled cannon before stabbing him in the jewel on his forehead with a wrist-mounted blade, the same filter kicking in. He finally grabs the Snake by the neck before choke-slamming him into the ground, with the filter kicking in one more time.)

Kar En Tuk!

(The figure then steps onto a platform where he is raised into a massive fiery arena, lit up by falls of molten lava. Before him are massive hordes of Puppet fighters, Galeem and Dharkon alike, all eager to battle him for the glory of their respective masters. The figure begins to slowly walk forwards, causing the Puppets to tense up.)

Kar! En! Tuk!

(Fire erupts from the edges of the arena, and the camera shows a front-facing view showing that the figure is clad head-to-toe with green armor, and behind the visor was a look of perpetual rage. His anger-filled pace amplifies his already menacing approach with the fire behind. From the way he was brandishing his weapons, he looked ready to Rip and Tear!)


THE DOOM SLAYER Hurts ‘Em Plenty!

(The Doom Slayer then charges towards the Puppet army, fighting them for a bit before the camera freezes and replicates the famous box art from the classic Doom. The trailer then cuts to the gameplay of the Doom Slayer, showing off his moveset. Doom Slayer shows a few of his guns before the trailer cuts to Doom Slayer crouching next to a tiny Daisy with the Bunny Hood in Fourside. Ganondorf comes in and KO’s Daisy, prompting the Doom Slayer to attack Ganondorf. It then shows his unique mechanic: Glory Kills, as shown by a compilation of Glory Kills performed on a few select fighters. The trailer shows the Doom Slayer’s Final Smash, the footage glitching between his BFG 9000 and the Unmaykr as the music reaches the climax.)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X DOOM Eternal

@ 2018 Nintendo

Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA, INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / id Software LLC.

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
We see the same “cycling through the consoles” that started the reveal trailer for Terry, but after it hits the Nintendo Switch, it goes back to the SNES. We then see classic footage from SNES games. More specifically, a little but of footage from Super Mario World, A Link to the Past, Super Castlevania IV, Kirby Superstar, Super Metroid, Fatal Fury 2 (yes it released on SNES) and finally Donkey Kong Country. The screen fades to black.

We see strangely recognizable swirls of blue and black before going back to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It’s an animated cutscene that’s a fight between Mario, Link, Simon, Kirby, Samus, Terry and Donkey Kong. Suddenly Everyone stops to look at a mysterious object floating through the sky. Then it lands to reveal a sleek white ship. The cockpit opens up all of a sudden and our fighter jumps out...

Crono Travels To Smash!


Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2018
*Smash Cross Flare*

The opening shot is one of Incineroar standing above a fallen Villager, Bowser Jr, and King K. Rool in the Boxing Ring

As Incineroar poses, a voice exclaims "The Ring's Raging Flame is truly the baddest fighter in Smash"!

As fate would have it, that's all about to change. The lights at ringside go out, leaving everyone that isn't in the middle of the ring in darkness. Incineroar is looking around, trying to figure out what's going on... as a tune plays in the background...

After the theme transitions to Hedlok's theme (the male voices), a blue frame of a floating human appears behind Incineroar. Incineroar turns around, but the figure, now a green-haired human with metallic arms and shoulders, grabs Incineroar and creates a red ball of energy where the Heel Pokemon is. The ball of energy quickly explodes, sending Incineroar flying into the arena's screen like Little Mac and Ken before him.

The music ends. The figure slowly floats down towards the ground, chuckling like a super villain. The chuckle turns into a full-on maniacal laugh as the figure looks towards the camera with one shoulder positioned slightly higher than the other, like someone who has truly gone insane. This someone is none other than:

Dr. Coyle
Takes up ARMS!

