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DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
1. Storm
2. She-Hulk
3. Captain Marvel

Job 52:Batman as Spider-Man's Rival

the connections between Batman and Spider-Man it's both are most iconic animal-themed superheroes,both lose their parents (bruce lost his parents and Peter lost his uncle),some characters from their universe have some similarities as an mutant reptile (Killer Croc and Lizard representively),a cat-themed female thief and hero's love interest (Catwoman and Black Cat representively), a futuristic version of hero (Batman Beyond and Spider-Man 2099 representively),a ground-themed villain (Clayface and Sandman representively), a villain that create illusions on their victims (Scarecrow and Mysterio), a brute villain (Bane and Rhino or Venom representively) a criminal bosses (Penquin and Kingpin representively), a female version of hero (Batgirl or Batwoman and Spiderwoman or Spider-Gwen representively) and archenemies who have psychological problems (Joker and Green Goblin representively), both have an official crossover and most known games (Batman Arkham series and PS4 Spiderman representatively) and a famous movie trilogy (Dark Knight trilogy and Sam Raimi's Spider-man trilogy representatively)
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
My Wonder Woman costumes won the poll, so they'll be included. As for the DC character results...

Catwoman: 4
Hawkgirl: 5
Crazy Jane: 11
Power Girl: 13
Black Canary: 18
Zatanna: 21

Snoitalutargnoc, Speed Weed Speed Weed , because Zatanna and Black Canary will be the next additions to the roster!

View attachment 357159


We'll be voting on which Marvel women to include, out of the following options:

View attachment 357156

-Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) ( Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
-Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) (@Darkonedagger)
-Captain Britain (Betsy Braddock) ( KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )
-Gwenpool ( NanayaGaming NanayaGaming )
-Squirrel Girl ( Megadoomer Megadoomer )
-Phoenix (Jean Grey) ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
-Magik ( Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer )
-She-Hulk ( AlRex AlRex )
-Storm ( Oddball Oddball )

Vote for your top three; your own can't be in first, and the top two will be included.

1. Captain Marvel
2. Storm
3. Gwenpool

This was a tough one for me; I considered putting most of the nominations in my top three at one point or another. (I had an especially tough time picking the third spot)


Job 51: Aquaman moveset

Nominate a moveset idea for Aquaman; I'll post mine later today. Feel free to use the comics, the movies, Injustice games, the Superfriends and Justice League cartoons, etc. as frames of reference

Job 52: Spider-Man's rival

Which DC character will Spider-Man's rival battle put him up against in arcade mode?
1. Phoenix. Put it this way - I think Phoenix is an obvious pick for something like this. One of the X-Men's founding members, a powerful force in some of Marvel's most important storylines, and overall a character that shows a lot of potential promise in terms of moveset and interactions.
2. Squirrel Girl. (Obligatory "but she's unbeatable and thus unbalanced!!!!" joke here.) I just... have an unreasonable liking for Squirrel Girl. The more ridiculous and bizarre aspects to comics maybe might be a little much for a game like this, but Doreen represents it in a fun and pretty cool way - and who doesn't love squirrels?
3. Black Widow. Maybe she's a bit of a cliche pick for a game like this, but the inherent moveset that comes with "lightweight super-spy who specialises in putting the opposition down with efficiency" seems like a solid one to work with. Pair this with a few pieces of equipment, such as her batons for potential mid-range kit, and her Widow's Line could lead to pretty cool mixups and stage control. An obvious, but still fun, pick.

Job #51: Okay, I'm really not great when it comes to movesets, but I'm going to make a suggestion - I think Aquaman in this case should have the Trident of Poseidon. This would allow him to control water... somewhat, which I think would make him a lot more interesting than just "strong man with a big stick and a shark-based special move." I think things like making geysers of water and perhaps even columns that could be stood on would make him a very unique fighter with a lot of potential mixups, much more interesting than just him being a guy with a trident.

Job #52: The weird thing is that I had an entire write-up here about why Blue Beetle would be the perfect rival to Spider-Man and then realised before publishing this that... "oh, wait, ****, he's not here yet." Then I considered Superboy because of his battle with Spider-Man in the DC Vs. Marvel books and the existence of Spider-Boy in the Amalgam universe. But he's also not here. So change of plan. I think Superman will be my suggestion, with the only reason being the star power of both him and Spidey, and the comic specifically at the header of this thread. :yeahboi:


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

Aquaman moveset

Unique Action: The Trench
- Aquaman can command the denizens of the deep, and in the movies, at least, this includes Lovecraftian monstrosities known as the Trench. When he calls them, a member of the Trench runs across the stage; pressing the unique action button while one is out causes it to leap into the air, and pressing the unique action button while it's airborne does nothing. Each Aquaman player can only have one Trench out at a time.

