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Create A Classic Mode For Your Most Wanted


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2016
In Ultimate, every character has a unique Classic Mode for them to fight in, usually with a specific theme. What Classic Mode theme do you think your most wanted will have?


Smash Rookie
Jul 31, 2018
Masked Man would probably fight characters who hide their faces, mainly those with Masks like he has. I see it working like this:
Battle against the Masked Challengers:
Round 1: Vs Meta Knight
Round 2: Lucina
Round 3: Captian Falcon
Round 4: Samus and Dark Samus
Round 5: Joker
Round 6: Sheik
Round 7: Bonus Game
Round 8: Lucas with a Franklin Badge. Zelda turns up halfway through the fight to represent Hinawa. Takes place on Omega New Pork City.

Geno's a tough one, hm. This may be a stupid idea, but since his inclusion would be the work of fan support, maybe he could fight other characters who got in Ultimate due to demand? Like so:
Request Rumble:
Round 1: Ridley
Round 2: K Rool
Round 3: Mega Man
Round 4: Sonic
Round 5: Snake (Since he was heavily requested for Smash 4 DLC and Ultimate before it's full reveal.)
Round 6: Wolf (Same reasons as above.)
Round 7: Bonus Game
Round 8: Galleom, to represent Smithy (Bit of a stretch, I know, but they both are linked with machinery I guess.) with Mario and White Kirby as Teammates to represent part of the SMRPG party.
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
Bomberman would fight characters who use explosives a lot. The items spawning would be biased towards explosives as well.

Big Kaboom-Fest!

Round 1: Young Link, Toon Link, & Link, Free-For-All [Stage: Bridge Of Eldin]
Round 2: Samus & Dark Samus, Free-For-All [Stage: Norfair]
Round 3: Mii Gunner Horde [Stage: Wrecking Crew] (The Mii Gunners would all use their explosive specials.)
Round 4: Wario [Stage: Wario Ware] (Wario doesn't have traditional explosives, but he's included anyway as a reference to Wario Blast.)
Round 5: Bomberman Horde [Stage: Bomber Base]
Round 6: Snake [Stage: Shadow Moses Island] (I have always loved the idea of having Bomberman and Snake face off for the sake of a compare-and-contrast on their approaches to blowing their opponents to kingdom come.)
Round 7: Bonus Game
Round 8: Marx (Out of all the bosses, Marx is the one who has the most explosives and feels most like a Bomberman adversary. Buggler tried to end the universe with a black hole in Super Bomberman R, after all.)

Vaati would fight the various female characters and their love interests/bodyguards. Yes, the route is a reference to Vaati's lechery.

In Search of a Bride

Round 1: Wii Fit Trainer & Isabelle [Stage: Wii Fit Studio, Battlefield Form]
Round 2: Zero Suit Samus & Rosalina [Stage: Frigate Orpheon]
Round 3: Lucina, Chrom, Robin, & Corrin [Stage: Arena Ferox]
Round 4: Palutena, Pit, & Bayonetta [Stage: Skyworld] (Palutena is on a team with Pit, while Bayonetta is by herself.)
Round 5: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Bowser, & Bowser Jr. [Stage: Rainbow Cruise] (The Mario Bros. and their princesses are all on a team, while Bowser is teamed up with Bowser Jr. The player teams up with Ganondorf.)
Round 6: Link & Zelda [Stage: Temple] (Yes, the full, big-ass Temple Stage, not a Battlefield or Omega form. Gotta raise the stakes from Round 5 somehow.)
Round 7: Bonus Game
Round 8: Toon Link x4 & Sonic [Stage: Temple, Battlefield Form] (Round 8 is an ordinary fight because Vaati would be lousy at fighting bosses. However, the quadruple Toon Link is a reference to Vaati's clashes with Link in Four Swords and Minish Cap. Sonic's thrown in as well because he's the Knight of the Wind. Sonic would spawn with a Killing Edge to reference Caliburn.)
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Smash Legend
Dec 5, 2018
Sora, I'm imagining that in some of his battles he's paired up with Duck hunt to mimic Donald and Goofy.

