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DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
People have the option to edit their posts before I close the voting; it just makes things a little more complicated for me since I need to double check the votes to make sure that my spreadsheet is up to date.
Made sure to notify that my votes were changed instead of just plainly editing it - still, sorry for the complication. This is the thread's last character and I kinda felt like I should take the vote more seriously in this regard

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
I actually was going to submit Cable during submissions, but of course, I was stuck at work and then focusing on playing more of Pokémon Violet. Slightly disappointed, but what can you do lol. Also surprised nobody submitted Namor one final time.
I was very close to submit Namor, but I was thinking that somebody else would do it. Sadly I was wrong.


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Namor did heavily miss out. I considered nominating him in previous rounds but I wanted to stick to my passion characters - I rarely stray away from them.
There are a few characters I would cut in favor of Namor, but what's done is done. I think, even without him, our Marvel line-up is still very strong and I can appreciate it as is


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I was very close to submit Namor, but I was thinking that somebody else would do it. Sadly I was wrong.
I think the biggest surprise for me when it came to these wildcard rounds was that nobody nominated Brainiac for DC or Namor for Marvel. (though there was nothing stopping me from nominating either when I had the chance, so I'm just as guilty haha)


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I suppose with all these huge missing characters, we should have a Season 4 or Ultimate Edition. Am I right?


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
We have a rather unusual situation as far as the results of the vote go. I double checked and triple checked just in case anyone edited their posts recently, and here's what I got...

Taskmaster: 6
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: 7
Nightcrawler: 7
Kang: 8
Winter Soldier: 11
Adam Warlock: 13
Gwenpool: 13
She-Hulk: 13

As you can see, we have a three-way tie for first. I could have taken advantage of this to edit my own vote and make it so Gwenpool wins, but that felt dishonest considering that I was keeping track of the results and, as far as I could tell, I was the only one who knew about this situation. (I don't think anyone else was aware of it, anyway)

I'm not really sure what the best way to handle this is. I could do a poll, but some users have had difficulty with voting in them, and it runs the risk of splitting the vote. Doing a ranked vote for your top three wouldn't really make sense with only three participants, so I think I'm going to do a ranked vote with the top two.

Marvel final 3.png

-Adam Warlock

You can put whoever you want in first, even if you originally nominated them. I'm not sure how this is going to go (maybe we're going to end up with a tie again, for all I know), but ranked voting seems to have worked better for this thread than the polls. (the polls don't get a ton of interest - the last few moveset polls got only two or three votes in total, though maybe that's due to people not being as interested in movesets)

1. Gwenpool
2. She-Hulk


The Booster Gold moveset job is still open. Nobody else nominated costumes for Booster, or a moveset or a reward for Frieza, so mine win by default.

We can't really do the usual character jobs, so instead, we'll go with a retrospective.

What do you think of our final-ish roster?

marvel vs dc final roster.png

We've got nearly eighty characters in this line-up (seventy-seven plus the winner of this vote for a total of 78) - what are your thoughts on our choices? Were there any characters that you wanted to see added in this line-up who didn't make it in?

I thought about doing a "last second chance" job as a surprise, where anyone who came in second (or third if two characters made it in) and hadn't been added to the roster since could be voted on as a last-minute inclusion, but I wasn't sure. For reference, the line-ups would consist of:

Clayface (non-Injustice, Batman character DLC)Namor (villain, Avengers villain DLC)
Scarecrow (Batman villain)Nico Minoru (magic)
Etrigan (magic)Nightcrawler (X-Men DLC)
Red Hood (2000's character, street level DLC)Hank Pym (legacy DLC, Avenger DLC)
Hawkgirl (cosmic DLC, women DLC)Adam Warlock (cosmic DLC)
Captain Cold (Flash villain DLC)The Vision (non-human DLC)
Killer Frost (women DLC)Whoever loses this vote
Bane (people of colour DLC)
V (wildcard DLC)
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
1. She-Hulk
2. Gwenpool

I think we should have those last two, plus - to round it out at 80 - one "finale" fighter who puts a nice little bow on the roster. We did something similar with Mario Smash, where users were encouraged to submit a fighter who was long-requested, funny, necessary, or in some other way just felt like a perfect bookend. Ending on a wild card or a "second chance" doesn't really make sense to me thematically.

Deleted member

I think ending it where we have is fine honestly. Maybe do the last chnave job but adding a final single character would mean the sides where un even, unless it was an oc or another guest.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Welp, first for all my votes:
  1. Gwenpool
  2. Adam Warlock
Must admit I have quite a bias for Gwenpool and I think in terms of "who should be the final character" it must be Warlock, buuuuut I think she could be fun so yeah that's the way I will go.

I was more or less aware that there it was a tie. It's just that I'm so bad in maths that I was doubtful if I was doing it correctly.

What do you think of our final-ish roster?

View attachment 364367

We've got nearly eighty characters in this line-up (seventy-seven plus the winner of this vote) - what are your thoughts on our choices? Were there any characters that you wanted to see added in this line-up who didn't make it in?
Welp, I was trying to wait for the final addition for give my opinion but here we go. TL;DR it's very damn good roster, 8/10.