Dolphin Leap (Shoryuken motion + attack) - Aquaman leaps into the air, knocking opponents to the ground with a flip kick

Poseidon Vault (back, forward, attack) - planting his trident into the ground, Aquaman uses it like a pole vault to launch himself forwards, kicking the opponent at high speeds

Catch and Release (quarter circle forward + attack) - a command grab, where Aquaman stabs his trident forward; if it stabs the opponent, he flings them behind him.

Waves of Arion (quarter circle back + attack) - Aquaman plants his trident into the ground with the pointed end up, and a wave of water comes from behind the opponent to push them towards him. The attack is low to the ground, so it can be jumped over.

Level 1: Trident Rush (half circle forward + attack) - a melee combo where Aquaman repeatedly stabs at people with his trident

Level 2: Outrageous! (quarter circle forward, reverse quarter circle forward, attack) - the stage momentarily floods, slowing the opponent down as Aquaman leaps forward. If he connects, he swims around the stage, knocking the opponent higher and higher with an impressive array of punches and kicks before slamming them into the ground as the water disappears.

Level 3: King of the Seas (press all buttons) - the stage floods, and as the opponent tries to get their bearings, Aquaman stabs them with his trident. The stabbed opponent serves as bait for a shark, which rushes in to attack, but it's scared off as the Karathen looms overhead. The Karathen hits the opponent with enough force to knock the water out of the stage, ending the super.

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You


General Playstyle
Aquaman is a zoner in both different ways, it has long ranged normals using his trident making him quite a physical zoner (like Billy Kane, Axl Low or Dhalsim) but its also a more traditional "projectile-based zoner" in terms of specials, he is also a charge character with most of his moves being charges.

Unique Ability - Water Charge (what a ****ing stupid name)
Alright so has I said Aquaman is a charge character BUT is not your regular charge character since Aquaman has a special feature, he can save charges, using his Unique Ability would make his trident glow (that would always indicate when he can release a move) making him able to do the move simply using the directional + the unique ability button without the needing to hold the opposite direction. This could sound broken but it has a trick, it can only be used in neutral and can't be canceled or combo'ed (apart that if Aquaman suffers damage the charge disappears), apart that it requires a quite lenghty animation making it only useful for combo a special after save the charge.

Trident RushMash XA move directly taken from Injustice, Aquaman does multiple stabs with his trident. Aquaman can do a small dash forwards or backwards during the move.
Poseidon Javelin[4]6 + XAquaman launches his trident like a javelin, is a very fast projectile and the hitbox is quite disjointed.
Dolphin Leap[2]8+ XAquaman leaps into the air, knocking opponents to the ground with a flip kick
Water Geyser22 + XAquaman stomps in the ground and attacks summoning a torrent of water in the floor, the distance of this geyser varies depending of the button (light is the closest meanwhile heavy is the farest)
Catch and Release63214 + XA command grab, where Aquaman stabs his trident forward; if it stabs the opponent, he flings them behind him.
Level 1 Super:
Sea Friend
236236 + XAquaman calls a dolphin (yes a ****ING DOLPHIN) to attack to the opponent with a lunge meanwhile he mounts them. There is a random chance that a SHARK appears instead that deals more damage and wallbounce the opponent.
Level 2 Super: Outrageous!214214 + XThe stage momentarily floods, slowing the opponent down as Aquaman leaps forward. If he connects, he swims around the stage, knocking the opponent higher and higher with an impressive array of punches and kicks before slamming them into the ground as the water disappears.
Level 3 - The Call of the SeaAll Buttons PressedResembles his super in Injustice 2 but instead of just summoning sharks Aquaman would call creatures of the deepest parts of the sea to attack.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Here are the results for the Marvel ladies votes:

Black Widow: 2
Gwenpool: 3
Phoenix: 3
Magik: 5
Captain Britain: 8
Squirrel Girl: 10
She-Hulk: 10
Captain Marvel: 18
Storm: 25

Congrats to Oddball Oddball and Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds because we'll be adding Storm and Captain Marvel!

marvel women winners.png

I'm glad to see both of them making it into the line-up; they feel like two characters who almost needed to be in here (at least in my opinion), along with the two big villains of the game, so aside from Thanos and Darkseid (who seem almost inevitable), I've got no idea who else will be included.

Here's a poll for determining Spider-Man's rival:

I wanted to wait until Infinity Sorcerer posted his Aquaman moveset, so here's the poll for which one we'll use:


Job 53: suggest an arcade mode ending for Spider-Man

This is similar to the previous job for Superman's arcade mode ending; here are examples from Injustice 2 and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 if you need them.