Battle 1: vs Link on Wuhu island (representing Riku)
Battle 2: vs Rob on Isle Delfino (representing guard armor)
Battle 3: vs Cloud on Arena Ferox (do I even have to explain this one?)
Battle 4: vs Pikachu on Hyrule Castle (64) (representing Mickey)
Battle 5: vs Corrin on Draculas castle (representing Maleficent and the hollow bastion fight in KH1)
Battle 6: vs A team of Soras in different alt skins, (representing his different persona's, like Roxas, Xion, Ventus and Vanitas)

That's all I can really think of honestly


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
Mimikyu would fight characters that would accidentally come off offensive to it and come off as jabs/bullies or semi rivalries to it.

Round 1: Pikachu
Round 2: Young Link
Round 3: King K. Rool
Round 4: Bowser Jr.
Round 5: Peach
Round 6: Sheik
Round 7: Luigi
Round 8: Kirby

Cranky Kong would fight old familiar foes and some other foes that act as references.

Round 1: Mario
Round 2: Peach
Round 3: DK
Round 4: Sonic
Round 5: Bowser Jr.
Round 6: Diddy Kong
Round 7: Fox
Round 8: Bowser


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Kyo Kusanagi would fight 3 characters per match squad strike style (so when one gets KO'd the next one gets sent out immediately) as a homage to how King of Fighters plays.

Final boss would be regular Ganondorf who deals x3 damage and knockback as a homage to Rugal Bernstein and SNK boss syndrome.


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
Banjo Kazooie would probably just fight characters with famous N64 games,. but let's see if I can't come up with something better.

Journey through the Witch's Lair:

1. VS Duck Hunt on Spiral Mountain
2. VS Donkey Kong representing Conga, with help from Diddy representing Chimpy, on N64 Kongo Jungle set to Mumbo's Mountain music.
3. VS Grey King K. Rool representing Captain Blubber on Pirate Ship set to Treasure Trove Cove music
4. VS Giant Brown Bowser representing Tanktup on Distant Planet set to Bubblegloop Swamp
5. VS Shiek representing a Mummy in Gerudo Valley set to Gobi's Valley
6. VS Metaknight representing bats, and invisible Yoshi representing ghosts, on Luigi's Mansion, set to Mad Monster Mansion
7. VS Bayonetta representing Gruntilda on final destination version of Find Mii stage set to the Final Battle
8. VS Galleom, representing HAG-1 set to the Final Battle of Banjo Tooie


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2018
Geno: A Trip down Memory Lane
Kirby(In his White Alternate skin; Resembling Mallow; I Got this idea from his Spirit Battle]
King K Rool(Purple Color; Representing Croco the theif)
Wario(In his Red Motorcycle skin; To Represent Booster)

That's All I Got.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
San Diego
Switch FC
5599 8083 2114
Estelle: Manifestations of the Adephagos

1: :ultpit: @ Skyworld
2: :ultwario: @ Warioware
3: :ultyoshi: @ Yoshi's Story
4: :ultpacman: @ Pac-land battlefield form
5: :ultkirby: @ Green Greens
6: :ultkingdedede: @ Fountail of Dreams
7: Bonus Stage
8: :ultbowser: -> Giga Bowser


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Well…maybe I can make one for DeMille from Tomato Adventure?

Stage 1: :ultpeach:, to represent the first Super Kid Oops (yes, that’s actually her name), on Rainbow Cruise.
Stage 2: :ultfox:, to represent the second Super Kid Auchi, on New Donk City Hall.
Stage 3: Giant Yellow :ultkirby:, to represent the third Super Kid What (again, his actual name. Not making this up), on Wii Fit.
Stage 4: Purple :ultpalutena:, to represent the fourth Super Kid Lilby, on Dracula’s Castle.
Stage 5: :ultmegaman:, to represent to fifth Super Kid Shaddup, on Pokémon Stadium 2.

Stage 6: Iggy, to represent the sixth and last Super Kid Chekkitout, on Super Happy Tree.
Boss: Red :ultkrool:, to represent King Avila (and then Galleom afterwards), on New Pork City.

EDIT: Say, maybe I can make a Classic for Piranha Plant called “Unexpected Surprises”.