I said this in the past, but the most solid part of our roster by far is the DC side, you can just made a game with only them and I would said that it's a fantastic lineup. I should admit tho that my knowledge in DC isn't the best (or at least it isn't at the same grade as my knowledge in Marvel) but as far as I can tell I think the roster touched most of the spectrum of things in DC, we have the classics that are basically obligated like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman; we have representatives of the magic side of the universe with Zatanna, Constantine or Fate; the space side with Starro or Mister Miracle; Street Level heroes like Static or Nightwing; anti-heroes like Black Adam or Peacemaker and even characters that are usually from other Earths like Power Girl! we even have civil people like Lois Lane! Of course, there are also characters that sadly didn't made the cut (thought I feel them more like "personal favorites" rather than must haves) so here it is a small place for my Honorific Mentions!

My favorite character overall, I think I really messed up nominating Azrael instead of him last round (thought I also love a lot him, is just that yeah, I should have tried to go with a more iconic character)I surprise that I found once looking long ago when we had our "2000-10s" round in the base game, I didn't read too much of the character yet but I think he would have been a very unique fighter with a very variate toolset of powers, after all he is the descedant of the original Sun Wukong! (that would also lead to some funny dialogues with Goku)I consider him the best non-speedster Flash villain, there it was also the lack of ice-based characters and my mind can only think on him of all people.Must admit that I aren't super into her, but I think she could have been a very cool fighter, in terms of characters with animal based powers I think both she and Animal Man would have been the best choices.There it is some Roster Global Warming in this game, and I think he would have been the perfect election for a big guy alongside Doomsday, apart of have a high-risk high-reward gameplay making use of the Venom (that could ALSO lead to curious dialogues with Marvel's Venom)Most people would say Barbara Gordon, others would prefer Stephanie Brown or Cassandra Cain, there are also people who would claim for Batwoman instead but no matter whould have been, I think that it's quite dissapointing not have neither of them here.

I can think on a pair more like Swamp Thing or Atom but those 6 are my main options.

I wouldn't say that Marvel's side is bad but I think that it could have been better, don't get me wrong I think that in the same way as DC we touched multiple themes and I'm glad about it but it just feels that there is more, there are more big names missing in the roster that didn't make the cut like Black Widow, Ant-Man, The Punisher, Namor, Hawkeye (Clinton, thought I'm fine with only Bishop), Elektra, more Spider-Man characters too (I mean, if Batman could have like 5-6 characters of his own circle in the game, Spider-Man could also get some of his cast that it's definitively not small: Green Goblin, Mysterio, Carnage, Agent Venom, Kaine, Silk, etc). My top 6 of my favorite missings however would be:

I mean there is a reason why he was my last nomination!, it would have been even better if Jason came alongside him but in the end I would have been more than satisfied with just him. While I always knew about him I never where too interesing in him or so I was until Wakanda Forever. I know that MCU!Namor have little to nothing related to Comic!Namor but I readed a pair of extra things of him and it really captured my interest. Much like Namor I was VERY surprised that nobody submited this guy. Frank Castle is THE Marvel Anti-Hero (Deadpool could be more popular but his more funny antiques makes him a different type of anti-hero). I guess that maaaybe there is something related with the desafortunate relation he has with politics but I still find him a must.I can say that I knew about him before the movie but I can't say that I was interesed in him before the movie, again much like Namor I know that there are wide differences between the MCU and the Comic version of Shang-Chi but as not only a fighting game fan but also an enthusiast on martial arts it would have been so cool have the Master of Kung-Fu.While I personally like Scott Lang more than Hank Pym, any of the two are definitively characters that it feels that they should have been here, any of them make the cut thought.Some people would say that Venom is already enough but I always thinked that Carnage is unique enough to be his own thing, especially since he gained more and more powers since Carnage U.S.A.

And there are more, too much more characters that I could think, Black Bolt, Man-Thing, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Psylocke, Cable, Phoenix...but again, even if I personally find these characters more "cooler" than others that did enter into the roster, I can't say that I don't like it. Is a very good cast and I'm with it.

The most difficult side to evaluate should be this one, personally I think we did a good job, thought maybe the priority list get out of hands (the TMNT and Spawn feels more like the first guests instead of Invincible and Scott Pilgrim for example) I think it's very cool. The last guests Goku and Luffy are EXTREMELY FUN picks but I should say that they kindaaa feel out of place, I voted for them just because they were the last and I wanted to be flexive but it really gave me more wishes for made an animanga thread for them instead (maaaybe I can give it a chance thought). I wouldn't say who would have been my "6 most wanted" since due the flexivity of this part is near impossible to me to just decide to 6, but the point is that even if Goku and Luffy are kinda weird selections, all the guests are definiitvely good additions!


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I'm going to post my rambling, semi-organized thoughts on our roster.

The first half or so of our base roster was pretty predictable, though that feels like a given - there are a LOT of characters to cover for both Marvel and DC, and by extension, a lot of fan favourites that people would want to see making it in. I probably could have included more characters by default, rather than having people vote them in; at one point, my plan was to have 5 characters per side by default, with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Green Lantern for DC, and Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America, and the Hulk for Marvel. However, I wasn't sure whether people would prefer Barry Allen or Wally West for the Flash, or Hal Jordan or John Stewart for Green Lantern.