*gameplay segment that showcases not only her ARMS ability and the Stage: Sky Arena, but her invisibility and levitation as well, topped off by a segment that shows her Final Smash: Dr. Coyle equips Hedlok and grabs up to three fighters with her own ARMS and Hedlok's ARMS. This sends the victims (for the Trailer's purposes, Mii Brawler, Dark Samus and Hero), into a dark lab-like area where she rapidly punches the opponents with all 6 ARMS, knocks them away, and fires a huge ball of energy out of Hedlok's mouth that explodes.*


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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Blown Cover:

*Cross flair intro*

Picking up where the Asuka trailer left off, Hanzo Academy's star student is facing off against Sheik and Meta Knight. The three are fighting hard, with no sides gaining the upper hand. Just then, Asuka dodges an attack and is about to charge...but trips and lands on her face. Sheik and Meta Knight stop for a moment as they look at Asuka. She looks down and finds that the reason she tripped was...a wad of chewed-up gum stuck to her shoe? The three turn to look at each other in confusion for a bit before some laughing is heard in the distance. They turn to the source and find a kid standing on the side of a nearby water tower, with a large foam bat and a single head of pink hair. She jumps off the water tower and readies a stance, blowing a bubble before it pops.


The ninja scientist-turned-child Berecca then charges at the three shinobi, Asuka removing the gum on her sole before joining the battle. The trailer then cuts to the gameplay of Berecca, who is revealed to have a combo-based moveset and a mechanic where wads of gum weigh down on their opponents before they are completely frozen in place. The stage, Ninjala Tournament, is shown with a battle appearing in the background. A Hero-style Final Smash is shown involving all the known characters from Ninjala before she lands on the ground, and flashes the victory sign at the camera.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Ninjala

The trailer caps off with Sheik, Meta Knight, and Asuka being knocked into the roof, ending up trapped in a massive gum wad before the phrase "IPPON!" flashing the screen for a moment. Berecca flashes a triumphant smile at her opponents and starts running off to the Ninjala battle off in the distance.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / Marvelous Inc. / GungHo Online Entertainment

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
This one is a dumb meme, but it would be really hype (and controversial) if it actually happened.

The trailer begins with Mario and Link fighting. It zooms out to reveal a 1.
It then cuts to Pikachu and Kirby fighting. It zooms out to reveal a 2.
It then cuts to Sonic and Pac-Man fighting. It zooms out to reveal a 3.
The announcer then shouts all 3 numbers in order, then...
The 4 turns green as it zooms in then out to reveal...

SHREK makes the dream work!

Gameplay footage is then shown to All-Star (the original song, not a remix), followed by the "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Shrek" text as expected - then it shows 6 invitations from the back, one of which being opened and green, then turning to reveal their wax seals are also engraved with the number 4.

"FIGHTER'S PASS VOLUME 3 - Non-game fighters join the battle!"

Followed by Sakurai appearing to announce he is not involved with Volume 3 and is taking a break - before joking he didn't approve of this reveal.

The trailer begins by showing 5 pairs of feet walking by, one with colourful small-sized sneakers, another with pink ankle-boots, yet another with brown shoes and 4 legs from a dog. Lucas, Kumatora, Duster and Boney are walking through a Pigmask factory, and are suddenly ambushed.

A horde of Pigmask soldiers appear around the 4 unlikely heroes, and they seem to be cornered, until they hear a squawk from the sky


The leading soldier is hit by a spherical character, as the soldiers around them fall down like dominoes, followed up by the newcomer, and saviour jumping in front of the fainted foes

RED BIRD vents his frustrations!

Lucas cheers, Boney runs in circles and Kumatora nods approvingly, while Duster, being the older member of the team, isn't exactly as pleased. The gameplay footage is then shown to a remix of the Angry Birds theme, with some motifs of the Bad Piggies theme as well.

"Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Angry Birds"


Smash Rookie
Apr 29, 2020
The Keyblade's Chosen

*cross flare intro*

The trailer begins on Final Destination. Link and Cloud stand opposite each other. The two raise their weapons and charge towards each other, but before their blades can cross, a bright light suddenly shines in the middle of the stage.

The swordsmen shield their eyes. As the light dies down, it reveals that a rather ornate-looking door has appeared on the stage. Link and Cloud glance at the door and then at each other. They nod to one another and open the door.

They emerge in a town that seems to be stuck in a perpetual dusk. Glancing around, the swordsmen realize that they're standing in front of a train station with a clock tower extending to the heavens above it.

Atop said tower, someone is watching the blond warriors. They jump down from their perch, landing behind the two fighters.

Link and Cloud hear someone behind them and turn around. The mysterious watcher is revealed to be a boy wearing black clothes and sporting spiky brown hair. He smiles, holding up his weapon, an odd-looking sword with a guard extending all the way around the handle and three prongs on the top end.

