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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
It's the 2nd one, but he uses the first one as a defense for being stupid.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
can we agree that Prince is the coolest mother****er to ever live? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=madax7-lMvM
I can agree to that, dude's very underrated as a musician just because he's pretty outrageous.
Agreed so hard.

Hey Garrett, if these combos are all escapable, why doesn't everybody consistently escape them every time? Why can M2K land these **** combos in every match if they're all "escapable?"

P.S. I land uthrow bair on people when they DI in front of me all the time. It's not hard. Also, you can't smash DI 99% of throws.

Dave- Third Strike is not all about Throws. It's about Option Selects and inputting a sequence of commands that best fits each given situation. You should know about option selects. You play third strike.
I know all about option selects (I think they're stupid and I'm glad Smash doesn't have them, btw). 3S is all about controlling people with grabs. Option selects, combos, these are all important elements, but grabs are fundamental along with footsies and hitconfirming.

KOF has both unsafe jumps and safe jumps. (I watched the video) The video also says to go play SF IV. LOL. Keep it coming Dave.
Yeah, the video said, "I recommend SF4 if you aren't familiar with basic 2D fighter mechanics." What does that have to do with anything?

It also said short hops are fundamental. Why didn't you respond to that? Does that make KOF a bad game?

You still haven't answered my question about airdashers. Are Melty Blood and BB bad games because you can jump and not get *****?

What about Third Strike? That's a STREET FIGHTER game where you can jump safely. Is Third Strike bad too? Are you going to make a single coherent point?

Also if Third Strike is all about throws....why isn't Alex or Hugo top tier? They are grapplers..... Its an important aspect to 3S...but its not all about throws. Ken? Yup, kara throw is bust.
Chun is the best character by far. Guess who has the best kara throw?

3S is all about grabs. I've been told this repeatedly by many good players, because I actually play with good players. Who do you play with? Scrubs on Live?

Mogwai-We throw them and combo them? Falco throws and combos? The second best character in the game doesn't have a viable throw game.
Nah, you're wrong.

What fighting game experience or knowledge do you have outside of SMASH? You play Starcraft, warcraft or whatever the hell. Whoopty do and im sure you're good at it. You probably are. You dont know fighting games. You know FRAME DATA in smash. But do you know how to read frame data and understand it in a fighting game? What attacks you could link together to form a (here it is again) combo? Do you know when an attack is safe on block or when a character has frame advantage?
... Let me get this straight. Looking at numbers in a spreadsheet qualifies you to say that Smash shouldn't be competitive? Reading SSF4 frame data makes you qualified to evaluate Smash? Are you ****ing kidding me?

You want SF to not be competitive? Whats your argument for saying its not balanced/makes sense? I'll read it. Maybe it will be a valid argument.
Nobody's saying that. SSF4 is a great game.

Why am I talking about Brawl? Isn't Brawl/Smash 64/Melee generally the same series/game?

oh yeah this is kind of funny too. Smash might be one of the only communities in which certain people hate different games of the same series.
This is completely wrong. Spend five minutes in the Third Strike lobby on GGPO, you will see 3S players hating on SSF4. Likewise, I've heard plenty of SSF4 players and ST players hate on Third Strike. How many people do you think still play the original Street Fighter? I guess it's a failed franchise and nobody should play it, huh?

However, smash was made by the same people throughout the entire process.
So having a handful of characters introduced by a different company = not made by the same people?

I'll be available to troll you all day.

Looks like you're just going to have to:

Deal with what? How ******** you are? Cause honestly, I'm getting close to my breaking point.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
idk what being made by the same company has to do with anything.

btw we're closing in on the "current year" page in this thread.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
life stuff really. got engaged and helped my fiancee move and get settled 5 hrs away. i've also been playin soccer a lot. i traded my boy for a wow account so that too. tho he lvls my char up while i'm not playing. lol.

jus picked up bb:cs two days ago so we'll c how that goes. hbu dave? i havent seen u in ages.
o and i've been slowly teaching myself additional lanuages


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I read that entire post in dave's voice and it was that much better
Honestly, I've always found my own voice pretty annoying. Lol.