Up until the non-Injustice/non-MvC rounds, the only things that surprised me were that Dr. Doom didn't come in first for the Marvel villains round, that Raven was the most popular Teen Titan by far, even beating out Nightwing. (I didn't see much of the Teen Titans cartoon, so I was unaware of her popularity), and that Cyclops beat out Storm in the X-Men round. (I wouldn't change any of those outcomes, though - I'm still getting caught up on X-Men, but Cyclops seems like a character that's underrated by the fandom at large, and while it took longer than I expected for Cyborg to be added, he did eventually make it into the base game)

The non-Injustice and non-MvC rounds are where this thread really started to pick up steam, to the point where I bumped up the roster from 48 to 50 due to the sheer amount of characters that were nominated for the non-Marvel vs. Capcom round in particular. I'm really glad that we got the Thing and Ms. Marvel in this roster, and while I'm not as passionate about Daredevil as I am when it comes to the other two, he's a great addition who really should be in a fighting game by this point. (plus, with the benefit of hindsight, he's in the same roster as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who were directly inspired by him)

I don't know much about Plastic Man or Constantine, but I was glad to see them make it in, and these two rounds are where we started to shift away from just using Injustice and Marvel vs. Capcom characters. (though don't get me wrong - we still added plenty of those) The inclusion of Ra's al Ghul and Doctor Octopus showed that I wouldn't have to include another non-Injustice/MvC round to force the issue, and that they'd be added naturally.

As a side note, I'm glad that we got Zatanna in this roster after she was left out of Injustice 2. I haven't read much of her in the comics yet, but she seems like a fun character. Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow felt like missing pieces that were put into place - two core Justice League members who finally got into the roster. Plus, it gave me an excuse to post this!

This was also the point where Thanos and Darkseid were added in by default, leading to our base roster reaching its final total of 52. I'm glad that they both got in, rather than having to wait through the cosmic rounds and other rounds where they'd be eligible, hoping that enough people would vote for them or else we'd have a "Sigma in Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite" situation on our hands.

Loki felt like a character who needed to be here, given how much his popularity EXPLODED since Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Speaking of villains from the first appearance of a super-team, I'm thrilled that Starro the Conqueror actually made it into the roster; I wanted to get someone unusual or unexpected in here.

When it came to 2000s characters, Blue Beetle (Jaime) and Ultimate Spider-Man (Miles) seemed like the best picks. I'm not very familiar with modern DC, but Blue Beetle seems to stand out among the company's recent creations, and it's a tough call between Miles and Ms. Marvel/Kamala as to who Marvel's biggest hit of the past decade or two is.

As I said earlier, Cyborg felt long overdue, and I was so glad to see the Wasp making it in after she had been relatively neglected when compared to other long-time Avengers. (likely because she wasn't in the Avengers movie)


If I had to pick four DC characters where I felt that they could have been in the base game (to round it out to 30 each), I'd go with Black Adam, Mister Miracle (I wanted to see a New God aside from Darkseid in the game, to show that there's more to the property than just him), Gorilla Grodd (the lack of a Flash villain stuck out to me), and Poison Ivy (or at least one of the more sci-fi themed Bat-villains), so all of them making it in through DLC was great. I do feel like we could have used a wider variety of villains, but I'm only kind of familiar with Wonder Woman's, Green Lantern's, or Aquaman's rogues gallery, so I'm not sure who I'd go with.

I'll be honest, I don't get the appeal of Gambit, but I'm happy for those who do. I was glad to see Squirrel Girl and Hawkeye make it in; I'm surprised that Clint Barton wasn't nominated for several later categories that he'd be eligible for, but maybe people don't like doubling up on characters with the same identity. Or maybe it would lead to this kind of situation:

the cooler hawkeye.png

I don't know much about the Sentry (and I know that under the pen of some writers, he can come across as a God Mode Sue), but 1SecondNinja's moveset definitely opened my eyes to his potential. Ultron felt long overdue, and while I'm aware that she's a controversial pick, I love that we got to include Lois Lane on the roster.

I'm a bit more neutral on season 3 - I'm aware of the Marvel and DC characters that we included, but I don't know much about them. (I've watched Peacemaker and Moon Knight's shows, but by my understanding, they're very different in the shows compared to how they are in the comics) They all make sense to me, but I don't know a ton about many of them. (basically, the characters make sense, but I don't know enough about their series to be super-hyped - kind of like Simon Belmont in Smash, at least for me) Magik and Booster Gold were great inclusions in my eyes, and I'm happy with any outcome of this ongoing poll.

As for the guest characters, I'm only vaguely familiar with Spawn, and I've only watched one episode of Invincible, but I'm glad that we got all of them! I feel like, if this thread was happening anywhere other than SmashBoards, Scott Pilgrim might not have made it into the roster, but his comics (and movie) clearly resonated with a lot of Nintendo fans. I've been reading One Piece for 16 years now, and watching Dragon Ball since I was a kid, so having both of them in this roster is amazing for me. (and it goes without saying that I'm thrilled to have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in here - I nominated them twice and quoted as much of the theme song as I could in my nomination)

All in all, I don't have any complaints about the roster that we got. There are some characters that I don't know much about (mainly on the DC side, though that's mostly due to me not having access to those comics until recently), but there aren't any cases where I'm not sure why the character got in or cases where I'd replace them with someone else.