Stage 1: :ultgnw:, on Flat Zone X.
Stage 2: :ultrob:, on Mario Bros,
Stage 3: :ultvillager:, on Smashville.
Stage 4: :ultwiifittrainer:, on Wii Fit.
Stage 5: :ultduckhunt:, on Duck Hunt.
Stage 6: :ultisabelle:, on Tortimer Island.
Boss: Marx
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Smash Ace
May 12, 2006
Captain N: NES Nostalgia
His matches are against his former teammates & allies. Stages are retro focused.

Match 1: :ultduckhunt: (representing his dog Duke, who I suspect was probably based on the DH dog anyway) Duck Hunt stage.
Match 2: :ultsimon: Dracula's Castle.
Match 3: :ultmegaman: Skull Fortress.
Match 5: :ultsamus: (Team member in the comic book version). N64 Zebes.
Match 5: :ultlink: & :ultzelda: (recurring allies during Season 2). Temple.
Match 6: :ultpit: & :ultpalutena: (representing Princess Lana, who was likely based on :ultpalutena:) Skyworld.

Boss: Dracula with Mother Brain & Dr. Wily as hostile AT.
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Could I try my hand at this?

Lark: High-Flying Hero and... Nintendo fanboy...?

Considering the fact that Lark (from Pilotwings 64) is really Nester (of Nintendo Power magazine fame), 2 of his matches will be against his NES idols (Mario and Link) and 4 others are against characters he cosplayed as/actually met during his stint of adventures in Nintendo Power magazine's 'Howard and Nester' and 'Nester's Adventures' comics (Simon, Pit, Mega Man, Captain Falcon).

Match 1: :ultpit: (following Lark (Nester) cosplaying as him in the 'Nester's Adventures' comic strip that promoted the at-the-time upcoming Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters for Game Boy.) Battle takes place on Skyworld.
Match 2: :ultmegaman: (Lark (Nester) cosplays as him a multitude of times in each of his comic series to promote various Mega Man games from the NES. Namely Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3.) Battle takes place on Wily Castle.
Match 3: :ultsimon: (Lark (Nester) cosplayed as him in a 'Howard and Nester' comic strip that promoted Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest.) Takes place on Omega form-Dracula's Castle.
Match 4: :ultfalcon: (Lark (Nester) cosplayed as him in a 'Nester's Adventures' comic strip that promoted F-Zero's upcoming debut on the Super Nintendo.) Takes place on Battlefield form-Big Blue.
Match 5: :ultlink:* (Lark (Nester) is noted to be an especially HUGE fan of the LoZ games (the original LoZ is said to be the first Nintendo game he ever played), and also cosplays as Link a multitude of times in each of his comic series to promote various 'Legend of Zelda games.) Battle takes place on N64 Hyrule Castle. *As a special note, Link will be wearing his 'Classic Link' outfit.
Match 6: :ultmario:* & :ultluigi:* (As with TLoZ, Lark (Nester) is noted to be a HUGE fan of the Mario games, and he wouldn't pass up the chance to meet Mr. Nintendo himself) Battle takes place on Wrecking Crew . *As a special note, Mario and Luigi will be wearing their 'Builder Mario' and Pink Luigi (which is based on his sprite from Wrecking Crew) outfits, respectively.

Boss: Lark (Nester) ends up taking on a mini-gauntlet of characters who closely match up to his co-stars from Pilotwings 64 [:ultzelda: (Kiwi), :ultfalcon: (Goose), :ultzss: (Ibis), :ultsnake: (Hawk), :ultpeach: (Hooter/Robin)] and caps off with a boss battle against Dracula.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2018
Over there! (Note: Not a 100% guarantee)
Ditto faces off against :ultwario: on Warioware Inc (Wario's a Mario doppelganger)
MATCH II: Ditto faces off against :ultluigi: on Golden Plains (Luigi's original purpose was to be a clone of Mario)
MATCH III: Ditto faces off against :ultkingdedede: on Fountain of Dreams (Paying homage to when D3 dressed up as K. Rool in his reveal trailer.)
MATCH IV: Ditto faces off against :ultlucina: on Coliseum (Lucina pretended to be Marth in Awakening.)
MATCH V: Ditto faces off against :ultkirby: on Green Greens (Nintendo's most famous copier.)
MATCH VI: Ditto faces off against :ultmewtwo: on Spear Pillar (Literally created to be a clone AND is a Pokémon.)
BOSS: Ditto faces off against Crazy Hand and Crazy Hand only...(Seemed fitting)
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2018
You know... I saw a support thread for Skyrim's Dovahkiin, while I personally don't throw support for characters anymore due to DLC being literally anyone at this point, thinking of a classic mode for him sounds too fun to not do.

