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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
i have a melee iso on megaupload with all the textures preloaded if anyone wants it.

now posting a long, fake image link so i can show you my sig.



Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I can't burn Melee for some reason. :*( I tried at my house and I used a DVD-R and it didn't work.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
i have a melee iso on megaupload with all the textures preloaded if anyone wants it.

now posting a long, fake image link so i can show you my sig.

**** I can't stop watching Dustin take his head out of Jigglypuff's ***.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
PoF, you get pissed when people put you on their ignore list, so it really doesn't seem like having people not pay attention to you is what you're looking for.

Also, gj calling me out for flaming you... oh wait, I was perfectly civil with you and said nothing inflamitory. I have tried super hard to give you a chance since I took you off said ignore list. But your continued lack of understanding of how an open forum works and people's rights to passionately disagree has earned you a spot right next to Laijin and Strawhats on my ignore list, since that seems to be what you're telling those of us who get visibly upset with your posts.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I did burn at 2.4x T_T I've burned disks before... for the xbox at least. I don't understand why it won't work.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Dude everyone in this thread who is debating basically about nothing important I have one thing to say to you.

Who gives a ****?
if that's the attitude you want, why do you even care if we do debate about stuff, I mean, you don't give a **** anyway, right? so why do you get on us to stop?

the real answer is that we give a **** because we're passionate about the stuff we talk about. we talk about it at all because we're bored at the time or enjoy talking about our thoughts.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Telling him to "man up" and keep playing or saying that "it's just a game" shows you have no empathy. M2K has put years of his time and hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars into traveling and playing Melee. It's no longer just a game when you invest that much into something. Try and understand his perspective before you go judging his actions.
You invest so much into a video game? It's called get a job like a normal person. No one said "Yo M2K, go be the best in the world at smash." People make their decisions on their own. No other top player complains, quits out of matches, forfeits, etc. No offense to him but maybe he needs to start looking at the world the way the most of us do. Edit-There is a time and a place to feel bad for them or to comfort them but i'm sorry...because someone starts not doing good at a video game and isn't making money.........lol, get a real job. IF PC can do it i am sure as hell M2K can.

I personally do not care as to what you post about. But the general Idea behind
all the people "STFUing" you is based on the fact that your judgement is not
needed. Everyone has opinions on everything but this community as a whole
understands that airing it in the FIRST place really won't get us anywhere.

The perfect example would be the Brawl V.S. Melee everyone had an opinion
and chose a side. And during this time period everyone aired there opinions and
it created conflict. If no one had judged in the first place this community would
have saved itself alot of trouble.

Just as there is no need for Larx and all them to put in there two cents, the
same applies to you.

If you wouldn't put in your two cents first, I doubt they would.
I liked this post.

Almost as much as this song: <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq6OYpJjG0Y

gj calling me out for flaming you... oh wait, I was perfectly civil with you and said nothing inflamitory. I have tried super hard to give you a chance since I took you off said ignore list. But your continued lack of understanding of how an open forum works and people's rights to passionately disagree has earned you a spot right next to Laijin and Strawhats on my ignore list, since that seems to be what you're telling those of us who get visibly upset with your posts.
****, i'll respond to this via pm.



Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
You invest so much into a video game? It's called get a job like a normal person. No one said "Yo M2K, go be the best in the world at smash." People make their decisions on their own. No other top player complains, quits out of matches, forfeits, etc. No offense to him but maybe he needs to start looking at the world the way the most of us do. Edit-There is a time and a place to feel bad for them or to comfort them but i'm sorry...because someone starts not doing good at a video game and isn't making money.........lol, get a real job. IF PC can do it i am sure as hell M2K can.
Seriously, you contradict yourself way too much. First you say he shouldn't have forfeited, should have played it out, shouldn't be a quitter. Now you're saying he should quit smash and get a real job.

Are you saying M2K wasted his time and money to become the best at something? Maybe nobody should invest so much into a video game? Pro Korean StarCraft players invest ungodly amounts of time and effort into their game. Should they be "normal people" and get regular jobs just because from our cultural viewpoint gaming isn't a legitimate profession?

Stop judging Jason and telling us what he should do ("don't quit/forfeit", "get a real job"). You said so yourself in this post, "People make their decisions on their own." He made his decision to get incredibly good at a video game. Now he'll decide if he wants to continue gaming or settle down with what you call "a real job". It's not your place to say what he should do.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
no clearly pof knows what's best for m2k

or i mean people in general


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
You can't really compare PC to M2K. I think even PC would agree with this (feel free to correct me if you believe otherwise, Chris). M2K is different. I'm talking about beyond Smash-skill.

By the way, Jason is now focusing on college. I'm really happy for him and that he quit. I hope he has more fun with his education and future career, and wish him best of luck.


"If I post something you don't like....simply don't read it. None of it is attacking YOU and if it is than YOU should respond to it."

That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever read. Jason is my friend, I will throw my 2 ****ing cents in if I want. Just because it's not bashing me doesn't mean I won't intervene, hell, I'm more likely to not intervene if you're bashing me.

Aside from that, your post pretty much just said, "I can post all the opinions I want but nobody is allowed to disagree. Duh." Looooool. If you can't take the responses you're going to get, then don't post, then nobody has to read. That's what I do, keep quiet for the most part.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Joey is probably the nicest person I've ever met. You have to really **** up to get him on your case.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Giant Quote Post!

The Main Deciding Factor In The Lifespan Of Melee, As With Any Competitive Game, Will Be Its Ability To Draw In New Players. Unfortunately, Most New Players Are Drawn To Brawl For The Time Being.
I don't remember why I quoted this. OH YEA.
Brawl Scrubs now a days have 2 options that end up with Melee.
1) Brawl->Melee
2) Brawl-> