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DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Arcade Endings:
Magik was minding her own business in Limbo being the Queen until a mysterious figure appears, Lucifer Morningstar appeared but for our surprise, is apparrently a well knowed person for Magik (since is explained that apparently him and Mephisto are some sort of family), Lucifer goes for make her the offer of the control of his own Hell after his previous plans to leave the Hell without a person in charge where a disaster, while Magik had doubts thinking there it was some sort of dirty trick she accepted. Now, with her gained status as the Ruler of Hell, Magik (with her Darkchylde form) grins to the camera leaving the spectators the doubt if she end being consumed by the power or not.
Scott defeated Thanoseid, he saved the day and he is preparing to celebrating going in a date with Ramona!...but then a character that Scott know very well appears behind him, it's Gideon who reclaimed the powers of Thanos and Darkseid to make his Glow stronger and reclaim Ramona into his control again, but before he would be able to do something he and Ramona are saved by nobody else than the other Scott, Cyclops! And both of them goes to a double date with Cyclops bringing Jean, but wait there is more!, it just happened that Cyclops bringed an act of matriculation to the Charles Xavier School and Scott can go there for free without needing to pay rent! This is Scott best day!
Scott wakes up of his crazy dream by Wallace who tells him that he is going late to his job has a cook, Scott is quite sad since his dream was very awesome but the life must go on, thought after he leaves a bunch of mutants using their civil attires (Scott Summers himself, Kitty Pryde, Firestar, Iceman and Jubilee) pass away so maybe Scott's dream wasn't too much of a dream after all...
On a side note and since theme is still relevant, I was surprised by the amount of votes it had Decade, has I said before I aren't a huge tokusatsu fan since I was actually introduced by my cousin recently but I still thinked that it was like the most classic definition of japanese super hero and so I considered him fitting, even if he didn't win I'm still glad he at least had a chance, maybe if I expended additional time on a moveset he would have got more repercution.....oh well, things that happen, I'm still very hapy with Goku and Luffy thought! Even if they aren't the more fitting options I think they are two of the most fun being heroes but in a very different defintion of the classical occidental archetype.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
We open on a fairly standard-looking airport. Scott Pilgrim, having just defeated Thanoseid, is defending himself against a woman at baggage check.

Scott: I told you, lady, it's not a replica and it's not harmful!
Baggage handler: Oh? You're telling me this is a real...bat boomerang?
Scott: Batarang, and yeah. I did the entirety of the multiverse a pretty big favor, so Bru...I-I mean BATMAN gave that to me as a gift.

The woman isn't impressed. "It's still sharp. It's classified as a weapon by our airline's standards."
Scott looks defeated, but continues on. "This is a safety model, if you look close enough. The blade's blunt now, but a sharper one protrudes when it reaches a high airspeed velocity. So just don't throw it, dude." (He is totally making this up. 100%.)
She looks at him with dead eyes, then sighs. "I'll pull some strings so you can keep your...beyblade thing."

She drops it back into Scott's suitcase, but a red light suddenly eminates from the Batarang, and it starts beeping loudly, with each gap between beeps becoming increasingly shorter. Scott, fast on his feet, grabs the Batarang and throws it up into the ceiling, nearly damaging it (and causing quite the scene, with many people yelling and whatnot).
Scott turns around, cautiously. "Uh...in my defense, I did not know that one was explosive."
The handler is extremely stern now. "I've had enough. I'm calling security now."

"Wait, no! Don't do that!" Scott extends a hand forward.

Suddenly, the woman stands straight up from her bent-over position and stares forward blankly. "Nevermind. Secuirty won't be neccessary."

Scott looks at the woman with confusion, then at his hand, and then back to the handler. "Uh...you should...leave now?"

"I'm going to take my lunch break now." She walks away, as does pretty much everyone around Scott, with the same blank expression and posture.

Scott smiles, then fists the air in excitement. "I've got mind control, too? Hell yeah! This is awesome!" He then looks back to his hand. "Kind of a villain power, though. Hope I don't turn into an evil ex-boyfriend or anything."