The other two swordsmen accept the boy's unspoken challenge. All three race towards each other, ready to fight. The camera focuses on the boy. A splash screen appears:

Sora Opens the Door!

There's a transition to gameplay as we see Sora fight Link and Cloud on the new stage, Twilight Town. He hits Link with an upward slash, then turns to Cloud, who waa sneaking up behind him, and swings the keyblade downwards, bashing Cloud onto the ground.

More characters join the mix. Sora fends off the new foes with various magic spells and keyblade strikes. He breaks a smash ball. Glowing with energy, he shouts "My friends are my power!" and unleashes the solo version of Trinity Limit, slashing at his foes multiple times before finishing with a powerful stab that sends them flying.

There's a transition back to CG. Link and Cloud lay defeated. Sora grins to himself, but hears a sound behind him. He turns to see several other sword wielding fighters. He gestures to them to 'bring it on', but before he can rush to meet them, a voice calls out to him.


A pillar of light shines down in front of him. From within, another boy appears. In contrast to Sora, this new person has blond hair and is dressed in white. He holds out his hand, palm facing forward. The keyblade teleports to it. He closes his hand around the handle and draws back into a combat-ready stance before speaking again.

"My turn."

A second splash screen appears:

Roxas Holds the Key!

A transition back to gameplay is followed by footage of Roxas fighting the other swordfighters. He fights similarly to Sora, although his attacks have a unique flair to them. We see more of the moveset, such as Roxas throwing the keyblade and a bunch of aerial combat.

Roxas then unleashes his final smash, which actually differs from Sora's. He shouts "This is my story!" and uses Clear Light. He knocks an unlucky opponent into the air and a cinematc plays. Roxas makes the keyblade disappear and summons Oathkeeper and Oblivion in its place. He furiously wails into his foe with his weapons before driving them down to the ground, causing a geyser of light to erupt from underneath them, blasting the opponent away.

One last transition to CG shows Sora and Roxas fistbump as they look at all the foes they've felled.

The game's logo appears along with all the copyright information, signalling the end of the trailer.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

*Cross flair intro*

The trailer opens up to see Biff (As seen in the ARMS Direct from May 2017), who looks at the camera with his signature smile.

"Greetings, ladies and gents! I'm Biff, your trusty ARMS commentator here with an exciting announcement," he says before cutting to the Fighters Pass 2 screen, his face in the bottom corner.

"As you may or may not know, the ARMS League has been chosen for representation in the newest Super Smash Bros. tournament," says Biff. "We at the ARMS League are honored to accept this!"

"And yet, who joins the battle," he asks before it cuts to the still photos of the ARMS roster from the Direct Mini. "Well, today, dear viewer, we finally answer that question!"

"We crunched the numbers, we ran the brackets and we played out the battles, and the one who will join Smash will be..." says Biff as the camera then cuts to a Smash invitation floating down in the air. Suddenly, a single hand on a stretched arm grabs the envelope and pulls it towards the shadow. The lights start lighting up as a single silhouette is made visible. The silhouette jumps up and does a spinning kick into the light, revealing it them to be...


MIN MIN Gets Cooking!

Min Min raises her fist into the air in victory before she sees Piranha Plant, Joker, the DQXI Hero, Banjo & Kazooie, Terry, and F!Byleth in front of her, ready to test her abilities. The five charge towards her before the trailer cuts to the gameplay of Min Min in-game. She is shown to have a playstyle where the Special and Attack buttons are tied to each individual ARM and shows her to have more range than Simon and Byleth, as well as the various signature ARMS she uses. The trailer then shows the stage, the Ramen Bowl, where the Smash fighters are doing battle against Min Min. The trailer then caps off with her Final Smash, which has her equip Hedlok and throw punch after punch after punch before releasing an explosive energy ball that launches everyone in the blast.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X ARMS

Min Min finishes her battle against the Pass 1 Fighters, who give her an affirming smile as if to tell that she did good. Just then, five large pillars raise from the earth behind her, a large fiery Smash Ball appearing in the background. The Pass 1 Fighters and Min Min tense themselves as they see five silhouettes atop those pillars.

A man of boundless rage, armed to the teeth and bearing the smell of blood...

A young girl whose services lie in a god unknown...

