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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Wilbraham, MA (Springfield)
swift, you're pretty much my favorite person ever, let's play smash sometime =D

EDIT: ok, Jebus, I'll let you know. I also have no problems playing my other characters all night, I know my falco pisses a lot of people off, lol.
i usually play against falco for 6 hours at every tourney/smashfest (thorn/yedi)

i love falco =)


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2009
ok, Jebus, I'll let you know. I also have no problems playing my other characters all night, I know my falco pisses a lot of people off, lol.
also forgot to add bringing my controller to work gets a lot of ridicule and raised eyebrows lol

weekends would be best

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Falco is a meanie-head, esp Th0rn's and Mogwai's. I just kind of sit back and sigh a lot whenever I play thorn. >_>

Isn't that kind of on you to initiate contact?

It's like going to a party and expecting everybody to come to you when you're sitting in the corner twiddling your thumbs.

Smooth Criminal
this. it's not like this thread moves super fast anymore, or is purely social.

the ma player is salty
like a sardine.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Nick I was in Killingworth all weekend. Thought about telling you. But I didn't. Be sad.
I am sad. GET ***** ME.
Wheres Brookman? Cort? SEXY? Silas? Mike$? Noodles? SPAWN? Aesir? Me? Vintage? Bolt? Slox? We post like maybe one a week or so in full swing knowing we won't keep up w everything anymore
A bunch of those guys and others that were not even named were at Silas' house on Saturday. Get *****.

Well I think I'd like a more exclusive CT thread rather than a whole bunch of people talking about some movies and stuff they could just share through AIM or email. Kinda puts people off (me at least) from trying to find some people who play smash near my area.
I love it! Smash is about making awesome friends as far as I'm concerned, and I've had no problems finding people to play [as long as they're available] when I post in this thread. :p No reason to be shy just because we talk about movies or something. Just pop in a "Yo who wants to play?".

Also, my brother didn't want to learn how to play the guitar my Uncle got him lessons for, so I'm trying to self teach. This is kind of a simple concept, I just need to practice. Then I don't even have to TRY to get laid. *****es just fly at guitars.



Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
swift, you're pretty much my favorite person ever, let's play smash sometime =D

EDIT: ok, Jebus, I'll let you know. I also have no problems playing my other characters all night, I know my falco pisses a lot of people off, lol.
yea we def need to play its been too long. pikachu vs CF lets try that again >______>. I got this

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
okay back from MA.
- i'm kind of good at this game now. (I don't come in last?)

kind of.

I expect to beat D1 (or someone on this level) next tourney I go to, no matches against good players were **** except against Jman.

Uh, I suck at school so I'm now taking 1 class for 2 hours every mourning to put my GPA back up to 2.6 so I can at least bring my cumulative to a 2.9.

uh, i love ct. go to cataclysm. add me on facebook. i love maine. i need to take a permit test / get on that.
swift, you're pretty much my favorite person ever.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
okay back from MA.
- i'm kind of good at this game now. (I don't come in last?)

kind of.

I expect to beat D1 (or someone on this level) next tourney I go to, no matches against good players were **** except against Jman.

Uh, I suck at school so I'm now taking 1 class for 2 hours every mourning to put my GPA back up to 2.6 so I can at least bring my cumulative to a 2.9.

uh, i love ct. go to cataclysm. add me on facebook. i love maine. i need to take a permit test / get on that.

Where do you live again? I kinda wanna play you to see how good you are. All this talk about being awesome and I wanna see for myself!

And then cry if you're better than me. :[


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
swift is boss don
smash is good.

in other news
i FINALLY got sf4 (not even super lol)
****'s boss
i wish i were good at it

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Guys Cort made it onto the New England Brawl power rankings:

Everyone congratulate him on his hard-earned 7th place! Lost to no one!

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
poffy, promise me you won't be coming back
At least I don't look like a girl.

pofs such a drama queen.

garret you are no where near my level. you arent that good overall. I **** you for free. I'd actually bet on slox in tourney b4 I would bet on you even back when slox just started. real talk not even trying to sound pissed and make some kind of witty remark.
Get a job?

I'm not on your level in the kids party game from 1999? Sucks for me. If you want me to continue being rude please, say something back. I've got more fuel for the fire if you want. Have a good night sir.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
At least I don't look like a girl.

Get a job?

I'm not on your level in the kids party game from 1999? Sucks for me.
Oh my god. Garrett don't like...omg. I just died.

Also, can I beat MikeRay in a Bo5 and get #10 for the hell of it, or is that not how PRs work?

