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#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
melee advanced techs aren't that crazy, it's not like you have to put in billions of hours of practice to get to a solid level. And then there are much simpler characters to play. plus most (video) games have more complicated mechanics.
As a melee player who plays the "simpler characters," I can confirm it takes years to be decent. First because those characters are harder to pick up than given credit for and second because the game has years and years and years of meta game. I'm, after 7 years of playing, finally breaking into the upper echelon because I'm getting good enough at basic melee (dash dancing and camping) to compete with people who were around on the ground floor and got to learn it as it progressed naturally.

Personally, I just wish that it had Brawl dashes (not melee because I don't want melee dash dancing in anything but Melee and PM).

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I dunno, I played Brawl for awhile, and it was still fun. I have every smash game, and I like them all. I enjoy playing them, and I enjoy watching tournaments for all of them. I'm probably still going to buy this one too, whether it "meets the standards" of the melee community or not. I consider myself a "smasher", and I always will. Even if the game I like to play isn't considered "the right game" by the "cool kids".
I hope it lives up to ****ing Brawl standards (I think it will). Don't just aim this at Melee, broski. Brawl players are upset too. I will be hella upset if it has no competitive scene. It will likely just sit on my shelf or maybe go back to Gamestop if the competitive scene dies.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I don't see why Brawl players would be mad. I mean, the ledge mechanics and stuff are different, but if they're just mad that Brawl ATs are gone, that's stupid. The Invitational players only had enough time with the game to tell what wasn't in the game. There are certainly ATs that will be discovered in time, that they simply didn't have the time to figure out. Who knows what new jank will be discovered, it's a new game.

I mean, I don't hate Brawl, but I don't love it enough to pretend it's flawless. It kind of surprises me that there'd be Brawl players who hate anything that's not Brawl, the same way so many Melee players hate anything not Melee.

Either way, I have no doubt that this game will find a competitive audience out there.
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#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I thought Air Dodging was basically Brawl's airdodge. As for movement, it sounds like it's pretty similar to Brawl, yet they've somehow made it slower, and clunkier. I guess that sucks, but if you went from Melee to Brawl, I don't see how it'd be so much worse to go from Brawl to this.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I think it would mean you would have to focus on the characters movement capabilities themselves to be able to move right?

like if megaman had a dash... that's what you would use to dash cuz there ain't no dash

@ #HBC | Joker #HBC | Joker

I think it's worse than brawl movement wise and the other stuff. D:
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Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
I'll be going to play the game at Best Buy today, then hopefully I can offer some thoughts.

Based on the tournament, it seemed like they did a good job giving characters the chance for lower percentage kills, so you won't have those terrible Brawl moments where ROB has 187,000 percent and just keeps living and living and living. Combo ability looks to be nowhere near Melee, but *seemed* a little better than in Brawl. In general the game looked like it was designed to let matches be a little faster and more exciting. The defensive Brawl strategies seemed to still be there, but they were quicker and a little more frantic to keep up (ala the ZSS's strategies through most of the final match). More fun to watch and hopefully more fun to play.

Not that I disliked Brawl by any means. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed both Brawl and Melee equally, based on their unique merits.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
You couldn't Dash Dance in Brawl either, and trying to would just risk tripping. It sounds like people will do most of their movement by jumping, or foxtrotting, which basically sounds like Brawl to me. The only difference is that it sounds like airdodging in won't be viable option, so characters with strong jump-ins are going to be highly valued.

I saw it being thrown around that Little Mac was ass tier, for some reason, but to me it sounds like a character with super armor on all his moves in a game where getting in safely is difficult, would be a ticket to top tier.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
The fact that you said you CAN'T dash dance is indicative you don't understand the gravity of losing the ability to turn without pivoting. You also don't appear to understand how big a deal it is that you can no longer crouch out of a run.

Don't get me wrong. It is FAR more like Brawl than Melee, but it is still a massive departure from traditional Smash laws if this movement is final.
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#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I get that it's ****tier than Brawl and not exactly the same, but like I said, if you went from Melee to Brawl, I don't see how going from Brawl to this is that different. It obviously got slower, and clunkier. Again.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
As a melee player who plays the "simpler characters," I can confirm it takes years to be decent. First because those characters are harder to pick up than given credit for and second because the game has years and years and years of meta game. I'm, after 7 years of playing, finally breaking into the upper echelon because I'm getting good enough at basic melee (dash dancing and camping) to compete with people who were around on the ground floor and got to learn it as it progressed naturally.

Personally, I just wish that it had Brawl dashes (not melee because I don't want melee dash dancing in anything but Melee and PM).
I actually really thinks it depends on the level of dedication of the player. Wizzrobe was a player that started pretty late into the game (I think back in 2012) but just because he constantly played and practiced tech skill, he was able to quickly climb through the ranks and now he's one of the top 15 players in Fl, maybe of the top 10. He recently got 3rd place at a rather large local, beating out players just as Harriet (top 10 Fox in Fl) and Gravy (new Fl resident Falcon who beat KDJ in tournament). At Apex kid took 5th place in 64. It really just depends how much effort you put into the game. If you're really dedicated like Wizzy, it doesn't take "years," but more like "a year" to be one of the best.

I agree with you though that "simple" characters are often over simplified.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm pretty sure the over 100 play testers likely also get a say, but not the final say.
There is also this,

"Can't speak for the invitational players, but at every booth/TV display setup the Nintendo reps were asking what improvements we thought could be made. At first I thought it wouldn't really go anywhere/they wouldn't listen to specific suggestions, but in the VIP area a competitive player (blanking on his name) suggested less landing lag after ariels, and bigger dash dancing, and they took the time to write it down and make sure they got the terminology correct! They seemed genuinely interested!"


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I don't understand why everyone is saying that it's going to be a ****ty game before it's even out.
Some people want Melee 2.0.

Some people want some techs to return.

Some people just want a faster game.

Some people are mad Fox is slightly nerfed in this iteration, his Usmash can't kill at 110%.

Some people just wanna play Brawl faster with less game breaking exploits/metaknight existing.

Can't please everyone, some people just want to **** on people liking it because certain things irk'd them.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I don't understand why everyone is saying that it's going to be a ****ty game before it's even out.
My dad works at Nintendo. I've been playing a copy of it since last month.
- Me back in elementary school playing off the fact that I marathon finished Golden Sun in two days (addicted).
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I'm still under the impression that it's the equivalent of the academic Hunger Games. Except when everyone graduates the winners still die b/c of how saturated the field is and how many firms are contracting.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
Well I've only just finished my first year, so I've got some time before getting thrown into the hostile, thinning job market.

I've mostly enjoyed the experience thus far. W&L isn't typical in that there isn't a cutthroat community here as far as grade competition goes. Horror stories about people giving deliberately misleading info/analysis in study groups, tearing pages out of books or straight up stealing other peoples' books, and sending out deliberately flawed outlines for courses hoping to cause others to do worse, are pretty common if you look at all law schools generally, but we don't have much if any of that going on here. So it's much less hunger games-esque in that respect.

At the very least I'm learning very useful information and can already see a marked difference in my ability to understand, analyze, and apply the law. That's kinda neat. I'm working in a small firm in Roanoke for the summer which is mostly grunt work but I've gotten to flex my new legal muscle a bit here and there. Mostly research oriented, but its fun being able to do real legal research and see your findings be implemented into the strategy for an ongoing case.

Def not excited to have to compete in an increasingly difficult market to break in to, but I guess all I can do at this point is get as good at the law as I can get, considering I know I'm pretty ****ing solid at interviewing. It'll really just be grades and similar metrics that hold me back, if anything.

That was kind of general so if you were curious about anything more specific let me know I guess lol

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
sup yo!

yeah man, I dont show up much these days. I basically go through phases of playing and being semi active in Dgames, to lurking Dgames, to barely being on SWF at all. Rinse repeat. In that semi active phase atm lol

when was the last time we were like in the same thread? The last Broom mafia game I played in?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
That was kind of general so if you were curious about anything more specific let me know I guess lol
I have a general idea of the climate since my dad had trouble finding a job when he graduated from Emory way back in the day. He said he was a top 25% graduate but deffo not top 10% and had trouble landing a legal job. He was able to land something because of my grandma (his mother in-law) who he just recently came to know (just married) and she pulled some strings for him from a veteran lawyer in the field to show him the ropes (a job).

It has always intrigued me why very logical people decide to pursue a field that won't give them a deserving return for their investment. Perhaps it is the idea that they already aren't getting a suitable return that they decide that at least law will get them a better return than what they are doing at the moment. I never understood it, however I've respected nearly all law school students for their decision to pursue law. I however don't have a similar respect for law schools or how legal representation actually works in this country. And I've always been neutral on lawyers as I've always felt that many of the practices they are detested on is simply the cutthroat competitive nature that is attributed by the job market and also the innate nature of what lawyers have been assigned to do based on the status quo.
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#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
As a melee player who plays the "simpler characters," I can confirm it takes years to be decent. First because those characters are harder to pick up than given credit for and second because the game has years and years and years of meta game. I'm, after 7 years of playing, finally breaking into the upper echelon because I'm getting good enough at basic melee (dash dancing and camping) to compete with people who were around on the ground floor and got to learn it as it progressed naturally.