A bushy-tailed trickster who bears an orb of raw essence in her clawed hands...

A single spirit of light, possessing the strength of one whose body is that of wood...

A hidden being riding atop a large machine, their true identity unknown...

The new figures stare down at the seven fighters, ready to do battle before the screen fades to black...

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
"We'd like to reveal Challenger Pack 11, the final fighter of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate." The cross flair appears.

In the anime style of Lucina and Robin's trailer, we see the Fire Emblem characters fighting, all of them. They trade blows constantly, when suddenly Marth, the first Fire Emblem newcomer, is knocked to the ground, he's close to being defeated while being approached by Byleth, suddenly an Assist Trophy appears next to him, he releases it hoping for the best - and he gets exactly that, Lyn pops out of the Assist Trophy and slashes away Byleth. Marth struggles to get up, but is suddenly betrayed by his very assistant as she slashes him into the distance.

"Lyn" takes off "her" mask, revealing it was none other than

"WALUIGI shows his potential!"

Waluigi then arrogantly twirls around Marth's circlet just like Ridley did Mario's hat, before cutting to gameplay footage - the Boss Battle theme from Brawl plays in the background, truly bookending the Waluigi saga

At the end of the trailer, Waluigi celebrates in front of a pile of unconscious swordfighters, then looks the screen and cracks something very rare from him: an earnest, thankful, closed-mouth smile and thumbs up to all his fans.

The trailer fades out, and is followed by an acapella line from Lifelight: "Light will guide you on your way to the ultimate fight!" as the copyright text appears


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Switch FC
Some time has passed…since the last struggle against villainy. The fall of Mr. X’s Syndicate has relieved the city and its people of chaos, and it’s been happy and peaceful ever since…

Until one day, an even greater crisis threatens more than just the city. Mysterious beams have been spotted, and hundreds of people-even major Syndicate members-have mysteriously disappeared. In addition, strange puppet-like beings that act like the people of Wood Oak have appeared all over the city. Only ex-cop Axel Stone remains to investigate not only the puppets and the beams, but the disappearance of his friends.

A task like this will be harder than anything Axel has seen before. With only him to get to the bottom of things, he must be willing to risk everything—even his life, in…”

(*cue picture of Galeem using his wings to form an angry eye, and Master Hand and Crazy Hand looming over the city, a la this picture*)


“…the Streets of Light.”

Axel Stone Goes Straight Through!

(Gameplay scenes displaying Axel’s moveset, stage, and Final Smash against puppet fighters, as well as a snippet of Axel facing Galeem)


@ 2018 Nintendo

Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Smash Rift:

*Cross flair intro*

The stage begins with a jungle landscape, where Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Banjo & Kazooie, Lucario, and Fox are cautiously searching for something to take out Galeem. Inside the bushes, a good ways away, a mischievous pair of glowing yellow eyes peer at the six intruders before disappearing. After a while of trekking, the group arrives at a strange encampment, with a massive red crystal smack dab in the middle. Curious, they look around as to what they'll find. Banjo takes in the sights until something bumps at his leg. He looks down, and sees a red-hooded warrior half his size and carrying an axe trying to damage him...but unsuccessfully. Kazooie pokes out and angrily squawks at the warrior to scare him off but to no avail. Kazooie then flaps her wings at him, but no dice. Kazooie, now understandably angry at the situation, then jumps out of the backpack and starts angrily pecking at him. Banjo tries to stop Kazooie as she gives the little warrior a face full of her beak, much to the immense exasperation of their teammates. Just then, Lucario detects a mischievous aura and manages to strike an orb of blue energy flying towards him with a Force Palm. The orb flies back until a clawed hand grabs hold of it. A new figure comes out: a beautiful red-clad lady with nine bushy tails and flowing black hair, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Well, well, well," says the woman, a sultry voice escaping her lips as she slowly struts towards the Fighters. "What do we have here?"

Donkey Kong clenches his fists. Diddy Kong takes out two popguns. Kazooie jumps back into Banjo's backpack with a glare towards the tailed lady as he takes out his own claws. Lucario assumes a combat stance, his glare never faltering. Fox takes out his Blaster and aims it at her. A wry chuckle escapes her lips.

"No need to be so tense, everyone," she says as she whirls the orb in her hands. "Come on; Don't you trust me?"

