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Crushing the Competitive Spirit

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Link to original post: [drupal=771]Crushing the Competitive Spirit[/drupal]

Before I even start this, I should let you know that I'm not intending to respond to any posts in this thread. I'm set in my opinion, and I'm not looking to convince anyone that they're opinion is right or wrong, and I'm also not looking to have my opinion challenged. I just feel like writing. I will at least read every post in this thread, so at least one person does.


I hate Brawl. Anyone that knows me or has seen me post anywhere on the boards probably knows this by now. I bought a Wii specifically for this game, and I've felt that I wasted $300, because the Wii is an even bigger disappointment than Brawl is, but back to the point. My wife and I play Melee together almost every night, and when we owned Brawl, we played it together for a month. That's about how long we could feign interest in a poorly developed and shallow game, and we came to the conclusion that it was better to just trade it in. So we did, and I bought Disgaea DS. It was definitely the right decision.

Even though I don't own the game anymore, I still can't escape the shadow of mediocrity it casts over the Smash community. Whenever I head back to my old college to hang out with my friends, I bring my Wii and Melee so that I can kick their *****, and they bring Guilty Gear and Naruto so that they can kick mine, all in good fun of course. And as soon as I plug in the Wii, someone inevitably asks, "Did you bring Brawl?". and I'm forced to explain for the umpteenth time that I don't play Brawl, and I don't even own it. "Why?" they ask. "Because it sucks," I say. "But it's easier!" Never mind that when I did play Brawl, I beat them in it.

It would be one thing if this line of thinking, "Let's take the easy way out" was reserved for the casual players that frequent community colleges across the country. But this ugly, anti-competitive spirit has spread like a plague throughout the community, and has reared its ugly head in more ways than one. The fact is that Brawl is a mechanically broken game. No amount of glossing over can change the fact that Nintendo published a game where things that make absolutely no sense occur on a regular basis. My favorite example of this is D3's chain throw. How did Sakurai and his development team miss the fact that D3 can perform a 0-death combo against walls, and then make a stage like Shadow Moses? Or Pokemon Stadium 1? How did they miss the fact that he can chainthrow a significant portion of the cast to death on stages like Eldin, Flatzone and Mario Kart? How did they miss grab release infinites? Standing infinites?

We think about these problems in terms of competitive play, because that is the focus of this website. But in reality, this is a problem for everyone who enjoys Smash, both competitive and casual players. It doesn't require any level of skill to take a stock from someone with D3 if you play on banned stages, like most casuals do. Where is the enjoyment for little Timmy because his best friend is a cheap ******* who dthrows him to death on every walk-off stage? It's ironic to think that our tourney*** nature may actually preserve some of the enjoyment of the game, because we don't allow that kind of gayness.

The list goes on and on regarding things that are literally broken in Brawl, from a programming standpoint. Yet somehow a poorly designed, poorly planned and poorly produced game has become the tournament standard for one of the largest competitive communities in the world. How can that be? Because it's new? I wish that was the answer.

Because it's easy.

A friend of mine was talking to a certain well-known Smasher, and he asked him why he liked Brawl more. "I like it because it requires less technical skill", this respected Smasher replied. I wish I could have been there to hear him say it, because I almost didn't believe it. I'm sorry, but when I got into competitive gaming, I didn't sign up for the easy way out.

I don't know about you, but it feels good to waveshine. It feels good to ledgehop a double laser. It feels good to Wobble. It feels good to Ken Combo or float cancel. I saw a mach the other day where DSF moonwalked with C. Falcon into a grab. I replayed that moment like 20 times, because it was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen. What does Brawl offer that can even come close to comparing with that? I forced myself to watch a Marth ditto in Brawl after I watched a Marth ditto in Melee. I almost cried from boredom.

That is truly the problem with Brawl. I've gone through my hatred of Brawl in phases. At first I hated it because it wasn't Melee 2.0. Then I hated it because it was too easy. Next I hated it because it was poorly programmed. But now, I'm back to hating it because it's too easy, and the game itself has created an atmosphere that is toxic to the competitive spirit necessary for any tournament community.