life stuff really. got engaged and helped my fiancee move and get settled 5 hrs away. i've also been playin soccer a lot. i traded my boy for a wow account so that too. tho he lvls my char up while i'm not playing. lol.

jus picked up bb:cs two days ago so we'll c how that goes. hbu dave? i havent seen u in ages.
o and i've been slowly teaching myself additional lanuages
Congrats on getting engaged! Surprised to hear you're settling down at your age, but I'm really happy for you, man. Gross @ WoW. I haven't been up to a lot. Me and some friends of mine get together once or twice a week to play Diablo 2. I've been spending a lot of time with my girfriend. We just celebrated two years. Actually, we didn't really celebrate, cause neither one of us really cares that much, but we've been together that long. Props for learning other languages. My grandpa's always telling me I should learn Chinese. Lol.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I still don't understand how Smash not having bnb inescapable autocombos makes it anything other than unconventional? How does that prove POF's point in any way (even if it were true)? In fact, doesn't that by its very nature open up more possibilities, therefore making it more potentially competitive?


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Congrats on getting engaged! Surprised to hear you're settling down at your age, but I'm really happy for you, man. Gross @ WoW. I haven't been up to a lot. Me and some friends of mine get together once or twice a week to play Diablo 2. I've been spending a lot of time with my girfriend. We just celebrated two years. Actually, we didn't really celebrate, cause neither one of us really cares that much, but we've been together that long. Props for learning other languages. My grandpa's always telling me I should learn Chinese. Lol.
thnx man. i'm surprised myself, but hey when u find someone u kno ur gonna be with forever, may as well make it official. congrats on ur anniv as well.

chinese is the 2nd most popular major at harvard i was told. shizz is real.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
"combo" video I found:


Everything in this video is escapable.
k... I still fail to see how combos being dynamic is a bad thing. DI is a brilliant mechanic that keeps the person getting their *** comboed interested in the game.

Random stuff I remember that should be noted to reply to because I'm too lazy to care about quoting

Dave- Third Strike is not all about Throws. It's about Option Selects and inputting a sequence of commands that best fits each given situation. You should know about option selects. You play third strike.
so it's OK to over simplify smash, but not 3rd strike?

u throw bair?-DI/Smash DI in after the throw. Fox runs and tries to bair in front of him and misses. There is a counter to every situation.
uthrow bair is guaranteed. Sheik has guaranteed dthrow fair on a vast majority of the cast. again, you just clearly have absolutely no understanding of smash.

KOF has both unsafe jumps and safe jumps. (I watched the video) The video also says to go play SF IV. LOL. Keep it coming Dave.
Smash has safe jumps and unsafe jumps. If you think jumping is always a good idea in smash, it's no wonder you never got to be even slightly competent at the game.

Mogwai-We throw them and combo them? Falco throws and combos? The second best character in the game doesn't have a viable throw game.
*fthrows you offstage to edgeguard your predictable and pathetic recovery*

What fighting game experience or knowledge do you have outside of SMASH?
nothing competitive. the difference is, I don't pretend to know what I'm talking about with those games.

You play Starcraft, warcraft or whatever the hell. Whoopty do and im sure you're good at it. You probably are.
Yep. I don't get competitive about games and then continue to suck at them.

You dont know fighting games. You know FRAME DATA in smash.
I know a hell of a lot more than just frame data about smash. My knowledge of frame data is much smaller than most people seem to think. I just know how frame data works and where to go find it.

But do you know how to read frame data and understand it in a fighting game?
what? yes, yes I do. it's not terribly difficult to do math you know.

What attacks you could link together to form a (here it is again) combo?
the ones that have a hitbox appear in fewer frames than the opponent is in hitstun for. it's pretty elementary tbh.

Do you know when an attack is safe on block or when a character has frame advantage?
again, yes. again, as long as you know where to find the data, the concepts of analyzing frames are not terribly difficult.

Knee to dair you said, right? Smash DI or tech the dair. Escapable. Even edge guarding has its ways around it too. Tech the ledge.
dair to knee ******. there's about a 60% window on every character in the game where this will combo easily regardless of DI.