"Yes. We wouldn't want that happening."

Scott turns around to see his childhood idol, Professor X, wheeling up towards him. He lets out an audible gasp, dropping his hand to his side. He then regains his composure and offers it to the professor.

"Oh wow. It's such an honor to meet you, Scott. I'm sir. Or...wait. Swap those two. Uh, sorry. I'm really nervous right now."

Xavier shakes Scott's hand. "Oh please, it should be me who's nervous. Defeating Thanos or Darkseid on their own would be the downfall of most heroes, yet you persevered, and if you hadn't, neither of us would be here right now."

Scott smiles, trying his best to contain his excitement. "Oh, yeah. Y'know. I was just in the neighborhood."

"And then having the courage to steal a Batarang from the Caped Crusader? How exemplary."

Scott looks like he's about to panic. "Hey, don't get on my ass about that! He has like, a million Batarangs and a bajillion dollars!"

Prof. X laughs. "Don't worry. I won't tell him. But I would get a good lawyer, just in case. I think I heard Nelson and Murdock defend clients virtually now. Where did you say you were from, Scott?"

Scott looks relieved that he doesn't have to answer for his crime (at the moment). "Uh, Torronto. It's where I'm headed now, actually. Cool city. Really cold."

Professor X smiles widely. "I'm sure it's fantastic. But you're mystrious combat abilities and extensive superhero knowledge has...intrigued me, to say the least. And that's not mentioning how you used both to swiftly defeat a multiversal crisis." He looks toward the ground, then back at Scott, who is giddy with excitement at what he's about to hear. "Scott, would you like to take classes at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters?"

Scott almost yells in delight, before an announcement comes on the intercom: "The last plane for Torronto is departing in five minutes."

He looks down and sighs, then back at X. "Professor, that's an incredible honor. If you asked me a few years ago, I would've said yes in a heartbeat. But..." He looks back at the terminal, where he sees visions of Ramona, Wallace, Kim, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Knives, Stacey, Lisa, and Envy, all staring back at him. Scott turns back to Xavier, with more determination this time. "But I can't leave behind the people I love. Even if working with you to hone my powers and kick bad guy ass would be the most awesome, coolest thing ever, I can't leave my old life behind."

Professor X nods. "I understand. But, you'll always be an honorary member." He reaches into his pocket, then leans over and places a hand on Scott's shoulder sleeve. When he removes it, Scott is estatic to see an authentic X-Men patch, unlike his prevoiusly homemade one. Scott smiles and nods, then runs to the terminal, holding his suitcase with determination.

He then looks to the camera. "Oh, yeah - thank you so much for playing my game!" he says in a terrible Mario impression. He laughs, then runs out of view.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
The defeat of Thanoseid at the hands of Invincible made waves across the superhero community. Who was he? What species was he? Mark received many invitations to join some premiere superhero teams: The Justice League, the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy; he denied all of them, of course. Invincible is more of an independent act. But he did make one request!
After Batman and Mr. Fantastic did a thorough analysis on Mark's Viltrumite physiology, they began formulating a plan and dispatching heroes capable of defeating Viltrumites in raw battle. Mark had a universe to save, and with the aid of superheroes of other universe, it'd be nothing less than a piece of cake.
A portal opens over Talescria; A raging battle ensued, as the Coalition of Planets was on their last leg against the Viltrumite Empire. Suddenly, Invincible comes flying out the portal, with Superman and Sentry in tow, and a legion of superheroes following them. The war might just be over after all.
Red Tornado
Jessica Cruz
Firestorm (Jason)
Black Lightning
Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
Hank Pym
Black Widow
Black Knight
Wonder Man
Mister Terrific
The Spectre
War Machine
Hawkeye (Classic Uniform)
Atom Smasher
America Chavez
Decided to fill out cameo ideas for multiple stages that had none, mostly in response to the recently added Mount Justice stage. Since we already had a JL and Avengers centric stage, I figured MJ's cameos should focus on alternate teams: The West Coast Avengers and Justice Society, neither of which had major representation in stages. I mostly went for characters that aren't playable and don't make cameos else where, but to do that I had to figure out cameos for multiple stages, which I was able to do.
JL and JSA were a bit hard. I wanted to avoid overlap with characters I made reference to in Amazo's moveset; Since MJ was a reward for beating him that wasn't really a problem for me, but for HoJ I struggled to find alternatives. I don't think it should matter all too much but it is a bit of a pet peeve for me regardless.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'll add the endings to the first post and add all of the new dialogue to the Google Doc when I get the chance. I'll keep the job for Goku's moveset open for another day in case anyone else has other ideas.

