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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
I was upset watching the ending to the first vid. I really thought it was gonna be a jv5 XD.

yeah ggs garrett. That last set we played was nice.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I think i'm going to register for pound 4 this month.

What are your plans regarding Pound 4 CT? Car? Plane?

First off, who IS GOING? (Not I THINK I'm going...) I need definites.

I definitely am going.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
pound 4 more like 4 times the NERDS go outside losrz
Yeah, because everytime you say dumb BS like this it keeps getting funnier.

Here, let me help you out and explain to you exactly what I meant:

In no way did I ever say that playing video games, smash, etc is stupid or nerdy to any extent. However, I did say that I think its ridiculous how so many people constantly go to tournaments, travel, etc when they probably could be doing more fulfilling things with their time. Whatever, that's just my ****ing opinion. SOME people on here can't deal with opinions and feel the urge to be tools about things.

I think Hax is a better player than Scar and people give me "the look"

I think Ken was overall a better Marth player than M2K was and I get "the look"

I think Ness and Roy are extremely underrated and I get "the look"

I think making more than one combo video is purely showing off and bragging. Whatever.

I don't look at Melee the way other people do. Sorry I don't devote myself to keeping up with the tournament scene and all that mumbo jumbo.

I play Melee and particapate in tournaments when I can or when it's convienent for me. I manage Melee around my life I don't manage my life around Melee.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Smashing is a hobby. :D
(I need some help with this hobby ((: I is bad!)
You can't tell someone to not go _______ to enjoy this hobby just because you believe they can spend their time "better", chances are these people would rather be smashing then doing ______ on there free time with pals any who.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I think Hax is a better player than Scar and people give me "the look"
Scar is over all a better player, just because hax has his moments doesn't make him the better player. That would be like saying I'm the better player then marc because I have my moments.
I think Ken was overall a better Marth player than M2K was and I get "the look"
Only people who are living in the past believe this. Fact of the matter is M2k left Ken behind a long time ago, clinging to Kens greatness which shouldn't be understated is silly. True no one will ever amass a record like Ken but that's all in the past now. M2k is the better marth.

I think Ness and Roy are extremely underrated and I get "the look"
They're bad characters. Very limited and in all honesty they only have a one trick pony under their belt. They don't adapt well to match ups and can be shut down more often then everyone else above them.

I think making more than one combo video is purely showing off and bragging. Whatever.
People like multiple combo videos by the same person, think about it. You make one combo video doing crazy silly combos. People are gonna be like, "WHOA!!!!!!!!" It's exciting, so said smasher makes another combo to raise the bar a bit. Combo videos are meant to be entertaining not show casing skill. That's like saying Directors that make squeals are just doing it to show off.

Stop complaining about how "I don't keep up with tourney mumbo jumbo blah blah." Because that's irrelevant.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Yeah, because everytime you say dumb BS like this it keeps getting funnier.

Here, let me help you out and explain to you exactly what I meant:

In no way did I ever say that playing video games, smash, etc is stupid or nerdy to any extent. However, I did say that I think its ridiculous how so many people constantly go to tournaments, travel, etc when they probably could be doing more fulfilling things with their time. Whatever, that's just my ****ing opinion. SOME people on here can't deal with opinions and feel the urge to be tools about things.

I think Hax is a better player than Scar and people give me "the look"

I think Ken was overall a better Marth player than M2K was and I get "the look"

I think Ness and Roy are extremely underrated and I get "the look"

I think making more than one combo video is purely showing off and bragging. Whatever.

I don't look at Melee the way other people do. Sorry I don't devote myself to keeping up with the tournament scene and all that mumbo jumbo.

I play Melee and particapate in tournaments when I can or when it's convienent for me. I manage Melee around my life I don't manage my life around Melee.
*gives you "the look"*


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
I think it's ridiculous how people waste so much time going to tournaments. I held a tournament not long ago and I got all mad when very few people showed up.

I make arbitrary statements about which player is better than another, yet I can't be bothered to "devote myself to keeping up with the tournament scene and all that mumbo jumbo".

I have the right to have opinions, but nobody can have opinions about my opinions.

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
I think it's ridiculous how people waste so much time going to tournaments. I held a tournament not long ago and I got all mad when very few people showed up.

I make arbitrary statements about which player is better than another, yet I can't be bothered to "devote myself to keeping up with the tournament scene and all that mumbo jumbo".

I have the right to have opinions, but nobody can have opinions about my opinions.
This is easily the best post in the thread.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
So I'm looking at December 13th as the date for my tournament. I wanted something after the end of most college semesters, but I think it's better than scheduling one the same week as Christmas. I gotta call Mike at Battlegroungs on Friday.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I think it's ridiculous how people waste so much time going to tournaments. I held a tournament not long ago and I got all mad when very few people showed up.

I make arbitrary statements about which player is better than another, yet I can't be bothered to "devote myself to keeping up with the tournament scene and all that mumbo jumbo".

I have the right to have opinions, but nobody can have opinions about my opinions.
1: People in CT constantly complain about lack of tourney attendance. I made one...no one showed. Irony. There is a difference between going to a tournament when you can and constantly going.

2: You don't need to go to tournaments to see how good characters can be. Yeah, because Roy and Ness are consistent tournament players.

3: LOL, I think you guys have stronger opinions about ME than I do about YOU GUYS.


Yeah, a group of teenagers don't like me on a forum. My life sucks. :(

I know that pretty much ALL OF YOU are cool people individually when I talk to you but when you guys are on the boards you have this dumb ego and its really funny.

I noticed something about Brawl and Melee players.

Brawl-extremely friendly and open to new things but less familiar with smash in general.

Melee-Smarter more intelligent players but have more of a tendency to be elitist jerks.

So I'm looking at December 13th as the date for my tournament. I wanted something after the end of most college semesters, but I think it's better than scheduling one the same week as Christmas. I gotta call Mike at Battlegroungs on Friday.
I'll be there. :)

(Insert SleepyK comment)

Oh, last I checked Sleepy, Cogsmooch, and Mogwai have been mocking me for about a week with dumb comments but I guess that is acceptable guys? haha, ok CT. Good stuff.

Cogsmooch said: I hate your lists.
Mogwai: l2read
Sleepy-all his horrible grammar comments.

Did I ever say anything back? No, I ignored it.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
not gonna lie Joey kinda got ya there.

im not on anyone side cause im awesome and have the cloud under my total control but damm.

for the record i think scar / Hax is a good argument atm.

Ken and m2k not so much its comparing two different spectrums


P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I just think Ken was 10X more dominant than any other smasher. I guess that is what I always mean to say when I say he was "better." I also do not think MaNg0 will be as dominant as M2K. I think someone will beat him soon enough and we already saw that at Genesis and at Rom 1 with Chu Dat.

Ken made smash all about combos

M2K made it all about Gimps

MaNgo made it all about................................we don't know yet. :-/


<3 <3 <3

Double Edit: Yeah, what Joey said was funny and true. Whatevs. I admit that.

Heres the way I look at the quarrel of me posting: What i say/do may be stupid but some of you say dumb crap too to piss me off.....

Aesir doesn't piss me off......SPAWN doesn't.............trademark doesn't.....

I know they don't like the way I post but I shrug off what they say and they shrug off what i say. No biggie....we move on and we're cool in person. Some of you just hit that "I'm gonna be a **** back" button and its lame. I don't care though, I've learned to laugh at it and not care.

oh yeah, yankees.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Last minute tournament announcement in hope for a large attendance!
More Yankees!
Where's the love in this thread?
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