And how did Cort get #7 xD?
Gratz Cort!

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Swifts comment was straight up ****. Without debate. I don't appreciate that ****ing crap.

Its immature douche comments or inserts that piss me off within the smash community. Isn't it time some of you grow up? No ones satisfied until they put their 20 cents in.

Mike (Brookman)
Nick (Darkdragoon)
Marc (SPAWN)
Demetri (Aesir)
Chris (Icylight)
Nelson (noodles)
Paul (Cort) Thanks for the constant advice. Started respecting you the last month or so. dont know if you do but i think you're cool.
Lil (milktea)
Ross (Sox)
Colin (Bolt)
Jon (Vintage)
and Stephen (Axel)

Take care you guys. If you ever want to play for fun and run some casuals let me know.

The rest of CT and this thread: Dont ever contact me because i cant stand you.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Wilbraham, MA (Springfield)
okay back from MA.
- i'm kind of good at this game now. (I don't come in last?)

kind of.

I expect to beat D1 (or someone on this level) next tourney I go to, no matches against good players were **** except against Jman.

Uh, I suck at school so I'm now taking 1 class for 2 hours every mourning to put my GPA back up to 2.6 so I can at least bring my cumulative to a 2.9.

uh, i love ct. go to cataclysm. add me on facebook. i love maine. i need to take a permit test / get on that.

how come we didn't play?

or did we?
At least I don't look like a girl.
Its immature douche comments or inserts that piss me off within the smash community. Isn't it time some of you grow up? No ones satisfied until they put their 20 cents in.
did you fail the 6th grade or something and just stay at home with your spoiled self all your teenage years?

such a ******
roman is the prettiest girl I know
well then... we should probably play like we've been trying for a few months now LOL


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
yea garret the funds for trips and my car and **** are fueled by hopes and dreams. I dun work I just wait till the next tourney cuz Im boss don like that. You are pretty smart. Its funny cuz majority of that list **** talked behind your back so much. I would say that they do it now but its likely that they dun care about you enough....dun worry though you've sparked up the drama in your own little world again.(you know the one where you are a "good" marth main and have insightful things to say about the game, and where the marth matchup vs kirby and vs jiggs is identical)

if no one gave a **** what I said I guess I would create my own world too.

well im off to work rofl

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Also, my brother didn't want to learn how to play the guitar my Uncle got him lessons for, so I'm trying to self teach. This is kind of a simple concept, I just need to practice. Then I don't even have to TRY to get laid. *****es just fly at guitars.

This is so true lol
Do you have any musical background? Basically, can you keep a beat?
Ask Dave or I if you have any ?'s.

At least I don't look like a girl.
Roman let's have a baby.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
So who's up for helping me compile a "Best of PoF: 2007-2010" list of amazing posts? So far the stuff on this page is ****ing gold.

Gotta give him a proper sendoff.

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
really ?


how about just make one. especially you jake. u have mod powers to police and get notoriety and all that good stuff. you def have the gas for the fire.
I don't mod these boards, having 2 CT threads would be somewhat silly. But I somewhat revoke my statement these boards seem to have less random OOS than they used to. That really made me stay out of this thread a lot.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
You guys should keep saying stupid funny stuff that makes you look cooler to make yourselves feel better. I hear that makes you a cool kid on smashboards.

My initial post wasn't even rude or anything of the sort and here comes the smashboards tool bag train as usual with Swiftbass, Roman, otg, Mogwai, Hazygoose, (you dont even know me. lol. join in bandwagoner! *high five*) and Cogsmooch. And I'm the bad guy? Ok.

(sigh) you're all so predictable.

Nah, I honestly looked at Cort/Paul the wrong way when I initially met him and recognize and admit that I was a bit toolish and made hastey judgements about him. I trolled him....so he trolled me. The past couple of times i've seen him with Alex and such he was alright and I enjoyed playing him and learning. If I'm not a ****** around him hes great to learn from and provides much more Marth knowledge than anyone else in the community at this point IMO. He probably still dislikes me but I think its mainly due to my Smashboards posting persona, not me personally.

yea, PoF now apparently respects you. you must feel really fulfilled about life now. in fact, I'm not sure what I'd strive for in my life if I weren't spending all my time trying to earn PoF's respect.
Do you ever stop? I'm not even talking to you/about you. What is your reason for commenting? Please, do tell. You always throw your 20 cents in and dont ever have any reason for saying anything. I simply ignore you now and want nothing to do with you.

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