Here are the Goku costumes that were nominated:

-Champion of Hyrule
-Infinity Sorcerer

Job 254: nominate a Dragon Ball stage

Pick a stage that's based on any location from Dragon Ball!

Job 255: nominate arcade mode rivals for Goku and/or Luffy

I figure Goku's rival is a little obvious (which is why I'm doing this earlier than I normally would), but you can pick a character from either company to be their second-to-last battle in arcade mode.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
For Luffy's rival, I'm going to nominate Plastic Man, since they're both goofy shape-shifters/rubbermen, Plastic Man has a criminal past, and Luffy's (technically) a criminal. (the worst thing he's done is causing a prison breakout; otherwise, the only crimes he's committed are sailing with a pirate flag and beating up corrupt officials)

I could see Plastic Man taking Luffy's absurdly high bounty as a sign that he's dangerous, and upon learning that someone like that has powers similar to his, Plastic Man sets out to stop Luffy before he can cause any havoc in other worlds. (all of the seriousness of the conflict would presumably drain away once Plastic Man talks to Luffy for even a short amount of time)
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Dragon Ball Stage:

World Martial Arts Tournament

A recurring location in the series, Goku travels to the World Martial Arts Tournament to test his strength and meet new rivals, even as far into the series as the final chapter. Crowds of spectators will be watching the fight, including some familiar faces.


Master Roshi









Mr. Satan

Mr. Buu




Android 18

(yes, I realize the pictures are all over the place chronologically-speaking. I probably could have fit more in, but sixteen already felt like a lot)


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
The costume poll is tied, so I flipped a coin and we'll be including Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Goku costumes! By default, Goku's rival will be Superman, while Luffy's rival will be Plastic Man!

Here are the Goku movesets that we have to choose between:

-Infinity Sorcerer

And these are the Dragon Ball stages that were nominated:

-Planet Namek
-World Martial Arts Tournament
-Gizard Wasteland


Job 256: nominate a moveset for Luffy

We'll take two or three days to complete this one, depending on how many nominations there are. (I usually stretch it to three days if there's only one nomination by the end of the second) It's worth noting that we might wind up covering some content that hasn't appeared in the anime yet (at least, I plan to have that as his level 3 super); it's your call if you want to spoiler-tag anything or not.

If you need to spoiler-tag something, you can use [ ispoiler ] and [ / ispoiler ] without the spaces. (or, if you click on the three dots, they have the option for Inline Spoiler, which does the same thing)

Job 257: nominate costumes for Luffy

Nominate a default costume and up to seven alternates!


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Gonna put a vote for vote for World Martial Arts Tournament - as someone whose never read or watched Dragon Ball, I recognize this place immediately over the other two, so it definitely has more iconicity to me. Also, it's literally a fighting ground- perfect for a fighting game


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

Luffy moveset

Unique Ability: Gear 2nd
- when pressed, Luffy's next special will become a "Jet" variant (ex. Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol), moving faster and dealing more damage. (this doesn't impact his regular attacks or his supers), moving faster and hitting harder. After the Jet version is used, there's a cooldown on the Unique Ability to keep it from being overused.

Gomu Gomu no Pistol (quarter circle forward + attack) - Luffy stretches his arm forward for an extended punch

Gomu Gomu no Balloon (quarter circle back + attack) - Luffy inflates himself like a balloon, knocking nearby opponents away with the initial inflation and deflecting physical projectiles.

