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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
The only way I get my cards is through tournaments, like every once in a while I'll win about a box worth. I just borrow stuff.

If you go to reapers I'll be able to show some tricks of the trade there, I'll show ya some cool stuff.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I'm alot better at brawl then I was at melee but I still have more fun losing to people in melee who are alot better then me then I do when I beat people in brawl.

I'd rather get my *** handed to me in Melee and learn what I am doing wrong then win first place in a Brawl tournament.

Another thing that pisses me off in Brawl is they fact that there are "Broken" characters.

(Meta Knight, GAW, and Snake)

Melee had nothing of the sort. Fox and Falco destroyed pretty much the entire cast but Marth is good against the space animals. And Shiek is a good match up for Marth. There are no characters that cover up EVERY match up in Melee. All the characters in Brawl were made to be good because Brawl was not meant to be competitive. Mario, Capt Falcon, Shiek, (I use her) Luigi, Pikachu, Pit, etc are all good characters in Brawl its just MK, Snake, and GAW that make them look so bad.

lol pof, that's what we've been saying all along.
Yeah, and I did not realize it until recently. The entire game is based off of camping, spot dodging, and shielding. You can literally keep spot dodging consistently and dodge attacks such as tilts, smashes, and other non rapid attacks....and its really stupid. If you mistime a spot dodge in Melee....you get punished. If you camp too much with Link, Samus, or Falco you CAN GET PUNISHED.

L canceling does not have to be the answer to make the game good...but less broken defensive techniques.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
You forgot to add Marths sword. Ouch!
>_> Isn't Marth's Sword everything else in Melee?

Ah well.
I haven't played Brawl in a while either.
>_> Lots of melee though. Lots of Pichu for some reason.

<_< Someone link me to some vids of Azen's Pichu or something.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
^^^^Even DD knows Melee is awesome.

I talk to Wolf FTW all the time.....because hes really cool. I told him just a couple of minutes ago that I really am kind of sick with Brawl etc etc etc and he said this

" "Wolf FTW": yeah...but i was a great player and i cant bellieve i let it all go...meh o well ill have to get back into again...i like melee soo much more then brawl but some of my friends such as Doulhalt likes brawl beter
"Wolf FTW": i think the only reason why that is was because i rapped him every time in melee but in brawl he stands a chance "

Thought it was kind of interesting and true in most cases with most people. Most people that did not stand out in Melee like Brawl better because it gives them more of a chance to compete in a scenario that is not even meant to be a competitive game.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
So I'm finally back home and I walk into my room seeing my little brother playing Ike, so BAM, automatically I pick up the controller.

I beat his Ike and then he goes.."I haven't even used my secret weapon yet."

I was like, hm? And he picks Snake. I'm not worried. So the match begins and I begin to say, "So, can you even mort-" And he starts mortar sliding and ****** me LMAO. WTF is that **** LOL. I mean he was winning most of the match but I came back, STILL.

The things that happen when you're away for a few days.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
I watched V for Vendetta (well, I missed the beginning) last night for the first time. Pretty cool movie. Of course it reminded me of you, V! I'll have to watch it from the beginning sometime soon.

I have my own copy of Melee now, so hopefully I'll be playing it a lot more. Mmm.... Melee....

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
The only way I get my cards is through tournaments, like every once in a while I'll win about a box worth. I just borrow stuff.

If you go to reapers I'll be able to show some tricks of the trade there, I'll show ya some cool stuff.
I had to postpone Reapers for some gay reason... Zach called me up at like 2am saying that Andy said the 6th isn't available anymore.

Anyways, yah, come to RG I miss all ya guys. :"{

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Pulling an Alex now....

I watched V for Vendetta (well, I missed the beginning) last night for the first time. Pretty cool movie. Of course it reminded me of you, V! I'll have to watch it from the beginning sometime soon.

I have my own copy of Melee now, so hopefully I'll be playing it a lot more. Mmm.... Melee....
Movie is good...but people get an erection because the same people who did the Matrix did V for Vendetta and the guy who played agent Smith does the voice of V. Its a great movie and I love it....but overrated.

i needs to go to a tournament to see how good i do. im pretty sure ill place decent.
Yeah, you're good.

So I'm finally back home and I walk into my room seeing my little brother playing Ike, so BAM, automatically I pick up the controller.

I beat his Ike and then he goes.."I haven't even used my secret weapon yet."

