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Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Ex: Girl A knows Guy B likes her. However, Guy B hasn't spoken outright or tried to push the relationship forward in any way. Thus, Girl A feels it's ok to keep Guy B around "as a friend," even though she's aware that Guy B has feelings for her. It's a stupid thing to do no matter how you look at it, honestly. Those girls aren't worth keeping around.

Although, I have to agree that telling someone that they're "an attractive person" isn't the same as saying "I think you're attractive" or "I'm attracted to you." They're similar statements except one is a compliment while the other is a blatant display of interest in order to push the acquaintanceship/friendship further almost 90% of the time (the other 10% being guys who say it, but don't have the gall to stick to their guns and push all the way because they don't want to risk losing their connection to the other person.)
Saying someone is attractive and saying that they have an interest in them are two different things. You can say that you're fine with being just friends but you still find her attractive.

As long as he didn't imply that he still had feelings for her, it shouldn't have mattered at all.
Yeah see this is what I think the problem is is our definitions. I've told her many times she's hot/beautiful/kawaii/cute and she always been fine with that. I think 'attracted' to her matches with overswarms and Bardull's definitions in a way that it means I'm tryna get at her. But yeah that's not the case, not that I wouldn't if that was ever acceptable. Like those dudes in the video said, of course I would if she did as well and was single. But at as it is now not at all.

You're all idiots.

The wording " But I told her I accepted we'd only just be friends a long while ago. So the former."

I'd ACCEPTED WE'D ONLY BE FRIENDS is a tactit admission he wanted a relationship. Telling your friends they look hot is fine. How do you think I landed living with 7 girls.
This is true. But yeah I thought that was just obvious.

This is pretty much the convo:
Meanwhile at Strabucks...

Le derpina: Why do you like Japanese so much?
Le derp: What do you mean?
Derpina: You take the class, like Japanese girls
Derp: I'm not that into Japanese girls though
Derpina: Really why??
Derp: I dunno I'm just not that attracted to their physique
I like the Japanese language and anime is anime, you know
Derpina: wait but why don't you like Asains?
Derp: Oh I like Asians, I'm just not that attracted to a lot of Japanese girls >_>
Derpina: So if there was a really cute Japanese girl you wouldn't like her because she is Japanese?
Derp: No, it doesn't have to do with their race at all. If a girl is cute of course I'd think she is cute. I wouldn't just dislike her because she is Japanese.
Derpina: ah kk. Did you think I was Japanese when you first saw me?
Derp: Nah I could tell you weren't.
Derpina: how did you know??
Derp: I think I knew you were Korean probably because of your bunny phone, and probably because I found you attractive.
Derpina: *blank stare into derps soul*
Derp: *drinks coffee*
Derp: wut? Don't look at me like that yo.
Derpina: you're being weird
Derp: how?
Derpina: Attractive. Can you say that to friends? Like what do you mean?
Derp: Like I'm attractive :cool:. You're attractive.
Derpina: But can you say it to friends, like would you say that to your guy friend like attracted friends?
Derp: mmmm prolly not like that
Derpina: So you're attracted to me?
Derp: I was talking bout when I first met you. I told you that before.
Derpina: oh haha ok why did it stop?
Derp: *Points at ring on finger*
Derpina: huh but when did it stop?
Derp: When you told me you had a bf?
Derpina: But I told you that the day you met me, you were attracted to me for like an hour when you only knew me for that long?
Derp: >_> yes? Well I mean I guess it was longer. I'm still pretty attracted to you. But it's not liked Id try to be anything more than friends. I guess that's why I always talk about other girls around you as a distraction from that.
Derpina: *double face palm* derp you're ruining our friendship
Derp: Really? I didn't think that was weird. And I thought that was obvious. like I said I would never act on that or do anything to mess that up. I just think you're attractive.
Derpina: It's just awkward now.
Derp: How a guy can't find a girl attractive and still be friends?
Derpina: It will just be different

…*cofee and lemon cake*

Depina: Do you think I'd have acted how I have if I knew?
Derp: What do you mean?
Derpina: You know like be all touchy with you
Derp: Well dude I accepted that we would only be friends a long while ago. Like I said our friendship is more valuable to me in anything.

Derp: So we're still gonna be the same right?
Derpina: yea it's just will probably be awkward for a couple of weeks

*is awkward*

@Ran: alright, that's probably cause I haven't been on.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
yeah we are still bros. I am not threatened. But I'm not sharing her. ;o


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

inb4 define traditional.

Although my last girl friend wasn't very conservative. She was pretty open minded and liberal for the most part. :p

Edit: Yes, she was Korean. XD

Edit2: Like, SUPER Korean. Like, living in Koreatown Korean.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
In that case, I want some Sichuan style food.

And i recently got a book by Fuchsia Dunlop about how to cook it and all. MMMMM. Me and July are very interested in it.

But yeah dem asians.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
1. Holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in politics or religion.
2. (Of dress or taste) Sober and conventional

Then again, everyone is different.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Like, they're in tune with traditional Korean culture.

Ex: they act a certain way because that's what's deemed appropriate in Korean culture.

Ex2: Conservative Koreans probably acknowledge marriages to be set up for them by their families (that means getting shacked up with a girl or guy of your family's choosing, not necessarily by your own choosing.)


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
traditional as in no sex until marriage?

i was friends with some south korean exchange students a few years ago... i'm pretty sure one of them liked me, and i kinda liked her too but i didn't do anything about it :c partly because i knew they were all moving back to korea after the year. we still talk on facebook sometimes... and man she's cute.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Haha man. I'm the only one in my family that can't rap. Even my younger sister can rap better than me.

Had to rap with a group of two others for a school project.
It was so awful...

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Bardull your thoughts are interesting but it's contradictory to the whole "friend zone" Phenomenon. If a girl is keeping you "as a friend" then they're probably not interested in you sexually, cus to my understanding a guy who's simply "friendly" isn't appealing.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
that isn't awkward though

Actually reading Zen's conversation I could totally see how that could be awkward. I'm pretty much picturing the scene of awkward silences and unexpected tones of voice in my head right now.

Trust me, I would know.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
read that as *unexpected tones of violence...


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
If a friend told me they were attracted to me, especially an old friend, I would simply take it as compliment and take it with the best of intentions; they are just being honest with me and if the attraction no longer exists and they aren't trying to break up my relationship or anything, then it may be a little awkward for a while but I don't see it being a long-term or friendship-breaking issue.

That's just me though, and since the vast majority of my male friends are gay or in a relationship, its not really an issue I've thought about until right now.

My thoughts exactly.

Don't sweat it bro, some/most girls can and will twist anything to make it your fault, not kidding.
...Truth. In relationships it's a matter of emotional domination and manipulation; guys can do it too but girls are better at, not gonna lie.

Interesting. BTW I totally would July.
Thank you, I will take that as a compliment :D And I'll take this as an even greater compliment:

yeah we are still bros. I am not threatened. But I'm not sharing her. ;o
My bf is awesome <3


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Well things are ok now I guess, but wtf

She's always told me that she doesn't look at other guys.

Yesterday she goes "I would be attracted to you but I love my bf too much".

Then tonight she comes back completely in awe over this dude she just met... There's more to it, but I'll respect her privacy. But she is like into him and **** and asking me for advice about it


But yeah whatever **** it. I'm doped out on medication and can't feel anything anyway. Thank you for the discussion dgames.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Hmmm. Weird. Although, I think telling you that she WOULD be attracted to you but can't, kind of aligns with her "Oh you can't talk about that it ruins our friendship! <3". Her talking about some other guy she finds attractive wouldn't influence the relationship.
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