Gomu Gomu no Rocket (back, forward, attack) - Luffy launches himself forward like a slingshot, barreling into the opponent.

Gomu Gomu no Storm (Shoryuken motion + attack) - Luffy spins around like a corkscrew and then launches himself into the air, rapidly punching upwards.

Gomu Gomu no Axe (down, up, attack) - Luffy stretches his leg high into the air before he brings it crashing down into the ground.

Level 1: Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - Luffy inflates his arm like a balloon before punching forward, filling a large portion of the screen with a fist the size of a freight train.

Level 2: Gomu Gomu no Kong Organ (half circle forward + attack) - transforming into his Gear 4th: Boundman state, Luffy compresses both of his fists into his arms, moving them horizontally at such a speed that his arms leave after-images. He releases his fists, launching out a series of rapid hard-hitting punches.

Level 3: Drums of Liberation (press all buttons) - this hasn't been covered in the anime yet, to my knowledge, so I'm going to spoiler tag it. Luffy does a sweep kick, and if it connects, he leaps into the air. Silhouetted against a full moon that appears for the purposes of this super, he transforms into his Gear 5th state, with his hair and clothing turning white regardless of what he's wearing, his hair sticking straight up, and smoke forming a ribbon/scarf over his shoulders. Laughing uncontrollably, Luffy grabs the downed opponent and spins them over his head like a propeller (no matter how implausible that may be) before slamming them into the ground. (the opponent's eyes might cartoonishly bulge out of their heads when grabbed, though I'm not sure - in some cases, it would either be out of character (ex. Batman, Doctor Doom) or impossible (Ultron), though arguably, that's the point) Luffy leaps up into the clouds, which split apart to reveal that he's grown to the size of a giant. He stomps on the opponent in his giant state, causing the ground around them to shatter and ending the super,


Luffy costumes

1. Default

2. Film Red

3. Mugiwara 56

4. Strong World
5. Tea Party

6. Samurai

7. Gladiator

8. Afro Luffy (with the slight change that he has an x-shaped scar on his chest)
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
My Luffy costumes win by default, and going by the polls, we'll be adding my Goku moveset and the World Martial Arts Tournament stage!

Job 258: nominate a One Piece stage

Any stage based on a location from One Piece is fine here, and given that the series is about traveling the world, there are a LOT of locations to choose from.

Job 259: nominate a costume pack

This should be our final round for DLC costume packs; I wanted to wait until the guest characters were decided on in case anyone wanted to base a pack around one or both of those series.

As usual, each pack will include four costumes. (though cases like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Rocket and Groot are grouped into one costume for the sake of this)


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I'm going to pass on the costume packs this time; I already have 2 of mine included this season and I want to give other people a chance to include theirs. Plus, I got all of my most wanted costumes, really.

I did have an idea for The Boys premiere skins; if anyone wants to use said idea, go right ahead


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Costume Pack: Cross Epoch

Piccolo (Martian Manhunter costume - just the clothes)

Buggy the Clown (The Joker - just the clothes)

Mercenary Killmonger (Black Panther premiere costume - has the same voice lines as the pre-existing Killmonger costume)
(I went with this one since he's basically cosplaying as Vegeta already)

Brook (Ghost Rider - just the clothes, and his head's on fire rather than him having an afro)
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Both costume packs will be added, and here's the poll for the One Piece stage:

I'm not sure if anyone else has an interest in making a Luffy moveset; I can add mine by default, but if anyone else wants to try making a Luffy moveset so we can vote on it, let me know.

Job 260: nominate a guest boss battle

It's worth noting that this guest boss doesn't have to be from Dragon Ball or One Piece; you can nominate a character from a Image series like Spawn or Invincible, an Oni Press series like Scott Pilgrim, another Shueisha/Shonen Jump series, or another comic in general if you feel like it fits.

