I'd put it at around 55-45 Falco myself. Even enough, but not even exactly.
People here tend to agree, Falco's lasers shut down any useful approaches. If she has to float above the lasers then that means what? PREDICTABLE. She has one of the WORST airdodges in the game, and a central part of Falco's game is punishing that in every match-up.
Peach does NOT need to float to get to falco AT all. She should not be doing it in the first place. it's a stupid move. And with a ground game, Falco won't be abuse Peach with air dodges........cause she won't be in the air much to begin with in these cases.
Up-smash OoS, or OoS Phantasm can pretty much punish anything Peach puts on shield.
Upsmash out of shield. I can dance in your shield from the front of behind you and ether Dsmash/ Jab or reverse Jab if I land behind you and you wont get a Fsmash like that.
If I am behind you:
Dair>Bair>Dsmash/Ftilt/Reverse jab/Reverse Gab (quick reflexes to pull this off. Thank god I love to buffer)
If I am in front of you:
if I space all this, not happing with that Fsmash.
F-B out the shield is not a Smart move. I love to play techical. I would just space a air attack then instantly Ground Float to Nair (spaced) while in your face and you are getting hit. Or jab you. One of the better pressure games that loves you in your shield that you have no choice but to roll away. I do this correctly you are not landing a hit on me. While I am in your faced.
Our Bair can be kept pretty fresh in this MU for kills by using the NAIR, UAIR and DAIR for damage here.
Even when fresh I am not doing well of that move onless I am in the air and off stage.
You may have a CG, but good luck getting one from zero when we're shutting down your ground game.
You can't shut down my ground game since it is not hard to get near you. So yea, chain grabs are still there.
We still have grab combos. Maybe not as effective as a CG but Falco prides himself on getting some momentum.
Jab and Ftilt are both quick and reasonably ranged attacks that do some good damage.
If I dont space well enough you win. if I do, I win.
Floating off-stage for a punish before we recover is TELEGRAPHED. And if you do that you're giving Falco room to recover IMO. As long as there isn't someone grabbing the edge, Falco has one of the best recoveries.
your recovery on me is telegraohed. I can force you where to recover just from my Ground floating air attacks and lauching turnips above or out the stage as you get sent flying. You can not recover safe against Peach. When off the stage, I can have the control of where you go, not you. And you the one trying to make it back for that matter
If we recover wrong you will kill us sure. That's the same as ANY match-up, so inb4sayingwegimpyou.
I don't need to gimp you. nor way I gonna bring it up. On falco I really don't need to.
While it's still not smart to use reflector, I honestly believe it can be useful in this MU. It's got some great range, and if we're limiting your approach options, a fullhop reflector can be quite the mixup. Now before you say anything like "we can punish you on landing". No, you can't. If that possibility is there, we won't take it. Phantasm cancelling away from you is both low lag and puts quite the distance between us as long as we keep it as a mix up, and as long as we're not predictable with the phantasm as well.
full hop reflecter, dash attack is taking care of that if I am in range and you gonna sit here thinking I seriously need an air game. Not many people tend to understand that Peach has a good ground game. It's just too many peach players love being in the air so much. So of course this would be expected. I have both a slolid aor and ground game. I can space on the graound as well as the air. And For the F-B, I explained this one already.
I don't see Falco putting himself in to many positions to get Upsmashed for a kill???? You tell me, you're the Peach, and clearly that's why you're here.
I have a good platform game. Any stage with platforms you play Peach on, you are at rick of getting hit with a Upsmash. It's not something to depend on, but don't sit here and thing you won't eat one from Peach.my platforms dude. I turned battlefield into my counterpick cause of this. And not just on falco, any character in this game. if they bann that, lylat gets the job done.
Fair is one of your best kills moves, but afaik it's also one of your damage rackers, that's what I see a lot anyway. Fsmash isn't the strongest of moves, Dsmash is useless. Nair and Bair can both kill but they're a cut below your other kill moves.
If I clap you with a tennis racket sweet spotted you are dieing early. Cause that move sents heavy characters down word a lil. And with that recover you gt, if you was to try and make it back, you gonan have a really hard time. Only way you making it back from this is if I screw up the edgeguard.
Dsmash is not useless at all. Not sure where you getting this from. And I can combo into Dsmash on Space animals well. And with my pressure game and spacing eating your shield. once that shield is small enough, you are getting shield stabbed.
Fair is not one of my Damage rackers. I have so many ways to rack on damage. Really on have/ space animal characters. And once I have you off the stage, You are in deep trouble. Youusually See Peach players abusing Fair alot and thats why you think it is one of her damage rackers. Thus would be stall. It's not like that with me dude. I can save my kill moves. Even you you are camping like there is no 2morrow. My Fair will be fresh on you. And all I need to do is get you off the stage at 50~60%+
With edguarding you with grounded air attacks, I can mix up both Nair and Bair, so they won't be stale so much keeping you out and you die sooner.
Now I don't many ANY offense by this next part, believe me, I just want to know. Are you really here to just convince us? Or is there some sort of bruised ego involved? I promise you no aggression here, I have quite the ego myself as well as a few small anger problems. Though I just wanted to make sure you're here for the right reasons.