Dovahkiin: World-Eater Beater

Match 1: vs :ultike: and :ultrobin: on Gaur Plain (representing fighting bandits in the world of Skyrim, and how there's both warrior and Mage bandits)
Match 2: vs multiple :ultdarksamus: on Great Cave Offensive (to represent fighting Draugr in the underground tombs)

Match 3: vs a giant :ultrob: In Frigate Orpheon (to represent Dwemer Centurions in Dwemer Ruins)

Match 4: vs :ultroy: and :ultchrom: on Castle Siege (to represent the Civil War of the Imperial Legion vs Stormcloaks)

Match 5: vs Another Dovahkiin on Spear Pillar (representing the Dragonborn DLC and the stage to represent the realm of Apocrypha)

Match 6: with :ultmario: as a partner vs a Giant :ultridley: on Summit (You and Paarthurnax vs Alduin atop the Throat of the World)

Boss: Dovahkiin with :ultlucina: as a partner vs Dracula in his castle (to represent the final battle in the Dawnguard DLC, Lucina to represent Serana. Also helps since they share a voice actor)
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Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
You know... I saw a support thread for Skyrim's Dovahkiin, while I personally don't throw support for characters anymore due to DLC being literally anyone at this point, thinking of a classic mode for him sounds too fun to not do.

Dovahkiin: World-Eater Beater

Match 1: vs :ultike: and :ultrobin: on Gaur Plain (representing fighting bandits in the world of Skyrim, and how there's both warrior and Mage bandits)
Match 2: vs multiple :ultdarksamus: on Great Cave Offensive (to represent fighting Draugr in the underground tombs)

Match 3: vs a giant :ultrob: In Frigate Orpheon (to represent Dwemer Centurions in Dwemer Ruins)

Match 4: vs :ultroy: and :ultchrom: on Castle Siege (to represent the Civil War of the Imperial Legion vs Stormcloaks)

Match 5: vs Another Dovahkiin on Spear Pillar (representing the Dragonborn DLC and the stage to represent the realm of Apocrypha)

Match 6: vs a Giant :ultridley: on Summit (do I even need to explain this?)

Boss: Dovahkiin with :ultlucina: as a partner vs Dracula in his castle (to represent the final battle in the Dawnguard DLC, Lucina to represent Serana. Also helps since they share a voice actor)
I'm not a huge Skyrim fan, but it's a crime that Mario isn't involved somewhere; considering that Charles Martinet's other big VA roll is in that game.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2018
I'm not a huge Skyrim fan, but it's a crime that Mario isn't involved somewhere; considering that Charles Martinet's other big VA roll is in that game.
You know, I actually forget quite a bit that Charles Martinet voices Paarthurnax. Since well, I'm too used to hearing him as Mario that my brain just sometimes refuses to associate him with the dragon.

... And there we go, edited him in.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
EDIT: Say, maybe I can make a Classic for Piranha Plant called “Unexpected Surprises”.

