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Delawares Finest


Deleted member

well ill try to go to mikes tim but idk i need money for gas and need to know all the details of who whats gonna be there and whats all going down so post it up mang


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2008
Maple Island
If at all possible, I would like to come up as well. I wanna test myself against you guys. Im available Saturday.

Also, Im starting to review games and posting them on youtube. Here is my review of Assassin's Creed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCGsXdq9wPc If it sucks, tell me.
I watched.... i mean listened (because there is no video) to like 5 seconds of it. It's a review about a game that everybody has either played or knows someone who has played it. There's not a whole lot of mystery about the game Kevin. I mean Jesus a 7 minute long review of assassins creed... let alone a 7 minute review of assassins creed with out any thing to keep your eyes entertained with!? The review could of literally been 60 seconds long... "So my name is program and assassins creed is your generic 3rd person action game that's fun for about 30 minutes until you realize that the 3 course meal of a game you thought you bought was really just a bag of dog **** disguised with a ribbon and bow top. Bottom line the game is average you've probably played something just like it before. Is it worth paying 60 dollars for? hell no, but the game is only worth 20 dollars now so if you do decide to pick it up you didn't waste alot of money." something along the lines of that. If your not gonna have any video for your video game reviews kev bot you need to review an interesting game.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Wilmington, DE
This I need to see, and take part of as well

btw Ultima, you called around 1pm today right? Sorry about that I was in class atm and...well my teacher is a slightly incredible B**** about those things

Check this out you'll love it Epic... Also I'm sure everyone else would love to see Epic getting counterpicked with Falcon...


Nick Nasty

Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
Dover, DE
The match was looked pretty funny to me. The rising Yoshida Brothers are awesome lol. Hey Justin are you coming down today or Saturday?


Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2008
*grin* Heh...it looks like we're gonna need a time to meet at the same time and deliver the beat down on each other.

Luckily my car should be out of the shop by tommorrow so I'll make certain to get my school work done so that we can do something this weekend.

Oh, and Ultima...I just meant that Boog just used a better character (in terms of tiers)...after all pretty much everybody is better than Falcon.
p.s. to epic.....Boog uses everyone O_O

except olimar...xD

epic of DE

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2008
Newark, DE (only a mile from University of Delawar
Sigh...I should probably air dodge more often when I play Brawl...I don't think I airdodged even once in that match.

Yo Ultima, Any chance I could get some practice before Mike's thing on Sunday?

I haven't played any serious melee or brawl for weeks

Edit: You realize that means we gotta falcon ditto don't you?


Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2008
lol....yea ultima we def gotta marth ditto again too, was a fun and interesting fight ;) ...so...how do i get into you guys brawl crew???

Deleted member

lol....yea ultima we def gotta marth ditto again too, was a fun and interesting fight ;) ...so...how do i get into you guys brawl crew???
its not a brawl crew hahaha!

tis a smash crew my friend.

Deleted member

are u a DE player?

if so play 2 members i select in a melee set and if you win your in "u"

or just play me in a set of melee "u"


Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2008
are u a DE player?

if so play 2 members i select in a melee set and if you win your in "u"

or just play me in a set of melee "u"
****, if thats the terms then that sux for me, i havent played melee in a minute b4 2 nights ago...a couple months ago i would take that challenge up with happy smiles, but im kinda strictly brawl right now when it comes to skill....dont really have anyone to help me get my melee skillz back ya kno...****it y cant i just brawl somebody lol

Deleted member

you can always be an honorary member....and ill let u play me in a brawl 3-set i suppose "u"


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Wilmington, DE
IMO... he will beat a lot of people in the existing crew in brawl.

Idk about melee... we played like 2-3 FFA matches. I always tried to eliminate him first... for what it's worth he was harder to hit than the other guys.


Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2008
Ugh! Finally im home after a long *** day at a district meeting @_@...ok, first n foremost, i do live near chs and would happily play whomever i need live or wifi in a 2/3 brawl match for an honorary member spot... like i said before i pretty much suck n melee now since ive been out of practice so long, and ultima sure your good practice owning me and all, but its gonna have to be more often then just 1nce a month ya kno lol...but i wouldnt mind growing the skillz back n melee since i wasnt a half bad player..I was pretty ok at SHFFL-ing around, just gotta get the groove back i guess...but as brawl was becoming the hype of the year, i kinda stopped before i got enough knowledge to hold myself out...plus i never focused enough on the many differences of melee and brawl to differentiate the 2 in order to not have that confusion issue between the 2 games (mouthful lol)....im a in-depth analyzing typa guy when it comes to in game play...and epic i wouldnt mind throwing u a couple smash bros 64 games just for kix...but its been even longer since ive played that.. so i dont kno how ill do lol...
My Melee mains were falcon n marth
I guess my brawl bests are Fox Zelda n Ice Climbers (chaingrabs aside)....even tho ive gotten pretty good with meta (1 of the characters i hate btw)...
SSB to be discovered...but prolly pika or kirby...
so yea..srry for the paragraph


Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2008
Outer Heaven, DE
My Melee Main is Ganondorf, Secondary is Roy.

My Brawl Main is Metaknight. My Secondaries are Peach, Diddy, Marth, and Snake.

By the way guys, Money is extremely tight for me and my family right now (Its 90 degrees in my room right now if thats any indication.) So like, its going to be very difficult for me to go anywhere. Im signing my paychecks over to my mom (My idea) to pay bills and ****, and I get 20$ a week for gas. Im not begging you guys to come down here, but its looking impossible for me to goto dover until i get things straight. Im not asking for pity, just understanding.

I love you all. Thanks for the fun brawlage. Brett, nick, and Tim.... make me good at melee.

PS Justin. Thanks for the input, but it was more of a rant then a review. If you think thats long, your lucky im not posting the Disgaea 3 review. Its HARD to get video of these games to post because of all the copyright bull****. Im just trying to make a point with what little material I have. It was also unrehearsed, I just up and did it. Yea its rough, but Its something im willing to work on.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3c_5TFROMw This **** is serious. Like for People who never smile.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2008
Maple Island
My Melee Main is Ganondorf, Secondary is Roy.

My Brawl Main is Metaknight. My Secondaries are Peach, Diddy, Marth, and Snake.

By the way guys, Money is extremely tight for me and my family right now (Its 90 degrees in my room right now if thats any indication.) So like, its going to be very difficult for me to go anywhere. Im signing my paychecks over to my mom (My idea) to pay bills and ****, and I get 20$ a week for gas. Im not begging you guys to come down here, but its looking impossible for me to goto dover until i get things straight. Im not asking for pity, just understanding.

I love you all. Thanks for the fun brawlage. Brett, nick, and Tim.... make me good at melee.

PS Justin. Thanks for the input, but it was more of a rant then a review. If you think thats long, your lucky im not posting the Disgaea 3 review. Its HARD to get video of these games to post because of all the copyright bull****. Im just trying to make a point with what little material I have. It was also unrehearsed, I just up and did it. Yea its rough, but Its something im willing to work on.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3c_5TFROMw This **** is serious. Like for People who never smile.
what are you doing today kevin?


Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2008
program u can practice some melee on me ;)... ill have a better chance of kneeing u then ultima :)....so are u guys playing 2morro??


Smash Rookie
Apr 1, 2008
i actually enjoyed that match.

one thing,if you grab sakes cypher(his up B) he falls back down and doesnt get it back "u"
lol yea? i never really tried that before...that was just a for fun fight tho, i was toying with em the whole time...Bowser is Ma Beassst!!! xD ...I own his collar O_o, check out some of my other videos

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