I'm starting up a new team in Pearl to really dominate Wi-Fi, and I'd like to get some honest opinions on how this new team will work out.
The first list is my first team, the team I beat the Elite 4 with.
The second list is my "Dream Team", the team I plan on making.
(1) Monferno Torterra Empoleon Medicham Luxray Staraptor
(2) Flygon Ludicolo Swampert Lucario Electivire Dragonite
I hatched all of my second team from eggs so I'm starting from scratch.
I only have a Vibrava, Lotad, Lucario, Elekid, and Dratini so far.
I don't have a Mudkip yet, but am getting one as soon as I get rid of all the rare Pokemon from Emerald and start over.
And I'm still in a toss up between Dragonite, Altaria, and Salamence.
Help is greatly appreciated!