I have a friend who is a political conservative, and at work we often discuss the problems with liberals. I consider myself to be a liberal, but over the last few years I've experienced a significant shift in my political beliefs, where I think I am now more moderate as opposed to the hyper-liberal I used to be. His belief is that liberals want to give everything away: health care, housing, better wages, overtime, etc. By doing this, we de-humanize people and make them wards of the state. Instead of encouraging them to go out, find work and make a better life for themselves, liberals say "You can't do it, so we'll do it for you", by providing people with health care, low-rent housing, food stamps, etc. Basically, the argument is this: If you subsidize an individual's life, you lower that person's expectations for themselves. Why should they work if the government will provide everything for them anyway? and without work and self-reliance, there's no self-worth, and in the end all of the government handouts have done more harm than good.

For the most part, I agree with him. I live a poor part of the city, where everyone receives some form of government help, including myself and my family. And for the most part, the people around me are content to rely on the government to take care of them, and they don't mind not being able to support themselves. Where my wife and I differ from these people is that we have strong friends and role models who know that we are in a tight spot now, but they encourage us to work and go to school, and by toughing it out now, someday soon we'll be able to say "**** you" to government help, and enjoy the pride and self-worth associated with taking care of ourselves.

Why have I gone off on this seemingly unrelated tangent? Because I believe that it is the perfect analogy for what Brawl has done to the Smash community. Sakurai has extended government aid to the Smash community, and we've eaten it up. And just like how government aid can crush the human spirit, I think that Brawl has crushed the competitive spirit. You no longer have to measure your recovery; the game auto-sweetspots for you. You don't have to worry about l-canceling, that's gone all together. You don't have to be fast, the game is slow. DI is all you need to make it back to the stage, thanks to the floaty engine. Perfect-shielding is so easy my son can do it. There's no way to quantify these effects on the community, but I think that there is more than enough anecdotal evidence to support my theory that an easier game has led to a more complacent and less competitive community.

The biggest example of this is the "Ban Metaknight" debate. Is Metaknight gay? Yes. Is he gayer than Melee's Sheik or Fox? That's debatable. Is he unbeatable? No. But everything else has been handed to Brawl players, so why not just hand them a ban? "It's too hard to fight MK", they whine. He has no counters. He has no bad stages. He's the best character. Well, last time I checked, the same things were true for Fox and Sheik in Melee, and there was no mass movement to ban them. It used to be that our community was invigorated by challenges, and that was what pushed the metagame to heights that no one would have dreamed of in 2004. But here...oh no, Metaknight's too hard to fight, so instead of actually being forced to get better, let's just ban him!

It really baffles me to see people abiding, even supporting, this kind of attitude in a competitive community. Aren't we supposed to rise up to challenges like this? I expect as much, but I keep forgetting that I'm applying Melee ethics to a community that knows nothing about practicing tech skills for hours to do impossibly difficult things. God forbid that a Brawl player be forced to actually do something hard. Glide-tossing? Get that kiddie **** out of here. I feel like the community that I once loved has now lowered itself to the lowest common denominator. We're encouraging mediocrity on the grandest scale imaginable. When I can force myself to watch a Brawl match, I have no idea what separates a good player from a bad one, because there really is nothing that does. We expect less from Brawl players, and they give us less. That is a simple fact that seems to get overlooked. A lower caliber game yields a lower caliber player, and a lower caliber community in general. It's as simple as that.

Brawl is easier, and that's what people want. As a direct result of that, we've been rewarded with a whiny, *****y, non-competitive community, and it saddens me that people work actively to grow this group that has shown that it has no desire in competing. Melee was gay, but it challenged me as a gamer to push myself to my limits in order to compete. Brawl doesn't demand anything of me, or anyone else that plays it. I can't believe that we've allowed this to become the face of our community. It might as well be our death mask.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
I couldn't agree more... well said sir, but you know that, we talk about this all the time anyway. Glad you put this out there though, people really do need to see this.

edit. first post, yay me


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Okay, so you got first post...this isn't YouTube. No offense.

Anyways, I COMPLETELY AGREE. That was a long read, but definitely worth the read. I just don't understand the appeal in Brawl. What does it have to offer that Melee doesn't? I don't think I've ever heard a legitimate answer, because it's either about how new it is, an attack on Melee, or no reason given -- probably because it's easier, and they don't want to admit that that's why.