Stage 1: :ultgnw:, on Flat Zone X.
Stage 2: :ultrob:, on Mario Bros,
Stage 3: :ultvillager:, on Smashville.
Stage 4: :ultwiifittrainer:, on Wii Fit.
Stage 5: :ultduckhunt:, on Duck Hunt.
Stage 6: :ultisabelle:, on Tortimer Island.
Boss: Marx
well unexpected in subjective, i imagine every character was expected by someone


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
well unexpected in subjective, i imagine every character was expected by someone
Besides, I think Ness and Ice Climbers were more unexpected than Villager and Isabelle by a long shot.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2015
Because literally nobody expects them:

Chase McCain (LEGO City Undercover)
"Plastic Avatars" (Minifigures)
  1. Vs. :ultduckhunt: horde on Duck Hunt (there are many LEGO dogs) (Music: Duck Hunt)
  2. Vs. :ultdoc: on Fourside (same, but with doctors) (Music: Fever)
  3. Vs. :ultmegaman: (costume 2 or 7), :ultfalcon: (costume 8), blond :ultpit:, and :ultdk: (costume 5) on New Donk City (the Avengers) (Music: Music: Battlefield)
  4. Vs. 4 :ultluigi:s (all costume 8) on Luigi's Mansion (Ghostbusters) (Music: Luigi's Mansion Theme)
  5. Vs. :ultsteve: (if he gets in, too) on Overworld (LEGO Minecraft) (Music: ???)
  6. Vs. :ultsonic: on Green Hill Zone (Sonic in LEGO Dimensions) (Music: Green Hill Zone)
  7. Bonus Game
  8. Boss: Dracula (there are many LEGO vampire minifigures, including Dracula) (Music: Vampire Killer)

Uniracer (Uniracers/Unirally)
"Console Wars" (Rival consoles)
  1. Vs. :ultmario:, :ultluigi:, :ultlink: (costume 2), and :ultzelda: on Tomodachi Life or Hyrule Castle (CD-i)
  2. Vs. :ult_terry: on King of Fighters Arena (Neo-Geo)
  3. Vs. :ultrichter: on Dracula's Castle (TurboGrafx-16)
  4. Vs. :ultcloud: on Midgar (PS1)
  5. Vs. :ultsamus: on Spiral Mountain with :ultbanjokazooie: (Master Chief and Xbox)
  6. Vs. :ultsonic: on Green Hill Zone (Genesis)
  7. Bonus Game
  8. Boss: Rathalos (First MH game was on PS2)
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Deleted member

Saber's Classic Mode
Battle for the Holy Grail
All battles starting in stage 2 are team-based with Saber being assisted by :ultpit:. Every character represents a Servant and their Master. All stages are night-time stages, representing how all the fights in F/SN take place during night.
Stage 1: vs. blue :ultcorrin:(Lancer) on Gamer.
Stage 2: vs. :ultsheik:(Rider) and :ultwario:(Shinji) on Fourside.
Stage 3: vs. :ultgreninja:(Assassin), dark :ultzelda:(Caster) and :ultryu:(Souchirou) on Dracula's Castle.
Stage 4: vs. red :ultdarkpit:(Archer) and red :ultrobin:(Rin) on Bridge of Eldin.
Stage 5: vs. :ultganondorf:(Berserker) and :ultisabelle:(Illya) on Luigi's Mansion.
Stage 6: vs. yellow :ultgnw:(Gilgamesh, the oldest "Hero") and black :ultrichter:(Kotomine) on Final Destination
Final Boss: Marx, the one boss to so perfectly represent the Eldritch Horror that is the Grail.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2018
Classic mode for Lycanroc, trail of the wolf

Fight 1: :ultgreninja: on Kalos Pokemon league
Fight 2: orange or brown:ultwolf:, White Lycanroc Alt on Unova Pokemon League, free for all.
Fight 3: :ultlucario:on Sinoh Pokemon League(or whatever its called)
Fight 4::ultincineroar:, Green:ultpit: and Brownish :ultpichu: free for all on Kalos Pokemon league omega form.
Fight 5: :ultpokemontrainer:on Pokemon Stadium, hostile pokeball enemies will appear (Eevee and Ditto)
Fight 6::ultjigglypuff::ultpikachu:on Saffron City teammate is :ultincineroar:
Bonus Game
Fight 8: :ultmewtwo:,:ultpokemontrainer:(yellow, black alt)team fight, team mate is:ultincineroar:, then you fight Rathalos boss, (and you do this on FD)
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2018
Jin Kazama: The Dark Power Within

All of Jin's opponents are characters that had a darker version of themselves.
Match 1: vs. :ultpit: on Skyworld

Match 2: vs.:ultlink: on Temple

Match 3: vs. :ultsamus: on Norfair

Match 4: vs. :ultrobin: on Coliseum

Match 5: vs. :ultmario: on New Donk City (Shadow Mario DID exist, you know)

Match 6: vs. :ultryu: on Suzaku Castle

Bonus Stage

Match 7: Boss Battle against Rathalos (referencing his battle against Azazel in Tekken 6.)