Job 54: character interactions

There's at least one more character job that I want to do before doing anything story mode related (I want to get a few more villains on the roster, at least), and I feel like it's too soon to have another stage job as it's only been a few days since the last one.

However, since the last time we did character intros, we've added nine characters (Plastic Man, Constantine, Zatanna, Black Canary, the Thing, Daredevil, Ms. Marvel, Storm, and Captain Marvel), so between mirror matches, matches with other characters, and combinations that we hadn't thought of before, I think there's enough material to work with for doing this job again.

Alternatively, for something less complicated (in case people have trouble with coming up with dialogue between two characters), we could have victory quotes like what Marvel vs. Capcom 3 has. Not every combination of characters would have unique quotes (there'd presumably be some generic ones thrown in there), but this way, you only have to get the "voice" down for one character rather than two.

Some examples of victory quotes:


vs. the Hulk: "Don't worry, Jade Jaws! "Second strongest there is" still has a good ring to it!"
vs. Dr. Doom: "Next time, send a Doombot, Vic."

Doctor Doom:

vs. the Thing: "Have you learned your lesson yet, you igneous dolt?"
vs. Plastic Man: "Your similarities to that fool Richards will make you an excellent test subject..."

I've got a lot of writing planned for the Thing - I'll save my other ideas for intros and victory quotes for later to avoid making this post too long. Feel free to post as many as you want, and characters can have more than one set of quotes together. (I did multiple Hulk vs. Hulk and Harley vs. Harley quotes, for example)


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Spider-Man arcade ending:

With the defeat of Thanoseid, life in New York went back to normal for the most part, as Spider-Man explains through a voice-over. For most of the population, it's like the merger of the two universes never happened. The main difference is that Reed Richards built a gateway to the universe that briefly merged with theirs, so Marvel's version of New York City became a tourist attraction for the DC universe. (various Green Lanterns, or gorillas from Gorilla City, could be seen in crowd shots, with the New Yorkers reacting with total indifference - a talking squirrel isn't even the fifth-strangest thing most of them have seen this week)

Spidey can't complain too much, aside from the line-up at his favourite hot dog stand being longer. For the most part, it's the same old, same old - juggling work, social life, and superheroics, being yelled at by J. Jonah Jameson... The only minor difference is that he runs into a few new faces when he's out on the town.

Specifically, we cut to him stopping assorted members of the Rogues, an alliance of Flash villains, from robbing a bank, poking fun at them all the while.

Match Intros:

The Thing vs. Doctor Doom (1):

Thing: "Guess what time it is!"
Doom: "I grow weary of your insipid catchphrase."
Thing: "Well, too bad, 'cause it's clobberin' time!"

The Thing vs. Doctor Doom (2):

Doom: "Challenging Doom on your own? Further proof of your arrogance."
Thing: "I don't need a team to beat you, tin man."
Doom: "Allow me to disprove that claim."

The Thing vs. Spider-Man:

Thing: "How's it going, kid?"
Spidey: "...You're not mad about me helping Johnny with that super-adhesive prank?"
Thing: "That was YOU?!"

The Thing vs. the Hulk:

Thing: "How many times have we fought?"
Hulk: "Hulk crush you like last time!"
Thing: "I was robbed! You got one lucky hit in!"

The Thing vs. the Joker:

Thing: "You give clowns a bad name!"
Joker: "Maybe you need to lighten up!"
Thing: "Maybe you should get better material!"

The Thing vs. Harley Quinn:

Harley: "Wow, yer a real mountain of a man!"
Thing: "What was that? It's hard to understand ya with that thick accent!"
Harley: "Like you're one to talk!"

Captain Marvel vs. Ms. Marvel:

Ms. Marvel: "Ican'tbelieveI'mactuallytrainingwithCarolDanversEEEE!" ("I can't believe I'm actually training with Carol Danvers EEEE!" but said really fast)
Captain Marvel: "Take some deep breaths. You ready?"
Ms. Marvel: "I- I think so, yeah."

The Thing vs. Aquaman:

Thing: "Yer from Atlantis, huh?"
Aquaman: "I am its king!"
Thing: "Oh man, I've gotta introduce you to Namor."

The Thing vs. The Thing:

Thing 1: "Is this time travel stuff, or an alternate universe?"
Thing 2: "At this point, I just roll with it."
Thing 1: "You and me both."

Batman vs. the Joker (1):

Batman: "You're finished, Joker."
Joker: "Finished? Why, I've hardly even begun!"
Batman: "You're going back to Arkham."