Personally, I just wish that it had Brawl dashes (not melee because I don't want melee dash dancing in anything but Melee and PM).
It took you seven years to learn to dash dance?


Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2014
i cant wait for this game since i hate brawl's stupid insufferable floaty gameplay but dont have the technical skill or ability to care required to get into melee

casual 4 lyfe


Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2014
btw as a ness fan my favorite part of ssb4 is the lucas cut leak which is revenge for UP UNTIL NOW (even tho that was the best brawl release meme)


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
[collapse="Smash 4 Impressions"]
Okay, so, here's all my Marth impressions:

No dash dancing. (or if there is, the window is super tight)
Dash cancel works like Brawl, can cancel with DB.
Dash to shield seems about the same as Brawl.

PIVOT CANCELING NEW META: Out of a dash, if you pivot, you can cancel into a jab/tilt/smash/grab out of the animation. Really fast, and will be a hugely important mechanic. I found it by accident while attempting to pivot grab.

Aerial lag seems higher. 6-10 frames on each aerial. Feels really bad.
Range feels pretty much the same. Fair maybe slightly buffed in range, but nerfed in recovery.
D- tilt IASA is like Brawl, you seem to be able to shield, not sure if IASA shield.
Jab is identical, no finisher.
SHDF and SH Fair -> Uair don't work. Fair recovery seems increased.
Unable to test Footstool dair due to difficulty of footstool in FFA.
Bair facing works like Brawl, bair feels really good.
Nair still feels godlike.
U-tilt seems both slower to start up (very slightly) and slower to recover. Still has back-side strong hitbox.

DB timing is slightly stricter, might just be the TVs.
DS recovers much faster when used from the ground. Not sure about I-frames yet.
RCO lag definitely still there. orz
Dancing Blade has AWFUL recovery if you stop it early. Like, gotta be around 25 frames. DB1 mixups are toast for sure. 4th hit feels a great deal stronger. Likely only safe if you stop after 3rd hit down due to backstep. Stopping after first two hits would be suicide.
Upwards ver. of Dancing Blade has more range I think.
DB1 air 'mini-jump' still works.

No follow ups to grab. Kirby at 0 went about as far as he would at 70 in Brawl from f-throw.
D-throw sent pretty much totally vertical.
Grab range seems slightly nerfed, slightly more recovery? (Grabs in General seems slow to recover)
Pivot Grab still works, still godlike.

Bair is great. Fast, great range, excellent for edge guards.
Fair is a bit slow, but has decent range/power.
Uair is amazing and I was able to get a few legit follow ups from throws/other moves.
Dair (hereforth known as Footdive) is actually pretty good for a stall n' fall, and you can move freely after bouncing. Can probably chain it on big characters at specific percents.
Smashes seem okay. U-Smash seems good, D-Smash has a booty hitbox and is kinda slow.
F-Smash has decent range, but it also a bit slow and not that strong.
F-tilt has fast start-up and great range, but awful recovery.
D-tilt is way too short-range to be used as a poke.
U-tilt is like a smaller version of DK's u-tilt.
His throws all seem decent, and I'm somewhat confident you can get follow-ups from them.
Side-B can be held to travel additional distance. Gren can still move while doing this, but he can only walk slowly. Releasing the button activates the attack. Pretty fast. Apparently his shadow moves while he's charging it, to indicate where he'll appear.
Water shur is great, good aerial mobility while charging.


F-tilt with Sheik is just as good. All tilts are still good.
Uair is multihit now.
Nair animation is different but still good.
Bair feels about the same.
Up-B seems to move slightly less before the poof.
Side- B bombs are super slow, I have no idea if they're actually good or not or where you'd even viably use them.
Down-B is just weird, startup is pretty slow as well. Can get a sizable wall-jump if you contact a wall during the flip.


Arrows are awful now. Start-up is way worse, so is recovery, and they move slower.
F-tilt is godlike. Has IASA frames and amazing range. It's like Marth's d-tilt level of good.
Bair is still great, has seemingly very little landing lag.

I would say, from first impressions, I would have 5/8 stages legal
Battlefield and City&Town (Nu Smashville) are perfect
Skyloft is basically Delfino without water.
Mario stage is the same idea, with predictable transformation timing. Around 40 seconds per transition.
Colisseum would be banned. Too damn big for singles.
Boxing Ring banned for sure. Walk-offs, walls, and stalling on top of the arena lights. (they respawn after 5 seconds if you break them, so it's not a viable anti-stall)
Wily's Castle would've been godlike if the Yellow Devil wasn't a thing.
I can't remember the 8th stage

<Notes from Croi, our Wario main>

Back throw feels nerfed. Frame data is really bad but cooldown is low. Can't follow it up with anything.
Inhale feels nerfed slightly.
Bair is buffed; comes out faster and sourspot hits harder.
Shield is larger.
Final Cutter damage/knockback is buffed; the shockwave is *drastically* nerfed, presumably to keep scrubs from spamming it online.
Stone has longer startup but is otherwise the same.
Fair feels slightly buffed; less frames in-between each kick.
Dair feels nerfed, smaller hitbox.
Grab game in general feels stronger, but it might just be the animations making it feel more rewarding for landing one.