(though Fables was mentioned for an earlier guest boss round - going by Wikipedia, it was published under DC's Vertigo imprint, so that would mean that the characters from Fables would be considered DC characters as far as I can tell. That's something to keep in mind for the DC wildcard round, though)

If you want to, you can include a potential moveset for a boss, or a reward for beating them.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You

Unique Ability: Busoshoku Haki
Luffy enhances his arms and legs with Haki, being able to stack it to 3, with the Haki Luffy does more damage and gains superarmor in his moves, after enough hits the Haki is breaked.

Gomu Gomu no Pistol​
Half Circle + X (Air OK)​
Luffy stretches his arm very fast to punch the opponent, it can attack in 8 directions. The motion works like Goldlewis's Behemoth Typhoon.
Gomu Gomu no Gatling​
Mash X​
Luffy attacks multiple times with his punches in rapid succession. You can move a little during the attack and also use 236 + X to do a finisher attack with a huge punch blow.
Gomu Gomu no Rocket​
[4]6 + X​
Luffy stretches both his arms and launch forwards like a slinghshot, the strong version goes in a air diagonal direction and can grab the opponent directly.
Gomu Gomu no Axe​
[2]8 + X​
Luffy jumps and attacks with his leg stretching it high into the air and the crash down into the ground.
Gomu Gomu no Storm​
236 + X (Air OK)​
Luffy spins around like a corskrew, then he impulse himself to the air.
Gomu Gomu no Balloon​
214 + X​
Luffy inflates his body like a ballon, this move works like a counter where if hits it makes the opponent bounce back.
Level 1 Super:
Gear 2nd
222 + XX​
Luffy adopts a stance and his skin goes redish while vapor goes around him, in this state Luffy is faster and stronger for a limited aount of time, enhancing his specials into "Jet" variants this technique can be used along the Haki to maximize Luffy's damage.
Level 1 Super:
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol
236236 + X​
Luffy use the Gear 3 to increase his arm into a enormeous size, then he delivers a huge fullscreen blow that ignores defense.
Level 2 Super:
Gomu Gomu no Kong Organ
214214 + X​
Using the Boundman version of the Gear 4, Luffy compress both fists into his arms moving them horizontally in a rapid fashion, with the afterimages giving the impression of two extra pairs of arms being materialized, before releasing a flurry of continuous heavy punches.
Level 3 Super:
All Buttons Pressed​
Luffy grabs the opponnent with hsi arms sending them to a cinematic where he use his Gear 5th form, Luffy laughs while he starts to beat the opponent using his shapeshifter powers, grabs them and starts to spin them like a propeller and launch them to the air finishing with the reveal that he grew to a giant size and stomps the opponent.
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Deleted member


Beerus and Whis
The God of destruction and his Guide Angel Attendant. Beerus wishes to test the strengh of the varoius fighters present in this game. Players fight Whis first and then Beerus.



Tournament of Power (Stage)


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Job 260: Guest Boss
Alias: Frieza
First Appearance: Dragon Ball #247: Dark Clouds Swirl (October, 1989)

I don't know anything about Dragon Ball. But I know this guy. I only know he's the main villain of a major arc. But he's pretty iconic, to the point where everyone knows who he is without knowing anything about Dragon Ball. He's cool. He should be a boss. Cool boss fight; Imagine Superman and Iron Man fighting him. Wicked

Savage Dragon as a playable Character

(I don't have a real reward)


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Job 260: Guest Boss
Alias: Frieza
First Appearance: Dragon Ball #247: Dark Clouds Swirl (October, 1989)

I don't know anything about Dragon Ball. But I know this guy. I only know he's the main villain of a major arc. But he's pretty iconic, to the point where everyone knows who he is without knowing anything about Dragon Ball. He's cool. He should be a boss. Cool boss fight; Imagine Superman and Iron Man fighting him. Wicked

Savage Dragon as a playable Character

(I don't have a real reward)
Planet Namek could work as a stage reward. It's the planet that he was fought on. (and the one where he infamously claimed that it would blow up in five minutes, only for it to explode roughly ten episodes (several hours by our time) later) Alternatively, you can leave it as-is and we can nominate/vote on what the reward would be.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Planet Namek could work as a stage reward. It's the planet that he was fought on. (and the one where he infamously claimed that it would blow up in five minutes, only for it to explode roughly ten episodes (several hours by our time) later)
Idea: You can only unlock Namek if you beat Frieza in under 5 minutes


