Nova and Epic, you guys should come to Alukard's Bi-weekly. ^_^ I wouldn't mind taking on a Marth again, I could use the practice to see if I should MM JMan's Marth. BTW,'re not still trying to DI down on Peach's Dsmash, are you? lol. Been a while, guys.
"Crank that Roy"
"Gimpin' is a Habit"
I can't really travel that far again without a sum of people chipping in for gas, its just too far. Not only that, but i wouldn't be able to do that for some time because school just keeps getting more intense every semester.
Animation majors = you have no life, whatsoever.
My schedule is basically
Monday, from 2:20 to 5:10 i have my academic classes
Tuesday from 9:35 to 4:35 i have my storyboard and CGI classes
Wednesday is another academic day
Thursday from 9:35 to 4:35 is my animation class
Friday from 1:05 to 3:55 is my drawing for animation class
Homework is pretty much like so. Tuesday, spend a couple hours doing thumbnails, then a couple hours doing the actual storyboard, and an hour of touch-up, followed by shooting the animatic; on top of that a page a day for a sketchbook. Animation homework pretty much takes at least 12 hours to complete if you wanna have something professional to add to your portfolio; on top of that, every 2 weeks there is a animation history paper due on formal critiques. Drawing for animation homework isn't that bad so far, but its many small things that add up, plus another page per day in a separate sketchbook. And i've just been half-assing my academic work...
I work sundays, so that leaves only the occasional saturday, if im not inundated with **** to do.
Maybe over semester breaks we can set something up.