(there are a lot of Marvel characters that I'd like to see make it in - the Vision, Hank Pym, Namor, Kang the Conqueror, America Chavez, any of the top three from this round, etc. - but while I could add another season of DLC, I feel like we could probably keep going on for another 50 characters per side and still leave out some great ideas, so I figure it's best to try and stick to a limit. Unless we get a tie for first in this vote as well)
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
What do you think of our final-ish roster?

View attachment 364367

We've got nearly eighty characters in this line-up (seventy-seven plus the winner of this vote for a total of 78) - what are your thoughts on our choices? Were there any characters that you wanted to see added in this line-up who didn't make it in?

I thought about doing a "last second chance" job as a surprise, where anyone who came in second (or third if two characters made it in) and hadn't been added to the roster since could be voted on as a last-minute inclusion, but I wasn't sure. For reference, the line-ups would consist of:

Clayface (non-Injustice, Batman character DLC)Namor (villain, Avengers villain DLC)
Scarecrow (Batman villain)Nico Minoru (magic)
Etrigan (magic)Nightcrawler (X-Men DLC)
Red Hood (2000's character, street level DLC)Hank Pym (legacy DLC, Avenger DLC)
Hawkgirl (cosmic DLC, women DLC)Adam Warlock (cosmic DLC)
Captain Cold (Flash villain DLC)The Vision (non-human DLC)
Killer Frost (women DLC)Whoever loses this vote
Bane (people of colour DLC)
V (wildcard DLC)

well,the roster is very good,on my opinion the roster is 8,5/10. i know that put more 2 fighters would be the last characters and the roster would be 80 fighters,but i feel that is missing some characters,here's my options

Killer Frost
Rorschach or Dr. Manhattan

Green Goblin
Black Widow

Optimus Prime (Tansformers)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
Savage Dragon
Judge Dredd
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
well,the roster is very good,on my opinion the roster is 8,5/10. i know that put more 2 fighters would be the last characters and the roster would be 80 fighters,but i feel that is missing some characters,here's my options

Killer Frost
Rorschach or Dr. Manhattan

Green Goblin
Black Widow

Optimus Prime (Tansformers)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
Savage Dragon
View attachment 364384
Judge Dredd
I f*cking love Smashboards


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 if you want Optimus Prime in a fighting game, I'm running a Hasbro Fighters thread!
We're on Day 2 right now, voting for the first new characters!


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Before I start Booster Gold's moveset, I want to give a shout-out to Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and PinkFlare PinkFlare - thank you so much for contributing movesets for so many characters. It makes things a lot easier for me, considering that I'm not as familiar with DC as I am with Marvel, and I'm not familiar with every corner of Marvel. (My X-Men knowledge is lacking, for example) I honestly didn't think that we'd be able to get movesets for all of the characters, and I am so glad that we did.

Also, we've only got a few hours left, so make sure to vote! Less people have voted compared to the round just before this, and while that could be because of the smaller list of characters, every vote is going to make a difference, especially in a list this small!


Booster Gold moveset

Unique Ability: A Word From Our Sponsors...
- Booster takes a break from the fighting to say a few words about various DC companies, with Skeets acting as cameraman. (ranging from things like "Soder Cola - America's favourite!" to "LexCorp - not proven to be evil!") Successfully completing an ad break will increase Booster's super meter, while getting hit during the ad break will cause him lose a good chunk of his super meter (about half of what you'd gain from succeeding) in addition to taking damage.

Fire The Boosters! (back, forward, attack) - Booster charges forward with a football tackle, surrounded by a barrier to ram into the opponent.

Wrist Blasters (quarter circle forward + attack) - Booster fires blasts of energy from the blasters on his wrists. He shoots one blast for the light attack, three blasts for the medium attack, and five blasts for the heavy attack, though the individual blasts are relatively weak.

Go Long! (quarter circle back + attack) - Booster throws Skeets (who complains that he's not designed for this), and Skeets stops in midair before generating electricity around himself and flying back to hover behind Booster. When he stops depends on which attack button was used.

Flight Ring (down, up, attack) - Booster uses his Flight Ring to rocket into the air - it sends him higher than most anti-air attacks, though it runs out of power at the peak, causing him to frantically try to stay airborne before falling back to the ground.

Level 1: Goldstar Special (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - Booster leaps into the air, letting out a bright yellow star-shaped burst of energy that pulses, hitting the opponent multiple times.

Level 2: Full Intensity Blast (half circle forward + attack) - Booster charges up his blasters to full power, deactivating his force field to get them to that level. At that strength, he can't control them, causing the beam to gradually move upwards before he stops.