AHRI Gets Foxy!

The Nine-Tailed Fox gets an answer in the form of an Aura Sphere which she gracefully evades. She looks back up and flashes a pair of thin fangs before charging towards her foes. The trailer then cuts to Ahri in the Smash engine, her tails swaying as she holds the Orb of Deception in her hands. She then shows her moveset, which is based on her appearance in League of Legends, keeping the effects of her specials and all. It then shows her XP system, which allows her to upgrade her Specials after gaining enough XP, as shown by when it shows the difference between her unleveled and leveled versions of her Charm special. The stage is then shown to be Summoner's Rift, where armies come from both sides and attack alongside the fighters. It then shows Wario then come up to a large bovine creature with a smaller rodent using its tail as a counter. Wario stops for a moment, takes out tosses gold at the shop, and immediately equips himself with an Ore Club before running off. Ahri's Final Smash is then shown, as she strikes Fox, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Banjo & Kazooie, and Lucario with a powered-up Spirit Rush. They are then caught in the crossfire of Ahri, Jinx, Yasuo, Teemo, and Ashe laying waste to a base before Ahri shoots a final Orb of Deception that strikes the Nexus and causes it to explode, the blast enveloping the other Fighters.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X League of Legends

The fighters are lying on the ground, tired and beaten up by Ahri's trickery and magic. Ahri, who surveys the aftermath of the battle, then smiles a little bit before running off out of the base. She looks back at the six before parting final words:

"Don't you worry, everyone. We'll meet again."

And with that, she prances off with foxlike tread before the camera fades out.

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / Riot Games, Inc.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
The Darkness is Coming...:

*Cross flair intro*

The trailer begins in an abandoned town covered in a light fog. Zero Suit Samus is walking through steadily, her stun pistol out and eyes firmly peeled. Sometime later, she hears a siren going off in the distance, and she notices her surroundings change. Barbed wire starts sprouting like vines, and the sounds of something metallic and heavy are heard grinding against the asphalt. The camera starts flickering between Samus and a large figure carrying a massive blade no bigger than Cloud's Buster Sword, the latter walking in a slow shamble. Samus tenses, having the feeling of someone...something...walking up to her from behind, and she whips around pointing her sidearm. Nothing. A serene calm, as though nothing had changed. As ZSS sighs in relief, a hulking figure slowly stands upright. Samus turns around and is batted away by a massive rusty blade in her gut before she could react. She manages to land on her feet before she looks up at her assailant. It plants its weapon into the ground, then after the camera reveals itself, it lets out a loud, eerie roar from underneath its metal, pyramid-shaped helmet.

PYRAMID HEAD Breaks the Silence!

It then cuts to Pyramid Head, the Executioner, in the Smash engine as he brandishes the Great Knife. We see him using large, brutal strikes in his moveset before we see him face Sonic, who's avoiding him at every turn. That's when we see one part of his gimmick: Pyramid Head creates a trail of barbed wire behind him with his Great Knife, and Sonic lands in it, reducing his movement speed. It is then revealed that Pyramid Head has a moveset heavily revolving around debuffs to the enemy and greatly weakening them before closing in for the kill. We then see the stage, Brookhaven Hospital, where many Silent Hill monsters reside. Pyramid Head unleashes his Final Smash on ZSS, which subjects her to a gang-attack from many of the iconic Silent Hill monsters before Pyramid Head performs a final brutal attack with the Great Knife that instantly KOs her.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Silent Hill

@ 2018 Nintendo
Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Sky Patrol:

The trailer begins with the defeat of Galeem and Dharkon. As they fall into the sea and the Spirits return to their world, every fighter in the base game looks over the cliff, just like Brawl, with Sonic and Pikachu in the front. Suddenly, the beautiful scene is ruined as Galeem launches one last revenge beam, destroying the cliff and sending each fighter into the ocean, where the Sonic 1 drowning theme plays as everyone tries to recover - suddenly a small, red aeroplane flies above and drops a net big enough to contain every fighter.

This song plays as the plane flies to drop them off on a safe cliff - as the vocals start the newcomer jumps out of his plane with a Spiritly aura around him

"TAILS gets to be a hero!" the splash screen declares, as the aura disintegrates away, creating a flash of light that cuts to gameplay footage.