I was like, hm? And he picks Snake. I'm not worried. So the match begins and I begin to say, "So, can you even mort-" And he starts mortar sliding and ****** me LMAO. WTF is that **** LOL. I mean he was winning most of the match but I came back, STILL.

The things that happen when you're away for a few days.
I like Melee better now.

I just wanted to say sorry to everyone who told me that Brawl was horrible before when I did not listen...you were all right.

Brawl match in a nutshell:

Pick Wolf......

3, 2, 1, GO! B, B, B, B, B, B, (opponent walks over)....Shield/sidestep, fsmash/dsmash/

If projectiles get reflected just stand and wait for opponent to come over..f smash rinse and repeat and when your opponent goes off the ledge gimp them low and recover with side B and you win.

Brawl es el crapo.

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
i like this community

god ****
one month
new apartment
i demand to get drunk often with cool kids
cort and brookman
i kinda want to learn melee some too
but my focus is going to stay at brawl :3

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
Shay Laren tag, YES! Lol

Jake, where is yr new apartment gonna be? :"D

EDIT: Oh, I was playing around with the idea of hosting a MISC video game tournament sometime during the summer...

The only games I could think of were:

Pikmin 2
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Fighting Edition

Possibly MKT, and SFII... but idk I want it to be more random.

Anyone have any ideas for some random games? o_O;


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
Fairfield CT/Saratoga NY
My friends and I just made the new Brawl tournament standard.

-Metal Brawl
-1 stock
-Only legal stages are Luigi's Mansion and Spear Pillar (Those were the first two we picked)
-Smash Balls only on very high
-Rob is banned (he can recover)

Start match and hilarity will ensue.

Edit: Now that I think about it I think damage was set to .5 and maybe high gravity, we didn't go anywhere when we got hit


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
oh my god the boards are back up!

I'm entering a tournament soon.
I need your help!

If you have cards, contact me. I'm prepared to run around CT to build the perfect deck.
(IM me, because I dont check board replies any more.)

^thats my screen name


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
I just got back from Anime Next. It was pretty fun, I had a lot better time than Anime Boston. :D

But I did the brawl tournament for fun, it was ffa no items on custom stages. Best of 1 and 3+ rounds to win to get to finals., they cut the top 128? to like 8 or something and the 8 are in the finals. I made it to the finals and I don't even play brawl... My final round, I just hid in snake's box for the last 30 seconds and nobody went after me cause I was up so much and it'd be pointless. I skipped finals because it was during the rave. Greg Ayres is an amazing DJ.

I saw PC/mofo and I think I saw Ky/Sol. I tried to dress as normal as possible to avoid unwanted attention and I even wore pajamas on the first day. LOL But I still got unwanted attention but it became fun because to avoid certain people, one of my friends pretended to be my GF and we made it a fun game. :D

I spent most of the weekend with Rep and that was amazing. ^_^ My friends also won the Rock Band tournament.

Edit: The only bad part was losing two of my shirts... The isai don't get hit one that I JUST got in... T_T And my onigiri shirt I just bought there. Also, I drank half a gallon of milk on the last day because we didn't want it to go to waste and I have bad diarrhea now. Lastly, this one kid owes me a $100 from March and he still hasn't paid me back. -_-

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
My friends and I just made the new Brawl tournament standard.

-Metal Brawl
-1 stock
-Only legal stages are Luigi's Mansion and Spear Pillar (Those were the first two we picked)
-Smash Balls only on very high
-Rob is banned (he can recover)

Start match and hilarity will ensue.

Edit: Now that I think about it I think damage was set to .5 and maybe high gravity, we didn't go anywhere when we got hit
Tarmacker for top tier.

I talked to Wes about the idea and it was my idea for the power rangers fighting edition for the SNES :) Everything else....him.

Ivan Ooze for top tier. Bobby knows what I'm talking about.... :) Ivans Ooze!

I own Battletoads...so I can house that game. That game is ****.

EDIT- Nus: I saw you playing in a few videos on youtube in friendlies with Brookman and your Marth is really hot. I'd probably bone him if I saw your Marth walking down the street or something of the sort. Will you teach me how to play like you? Like, good and stuff? :)


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Ivan Ooze for top tier. Bobby knows what I'm talking about.... :) Ivans Ooze!

That was the best power rangers movie. Ever. White Ranger's epic flying kick was epic @ the temple fight scene.

Also, Giant purple egg is an awesome giant purple egg.
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