Batman vs. the Joker (2):

Joker: "Why are there fences in cemeteries?"
Batman: "I don't care."
Joker: "Because everyone's dying to get in!"

Victory Quotes:

Doctor Doom:

vs. Superman: "Your abilities are impressive - I will have to find a way to duplicate them."
vs. Batman: "You were well prepared, but none can anticipate Doom."
vs. Wonder Woman: "Your gods cannot help you now."
vs. Green Lantern: "When it comes to willpower, Doom cannot be surpassed!"
vs. Aquaman: "On my world, the ruler of Atlantis is far more cooperative."
vs. Zatanna: "You make a mockery of magic."
vs. Iron Man: "You are a fool to battle me with such inferior technology."
vs. Doctor Doom: "Whoever reprogrammed this Doombot shall be executed."
vs. Doctor Strange: "Now we know who the Sorcerer Supreme truly is."

The Joker:

vs. Batman: "Nighty night, Bats! Can't wait for you to see what I've got in store for Gotham!"
vs. Aquaman: "I'll have the fried fish special!"
vs. the Joker: "There's only one Joker in this deck!"
vs. Luthor: "Thanks, Lexy - I'll put all of that LexCorp tech to good use!"
vs. Harley: "Nice try, kiddo, but you've gotta work on your act."
vs. Nightwing: "You were always my favourite Robin, so I'll kill you last."
vs. Spider-Man: "I never did like hecklers."
vs. the Hulk: "Being that grouchy can't be good for you - let's give you a nice big smile!"
vs. Deadpool: "There - that shut you up!"
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Alright so I didn't had my PC but now I can submit some victory quotes, I will try to think in intros too but victory quotes are easier to do.

Iron Man:

vs. Captain America: "I didn't wanted to do this again Steve, but you forced me..."
vs. Spider-Man: "Wake up kiddo, I know that you have more to offer than this."
vs. Hulk: "Hey Bruce don't take it personal...wait what are you thinking to do with that truck?"
vs. Batman: "Do you think Wayne Industries would be interesed in being bought by Stark Industries?"
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Lesson learned - I should mix a writing-heavy job with a more casual one, rather than doing two writing jobs at once. My Spider-Man arcade ending wins by default - we'll use Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Aquaman moveset, and Spider-Man's rival in arcade mode will be Superman!

Job 55: nominate a DC stage that isn't on Earth

So far, all of our stages aside from Asgard and the Throne Room have been earthbound; I figure there are plenty of options in the broader DC universe, whether it's a world like Oa, headquarters of the Green Lanterns, or a vessel like Brainiac's base or the Justice League satellite headquarters. It could be on the moon - as long as it's not on Earth, it qualifies for this job.

Job 56: trading cards for Wonder Woman, the Flash, Iron Man, and/or Captain America

My original plan was to have Wonder Woman and Iron Man, but I wasn't sure how well-known their supporting casts were outside of a few examples (Steve Trevor, Cheetah, Ares, Pepper Potts, Rhodey, the Mandarin...). I felt like a Justice League/Avengers job would be too broad, so I decided to cover two characters/franchises from each company.

Like usual, we're going with a maximum of ten cards in total - mix and match that however you see fit. The following characters already have cards:

-Wonder Woman (could use a description)
-The Flash (Barry Allen) (could use a description)
-Ragdoll (could use a description)

-Iron Man (could use a description)
-Captain America (Steve Rogers) (could use a description)
-Iron Monger (could use a description)
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
New Genesis
New Genesis is a fictional planet from DC comics and it's a homeworld for New Gods (and sage Highfather) as it was shown in comics. It has similar landscape and other similarties to planet Earth and it's a positive counterpart to evil planet Apokalips.

It would take place on this planet New Genesis and the new Gods alongside Highfather make cameos in background.

I'm not sure whose home stage is it, but it would make sense to included as Stage that doesn't take place on planet Earth.

As for cards:
Iron Man:
1. James Rhodes/War Machine
2. Nick Fury
3. Pepper Potts

The Flash:
1. Eobard thowne
2. Killer Frost

Captain America:
1. Bucky Barnes/Winter soldier
2. Red skull

Wonder Woman:
1. Hippolyta
2. Steve Trevor
3. Ares


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2018
Stuck in the Special Zone
Have some more Deadpool intros, along with some victory quotes (will add more eventually):

Match Intros:

Deadpool vs. The Thing

Deadpool: Oh hey, Rocky! Hold on a second, let me just grab something...
Thing: As if a piece of paper is gonna protect you from getting clobbered!
Deadpool: Paper? You're completely mistaken! I'm just... uh... Dammit how did he know?