Level 3: Let's Do The Time Warp Again! (press all buttons) - Booster leaps forwards to grab the opponent, sending himself, his opponent, and Skeets through the time stream. They all appear back in the age of dinosaurs, where a T. Rex looms over the trio before chomping on the opponent. Booster leans back laughing, only to knock over himself from five minutes in the future, who came back to get the opponent after feeling guilty. The two of them argue as the dinosaur continues to bite the opponent, only to look up to see a massive meteor heading towards them. The two Boosters scream as the dinosaur spits the opponent out between them, and the meteor hits the Earth, dealing massive damage to the opponent (Booster is protected by his force field) before the failsafe in Booster's suit sends everyone back to their respective time. (Booster and the opponent go back to the match, while Booster from five minutes in the future goes back to five minutes in the future)
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
I have a lot to say in response to this past day, both positive and negative. I'm gonna make a large post, but first I have to set-up the new day for the Hasbro thread; For right now, this is nearly the end of the road, so I want to thank Megadoomer Megadoomer for creating the thread- in fact, this thread was the very reason I joined Smashboards. And as well, thank you to Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer for all your contributions- even if we didn't see eye to eye on certain ideas I always felt like we had a great partnership (metaphorically, since we weren't actual partners on the project lol).


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
For DC's side, I think we've covered all of the major characters, though admittedly, my almost complete lack of familiarity with Vertigo could mean that there are a bunch of characters from that who I'm not thinking of at the moment. A few that stand out due to their absence are:

(admittedly, I mainly know of him through his reputation as one of the big Superman villains; I don't know how much of a physical threat he is)
(whether it's Barbara, Stephanie, or Cassandra, it would have been nice to include one of them, though I understand that they might overlap with Batman)
(or Hawkman; it seems like they'd be functionally identical. I can see why they might be left out, though, given that flying and hitting hard is covered by a lot of different heroes)
(we didn't include any Wonder Woman villains, though the only ones that I can name would be Ares, Cheetah, and Circe)
Captain Cold
(I feel like a Flash villain was the biggest missed opportunity for the base game)
(admittedly, I'm not sure if he'd be very similar to Green Lantern in terms of gameplay; I've only read a bit of Geoff Johns's run)
(I felt like he could have made for a good stance change character, shifting between his normal appearance and something more monstrous using fear gas)

I'm more familiar with Marvel, so I could go on and on about characters where I feel like they're missing, but there's only so much space in the roster. (though I realize that since I decide the space in the roster, I could easily change it)

Ant-Man (Hank Pym)
(the only founding Avenger who didn't make it into this, though given his reputation and overlap with Jan in terms of abilities, that's understandable)
The Vision
(one of the major members of the Avengers; he didn't seem as popular as I expected he'd be)
America Chavez
(given her role in Dr. Strange 2 and her premise being about hopping between universes, she didn't get nominated as much as I thought, though she's newer than most of the characters that I'm mentioning)
(considering that he just barely missed out on the base game, I'm surprised he wasn't nominated for the wildcard round - I guess that goes to show that you can't assume that someone else will nominate a character)
(weirdly enough, he wasn't even nominated a single time)
(I probably could have pushed harder for her than I did, but it seems like she'd have a lot of potential)
(admittedly, in this case, I understand that there could be overlap with Starro, but I find it funny that he was plucked out of obscurity because Capcom staff looked through a book of Marvel characters and picked one that wasn't just a person in a costume)

For guest characters, as I said, I'm happy with our guest line-up; I would have liked to get Judge Dredd in here, but I wouldn't have gotten rid of any of the current guests for him.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Unfortunately I spent over an hour setting up the new nobs on the Hasbro thread, and I'm about to go work. Blast the opening shift.

Here are my votes.
1. Adam Warlock
2. Gwenpool

Based on the votes, Warlock isn't gonna win, which I consider a massive disappointment. He's honestly the best option of the 3
But, from a developer's standpoint, Gwenpool has been a huge want since the early days of the thread, so ending off with her I think has some thematic presence to it.

I still plan on doing a huge write-up replying to the last 2 days of replies, so prepare for that when I get home. For now, though

I thought about doing a "last second chance" job as a surprise, where anyone who came in second (or third if two characters made it in) and hadn't been added to the roster since could be voted on as a last-minute inclusion, but I wasn't sure. For reference, the line-ups would consist of:

Clayface (non-Injustice, Batman character DLC)Namor (villain, Avengers villain DLC)
Scarecrow (Batman villain)Nico Minoru (magic)
Etrigan (magic)Nightcrawler (X-Men DLC)
Red Hood (2000's character, street level DLC)Hank Pym (legacy DLC, Avenger DLC)
Hawkgirl (cosmic DLC, women DLC)Adam Warlock (cosmic DLC)
Captain Cold (Flash villain DLC)The Vision (non-human DLC)
Killer Frost (women DLC)Whoever loses this vote
Bane (people of colour DLC)
V (wildcard DLC)
Honestly I would have been overly excited for this- now I'm disappointed it isn't a surprise. You should totally do this, though.

I think we should have those last two, plus - to round it out at 80 - one "finale" fighter who puts a nice little bow on the roster. We did something similar with Mario Smash, where users were encouraged to submit a fighter who was long-requested, funny, necessary, or in some other way just felt like a perfect bookend. Ending on a wild card or a "second chance" doesn't really make sense to me thematically.
I did want to reply to this individually; I think the Wildcard and possible Second Chance ending are already very thematic ends; We've been doing themes since Day 1, so ending on a job where any character from both universes are allowed with no limits feels very nice.
The logistics of how character additions are very different between Infinity Crisis and Mario Smash anyhow. You can't really approach those IPs the same way because it's an entirely different realm and audience

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Thanks a lot for the mentions Megadoomer Megadoomer and PinkFlare PinkFlare , definitively this was a very fun thing to do and make me retconnect again with the comics (is like a brainrot that goes on and off from each time). The most fun part for me was do the movesets, I sometimes decided to not make some of them because I was thinking I was hoarding them lol, I don't have too much experience in DC in comparison to Marvel (my knowledge in DC is mostly Batman, part of Vertigo and both the animated and the CW series).