Donkey Kong:
He's ****ING MASSIVE. Larger than Bowser by a decent margin. His bigger body is possibly a buff for singles (longer range) but a detriment to doubles. (Probably like 20-30% bigger)
Recovery feels buffed vertically and horizontally, but is slower.
Dsmash is faster but is possibly weaker.
Punch has a weird charging animation; possibly a shorter range?
Aerial down+b confirmed. Spikes softly but is faster than dair.
Fair frames feel buffed slightly.
Ground Pound still has silly range.
Dash attack acts like it does in P:M, but is slower.

Mario feels like he'd make high tier easily. He's basically just Brawl Mario, but everything is faster, hits harder, and is just easier and more rewarding. He can fair all day like it ain't no thang.
Aerial fireball is nerfed; it travels mostly straight down. Probably to make it harder to recover high.
No real criticisms otherwise. Of the characters that I've tried, I'd main Mario in a heartbeat.

Can act out of Fox Illusion, including using Fire Fox, but not Fox Illusion again. If this is intentional, Fox's recovery is STUPID GOOD.
Most of his attacks are heavily nerfed. Fresh uair at 70 barely did anything. He has the speed for decent combo games, though.
Frame data feels roughly as good as Brawl, nowhere near Melee obv.
Laser does not cancel on landing. Camping is massively nerfed as a result.
Shine cannot stall like it could in Brawl.

Wii Fit Trainer:
Recovery is terrible, but maybe I'm just using it wrong? I pressed up+b and she barely went anywhere. Maybe you have to press it repeatedly, or maybe jiggle the stick? Either way it was crapass.
Frames in general feel generous and she *feels* like she hits decently hard. Her specials are generally pretty booty, though.
Her "Praise the Sun" projectile is slow and weak, even fully charged, but it charges quickly. Not a good trade since you typically charge attacks when the opponent is offstage anyway.
"Focus" offers too little for too much and can fail entirely if your timing is off.
Volleyball is actually pretty neat. Angle can be adjusted slightly and I believe it can be smashed, like Samus's missiles.
Overall Wii Fit Trainer feels very technical. She could potentially be devastating but I can't put in the time or the effort with a limited Best Buy beta demo to say for sure.

Can't jump out of spindash???
Recovery feels about the same as in Brawl.
Dash attack hits like Project: M's side+b, but can't jump out of it. Good for pressuring shields regardless.
Fair is buffed; has almost no landing lag.
Dair is strong but has a gross amount of landing lag, moreso than Brawl.
Overall feels pretty bad and possible the most "unfinished" character I've played. Nothing with him really feels good or rewarding, despite how flashy some of his aerials look.

Little Mac:
Not a good choice of character for a Wario main.
*Very* strong ground game. Jabs, tilts, smashes, grab game, everything on the ground is very rigid and powerful.
Recovery is literally the worst I've ever seen. Side+b and up+b are useless in the air (both are very strong on the ground).
Uncharged fsmash does 20%.
Uncharged usmash killed Rosalina on Battlefield at ~80%.
OHKO (which isn't, by the way) has very good frame data: just a little slower than his jab and has super armour, possibly invincibility, until end.

You can't act out of hitstun, so combos like Melee are possible, although as it is, it feels like most attacks are too strong at low percentages, specifically to discourage them.
I've only tried Mario and Little Mac, but pivot grabs feel much stronger than in Brawl.
Pivoting in general is a whole tech in itself: you can tilt/smash/grab/jab out of a pivot.
The visuals are great without being overwhelming. They look confusing and distracting on Twitch and Youtube, but in practice, it's all very easy to digest while still being entertaining and enrapturing. The 60 FPS jump also makes a massive difference.
The demo feels very unfinished and rough, but you can get a general feel for the direction the game is going in, and it feels great. There are some oversights, some rather drastic (i.e. Fox's amazing recovery), but I'm looking forward to the finished product, especially if the Nintendo reps are paying as close attention to player feedback as they say.


Sep 3, 2010
Morrisville, NC
Ended up not playing the demo after all. My friend and I got there early, and there was already a 3 hour line at Best Buy. We ended up just heading back to his house and playing Project M for 3 hours.
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