Deadpool vs. Hulk

Deadpool vs. Nightwing
Deadpool: Y'know, I've always wondered, what's it like still being second banana to Batman after all of these years?
Nightwing: Wait a minute, SLADE?!
Deadpool: What? No, it's Wade! Who the hell is Sla- uh, why do you look like you want to punch me in the face all of a sudden?

Victory Quotes:

Vs. Superman:

Vs. Harley Quinn: Question: Is it actually legal to own hyenas or any other similar animals? ...Asking for a friend.

Vs. Spider-Man: Hey, where's your camera? I wonder if Jameson would give ME cash for taking a photo of you beaten to a pulp, haha!

Vs. Wolverine: Now where's that motorcycle of yours... Time to find the nearest Mexican place and blame all of this on Cyclops!

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Lesson learned - I should mix a writing-heavy job with a more casual one, rather than doing two writing jobs at once.
I like those jobs, it just that they usually happen in the worst momentos to me when I dont have the time to write or even think, I would try to do more in the future.

Iron Man
  • Whiplash
  • Crimson Dynamo
  • Extremis
Captain America
  • Baron Zemo
  • Peggy Carter
  • Godspeed
  • Captain Cold
  • Jay Garrick/Flash (Earth-2)
Wonder Woman
  • Cheetah

Deleted member

New Genesis
View attachment 357260
New Genesis is a fictional planet from DC comics and it's a homeworld for New Gods (and sage Highfather) as it was shown in comics. It has similar landscape and other similarties to planet Earth and it's a positive counterpart to evil planet Apokalips.

It would take place on this planet New Genesis and the new Gods alongside Highfather make cameos in background.

I'm not sure whose home stage is it, but it would make sense to included as Stage that doesn't take place on planet Earth.

As for cards:
Iron Man:
1. James Rhodes/War Machine
2. Nick Fury
3. Pepper Potts

The Flash:
1. Eobard thowne
2. Killer Frost

Captain America:
1. Bucky Barnes/Winter soldier
2. Red skull

Wonder Woman:
1. Hippolyta
2. Steve Trevor
3. Ares
In the comics Killer Frost doesn't really have much to do with Flash. She's a Firestorm villian. That's more of a TV show thing.

  • Peggy Carter: A resistance agent who worked alongside Captain America and eventualy became his love interest. Her legacy is felt in the modern day, and carried by her neice Sharon. In another world she took up the shield, becoming the hero Captain Carter.
  • Sam Wilson / Falcon: A social worker who befriended Captain America. He became inspired, taking a pair of mechanical wings and a special suit to fight crime as the superhero falcon. He also has a bird sidekick known as Redwing. He has even been Captain America.
  • Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark): The daughter of a friend of Wonder Woman, Dr. Helena Sandsmark, Cassandra Sandsmark. She took up magical artifacts which gave her superpowers in order to help Wonder Woman. Zeus gave her superpowers as a gift. She would be revealed to be Zeus's own daughter. She is often seen as a member of the Teen Titans.
  • Captian Cold: Leonard Snart was a career crimnal. He created a special gun that allows him to create ice. He is the leader of the infamous crimnal gang known as the Rouges, becoming a common foe of the Flash. He has a sense of honour and won't kill.
  • Caption Boomarang: George "Digger" Harkness is an Australian crimnal. He weilds special technicaigcal boomerangs. He is a reccurring foe of the Flash member of the Rouges and sometimes member of the Suicide Squad.
  • Gorilla Grodd: A gorilla who became hyper intelligent after being exposed to an alien spacecraft. He has the power to control the minds of others. He lives in Gorilla City and has became a common enemy of the Flash.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
In the comics Killer Frost doesn't really have much to do with Flash. She's a Firestorm villian. That's more of a TV show thing. Also I'd say Fury proablly proablly be specified more as S.H. E.I.L.D./Avengers character if anything. That's just a Nitpick though lol