Your analogy was great, too. It's occurred to me before, particularly a few months ago when someone created a topic called, "Sakurai is a communist." It sounds ridiculous and lots of people bashed the extremity of it before it got locked, but after reading their points, it made sense. It's not the entirely same analogy as you gave, but it's similar. In Melee, you had to work for everything, you had to practice, and the result was visible. But in Brawl, Sakurai seemed to work so no hurt feelings would be had. You know, god forbid putting in more work actually gets you somewhere. So he made it easier. So a noob to the game can do well, an expert at the game can do well, and a middle player can do well. Where's the bad? Where's the good? It's not there, because everything's made easy. You don't need to put in time and effort to practice. Give up, and the game will give everything to you. Just like how you can give up in real life, and just have the government support you. Why do we want an easy way out? Why do we want something that gives us no satisfaction? It's ridiculous.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2008
Ottawa CA
I completely agree...I just started waveshining perfectly like this week and ive been practicing for like a year haha. The hardest brawl techniques challenged me for maybe 10 minutes a piece...

I'm an unbelievably competitive person and anybody who tries to avoid hurt feelings shouldn't compete


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2008
That analogy and your perspective on being liberal, I'll come to total agreeance for now. But for the Metaknight being banned, I was cracking up from the inside. I play brawl but I desire Melee more, but the 'banning Metaknight' threads are free comedy! featuring lots and lots of complainers and whinery people, giving the kiddy impression. Now, in terms of button pressing speed I would totally wreck the GC controller when playing Melee (SHFFL) and you know how much effort that takes to learn right? A friend of mine said that "Brawl was intended to be for kids and has become less competitive like it Melee". It's just amazing how much time you can blow your brains out getting all the Advance Techniques down in Melee than in Brawl. Not against Brawl though, since this is the result of the assumed Melee ver. 2.0, I'm strongly hoping that the next SSB game (if there ever will be another) will have Melee game mechanics and possibly more Advance Techniques to discover.


Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
atlantic city
wow its every where people just cant accept new things. OK let me break it down for you guys. BRAWL IS NEW! give it some time to flourish i mean im pretty sure when melee came out every one was hating on it for not being smash 2.0 and then every one got used to it people started to get good at it and now there are champions at it. and for all of this to happen it took time. you all say brawl is a boring game its so gay blah blah blah blah etc. but that's because your bad at it or don't have the patience to learn a new play style. there are still combos to be made and still new skills to be found. you guys say ok it takes ten mins to learn and perfect a skill in brawl. BULL****! it took me at least 2 months to learn how to quick attack cancle with pikachu correctly and at least a 2 weeks to weave it in to my play style. and also who wants a game where every thing is perfect? that would be the most boring game ever. ok imma fair dair and win. thats the gayness of melee you go in to the game with a game plan decent players make it work 60% of the time good players execute it perfect;y every time and spam it even! where as in brawl there is no game plan from the door. ok you may think ok imma pick d3 and chain grab all day but what if they counter pick fox? then on that note brawl becomes a thinking mans game. when you play really good brawl players you cant have a gameplan you have to think in the match you have to gimp,gay, and think your way out of every situation! well i could go on forever but ill think ill end it here


Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2008
Iroquois County, IL
The biggest example of this is the "Ban Metaknight" debate. Is Metaknight gay? Yes. Is he gayer than Melee's Sheik or Fox? That's debatable. Is he unbeatable? Yes. But everything else has been handed to Brawl players, so why not just hand them a ban? "It's too hard to fight MK", they whine. He has no counters. He has no bad stages. He's the best character. Well, last time I checked, the same things were true for Fox and Sheik in Melee, and there was no mass movement to ban them. It used to be that our community was invigorated by challenges, and that was what pushed the metagame to heights that no one would have dreamed of in 2004. But here...oh no, Metaknight's too hard to fight, so instead of actually being forced to get better, let's just ban him!

Fox and Sheik were gimped soooo easily, thier recovery was horrible, even for Melee. Jigglypuff was also a reliable counterpick for them. Have you forgotten about Falco, Marth, CF, and Peach?

Are you saying Hylian is a lazy player?