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 260:Homelander (The Boys)

Homelander is the main antagonist from The Boys,both in Amazon Prime series and comic books,he is a leader of the seven and the greatest supes from The Boys universe,also he is a psychopath that likes to drink milk. his moveset would be similar to Superman,yes he's kinda a superman clone

the stage is The White House,The White House is a grass place with the White House as background,some random and generic superheroes and some fighter jets are flying on top of White House,this stage is based on a place from Volume 11 of the Comics (warning: i don't want to put Spoilers about the comics)

reward: a Premiere Skin of Homelander for Superman and a Premiere Skin of Soldier Boy for Captain America


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
As this is the last boss challenge in the game, we need someone who's going to be a tough battle even for seasoned veterans. Someone so absurdly cheap that it calls back to the quarter-munching days of the arcades. Someone like...


The hero of One Punch Man, Saitama is a guy who's just a hero for fun. Thanks to a "grueling" training regimen of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run every day for three years (okay, so the 10 km run sounds like a lot), Saitama became so powerful that he can beat anything in one punch. As a result, he's lost the passion and excitement that comes from saving the day, along with all of his hair.

One Punch Man isn't a Shonen Jump series (though it's published under that brand in North America), though it is published by Shueisha digitally and it still falls under the Jump umbrella (though it doesn't get the crossover treatment in games like Jump Force). Still, Shueisha has the publishing rights for it, and much like One Piece and Dragon Ball, Namco-Bandai has the video game rights, so I figure it would still be plausible.

Saitama is pure power without much skill, so his moves wouldn't be the most graceful, but they'd hit harder than anything in the game. (not to the extent of being a one-hit KO, though, since he'd still be holding back)

Consecutive Normal Punches - Saitama sends out a flurry of punches.

Serious Side Hops - Saitama hops from side to side so fast that he creates dozens of afterimages, effectively serving as a teleport since he reappears in the spot of one of the afterimages.

Serious Sneeze - Saitama prepares to attack, but something tickles his nose a bit, causing him to sneeze and send out a massive damaging shockwave of air

Like This, Right? - Saitama tries his best to imitate martial arts techniques, but it boils down to spinning around and hitting people with his butt. This is mostly used to move himself forwards while attacking

Mosquito Swat - a mosquito buzzes around Saitama's head, and he claps his fingers, creating a loud "BOOM" as he tries to catch it. He misses, but this deals damage at close range, and the sonic boom can cancel out projectiles.

Level 3: Serious Series: Serious Punch

Saitama throws a punch, and if it connects, it starts a cutscene where he vanishes, appearing behind the opponent. We see a recreation of the above panel, though it abruptly cuts to a less dramatic angle as Saitama stops just short of punching the opponent and says "Oops". However, the shockwave alone does a massive amount of damage, more than any level 3 super in the game.


Reward: ???

A reward implies that you can beat Saitama.

...on a serious note, he can be beaten, though the victory screen is interrupted by Saitama sitting up in bed, having dreamed the whole fight. (to keep the gag going)

Beating Saitama unlocks his outfit for Squirrel Girl, who's probably the closest equivalent to him on the roster. (though Squirrel Girl keeps her hair)

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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Lord Drakkon (Power Rangers)

an evil alternate universe counterpart of Tommy Oliver (RIP JDF) with Godlike powers and ruler of the Ranger Sentries

Drakkon as a boss would be very powerful utilizing his weapons and calling upon his ranger sentries, Once you decrease his health he goes into Feral mode that would cause him to deal extra damage and summon his powerful Megazord, Black Dragon

A Ranger Slayer premiere costume for Green Arrow and a Drakkon Premiere costume for Dr. Doom

Lord Drakkon first appeared as a comic exclusive Villain
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'll give Infinity Sorcerer time to come up with a Luffy moveset, and in the meantime, the Thousand Sunny will be the final stage of season 3!

boss nominations 3.png

-Lord Beerus and Whis (@Darkonedagger)
-Frieza ( PinkFlare PinkFlare )
-Homelander ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
-Saitama ( Megadoomer Megadoomer )
-Lord Drakkon ( cashregister9 cashregister9 )

Vote for your top three, and you can't put your own nomination in first.