  • Peggy Carter: A resistance agent who worked alongside Captain America and eventualy became his love interest. Her legacy is felt in the modern day, and carried by her neice Sharon. In another world she took up the shield, becoming the hero Captain Carter.
  • Sam Wilson / Falcon: A social worker who befriended Captain America. He became inspired, taking a pair of mechanical wings and a special suit to fight crime as the superhero falcon. He also has a bird sidekick known as Redwing. He has even been Captain America.
  • Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark): The daughter of a friend of Wonder Woman, Dr. Helena Sandsmark, Cassandra Sandsmark. She took up magical artifacts which gave her superpowers in order to help Wonder Woman. Zeus gave her superpowers as a gift. She would be revealed to be Zeus's own daughter. She is often seen as a member of the Teen Titans.
  • Captian Cold: Leonard Snart was a career crimnal. He created a special gun that allows him to create ice. He is the leader of the infamous crimnal gang known as the Rouges, becoming a common foe of the Flash. He has a sense of honour and won't kill.
  • Caption Boomarang: George "Digger" Harkness is an Australian crimnal. He weilds special technicaigcal boomerangs. He is a reccurring foe of the Flash member of the Rouges and sometimes member of the Suicide Squad.
  • Gorilla Grodd: A gorilla who became hyper intelligent after being exposed to an alien spacecraft. He has the power to control the minds of others. He lives in Gorilla City and has became a common enemy of the Flash.
Should I change it or not?
(Just asking)


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC


A mobile weaponized satellite (perhaps it could be described as some sort of "death star"), Warworld is the base of the tyrannical Mongul. Commonly portrayed as a mix of a Mad Max style wasteland and a Roman colosseum, Mongul uses this planet for twisted and brutal gladiatorial games.

The stage takes place in the gladiatorial arena, with Mongul looming over all and a crowd of aliens being forced to watch the carnage. In the background of the arena, there are biker gangs trying to outrun various alien monstrosities.

Iron Man cards:

1. The Mandarin
  • "The Mandarin is a warlord, a criminal mastermind, and Iron Man's arch-enemy. He rose to power after discovering ten rings of alien origin, each of which allowed him to use a different ability. He is a skilled martial artist, able to dismantle Iron Man's armour with well-placed blows, and a brilliant tactical mind able to manipulate events that leads to the downfall of his targets, while they will never see him coming."
2. Fin Fang Foom
  • "A shape-shifting alien from the planet Kakaranthara, Fin Fang Foom's name translates to 'He Whose Limbs Shatter Mountains and Whose Back Scrapes the Sun'. Fin Fang Foom spends most of his time in hibernation, awakening whenever someone is foolish enough to try and use his strength for their own purposes. For some reason, he wears purple pants."
Captain America cards:

3. M.O.D.O.K.
  • "Also known as the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, M.O.D.O.K. was a test experiment of the villainous group A.I.M. However, they did a better job with enhancing his intelligence than anticipated, and he quickly took control of the organization. His massive brain means that he is stuck in his Doomsday Chair, and has difficulty moving without it."
4. Baron Zemo
  • "Helmut Zemo is the 13th Baron Zemo, following his father's death at the hands of Captain America and the Avengers. Unlike his father, Helmut has denounced the Nazi ideology, though he still leads the Masters of Evil organization that his father created. Ever the opportunist, Zemo keeps an eye out for weaknesses or openings at all times, even disguising the Masters of Evil as a new superhero team when the Avengers were absent."
Wonder Woman cards:

5. Dr. Psycho
  • "A disgusting and diminutive doctor, Doctor Psycho can control minds and create illusions. A hateful misogynist, short-tempered (especially when it comes to comments regarding his height), and the sort of villain that even other villains don't want to work with unless they absolutely have to, Doctor Psycho might not be Wonder Woman's most dangerous foe, but he's definitely in the running for her worst one."
Flash cards:

6. The Trickster (James Jesse)
  • "A member of the Rogues, the Trickster was originally a circus performer named Giovanni Giuseppe. Admiring American outlaws, he used James Jesse as a stage name. He invented anti-gravity boots to perform in the circus, but eventually used them to commit daring aerial crimes."
7. The Flash (Wally West)
  • "After the death of Barry Allen during a multiversal crisis, the former Kid Flash, Wally West, took up the mantle in his stead. He struggled with life in Barry's shadow, but he sought to redeem his villains when he could, including several of the Rogues. In contrast with Barry's straight-laced personality, Wally enjoys being a superhero, and is a light-hearted goofball unless events force him to get serious."
I might edit more in later; I got rid of some cards that people had posted as I was typing them out.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
There was a bit of downtime due to Crashboards this morning, though I'm not sure how many more nominations we would have gotten in that time. For our stages, we'll choose between:

-New Genesis

I'll add the cards to the first post at some point today.

Job 57: nominate a Marvel stage that isn't on Earth

Same as above - options include the homeworlds of the Kree, Skrull, or Shi'ar empires, locations tied to the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Blue Area of the Moon where the Watcher sometimes lives, Arrako (a mutant nation on Mars), the Dark Dimension where the dread Dormammu dwells, the Microverse, or the Overspace where Eternity and other cosmic beings exist, among others.