Jul 17, 2008
I am two sided on this topic due to the fact I love both games to equal extents. I've been playing smash since 1999 and all three of the games have their own heartwarming experiences for myself.

Pssh, all three games are horrible because there is no Geno..>_>


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2007
Northeast Ohio (AKA Smashghetto)
ummm.....isn't Brawl being easyier a good thing? That means taht more people can be introduced to the game and the community will grow. I'm sorry to say that if everyone leaves brawl to go back to melee, the community will die and whenever the next smash comes out, we might have to start all over again. Not something that should happen.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Man everytime I read posts like this it makes me want to play Melee more. I went straight into Brawl with no Melee/64 experience. It seems like Melee is better than Brawl from what I read and I've only played the game a handful of times.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2006
Detroit Michigan
wow its every where people just cant accept new things. OK let me break it down for you guys. BRAWL IS NEW! give it some time to flourish i mean im pretty sure when melee came out every one was hating on it for not being smash 2.0 and then every one got used to it people started to get good at it and now there are champions at it. and for all of this to happen it took time. you all say brawl is a boring game its so gay blah blah blah blah etc. but that's because your bad at it or don't have the patience to learn a new play style. there are still combos to be made and still new skills to be found. you guys say ok it takes ten mins to learn and perfect a skill in brawl. BULL****! it took me at least 2 months to learn how to quick attack cancle with pikachu correctly and at least a 2 weeks to weave it in to my play style. and also who wants a game where every thing is perfect? that would be the most boring game ever. ok imma fair dair and win. thats the gayness of melee you go in to the game with a game plan decent players make it work 60% of the time good players execute it perfect;y every time and spam it even! where as in brawl there is no game plan from the door. ok you may think ok imma pick d3 and chain grab all day but what if they counter pick fox? then on that note brawl becomes a thinking mans game. when you play really good brawl players you cant have a gameplan you have to think in the match you have to gimp,gay, and think your way out of every situation! well i could go on forever but ill think ill end it here
If anything you are actually helping support why Brawl is n00b friendly.
Melee ws never gay it showed tru-skill. The game plan was to excute attacks with enough techniacal skill to win. On Brawl it's like.......fight until high percent then smash central. A good player would be able to shave a stoock off of you in melee with 1 combo because they had hours of practice and dedication to make the game seem broken. On Brawl a good player will shave a stock off of you by predicting and punishing your moves correctly. To different games two differnt ways of killing. Brawl is young though so really can't say nothing to the Melee boards yet.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
Berkerey, CA
If anything you are actually helping support why Brawl is n00b friendly.
Melee ws never gay it showed tru-skill. The game plan was to excute attacks with enough techniacal skill to win. On Brawl it's like.......fight until high percent then smash central. A good player would be able to shave a stoock off of you in melee with 1 combo because they had hours of practice and dedication to make the game seem broken. On Brawl a good player will shave a stock off of you by predicting and punishing your moves correctly. To different games two differnt ways of killing. Brawl is young though so really can't say nothing to the Melee boards yet.
You should rethink your post. You seem to be contradicting yourself at least once.

I do agree that Melee requires more technical skill (obviously) than Brawl and that Melee Pros >>> Melee Scrubs whereas Brawl Pros > Brawl Scrubs. But I prefer Brawl only because it requires more thought to win. Sure at the Pro Level in Melee it was all about mindgaming your opponent because each player had ridiculous technical skill, but at most tournaments and casual play, the "better" player was the one who could hit the buttons faster. Now, even for scrub players: you think more, you win more. Who'da thought?

Smash was not designed to appeal to only the Pros. Get over it.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Adelaide, Australia. Along with my Mad Duck.
Sasha said:
But I prefer Brawl only because it requires more thought to win
Hahaha...you're kidding, right? You haven't played Melee (or 64 for that matter) if you think Brawl takes thought to win. Brawl takes patience, and camping ability. That is it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, even if they're recognizable professional players in the community, because all they're trying to convince you to do is continue playing Brawl so they can keep taking your money. The moment you realize camping and patience is all that's needed, you become a Brawl "Pro".

M15t3R E

Smash Master
Sep 15, 2008
Hangin' with Thor
Brawl most certainly takes less technical skill, but it takes at least as much mindgaming and reading your opponent to do well.
Brawl is not your Melee 2.0, but I still enjoy it. To each his own.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Jam, you sir, win...this goes out to you...