Deleted member

Crono's Classic Mode
Displaced from Time
Each fight references one of the time periods visited in Chrono Trigger with the exception of Stage 6 which is a battle against other time travelers. The enemies represent the bosses fought in these time periods and Crono is assisted by a fighter representing a party member also from said time period.

Stage 1: vs. Metal :ultmegaman:(Gato) on Onett. Assisted by :ultzss:(Marle) and :ultbayonetta:(Lucca).
Stage 2: vs. :ultkrool:(Ozzy), :ultpalutena:(Flea) and :ultcloud:(Slash) on Dracula's Castle. Assisted by :ultgreninja:(Frog).
Stage 3: vs. Team :ultrob: on Midgar. Assisted by :ultrob:(Robo).
Stage 4: vs. :ultyoshi:(Azala) and Giant :ultridley:(Black Tryanno) on Battlefield Mushroom Kingdom(Brawl). Assisted by :ultsheik:(Ayla).
Stage 5: vs. :ultzelda:(Queen Zeal) and :ultwario:(Dalton) on Skyloft. Assisted by :ultrobin:(Magus).
Stage 6: vs. :ultlucina: and :ultyounglink: on Battlefield. Not assisted.
Final Boss: Master Hand and Crazy Hand.


Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2018
Chorus Kids: Crooners (characters notable for singing/music)

Stage 1: vs :ultmario: on New Donk City with Band Performance playing. (Referencing Pauline in Super Mario Odyssey.)
Stage 2: vs :ultcorrin: (Blue alt) on Castle Seige with Lost in Thoughts all Alone playing. (Referencing Azura in Fire Emblem Fates.)
Stage 3: vs :ultyounglink: on Great Bay with Ocarina of TIme Medley playing. (Referencing the Ocarina itself.)
Stage 4: vs:ultmiifighters: team on Hanenbow with Mii Channel playing. (Referencing both Wii Music and Hanenbow.)
Stage 5: vs:ultness::ultlucas: on Magicant with Magicant/Eight Melodies playing. (Referencing the Eight Melodies that are central to the Mother series)
Stage 6: vs:ultjigglypuff: team on Hazardless Spear Pillar with Battle! Champion Cynthia playing. (Guess what this references.)
Bonus Stage
Boss: Marx with Gourmet Race (Melee) playing.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
Ravio: Merchandise Roundup
This would be just a bunch of matches against people who use items. Items would have a high spawn rate during every match.

Round 1: :ultpit::ultdarkpit:
Round 2: :ultsimon::ultrichter:
Round 3: :ultinkling::ultinkling::ultinkling::ultinkling:
Round 4::ultvillager::ultisabelle:
Round 5: :ultrobin::ultchrom:
Round 6: :ultlink::ultyounglink::ulttoonlink:
Round 7: Bonus Game
Round 8: :ultzelda:(In her dark outfit to represent disagreeing with Hilda about how to save Lorule) and :ultbayonetta:(for Yuga) then Ganon (for when Yuga merges with Ganon)

EDIT: made some changes
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Deleted member

For Bartz, I had a bit of a tough time coming up with something that could reflect his game, Final Fantasy 5, but this is what I came up with. The first four fights are in reference to the four elemental crystals that the party obtains their classes from, in the specific order of wind, water, fire, and earth. Then, I tried to think of the closest equivalents of Exdeath and Gilgamesh (The former being the game's main antagonist, and the latter being one of his highest underlings who isn't really that much of a "bad guy".) with the Plant and Incineroar respectively (Incineroar is a stretch in terms of abilities but in appearance it's seeable)