The trailer ends with a CGI scene of a friendly 2v2, Sonic and Pikachu vs. Tails and Jigglypuff, ending with Tails and Puff getting knocked into a cliff and defeated, but clearly with no hard feelings as Tails gives a thumbs up and goes to shake hands with his best friend as Luigi, Daisy, Bowser Jr., Yoshi, Diddy, the Duck Hunt duck, Nana, Falco, and Kazooie cheer on the newcomer

"Super Smash Bros. Ultimate X Sonic the Hedgehog 2"

PK-remling Fire

Smash Ace
Sep 22, 2018
The Warp
(There's no crossfade or anything, the trailer starts as if it were a normal commercial)

The trailer starts with a live action clip of a man in a Crash Bandicoot mascot costume pulling up to Nintendo HQ in a pickup truck with something covered in the back. Crash gets out of the car, brandishing a megaphone (so far a shot-for-shot remake of the old 90s Crash Bandicoot commerical)

"Hey plumber boy, mustache man, your worst nightmare has arriiiived!"
"Pack up your stuff, I've got a little surprise for you!"

As he's about to pull the cover off of what's inside the back of his truck, he stops.

The camera pans away from Crash, showing four people in Mario, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Pikachu mascot costumes (ala the Smash 64 commercial) approaching him from the direction of the building. They all rush Crash, starting a fistfight in the parking lot. As the mascots are beating each other up, the cover on the back of the truck falls off, revealing a bunch of TVs showing the smash bros logo. The camera zooms in on the TVs, showing the reveal:


Gameplay is shown, showing off some of Crash's moveset.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate x Crash Bandicoot

The trailer ends with the five mascots sitting in the parking lot playing smash bros, a security guard approaches them:

"I'm gonna have to ask you all to leave."

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
The game starts as a continuation of the reveal trailer for Ken and Incineroar. The two are both fighting when suddenly the stadium goes dark. Ken and Incineroar both frantically start looking around for what caused the outage, and stop fighting. Suddenly a large blue star appears on the screen at the front of the ring. Ken and Incineroar stare at the screen confused, when suddenly two hands appear and slam their heads together. They fall to the ground. The lights come on and the crowd gasps as we see who did this

Starman Grabs Hold of the Fight!
After the splash screen, Starman, in a cheesy voice cries out to the crowd: "A Winner is Me!" This is followed by gameplay footage and then the screen:

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate x Pro Wrestling
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Smash Rookie
Apr 29, 2020
(Half)-Genie of the Lamp

The trailer begins with Wario in a cave. He stands in front of a treasure chest, eyes filled with greed. He looks around to make sure no one is around, then quickly picks the lock on the chest and pushes it open.

Chuckling to himself, he thrusts his arm inside and pulls out a magic lamp. He laughs to himself, thinking of the wealth he could wish for, but he's interrupted when something snaps against his arm and makes him drop the lamp.

The lamp is snatched out of the air, and Wario hears the sound of someone running away. He turns to see a girl with purple hair racing out of the cave. He pursues her outside, but he's not fast enough to catch her, but fortunately for him, he parked his bike nearby.

Now on his bike, Wario is gaining on the girl. The girl hears the bike coming and stops. She turns around and stares directly at Wario as she tosses the lamp into the air and begins...dancing?

Wario laughs, but it's cut short when the girl transforms into an elephant. Wario tries to stop, but it's too late. He crashes into the elephant, causing his bike to explode and send him flying into the horizon.

The elephant transforms back into a girl. She giggles to herself as she catches the lamp on its way back down. She spins around and poses with it.

A splash screen appears.

Shantae is Ret-2-Go!

We transition to gameplay showing Shantae fighting on the new Scuttle Town stage. One of the stage's hazards is Risky Boots' ship firing cannonballs from the background.

Shantae fights with hair and her genie magic. She breaks a smash ball and unleashes her final smash: the Annihilate Dance. Shantae dances and causes an explosion. The closer to her an opponent is, the more damage and knockback they take.

We cut back to cutscene CG where we see Shantae's friends and uncle cheering and clapping for her, glad that she's finally joined Smash. Rottytops, Sky, and Bolo pull her into a group hug as the screen fades to white.

The game's logo appears to signify the end of the trailer.
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