I didn't read the whole thing, but I got the gist...and I couldn't agree more...this is the reason I had my little smashy-smashy with my disc :B Sakurai gave us the finger, so I gave him the finger ^^;


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2006
I'm sorry to say that if everyone leaves brawl to go back to melee, the community will grow and live again. This IS something that should happen.
Fixed =P

lol my thoughts on this...

Fact- Melee was a million times more fun than brawl for me.

Opinion- I'm sure there's alot of people that share the same view XD

Playing competitively with my group of friends and going to local tourneys made Melee my favorite game. My only regret is not getting into the competitive side of Melee earlier. Which is why if the Brawl events die down and the Melee events rise it would benefit me more ^^

Yeah I understand people are making more money off of brawl but eh I'd still prefer more melee events than brawl ^^


Smash Cadet
Apr 12, 2008


you cant say that it was "poor planed"

Actually it was good planed because... look out! this game is so popular >.<

It isnt made 4 Compettive Players
it gets abused as a Compettive Game

It is like all the other Wii-Games... 4 Causuals!!

Dont understand me wrong, ive got the same opinion youve got^^

Causuals/BrawlPlayers (most of all) : Thank you Nintendo/Hal
Compettive/MeleePlayers: **** you Nintendo/Hal

and all about money <.<


Smash Champion
Aug 24, 2008
Not wasting countless hours on a 10 man community
Wanna know my situation? I was young and ignorant back when Melee was out, and I didn't have a soul to play it with who didn't suck donkey balls. I thought my fsmash roll spamming Ganondorf was actually good.

Come Brawl, I have online, and I'm actually able to play half decent people, and am able to play competetively. I regogninze there's far more skill to Melee upon looking at videos, but. . .Let's say, I'm not that comitted? I want to play competetively casually. I didn't feel that way until I read this post, I'm as competetive as you can be with Brawl, but meh.

BUt you want to know what it really] boils down to? I can't play as Dedede, Wario, Sonic, Snake, Diddy, or Meta Knight in Melee. Even more importantly, from my limited position, I can't play competetively AT ALL in Melee due to no online, as I'm still getting out of high school and can't go to tournaments. Even then, Online is a constant way to play competetively, while tournies are very rare.

Basically, if both games had the same features in characters and online, I might go with Melee. I'm not sure, as I never got to truly participate in the Melee competetive scene. I just played Melee casually for 7 years, and am sick of playing it in that manner.

As for banning Meta Knight, if I were around for Melee I'd sure as hell support banning Fox and Shiek. We're correcting Sakurai's horribly imbalanced game. I don't want all those techniques piled over my face, but I DO want character balance. Because of the horrible imbalance I can't use my favorite character from melee, Ganondorf, and am instead forced to use Dedede if I'm to play competetive seriously. Pathetic.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2008
Ottawa CA
wow its every where people just cant accept new things. OK let me break it down for you guys. BRAWL IS NEW! give it some time to flourish i mean im pretty sure when melee came out every one was hating on it for not being smash 2.0 and then every one got used to it people started to get good at it and now there are champions at it. and for all of this to happen it took time. you all say brawl is a boring game its so gay blah blah blah blah etc. but that's because your bad at it or don't have the patience to learn a new play style. there are still combos to be made and still new skills to be found. you guys say ok it takes ten mins to learn and perfect a skill in brawl. BULL****! it took me at least 2 months to learn how to quick attack cancle with pikachu correctly and at least a 2 weeks to weave it in to my play style. and also who wants a game where every thing is perfect? that would be the most boring game ever. ok imma fair dair and win. thats the gayness of melee you go in to the game with a game plan decent players make it work 60% of the time good players execute it perfect;y every time and spam it even! where as in brawl there is no game plan from the door. ok you may think ok imma pick d3 and chain grab all day but what if they counter pick fox? then on that note brawl becomes a thinking mans game. when you play really good brawl players you cant have a gameplan you have to think in the match you have to gimp,gay, and think your way out of every situation! well i could go on forever but ill think ill end it here
This post is the definition of an 08' joiner...(and yes i realize i joined in feb 08 but I hate brawl lol)


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
I honestly agree with most of what he's saying. The whole govn't help thing is a tad bit one-sided, but he made a good point. (Some people truly are in a bind...even with hard work. Life just sucks for some.) There ARE people who want to take the easy way out, and then you've got people that are trying to make it better....and of course ARE trying to find ways around MK. The community needs to look at those people for leadership, IMO. Then you have people that are trying to help with MK, practically HANDING him on a platter, and what do people do? "NO, it's STILL too hard, MK should be banned!!!" Seriously, though....I don't think many people come up with valid points like these. Good stuff, bro.