1. Frieza
2. Homelander
3. Saitama

Even if I'm not familiar with Power Rangers and I've only seen some out-of-context clips of The Boys, it seems like we've got some great nominations this time, but only one of them has a Japanese death metal song based on them (to my knowledge):


Job 261: nominate a DC character

It's hard to believe, but we're nearing the end! When I started this roughly six months ago, I wasn't even sure if we'd make it to forty-eight characters total, let alone have full movesets and eight or more costumes for all of them or get to DLC, but we're down to the final DC character!

In case anyone needs a refresher, here's our DC roster so far (not counting premiere costumes, since I didn't have pre-made images for many of them):

dc roster complete.png

-Wonder Woman
-The Flash
-Green Lantern
-The Joker
-Lex Luthor
-Harley Quinn
-Plastic Man
-John Constantine
-Black Canary
-Ra's al Ghul
-Martian Manhunter
-Green Arrow
-Starro the Conqueror
-Doctor Fate
-Blue Beetle
-Black Adam
-Mister Miracle
-Power Girl
-Poison Ivy
-Gorilla Grodd
-Lois Lane

For today's character job, you can nominate any DC or Vertigo character who isn't already playable (or a premiere costume). See an obvious absence from that list above? Have a character that you're really passionate about, or one that you'd think would make a ton of sense in a crossover with Marvel? Did you manage to find a character that's stranger than Dogwelder and want to show them off? Feel free to nominate them!

I'm going to save my nomination for much later than usual to give everyone else a chance to nominate first. I have several characters in mind for this prompt.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 229:VView attachment 363186

i know that a lot of people will think V as a guest character,but V of Vendetta is a comic book series of DC. V is a mysterious man with his iconic Guy Fawkes mask that was subject of experimentation that in increased his physical and cognitive capacibilities. Outside in comics,V just appears on an 2005 movie with same title and he doesn't appears in crossovers,video games,cartoons,TV series and other movies.

V's moveset would be he using weapons as dagger and old guns
i'll resubmit V


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
The Final DC Character! My Nomination:
Alias: Michael Jon Carter
First Appearance: Booster Gold #1 (February, 1986)

From the start of joining the DLC, there was one DC character that I had my mind set on for inclusion in this roster: Lois Lane! But she's already here, so of course my next most wanted DC character was... Peacemaker! And we have him too! After that was... Mister Miracle, whom I got in very early into our DLC campaign. Trickling down the list we had Black Adam, Static, Red Hood which didn't work out so well apparently... but we're here now. The final DC character to ever join this roster for the foreseeable future. Heh, future.
But, yes, at the end of the road, the end of all-time, I cannot visibly see anyone else sitting comfortably in the last spot on the roster, then the one and only: Green Lantern! ...wait, we have 4 of them here? I must be thinking of someone else.
Alright, Alright, anticlimaxes aside, it's Booster Gold! Being a mix of an obvious absence (you could argue one of several), and a character that just makes sense to include in a Marvel crossover, it has to be this guy! He's a fan-favorite, for good reason! Already one of the most requested characters for Injustice as is, a major recurring character in crossover storylines, and his entire gimmick being based around Time Travel, which I don't believe is represented on the roster or in the boss fights to any capacity - case in point, all of these reasons ended up just piling up the idea that Booster Gold should be my final nomination. Not sure what else to say, but I don't think the roster would really feel complete without him; less so than it would with other characters like Hawkgirl, or the Batfamily or Black Manta or any slew of (very deserving) characters that are bound to get nominated for this round. But between all of them? Nah, it should be Booster.

