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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
We were all wrong, Brawl was a huge disappointment
Since Jan 2007 (my very first smashfest) I had been stating to every single smasher I played that Brawl would suck. Me, the guy who couldn't wavedash or L-cancel and who got 4 stocked by every person there, proclaiming over a year before it's release that Brawl would suck. Not one person agreed with me. I knew before seeing the trailers and clips, because how could anything live up to Melee? I knew back then wavedashing would be taken out, I wasn't sure about L-canceling because back then I never even used it.

So, when the worst smasher in the country at the time, tells you Brawl is going to suck, you know something is up. I hated that I got into Melee so ****ing late and I said every single day for over a year that Brawl would suck and everyone would hate it. I remember Fonz telling me the day before Pound 3 that, "Brawl looks amazing". Fonz doesn't even play Brawl anymore now.

It's not so much that I hate Brawl itself, rather I hate what it has done to the community. It's overtaken a far superior game as what's played on the competitive scene. It's divided us in half, and Melee is virtually dead (in my area at least).

Anyways, C3 was decent this time around. Some rather interesting upsets occured. NACKER BEAT AZEN. Yeah, they picked random characters for the first game and Nacker got ROB, his main ROFL. Azen got PT and lost, of course. He then went Lucario the next two rounds and Nacker won the tie breaker with a forward b to spin back Azen's fully charged Aura right back at him for the kill. Omni beat Chillin, and the finals was M2k vs Omni, where M2k barely won.

Of course, I didn't see any of this. I was told all this later because I was too busy getting ***** by Eggm and Cactuar in Melee on the other side of the room. <3 Melee. I attended the Melee tourny the next day, where I again got ***** by Eggm and Cactuar. And also M2k lol. **** was mad fun. Brawl is stupid and I lost my tourny set at C3 to a G@W who ran away the whole final match at Luigi's Mansion.

I think Critial Hit 3 will be it for me. I'm not sure I can handle losing to the gayness. I'll practice a lot until then and see what happens. Ah yes, I will make sure there is a Melee setup there for those of you coming ^^.

Also, Happy bday Jake.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
so, i hear bowser is #1 now?

how is smashboards doing? almost at 1,000 pages huh? good to see you guys still have the fire in ya ;D

so, i ended up buying gta4 for the ps3, which i don't own yet(next paycheck + mgs4)

hit me up ladies, i'm free around noon every day during the week.

take it easy ;D


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I agree. Thats kind of why I stopped playing it. Because the stupidest **** happens in that game. Ike can kill at 40 something percent, ness and lucas can infinitely death grabbed, DDD can chaingrab without moving!!?, Snake can slide across an entire stage with a rocket launcher and pickup items along the way, and evidentally lasers or any form of projectile dont stop a miniature rocket coming toward you. Yeah, and now flying characters can completely go UNDER THE STAGE and come around the other side. Good idea Nintendo.

Oh yeah...and that defensive system is beyond broken and makes no sense.

Also, you know what I was just thinking? I think Brawl is going to die out within a good 3-5 months unless something REALLY good or special comes out. .
Pof the reasons are all dumb. Ike can killat 40? jiggly puff can kill at like 10 or 20 in melee. A Marth can chaingrab another marth across FD ane throw them off to a tipper then just edgeguard with dtilt and the odds of them getting back are very slim. and chaingrabbing without moving? A Marth can chain grab fox or falco by throwing them up until like 20-30% then just utilt them for mad long.

Obviously I'm not questioning it. Melee is a phenomenal game saying otherwise would be stupid but so is this game. My point is that there's stupid things in both. It's just a different game completely and a different style of playing. Melee is about tech this game is about spacing and mind games so I like this game better but obviously liking Melee more makes perfect sense. The thing is why does everyone hate on Brawl for no reason? ^^^You are by no means the only one that said that. Mmost peopl I talked to said I'm still gonna play melee instead Brawl's gonna suck blah blah. It just seems like people are pissed cause it's no Melee 2 and they can't play the same way. Also Pof I've heard you say multiple times that you like Brawl better and your better at it and screw Melee....at RGI as a matter of fact. Besides the point though.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
good **** thumbs

I was thinking of going to a c3 one of these weeks or something down there, just to see how MD/VA stacks up against new england in brawl, i hope to see you when/if I go.

Perhaps ppl like Fonz and gimpyfish in their respective areas will start a snowball effect and have alot of ppl not play brawl.

/wishful thinking


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
lol brawl sucks.

Also, moonwalking is amazing...
especially with other chars ;)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Oh and Dr. SUper just tried that Bowser thing on me....it's complete **** and only worked once then I got away. That vid is just dumb him playing against no one. The same thing with Lucas/Ness although it's waaaaaaay more effective it can be broken after a period of time like 50 or so.

Brawl sucks?!? Good one never heard that before.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
Is anyone here for some reason going to be attending FAST1? I'll be in Florida during it so I'm gonna go just wanted to get a partner for teams...anybody?
I don't think i am going to fast1 anymore so I have some one you can team with. (my usual partner). If your interested i'll give you his aim.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
I always manage to lose stuff in my room. All the ****ing time, it doesn't even make sense.