Smash Cadet
Aug 10, 2008
Seriously there isn't an argument Melee>Brawl, FACT!
I would agree that in Brawl you have to read your opponents mind better and punish accordingly but is it really that hard to do? I would also agree that you could actually play Melee blindfolded as the same combos do work on multiple characters. But have you seen the button inputs needed to lay down those combos, many of them are frame specific and so require plenty of practice to get it down and then plenty more to get in your game. Brawls techniques are too easy to learn and learn it well and use properly.

The two views:
For: requires months and months of practice to learn combos and get them in-game.

Against: once these combos are learnt you can **** people

For: is much more on your feet thinking because of no hitstun and so your opponent can react quicker

Against: the brawl techs are too easy to learn and there is less difference between noobs and pros.

I would say that they are two different games. I play Melee to look awesome and have more sense of achievement when I get a tech down. I play Brawl to win. Even though I win more at Brawl I find Melee a much better game because of its difficulty.

Everything is just too easy nowadays.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
Fox and Sheik were gimped soooo easily, thier recovery was horrible, even for Melee. Jigglypuff was also a reliable counterpick for them. Have you forgotten about Falco, Marth, CF, and Peach?

Are you saying Hylian is a lazy player?
Fox and Sheik both have the advantage versus Jiggs (especially Fox), I don't know why you would bring that example up.

Anyways, back to the OP.

One of the best posts I've ever read on this forum. You win.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
I couldn't agree more Jam.

The fatal mistake Sakurai made when making Brawl was that he went into it thinking "it shouldn't be competitive, it should be fun!" And unless you're talking about that new cooking instructions game for the DS, NEARLY EVERY GAME IS COMPETITIVE. Just think about the nature of the Smash games: You're trying to KILL the other person before they kill you. That's competition. By dumbing down the competition and making it have no depth it ruins the competition.

What makes the game fun is the competition. The fact that if you beat me consistently that means you're better than I am. And I might go back and practice for hours on end and become much better and be able to beat you, et cetera. That's how the game works. It's competition. People don't like to lose, so they get better so they can win.

In Brawl you can all win at random times due to the lack of skill--or just pick MetaKnight. Either way you get the cheap win.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Too bad Sakurai gave us all the finger

Return the favor and hack Brawl
Haha, this is great.

Although I'd definitely prefer to return the favor by smashing your Brawl disc and playing Melee instead.

wow its every where people just cant accept new things. OK let me break it down for you guys. BRAWL IS NEW! give it some time to flourish
This argument is crap, this argument is repetitive, and this argument has been given since Brawl came out.

IT'S BEEN 8 GODFORSAKEN MONTHS!!! You people are STILL going to be using this argument a year from now. When are you going to give up? BRAWL DOES NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT have the potential to all of a sudden become what Melee was. Its physics and everything are the way they are, and can't be changed without hacking or something like Heavy Brawl. Since neither of those will ever become tourney standard, there is no potential in Brawl to be that way. Advanced techniques don't change the game that much.

i mean im pretty sure when melee came out every one was hating on it for not being smash 2.0 and then every one got used to it people started to get good at it and now there are champions at it.
I'm pretty sure the Smash competitive scene wasn't very big when Melee first came out, and so I'm also pretty sure no one was upset about Melee. Plus, Melee actually vastly improved the game competitively. It doesn't take years to figure that out.

and for all of this to happen it took time. you all say brawl is a boring game its so gay blah blah blah blah etc. but that's because your bad at it or don't have the patience to learn a new play style.
I'm pretty sure most of the pros don't even like the game as much. But they're staying with it because they're not going to make money with Melee.