This thread allowed me to met a lot of new characters and stories that I wouldn't even heard otherwise, is a shame that the possibilities to have an actual Marvel vs DC game are near non-existant and even less are the chances that the game would have all the content it has this concept but neverless, I think the final chance votes would be good, thought maybe would consider add a pair of Marvel's third places to make it equal to DC side definitively not related to include the Winter Soldier too cof cof.

Also just a small question considering the movesets, do you guys thinked which characters would you like to main in this game? Between the base roster I would use Deadpool, Black Panther and Darkseid. While in the DLCs I like a lot Magik, Gambit, Star-Lord Spawn and Scott Pilgrim!, probably of all them I would mostly play with Magik and Black Panther since they both are rushdown characters that it's my style.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Adam Warlock: 5
She-Hulk: 7
Gwenpool: 12

It looks like NanayaGaming NanayaGaming 's persistence paid off in the end, because Gwenpool will be our final Marvel character!

gwenpool 5.png

Yesssss! Now quick, write some interactions while you're still motivated!

...Or is she? What?! No fair! I just get in, and now you've got to throw in some dumb plot twist so mmph mmmph!

Yes, in a surprise that I completely ruined a day ago due to my own uncertainty, we're having a last second chance round for both sides! To bring our roster up to a total of eighty characters, we'll be adding a character who barely missed out on making it in through a previous round!

dc second chance.png

On the DC side, we've got plenty of Batman characters to go around! The first is a back-breaking battler who's a big guy (for you) - the masked mercenary, Bane!

Second is the second Robin - he's died, came back, and is extremely angry that nobody tried to avenge his death. He's got a very different attitude compared to Marvel's red-masked gun-toting anti-hero - it's the Red Hood!

Ready to jump into the spotlight, this shapeshifting monstrosity was once a man named Basil Karlo! Now, he's known mainly by the moniker of Clayface!

A psychotic psychologist and master of terror, Jonathan Crane scares more than just crows as Scarecrow!

Of course, there's more to DC than just Batman characters, or even the Big Seven that founded the Justice League. A long-serving member and one of the core cast in the Justice League animated series, Hawkgirl has narrowly missed out on the roster twice, but will the third time be the charm?

While he may take the form of man, he's known as demon Etrigan! He speaks exclusively in verse, and pacing it is just the worst.

Everybody chill for our next two DC characters, and hopefully my ice puns don't leave you cold-hearted. Yes, it's DC's two most iconic ice-themed supervillains - Captain Cold and Killer Frost! (wait, wasn't there another one? Mister something or other?)

Will the verdict of this vote vindicate the valorous or the villainous? Holder of a verbose vendetta, V will be the final character competing for the coveted spot.

marvel second chance.png

Of course, there's more to this than just DC. Starting off with the first mutant (in publication time, not chronologically), Namor tied with Loki for the villain round, but will his recent appearance in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever give him the push he needs to be victorious this time around?

Adam Warlock and She-Hulk narrowly missed out on making it in through the previous round, but maybe they'll fare better here!

The Runaways might not be as well-known as the X-Men or the Avengers, but Nico Minoru's Staff of One grants her a ton of interesting abilities that would be well-suited to a fighting game!

Ant-Man and the Vision are two long-running members of the Avengers, and technically grandfather and grandson. (the Pym family tree is only beaten by the Summers family tree in terms of complication) Will either of them make it into the roster?

Last but not least, Nightcrawler became an X-Man around the same time as Storm and Wolverine, but will this teleporting demonic-looking fuzzy ball of fun join them in this line-up?

(I'm not sure how to fairly choose two other characters, so I'll just leave it at the seven for Marvel)

Vote for your top three for each side! I'll come up with my votes later; I'll have to think about this.


Job 266: nominate a moveset for Gwenpool

The Booster Gold moveset job is still open, but I figured I should give people a chance to nominate Gwenpool's moveset. (alternatively, we can use the one that NanayaGaming posted earlier)

Job 267: nominate costumes for Gwenpool

You know how this goes - a default costume plus up to seven alternates!
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Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2022
It looks like NanayaGaming NanayaGaming NanayaGaming NanayaGaming 's persistence paid off in the end, because Gwenpool will be our final Marvel character!

gwenpool 5.png
JAJAJA YES. I would looooove to tell more but I really have a busy day and I just noticed this earlier because my cousin told me, but in any case of I end quickler I will do those things, but I guess I have time to vote for the other guys.

For the DC guys I will go for Red Hood, Hawkgirl and Killer Frost. For Marvel I choose Namor, Ant-Man and She-Hulk.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Fencing Fields from Fortnite :( RIP
1. Red Hood
2. Scarecrow
3. Bane

Given the amount of Batman characters here, it's clear the people want a new rep from the series, so I think it should absolutely be one of them.

