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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I watched it last and was pleasantly surprised. There were a few parts where I was like "wtf m8" but most of it was pretty classic.

Also saw Toy Story 3 last night and it was awesome! Some absolutely hysterical parts that must be seen by all.
I started watching Futurama, but then I had a female with me and even though we both wanted to watch we were ultimately more distracting for eachother.

But uhhh..
I downloaded ToyStory 3, but I don't want to watch it. I wanna see it in theaters!

Maybe in a week or so...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
I started watching Futurama, but then I had a female with me and even though we both wanted to watch we were ultimately more distracting for eachother.

But uhhh..
I downloaded ToyStory 3, but I don't want to watch it. I wanna see it in theaters!

Maybe in a week or so...
Both scenarios are totally acceptable and fully endorsed!


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I wouldn't recommend that you do that, but I would be extremely impressed if you could.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007

I haven't posted in this thread in awhile.

American History X was one of the best movies I've ever seen.
My girl has been telling me to watch this with her. All the other movies shes had me watch so far are awesome, so I guess shes on the right track.


P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Greetings CT: Just thought I'd pop in and say hello to all of you. I've read everything that was said about me and thought I'd post a quick few things and conclude one of my final posts in the CT thread.

First off I can't even begin to call this the CT thread anymore (or havent for the past year or so) because the CT smash scene is pretty much close to non existent and no one posts in here anymore and for good reason. This has turned into the "I'm bored so im gonna post in the CT thread" thread. lol. Wheres Brookman? Cort? SEXY? Silas? Mike$? Noodles? SPAWN? Aesir? Me? Vintage? Bolt? Slox? We post like maybe one a week or so in full swing knowing we won't keep up w everything anymore.

No one posts in here anymore and the CT smash scene is lacking in development. Sad? Yes.....but its true and we all know it. Im sorry to say but SPAWN and Cort are the only people worth playing to truly grow anymore IMO. I enjoy playing everyone else for the most part but I feel i'm either A-on the same level as them B-am better than them or C-I play someone because I want to see them grow and develop just as I wanted to play people when I first started. (Bolt, Vintage, Slox, and any other newcomer) Honestly, I find the smash scene in the New England area to be extremely immature and just not worth my time with minor excpetions. I'm not talking about tipping, manners, etc and everything else i've mentioned before im talking about just as general people with a minor few exceptions to some CT, MA and RI people. G $, Jman, Reno, and Hazz are really cool too from NY.

SF is a new game with much more to look into than Melee is at this point. We know everything about it and no one will EVER agree on a final tier list on the top 5 characters. EVER. It's a fun game to play and that is all I see it as at this point. I'm not going to put any time into it anymore and Cat 5 will be my last tournament that I enter solely because it's in CT and its convenient for me. I'd have to be stupid not to go because it's in CT and the turnout is going to be incredible.

While playing Melee I had one key goal that I wanted to achieve because I knew I'd never want to put the time into Melee to be a "top player." I never have put any real time into it deeply, I just play whenver people want to. I dont go out of my way to anymore.

I wanted to be a respectable Marth within the community. Not the GREATEST but a SOLID Marth. I think I've reached that goal. When people mention my name they know who I am, I place alright in tournaments, I do well against top level players such as Eggm, Jman, Vanz, Darc, Hbox, and Axe, have turned into a respected poster on the Marth Melee boards creating two Sticky threads, and being one of the most knowledgable Marths in terms of match ups and how to approach each one with special thanks to Husband, Cactus, and Cort. CORT and DAVE have complimented my Marth. Thats how I know I got better. lol.

The funny thing is is that I really did not ever consistently attend tournaments (Dave always criticized me for this and made it one of his major points while doing it) and I still have turned out to be a solid Melee player. Marths at pound 4, jams last tournament, yesterdays gameunderground MA tourney, and others have asked me for advice and have admired my contributions to the boards. (mostly for the mu thread)

Honestly, those who disagree just don't like me as a person pretty much. There are plenty of people who I have met that I love to be with and love to hang around with but in general, I'm tired of the scene portrayed here and the Sf community is friendly, shows good all around sportsmanship in tournament, is getting stronger, and is 10X more intense to watch than smash is anymore. I haven't seen anything exciting since M2K's rom I comeback Vs Dashizwiz. The height of the melee meta game now is puff getting you off stage and doing something dumb or Falco shooting you with a laser and comboing off that laser.

I want to keep playing Melee with people and i'll still play with anyone who wants to every now and then but don't expect me to grow and develop anymore.

So I'll see you guys around and good luck at future events and all that mumbo jumbo.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I wanted to be a respectable Marth within the community. Not the GREATEST but a SOLID Marth. I think I've reached that goal. When people mention my name they know who I am, I place alright in tournaments, I do well against top level players such as Eggm, Jman, Vanz, Darc, Hbox, and Axe, have turned into a respected poster on the Marth Melee boards creating two Sticky threads, and being one of the most knowledgable Marths in terms of match ups and how to approach each one with special thanks to Husband, Cactus, and Cort. CORT and DAVE have complimented my Marth. Thats how I know I got better. lol.

When was the last melee tourney you went to? I'm just curious.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2007
Well I think I'd like a more exclusive CT thread rather than a whole bunch of people talking about some movies and stuff they could just share through AIM or email. Kinda puts people off (me at least) from trying to find some people who play smash near my area.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Well I think I'd like a more exclusive CT thread rather than a whole bunch of people talking about some movies and stuff they could just share through AIM or email. Kinda puts people off (me at least) from trying to find some people who play smash near my area.

Isn't that kind of on you to initiate contact?

It's like going to a party and expecting everybody to come to you when you're sitting in the corner twiddling your thumbs.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2009
hey mogwai sry I haven't been playing much in Stamford recently.

My job is just killer and the hours and walk back home make me so exhausted that i can't find the energy to walk over and play games into the night.

if you have people over for smash give me a call but i'm not in the mood generally to get ***** by your infuriating Falco dozens of times in a row.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
pofs such a drama queen.

garret you are no where near my level. you arent that good overall. I **** you for free. I'd actually bet on slox in tourney b4 I would bet on you even back when slox just started. real talk not even trying to sound pissed and make some kind of witty remark.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Yeah i'll be honest, I wish we had an exclusive CT thread.
Well I think I'd like a more exclusive CT thread rather than a whole bunch of people talking about some movies and stuff they could just share through AIM or email. Kinda puts people off (me at least) from trying to find some people who play smash near my area.
really ?


how about just make one. especially you jake. u have mod powers to police and get notoriety and all that good stuff. you def have the gas for the fire.
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