there are still combos to be made and still new skills to be found. you guys say ok it takes ten mins to learn and perfect a skill in brawl. BULL****! it took me at least 2 months to learn how to quick attack cancle with pikachu correctly and at least a 2 weeks to weave it in to my play style.
Speaking of people just being bad at the game...

and also who wants a game where every thing is perfect? that would be the most boring game ever. ok imma fair dair and win. thats the gayness
Hm. Using "gay" as an insult to a game...the sure sign of a preteen.

of melee you go in to the game with a game plan decent players make it work 60% of the time good players execute it perfect;y every time and spam it even! where as in brawl there is no game plan from the door. ok you may think ok imma pick d3 and chain grab all day but what if they counter pick fox? then on that note brawl becomes a thinking mans game. when you play really good brawl players you cant have a gameplan you have to think in the match you have to gimp,gay, and think your way out of every situation! well i could go on forever but ill think ill end it here
You're right, because playing against a human can OBVIOUSLY just be start to finish planned out. Because their movements are OBVIOUSLY entirely predictable and the stages are OBVIOUSLY always allowing of everything you could have for a perfect plan.

You're like the stereotypical Brawl n00b. You use the stereotypical Brawl arguments (GIVE IT TIME GUISE, THE SAME THING PROBULEE HAPPUND WIF MELEE, BRAWL DOSE TAYK SKILL GUISE, and my favorite, MELEE WAS JUST MEMORIZATION AND BRAWL MAKS U THINK), your spelling/grammar/punctuation isn't very good, and you call things "gay" to insult them.
You also irk the crap out of me, just like normal Brawl n00bs.

ummm.....isn't Brawl being easyier a good thing? That means taht more people can be introduced to the game and the community will grow. I'm sorry to say that if everyone leaves brawl to go back to melee, the community will die and whenever the next smash comes out, we might have to start all over again. Not something that should happen.
More =/= better. This is a common argument that's got no foundation. SmashBoards itself can show you this. I know it sounds hypocritical since I'm an '08er myself, but with the flood of Brawl newcomers, you got a metric ton of noobs who probably didn't know what SHFFLing is (myself included, I'm sad to say), defended Brawl because it was new and shiny, and just...in general spam-ified the forum. More activity, but I think most '07ers and earlier would agree that less activity would be worth fewer n00bs and less spam.

The Melee community did fine without Brawl n00bs. It can do fine without them again. Don't act like the flood of Brawl players are the life force of competitive Smash, because they're not.

Smash was not designed to appeal to only the Pros. Get over it.
Holy crap, here he is everyone! This entire thread was doomed, but here came Captain Obvious to save us all! I mean, before he came here, we didn't have a hope of understanding the most obvious, overstated things.

NO **** SHERLOCK. But we found competitivity in Melee, and found a community that liked competitivity. If you don't like competitivity, if you think that it's wrong for us to want more competitivity than the game developers added into the newest game, then GTFO. Seriously. Go to GameFAQs or something to discuss the game unless you're interested in the competitive game.
People forget that's what SmashBoards was made for.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2008
I'ma Mothafrankenstein Beast. Get at me.
*NO **** SHERLOCK. But we found competitivity in Melee, and found a community that liked competitivity. If you don't like competitivity, if you think that it's wrong for us to want more competitivity than the game developers added into the newest game, then GTFO. Seriously. Go to GameFAQs or something to discuss the game unless you're interested in the competitive game.
People forget that's what SmashBoards was made for.*

he has a great point here, and we can not overlook taht


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
:B It would seem my Breaking Brawl campaign was successful ^^;
Yep, definitely. The breaking of my Brawl disc would give me an infinitely larger amount of pleasure than the amount I'll get from playing it at all.
Mostly, playing the game will just make me want throw the game at the wall, so I might as well beat it to the punch.

That it was...Firus, you sir, are amazing...
Haha, thanks.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Somebody said in the Melee forums, if you have to hack a game to make it better then it was a horrible game in the first place.

In other words, inb4 "just play melee"


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Somebody said in the Melee forums, if you have to hack a game to make it better then it was a horrible game in the first place.

In other words, inb4 "just play melee"
Pretty much this.

Brawl+ is BETTER. Not good.
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