Lost one of my favorite necklaces, so I'm just going to go out and buy another one.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I wish...I was going to but then I realized I have plans I can't break that entire weekend. I'll definately go to the next C3 though whenever it is and hopefully VLS4 will be soon too.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I've lost two textbooks, a couple of novels, and two shirts.
Ironically I lost most of them after I cleaned my room.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I just wanted to say sorry to everyone who told me that Brawl was horrible before when I did not listen...you were all right.

Brawl match in a nutshell:

Pick Wolf......

3, 2, 1, GO! B, B, B, B, B, B, (opponent walks over)....Shield/sidestep, fsmash/dsmash/

If projectiles get reflected just stand and wait for opponent to come over..f smash rinse and repeat and when your opponent goes off the ledge gimp them low and recover with side B and you win.

Brawl es el crapo.
Late response, but this "strategy" is really easy to beat.

Brawl still sucks though.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
Aw man, so this artist alley store thing at the con were selling onigiri studs but they sold out so they gave me a card with their site on it and now I can't find the card. T_T

I tried google but I can't find the onigiri earrings I want. If anyone happens to come across them randomly then tell me and I'll love you. White onigiri with smile face STUDS . I found danglies but danglies I do not rock.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Chum, I finally added your FC, so let me know when you want to play. In the meantime, anyone up for some BARLW?

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Late response, but this "strategy" is really easy to beat.

Brawl still sucks though.
Yeah, you're right.

Unless Bowser can grab snake's F tilt I don't think he breaks the game at all.
Best post I have seen in a long time aside from Phish-its Broken Ivan Ooze post haha

Pof the reasons are all dumb. Ike can killat 40? jiggly puff can kill at like 10 or 20 in melee. A Marth can chaingrab another marth across FD ane throw them off to a tipper then just edgeguard with dtilt and the odds of them getting back are very slim. and chaingrabbing without moving? A Marth can chain grab fox or falco by throwing them up until like 20-30% then just utilt them for mad long.

Obviously I'm not questioning it. Melee is a phenomenal game saying otherwise would be stupid but so is this game. My point is that there's stupid things in both. It's just a different game completely and a different style of playing. Melee is about tech this game is about spacing and mind games so I like this game better but obviously liking Melee more makes perfect sense. The thing is why does everyone hate on Brawl for no reason? ^^^You are by no means the only one that said that. Mmost peopl I talked to said I'm still gonna play melee instead Brawl's gonna suck blah blah. It just seems like people are pissed cause it's no Melee 2 and they can't play the same way. Also Pof I've heard you say multiple times that you like Brawl better and your better at it and screw Melee....at RGI as a matter of fact. Besides the point though.
Throw issue-Movement is a lot more free in Melee...its easier to avoid throws. You can also play close to the edge if you are afraid of getting grabbed across the stage.

Jigglypuff issue-Dont go off the stage then and dont get to close...once again spacing takes care of this issue.

You're right...Brawl is a completely different game that revolves around defense A.K.A-Camping. Do you know why you have a better Falco then Marth and you do not use him anymore? Because Falco camps better than Marth. (No offense, thats how the game is played though...so no biggie) You're entire strategy revolves around you standing still waiting for someone to attack you and then sidestep and punish. If they try to space their attacks you just down B. You probably attacked me a grand total of maybe six times during our tournament match. No offense dude....you definitely camp. No johns...you won and you beat me. I'm just sick of playing a game that means absolutely nothing and does not allow me to develop as a player. Brawl takes two days to pickup and look like a solid player where as Melee takes so much time and is a constant learning process. You can do so much in that game and the accomplishment of winning a match in Melee is much greater than that of Brawl. Maybe you have not given Melee enough time to see the greatness in it or played with enough people to see just what amazing things you can do in that game. I was at Alex's house a couple of months back pretty much every Friday and him, Brookman, and I would play both Brawl and Melee. We'd play Brawl for about a solid hour and then the rest of the night just play Melee for about a good 5-6 hours (with food breaks) After playing with really good people (Khaly, Charlie, Zoso, and SEXY as well) I started to realize that Brawl is just the slowest most boring game known to man that was in NO WAY meant to be a competitive game. The concept of a story line, flying characters, "four ways to play!" slowing the game down, less hit sun, multiple air dodges, auto-sweet spotting just scream to me that the game was in no way meant to be competitive. The reason that I was drawn to the top tier characters such as GAW, MK, and Snake was because they are the best characters to hault the games traditional way to play it. I have asked numerous smashers in CT what game they felt was better and at least a good 85% said Melee. There were a few that said Brawl...not going to hide data or anything. Most of the people who are playing Brawl now are playing it because "everyone else is playing it and its the new tournament game." Brawl is a fad and will fade in time because people will begin to get bored of it just like the Nintendo Wii system as a whole.

I Like Brawl but I dont like HOW the game is played. If the defensive system of the game wasnt so broken I'd still be playing it.

Yeah, im done...


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
If I had a melee tourny in NH would you crazy CTers be interested in going? I'm thinking of having a big ol melee shindig up here where we used to have a rock that kind of looked like a face if you saw it from the correct angle.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
So I went to Target to buy weights(lol). I bought two of them which were $19.99 a piece. I get to the register and the cashier is like "Hey, do you know how much these are?" and I said "They were $19.99" assuming that he meant individually. He ended up charging me for only one of them LOL.

I felt bad.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
This Song Offends My Delicate Indie Sensibilities Blaaarghghasl;dkghl;askdga;kdjgjlask;jg

Wow, that's the first time I've ever triggered that filter.
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