You want SF to not be competitive? Whats your argument for saying its not balanced/makes sense? I'll read it. Maybe it will be a valid argument.
i'm pointing out that you're stupid, not that SF isn't competitive. there's no argument here. my argument is that if smash shouldn't be competitive because hot dog eating shouldn't be competitive, street fighter shouldn't be competitive because skydiving shouldn't be competitive. DO YOU GET IT YET!?

Why am I talking about Brawl? Isn't Brawl/Smash 64/Melee generally the same series/game? They have differences but generally they pose the same concept. Build up percent, projectiles, knock them out, chain grabs, teams, different weight class, etc. Get the picture? oh yeah this is kind of funny too. Smash might be one of the only communities in which certain people hate different games of the same series. Thats also laughable. Because when SFIV came out and Blaz Blue CS came out the Vanilla fans hated it. Street Fighter had a spinoff series with EX plus, EX2, and EX3 but the new characters were not made by Capcom and were brought forth by Arika. Capcom pretty much just said "yeah, use our characters." and all the SF fans pretty much hate that game. For good reason too.

However, smash was made by the same people throughout the entire process.
Jesus Christ you're stupid

Anything else you guys want to try to throw at me?
Jesus Christ you're stupid

I'll be available to troll you all day.
Jesus Christ you're stupid

Looks like you're just going to have to:

Wow, nice one, I guess you showed me!


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
otg is now one of my favorite smashers. tera melos is awesome. i especially love on their first cd how the first two tracks not only sound, but flow into each other. it's pretty much the epitome of a perfect intro.
I'll have to check it out, I'm not sure which album I have by them. Definitely check out Cinemechanica, the Martial Arts is a tight album.

Deal with what? How ******** you are? Cause honestly, I'm getting close to my breaking point.
lolll, I don't even read pof's posts anymore, I just lol at all the people's time consuming rebuttals to his ***********. It's really just too amazing.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash

Justin Wong

Smash Rookie
Aug 11, 2010
That POF guy is pretty ********.

Where can I find this reno dude? He must play smash if hes on here, which one does he play?

Justin Wong

Smash Rookie
Aug 11, 2010
wait so how does this brawl friend code thing work.

we have to exchange them or something? is there a place to do that here?
the process seems really lame


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2007
POF, that video doesnt say combo combo video anywhere, but rather a music video.
I don't understand anything you wrote in that last post...

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I'm still trying to decide finally what will be my new avatar. Should it be:




In other news, I'm sooooooooo glad Ned Lamont lost yesterday.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Music: Common is <3. MF Doom is :\. I can listen to his stuff but he doesn't surprise me and doesn't come off as anything special. Hazy, what's on your . . . mix thing? Or more so, who?
Jam, low quality is low. I think the third one would be best . . . or worst. First one is a solid choice though.
Trade, super congrats. Good luck. I've got a tip, don't punch her, that's usually a bad idea . . . yeah.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Jam, considering your title, I think you should find a picture of Makoto punching somebody in the dick and use that as your avatar.

Also, in Smash news, the first active frame of Marth's dsmash can't hit GW because he's 2D. Metagame revolutionized.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
doom is a beast. he's pretty much a direct spawn from biggie and rakim, and is mos def's primary influence. ballin' producer, too.

slox - it's just 12 tracks of some rap vocals over a different rap song's backbeat, basically. some of the vocals/instrumentals i isolated myself and you won't hear anywhere else :3
cage, beastie boys, skeelo, 7l & esoteric, jurassic 5, lupe fiasco, nas...it kind of goes all over the place :X

jamil - number 2 ZOMGGGGG edit: i mean letter b

south paw vs sars pirate matches were played yesterday. AZ v LA, frame knowledge i thought i had was challenged, range makes no sense, true combos revealed that i had never seen. next time i'm recording and uploading and blowing some minds

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
;_; I've given up on Garrett.

Not just as a troll but generally given up on him. Don't ask me to play friendlies if your at a random [MA] tournament unless your gonna give me free money / MM me.
Marth just moved down two tiers. Good discovery ZoSo!
Hazy - started downloading once i saw beastie boys and jurassic 5. will tell you how much i like when i finish listening.

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