1. Vision
2. Nightcrawler
3. Nico Minoru

The last two constantly get submitted here and to threads like it, and absolutely deserve their spot. Also Vision is one of my favorite Marvel characters.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
  1. Red Hood
  2. Bane
  3. Captain Cold

  1. Adam Warlock
  2. Namor
  3. Ant-Man

Gwenpool Costumes (Would add images later)
Now that I look them, most of Gwenpool's costumes are casuals, mostly because she never required to change her outfit since she doesn't has a long career.
I would like to redo my Gwenpool moveset (since I was the one who did it, she only writted it in her own words) but maybe tomorrow.

Also after thinking about it for a while, while we have posterior jobs for it, I think the Evil Gwenpool could be a great Premiere Costume with her more rooted way to perceive fiction.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
DC votes:

1. Red Hood
2. Hawkgirl
3. Captain Cold

Marvel votes:

1. Ant-Man
2. She-Hulk
3. Namor

Gwenpool interactions:

Deadpool vs. Gwenpool:

Deadpool: Why, if it isn't Little Miss Ripping-Me-Off!
Gwenpool: That was Gwenpool Prime, not me!
Deadpool: That excuse only works four, maybe five times!

Gwenpool vs. Superman:

Gwenpool: I'm sharing the screen with Superman! Quick, someone take my picture!
Superman: Always nice to meet a fan.
Gwenpool: Hope this game does better than Superman 64!

Gwenpool vs. Batman:

Gwenpool: Come on, repeat after me! "I am vengeance..."
Batman: No.
Gwenpool: Aww, man...

(RIP Kevin Conroy - every time I read or type Batman's lines, I think of his voice)

Gwenpool vs. Wonder Woman:

Gwenpool: Come on, Gwenpool... Don't stare...
Wonder Woman: Why did you steal the Invisible Jet?
Gwenpool: To set up this fight! You know, one of those classic superhero misunderstandings.

Gwenpool vs. Lex Luthor:

Gwenpool: Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom!
Luthor: Clearly, you know too much.
Gwenpool: Wait, they exist in this continuity? I thought that was just a Superfriends thing!

Gwenpool vs. Harley Quinn:

Gwenpool: You've gotta tell me how to join the Suicide Squad! I saw what it did to your popularity!
Harley: That's supposed to be top secret! Now they're gonna think I blabbed!
Gwenpool: Don't worry about Amanda Waller! ...Wait, is that supposed to be secret too?

Gwenpool vs. Nightwing:

Gwenpool: Holy crossover, Batman!
Nightwing: I haven't talked like that in years.
Gwenpool: It's an honour to kick your butt.

Gwenpool vs. Black Canary:

Gwenpool: Oh no, I've... uh... been brainwashed by Brainiac!
Black Canary: I know a few ways to deal with that.
Gwenpool: Yesss! Let's go!

Gwenpool vs. Martian Manhunter:

Gwenpool: You were great in the cartoon! Shame they left you out of the movie.
Martian Manhunter: ...what are you talking about?
Gwenpool: Probably best that you don't know.

Gwenpool vs. Starro:

Gwenpool: Starro? That's a throwback.
Starro: You will become part of the collective!
Gwenpool: Luckily, I've got my handy gas mask, so... wait, where's my gas mask?

Gwenpool vs. Darkseid:

Darkseid: Fall to your knees and surrender.
Gwenpool: Aw crap... Why couldn't I get Amos Fortune as my big crossover bad guy?
Darkseid: Babbling like a lunatic won't save you.

Gwenpool vs. Spider-Man:

Gwenpool: So are you and MJ back together yet?
Spider-Man: One of these days, I'll have to web your mouth shut.
Gwenpool: I was hoping they'd have undone One More Day by now...

Gwenpool vs. Magneto:

Magneto: You're not like any mutant I've seen... What are you?
Gwenpool: Even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me.

Gwenpool vs. Doctor Doom:

Doom: These powers you harness are intriguing... I shall put them to my own use!
Gwenpool: Crap... I was hoping this wouldn't come back to bite me.
Doom: Doom can turn any situation to his advantage.

Gwenpool vs. Ms. Marvel:

Ms. Marvel: How's life treating you on Krakoa?
Gwenpool: Great! It'd be much better if I had my own series again, though.
Ms. Marvel: Here we go again!

Gwenpool vs. Rocket and Groot:

Rocket: You seemed crazier last time we met.
Gwenpool: No, that was the old me - she doesn't exist any more.
Rocket: Uh, if you say so. (Groot: I am Groot.)

Gwenpool vs. Ultimate Spider-Man:

Gwenpool: So are we even?
Ultimate Spider-Man: You tried to kill me!
Gwenpool: That was the evil me from the future! You know how it is with time travelers.

Gwenpool vs. Squirrel Girl:

Gwenpool: Great job, player - put me up against someone who's tagline is "Unbeatable!"
Squirrel Girl: Don't worry - I'll go easy on ya!
Gwenpool: Then again, there's been worse mismatches in these games - if Daredevil can beat Darkseid, maybe I stand a chance!

Gwenpool vs. Hawkeye:

Gwenpool: West Coast best coast!
Hawkeye: Looks like you're in good spirits.
Gwenpool: Of course! I'm training with the best Hawkeye! It's like a dream come true!