Round 1: Vs. Zelda on Pilotwings
Round 2: Vs. Corrin on Fountain of Dreams
Round 3: Vs. Roy on Norfair
Round 4: Vs. Donkey Kong on Gerudo Valley
Round 5: Vs. Giant Incineroar on Bridge of Eldin
Round 6: Vs. Giant Piranha Plant on Great Plateau Tower
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
For Bartz, I had a bit of a tough time coming up with something that could reflect his game, Final Fantasy 5, but this is what I came up with. The first four fights are in reference to the four elemental crystals that the party obtains their classes from, in the specific order of wind, water, fire, and earth. Then, I tried to think of the closest equivalents of Exdeath and Gilgamesh (The former being the game's main antagonist, and the latter being one of his highest underlings who isn't really that much of a "bad guy".) with the Plant and Incineroar respectively (Incineroar is a stretch in terms of abilities but in appearance it's seeable)

Round 1: Vs. Zelda on Pilotwings
Round 2: Vs. Corrin on Fountain of Dreams
Round 3: Vs. Roy on Norfair
Round 4: Vs. Donkey Kong on Gerudo Valley
Round 5: Vs. Giant Incineroar on Bridge of Eldin
Round 6: Vs. Giant Piranha Plant on Great Plateau Tower
Vaati would make a great opponent for Round 1. :p By the way, you need to list an opponent for the final round.

Deleted member

Vaati would make a great opponent for Round 1. :p By the way, you need to list an opponent for the final round.
I couldn't really think of who it would properly be, most likely just Master Hand probably.
Vaati... would actually be pretty cool, I never considered him before lol


Smash Ace
Jul 3, 2015
Switch FC
Bandana Dee's classic mode:

"Right Hand Man"

Round 1: With Kirby, fight against Piranha Plant (Whispy Woods)
Round 2: With DDD, fight against Ice Climbers (Lololo and Lalala)
Round 3: With Meta Knight, fight against two Robins on Magicant (Kracko/Kracko Jr.)
Round 4: With Kirby, fight against Captain Falcon and Rosalina (Mr Shine and Mr Bright)
Round 5: With Meta Knight, fight against 2 other Meta Knights with the Galacta Knight skin and Dark Meta Knight skin.
Round 6: Bonus Game
Round 7: Free for all with Kirby DDD and MK.
Round 8: Fight against Marx with all three other Kirby characters.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Dixie Kong: Third Time's The Charm

Theme: Fighting characters who have a significant role in the third game of their home series, a la her starring role in DKC3.

Round 1: Koopalings (villains introduced in Super Mario Bros. 3)
Round 2: Dark Samus (main villain of the third Prime)
Round 3: Zelda (her design being from the third entry in the series)
Round 4: Alph (playable character introduced in Pikmin 3)
Round 5: Wario (protagonist of Super Mario Land 3 and his playable debut)
Round 6: Lucas (protagonist of Mother 3)
Round 7: Bonus game
Round 8: Marx (final boss of Sakurai's third Kirby game)

Another idea: a Ryu/Ken battle since they were the only returning characters to (vanilla) Street Fighter III.
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Smash Lord
Sep 18, 2007
I spent way too much time on this.

For Geno, I based the matches from the Star-holding bosses of Super Mario RPG, with the Mario gang as allies. The opponents have interesting weapon links to the weapon-themed bosses.

I included the choice of color, although they aren't always used in Classic Mode. As for the ally Mallow, I used white Kirby, because that's what Geno's spirit fight uses.

Round 1: Mack. vs :ultcorrin: (Swords for legs)
Stage: Princess Peach's Castle (Battlefield)
(Colors: Red)
Round 2: Bowyer. vs :ultpit: (Dynamic bow)
Stage: Dream Land (Battlefield) or Geno's DLC stage, Forest Maze
(Colors: Green Pit)
Round 3: Punchinello. vs :ultkrool: ()
Stage: Gerudo Valley (Battlefield)
(Colors: Purple K. Rool)
Stage 4: Johnny, King Calamari, and Yaridovich. Free For All :ultgreninja::ultinkling: (Water Sword, Squid, and Cyborg abomination)
Stage: Gaur Plains, night (Metal Face represents Yaridovich)
(Colors: Default)
Stage 5: Axem Rangers. vs Horde :ultfalcon: (Based on Power Rangers)
Stage: Halberd
(Colors: Red, Gold, Black, Green, Pink)
Stage 6: Exor. vs Giant :ultcloud:, 2 Allies :ultmario: & :ultkirby: (Giant sword, nuff said)
Stage: Hyrule Castle
(Colors: White Kirby)