As for powers, Booster Gold has the privilege of having... absolutely none! After all, he's just an ordinary citizen from the 25th-Century... with awesome future tech, including time traveling technology!!! Flight, energy absorption, energy blasts, and a basically impenetrable forcefield that survived the impact of two planets colliding or something, that he used to beat Cable in a Death Battle!? Hardcore. Oh, and he has a little robot sidekick named Skeets, too! He's shaped like an egg, which is pretty funny.

Reasons for Inclusion:
  • Fan-favorite character with a lot of relevance in major DC storylines
  • Unique Time-Travel narrative and abilities
  • Basically the most important member of the Justice League currently left out of the roster
  • Currently not in Injustice, meaning he'd be a completely new character on this roster (a lot of the DC side is Injustice-heavy, really)
  • Fun character interactions
So, for the boss votes:
1. Beerus and Whis
2. Homelander
3. Frieza

This was somewhat tough at first, but in the end I just eliminated the characters I knew I didn't want and stuck to ones I think would be interesting.

Frieza was my own pick but he'd make a lot of sense for a Dragon Ball boss
Homelander makes a lot of sense; The Boys is really popular but isn't represented on the roster at all (I almost nominated a The Boys costume pack a while ago, but decided not to). It would have been fitting to see Billy Butcher as a playable character, and I am a little surprised he wasn't that popular in previous votes. But moving on, Homelander as a boss makes sense and I was kind of expecting this to be a guest boss sooner; With that said, there are a lot of Superman analogues in this game as is so I didn't want to put him down as #1.
Beerus and Whis make equal sense to be a boss from Dragon Ball and are a bit more of a unique twist from Frieza, so I decided to vote for them.

Saitama makes sense, but I don't want the project to get too anime-heavy at the end out of seemingly nowhere. I feel like it was already a stretch (no pun intended) to have Luffy and Goku join, even despite the comic book connection
Lord Drakkon sounds cool but Power Rangers is a big IP, and I'm not exactly sure about including it at the butt end of the game without much fanfare besides a boss. This would perfectly tie into my upcoming Hasbro Fighters thread, though


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
Intro Dialogues:

Deadpool vs. Luffy:
Deadpool: "Oh COME ON, I wanted Mr. Fantastic in so I could make jokes about 'The Smartest Man Alive,' not 'The Dumbest Man Alive!'"
Luffy: "Hey! Zoro! Where's your other sword? Why are you wearing red? And who are you talking to?"
Deadpool: "SEE?! And now I'M going to be the butt of the jokes! WHY DO THESE DEVS LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS AND NOT ME?!"

Goku vs. Leonardo:
Goku: "Huh? A turtle dressed like a ninja? I wonder what Master Roshi would think about teaching an actual turtle?"
Leo: "Sorry, but the only master who's teachings I'll ever need is Master Splinter!"
Goku: "Let's see which is stronger, ninja turtle, or the Turtle Hermit Way!"

Michelangelo vs. Luffy:
Mikey: "Oh man, how am I supposed to fight on an empty stomach? I gotta grab some pizza after this!"
Luffy: "Pizza? What's that? Can you put meat on it?"
Mikey: "I can't believe you've never had pizza before, it's the best! And you can put almost anything on it!"

Deadpool vs. Lobo:
Deadpool: "PFFFFFFFT You might have the same powers as me, but at least I DON'T LOOK LIKE A KISS REJECT! BAHAHAHA!"
Deadpool: "...Now that I think about it, that's probably happened to me at least twice, and DAMN, would it make a fine hat!"
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Better reminded as Batman's replacement after he breaked his spine in Knightfall, Jean-Paul Valley is a vigilante working in the Order of Saint Dumas. While at some point he was more like a villain he is mostly recognized has a member of the extended Batfamily. He fights using a flaming blade knew as Murasama alongside the mystic Suit of Sorrow, a pair of gauntlets named "The Angel's Wrath" between other gadgets.

I just think he is cool ngl.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I guess fatigue hit this thread pretty hard. I would've expected 10 different nominations by now, atleast based on the last Wildcard round. For the end of DLC and this thread as a whole it feels too unfortunate, but I myself will still see every job through to the end
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