Gwenpool vs. Lois Lane:

Gwenpool: No way, they added Lois Lane?
Lois: ...Can I help you?
Gwenpool: No, but I can help you see through the world's most transparent disguise!

Gwenpool vs. Gwenpool:

Gwenpool 1: Are you the Hastings Gwenpool or the Champions Gwenpool?
Gwenpool 2: I'm the DC vs. Marvel Gwenpool!
Gwenpool 1: Well, so am I, so one of us is going to have to change!

Gwenpool vs. Goku:

Gwenpool: We're counting manga as comic books now?
Goku: Are you one of those "gag manga" characters that Vegeta complains about?
Gwenpool: Kind of. Don't you have to go fight Superman or something?

Gwenpool vs. Luffy:

Luffy: I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!
Gwenpool: Well, uh, I'm gonna be the Hokage! Believe it!
Luffy: Awesome! Is that some kinda ninja thing?

Victory Quotes:


Generic 1: It's an honour just to be in here! Seriously, DC vs. Marvel? This is amazing!
Generic 2: This is so much more fun than being a background cameo!
Vs. Superman: I never got why people kept shooting you, but that S does make a tempting target!
Vs. Batman: "I beat up Batman" is not a sentence I ever thought I'd get to say...
Vs. Wonder Woman: You are an inspiration to so many people, even in my universe!
Vs. Harley Quinn: It's great to see how far you've come since the 90's cartoon.
Vs. Black Canary: Thank you, thank you, thank you! Let's do it again some time!
Vs. Darkseid: Wait, are you serious?
Vs. Spider-Man: At least tell me that they've retconned Sin's Past!
Vs. Ms. Marvel: You're a jerk, player! I can't believe you made me beat up such a precious cinnamon roll!
Vs. Squirrel Girl: "The Unbeatable Gwenpool" has a nice ring to it.
Vs. Lois Lane: I should've realized they were married in this continuity. My bad!
Vs. Gwenpool: Don't feel bad - you can be the Hastings Gwenpool!
Vs. Luffy: Now where's that knuckle-headed ninja? If Luffy and Goku are here, then he should be too!
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
1. Red Hood
2. Red Hood
3. Red Hood
I don't care it's Red Hood all the way this is LONG overdue

But in all seriousness
1. Red Hood
2. V
3. Killer Frost

And for Marvel
1. Adam Warlock
2. Namor
3. She-Hulk

Ant-Man would get a vote if it was Scott Lang (and if we didn't already have Wasp)
I'm gonna work on that super large write-up I promised


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Gwenpool costumes will be used! I'll leave the Booster Gold moveset job open for another day.

Much like the previous character jobs for their companies, the DC round was extremely one-sided, while the Marvel round was a really close call.

Etrigan: 1Nico Minoru: 3
Captain Cold: 2The Vision: 5
Killer Frost: 2Adam Warlock: 6
V: 2Nightcrawler: 6
Scarecrow: 5Namor: 9
Bane: 6Ant-Man: 9
Hawkgirl: 9She-Hulk: 10
Red Hood: 21

Therefore, the final characters (for real this time) will be...

last second chance winners.png

Red Hood and She-Hulk! Weirdly enough, this makes for the second Marvel fourth-wall breaker in a row.

deadpool 1.png
Way to steal my thunder, you two!

she-hulk 1.png
Knock it off, Wade - I've been doing this for longer than you.

As a result, here's our final roster for DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis!

dc vs marvel final roster.png

While I'm at it, here's a visual of all of the stages that we've picked:

I want to thank everyone who participated in putting this thread together - I wasn't even sure if we'd reach half of this number of characters, let alone having movesets and costumes for everyone, guest characters, boss concepts, a full list of stages, and three seasons of DLC planned with two bonus characters at the end.

Job 268: nominate a Red Hood moveset

Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer and PinkFlare PinkFlare previously posted movesets for the Red Hood here and here, respectively. I'm not sure if they want to stick with those movesets or make something new. (I don't have any moveset ideas for Red Hood)

Job 269: nominate costumes for Red Hood

Nominate a default costume and up to seven alternates! (I might as well just say "and seven alternates", since we generally manage to find something, but better safe than sorry)

Job 270: nominate arcade mode rivals for Booster Gold and Gwenpool

Since the Red Hood movesets are at least partially done, I figure I can include another job for today, especially since these are quick. Pick a character from the opposing company to be the second-to-last arcade match for Booster Gold and Gwenpool!


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
For Booster Gold's rival, I'm going to nominate Doctor Doom. Doom invented time travel in the Marvel universe, as far as I can tell, and at the very least, his Time Platform is the go-to method of traveling through time for most characters. He'd be keeping an eye on disruptions in the time-stream, and presumably, Booster is causing a lot of them.

For Gwenpool's rival, I'm going to nominate Black Canary because the prophecy must be fulfilled.

She's a fan of DC in general, but Black Canary's the one character that she's mentioned by name (to prove that she's not a comic book character).


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Since we already have 4 extra characters for S3, we should split them off into their own season and add 2-4 more characters to make it complete. A S4, basically. That makes sense to me, imo
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