Job 58: Wolverine costumes

Nominate Wolverine's default costume and anywhere from one to seven alternate costumes. Pictures generally help to give an idea of what the costumes would look like.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 57:
Xandar is a planet from Marvel Comics and it's a homeworld for Nova Corps, an intergalactic police. The whole planet is covered with green plants and high-futuristic buildings (Which they have advanced technology). It locates in Tranta system in Andromeda galaxy according to comics.

The stage would take place at Xandar and the Nova Corps alongside with other inhabitants make a cameo in background. Occasionally, you could spot Ego the living planet in background (It references the time where Nova corps used to live on him).

Xandar would be cool choice for a stage, considering that it's a one of MCU locations that doesn't take place on Earth and it would make sense somehow to include the stage in game
(Maybe if we had Nova Corps member as playable, then Xandar could it's home stage).


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

Taa II

A spaceship the size of a solar system, Taa II (that's "Taa Two") is the home of Galactus, Devourer of Worlds!!

The fighting could take place in a central room with Galactus himself in the background, waiting for his heralds to summon him to a planet that he could eat. In the background, we could see a window with a star and the vastness of space visible through it. The Silver Surfer could fly past the window on occasion.


I'd normally submit a list of costumes, but darkonedagger covered basically every one that I could think of, so that makes it easier for me.
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Deleted member


4690753-knowhere - guardians of knowhere #1.jpg

A floating disembodied celestial headthat acts as a hub for various aliens. It is also used as a base by the Guardians of the Galaxy. It has featured heavily in both the MCU and the GOTG game.The stage would take place inside the head and feature many bizzare looking aliens. You could see space through it's eyes. It would feature cameos from the likes of the Collector, Cosmo the spacedog, and members of the Guardians.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Hey y'all, we got a lot of stages that pertain to Space. How bout we have one focused around Time - welcome to the TVA!

The Time Variance Authority has been around for a long time in the comics, but rose to prominence when it served as the key backdrop to the Loki show. In that show it served as a multiversal organization to preserve the sacred timeline via all means necessary. The stage would, at the very least, take inspiration from the distinctive architecture of the MCU. When it comes to cameos, obviously Mobius M. Mobius has to Mob his way onto the stage, and the original MCU creation of Miss Minutes should appear as well. Possibly various variants could cameo as well?
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Oa will be added as a DC stage! Congratulations, @Darkonedagger!

We'll be voting on which stages to include for Marvel, and which costumes to include for Wolverine. I figure that, since we got a good amount of stage nominations, we can do ranked voting for this and include the top two.

-Xandar ( Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
-Taa II ( Megadoomer Megadoomer )
-Knowhere (@Darkonedagger)
-The Dark Dimension ( Oddball Oddball )
-The TVA ( PeridotGX PeridotGX )

Same as usual; pick your top three, and your own nomination can't be in first.

My votes:
1. The Dark Dimension
2. Taa II
3. The TVA

As for the costumes, here are links to the lists - the yellow-and-blue, brown-and-yellow, and X-Force costumes are in all three of the lists, so I'll just list the others.

-darkonedagger (Patch, Old Man Logan, Weapon X, first appearance)
-Infinity Sorcerer (Patch, Old Man Logan, feral, New X-Men, Soteira)
-Oddball (team uniform, movie costume, civilian, Age of Apocalypse, Darkclaw)


We'll be jumping into the next character jobs a little quicker than normal because these jobs will be adding less characters than normal. I made some adjustments to my plans based on the feedback that I got a few weeks ago, and it seemed like people really wanted to see a round for Batman and Spider-Man characters. (particularly villains, but I figured I should leave it open to leave room for characters like Catwoman or Robin)

In order to fit the jobs in, I had to trim some of them down to one character being added per side. However, the fact that we added three Marvel characters in a previous round throws a monkey wrench into things, since it means that I could add an extra DC character anywhere to make the numbers even.

I'm thinking that, if we get an above-average amount of nominations for DC rounds in this round (the average is about seven, so above-average would be eight or more), we'll add a second character. If we don't reach that point for this or any other DC rounds, then I've got a wild-card round for the end, so we can use the extra nomination there.

Long story short - if we get eight or more nominations, then two characters will be added from this round instead of one.

Job 59: nominate a Batman character

At the moment, we've got Batman, Nightwing, the Joker, and Harley Quinn, so any Batman character other than those four qualifies. Batman's got a massive rogues gallery to choose from - the Penguin, the Riddler, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Mister Freeze, Scarecrow, Ra's al Ghul, Bane, and that's just characters who made it into the movies! - along with a large supporting cast with characters like Catwoman, Robin, Batgirl, and so many others.