Boss: Smithy. vs Galleom


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Sans Classic Mode: "No Mercy"

Round 1: Vs. :ultpalutena: on Luigi's Mansion (stand-in for Toriel)
Round 2: Vs. :ultmarth: on Magicant (stand-in for Papyrus)
Round 3: Vs. :ultlucina: on Mushroomy Kingdom (stand-in for Undyne)
Round 4: Vs. :ultbayonetta: and Horde Tiny :ultrob: on Pokemon Stadium (stand-in for Mettaton)
Round 5: Vs. :ultkingdedede: on Unova Pokemon League (stand-in for Asgore)
Round 6: Vs. :ultpiranha: on Brinstar (stand-in for Flowey)
Round 8: Vs. :ultvillager: and Marx on Omega Dracula's Castle (stand-in for Frisk and Chara)
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Ganon: Unleash The Beast

Theme: Characters who have transformed into different forms before, usually of a sinister or inhuman nature.

Round 1: Robin
Round 2: Samus
Round 3: Little Mac
Round 4: Wario
Round 5: Young Link
Round 6: Sonic
Round 7: Bonus game
Round 8: Ganon (boss battle)


Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
Hollow Knight
Seal Breaker
all the rights would be against characters who are sealed/Killed in some way during their games.
Round 1: Link, Great Plateau Tower (100 years in shrine of resurrection)
Round 2: Pit, Skyworld (sealed in a ring during Uprising)
Round 3: Young Link, Great Bay (Sealed in sacred realm during OoT)
Round 4: Sonic, Green Hill Zone (Killed in '06)
Round 5: Zelda, Hyrule Castle (Sealed in painting in ALBW)
round 6: Mob Smash of Black Toon Link, Bridge of Eldon (Refrence to Dark Interlopers who were sealed far before Twilight Princess)
Bonus Game:
Round 8: Ganondorf then Ganon (Duh)


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2018
Center of the Zero Point
Switch FC
XURKITREE "The Beacon of Destruction"

This classic mode revolves around Xurkitree's expedition in the Smash Dimension, fighting other space explorers, and taking down bounty hunters. It must come to fruition that a creature from its home dimension is trying to destroy the universe it arrived in, and steal all of its light.

1: Giant :ultridley: Stage: Brinstar Depths
2: :ultkirby::ultmetaknight::ultkingdedede:
Stage: Fountain of Dreams

3: :ultfox::ultfalco::ultwolf:Stage: Lylat Cruise
4: :ultsamus::ultzss::ultrosalina: Stage: Mario Galaxy
5: Metal :ultsimon:+:ultrichter: Stage : Dracula's Castle

6: :ultness::ultlucas:Invisible :ultolimar: Stage: Magicant

7: Bonus Stage
8: Boss: Ultra Necrozma (Ally: :ultridley:) Battle Arenas: Kalos Pokémon League (Night with Stage Hazards off) and Megalo Tower

Necrozma arrives from Ultra Space in its incomplete state, feeling constant pain and lashing out ferociously at the player. It will teleport, fire off laser beams at random increments of time, and will attack without warning when you step near it. It also uses its signature moves, Prismatic Laser and Photon Geyser.

Once defeated, Necrozma will start shrieking and grab onto its brain prism in pain. It will sink back into Ultra Space and the player will follow it with Ridley. The player and Ridley will arrive at the Ultra Megalopolis, and Necrozma will go to Megalo Tower. It will then go through Ultra Burst while transforming into Ultra Necrozma. It now sits in the stage background and takes up the entire stage. It can fire lasers from anywhere on its body. It can blind the player easily, and leave them stunned. All of its attacks increased in damage, and has many new attacks made of light, along with some dragon type moves. When its health gets low, it will fire its signature Z-Move: Light that Burns the Sky. Once defeated, it will transform back into its incomplete form and die.
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