Job 60: nominate a Hulk moveset

Feel free to base this on the comics, movies, games, or whatever else you want to base it on. I'm going to come up with one based on the game The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Batman character submission:
Catwoman (Batman)
Selina Kyle/Catwoman is one of Batman characters and she is a cat burglar (no pun intended) who wears the one piece cat-suit and she is considered as one of Batman's enemies. Along with Batman, they have love-hate relationship.
She recently appeared in Batman (2022) movie and she is also very popular Batman character in the series.

Her moveset could consist of her attacks, her gadgets and her techniques that originate from comics, games, movies and etc.

I nominate her, because having a female Batman character would be cool and she would make sense to be in fighting game.

As for vites:
1. The Dark Dimension
2. Xandar
3. Taa II
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
  1. Knowhere
  2. The Dark Dimension
  3. Xandar

I would like to see your moveset first, so I will hold me back for the moment.

Batman Character: Ra's al Ghul
My favorite Batman villain so far, I was between him and Red Hood but I kinda feel that one Robin is enough. A man who lived centuries being the leader of the League of Assassins, sometimes portrayed has a well-intentioned extremist and other times being a more direct bad guy. In any of the cases Ra's is a badass man having skilled sword and martial art techniques, being a strategist and even gained some superhuman feats thanks to the long exposition to the Lazarus Pit
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

Hulk moveset

Unique Action: Steel Fists
- picking up a car from somewhere and ripping it in half, the Hulk covers his hands with the shattered remains of the vehicle. This boosts his attack power and gives him up to three hits of super armour depending on the strength of the attack that he's hit with, though it has a long cooldown.

Sonic Clap (charge back, forward, attack) - the Hulk claps his hands together to let out a long-range shockwave; the heavier versions have a longer range, but more of a delay. The shockwave negates/cancels out light projectiles.

Stomp (down, down, attack - air OK) - the Hulk slams a foot into a ground, creating a shockwave. The more powerful versions take longer to use, but do more damage. If used in the air, the Hulk will rocket towards the ground.

Tornado Upper (charge down, up, attack) - the Hulk leaps off of the ground, using an uppercut and sending nearby opponents airborne - this can be followed up by the air version of Stomp.

Gamma Quake (quarter circle forward + attack) - a command grab where the Hulk grabs an opponent, and if he connects, he leaps high into the air and slams the opponent into the ground once he lands.

Puny God (quarter circle back + attack) - a command grab where the Hulk grabs an opponent by the legs and lifts them over his head before slamming them into the ground repeatedly. This one grabs the opponent at a low height, so it can't be ducked under.

Level 1: Shockwave Smash (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - the Hulk slams his fists into the ground repeatedly, creating bursts of energy that travel along the floor of the stage. (first with one hand, then with the other hand, and then both at once)

Level 2: Bus Shield (half circle back + attack) - the Hulk stomps on a bus, flattening it, and then picks it up and uses it as a shield as he runs across the stage. The shield negates attacks from the front, and given the Hulk's size and the speed that he's moving at, it's hard to get the timing down to jump over it

Level 3: Gamma Bomb (press all buttons) - the Hulk claps his hands together, creating a circular shockwave around himself. If the opponent is hit by it, it transitions to a cutscene where the military has decided to call in a strike on the Hulk. Using this to his advantage, the Hulk grabs a tank by barrel and slams it onto his opponent. Military Hulkbuster mechs arrive to support, but Hulk grabs one out of the air and throws it onto the smashed tank that's on top of his opponent. With a shout of "LEAVE HULK ALONE!", the Hulk rockets towards the ground, slamming his fists into the shattered machines and his unfortunate opponent with full force, creating a massive green shockwave and ending the super.
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Deleted member

1. Dark Dimension
2. Knoware
3. TVA


A pretty popular Batman villian. A crimnal born in a Mexican prison. Bane is an imense fighter, he uses a drug known as Venom to power himself up. Bane is famous for being the villian who broke Batman's back during the Nightfall event. We could use some more big bruisers on the roster.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC


Jonathan Crane was a professor of psychology who was fired for using his students as test subjects in his study of fear. Turning into a criminal mastermind dubbed "the Scarecrow", he uses fear toxin to force others to face their greatest fears.

A martial artist whose fighting style has been described as "violent dancing", I could see Scarecrow being a stance change character or a character with an install super, where he can switch between fighting as a normal man or pumping the room full of fear gas to make the opponent see him as the Scarebeast, his Injustice 2 form, or any other number of horrifying monstrous creatures. (his normal form could be quick but weak, while his fear gas form could be stronger but slower, similar to killers in slasher movies)
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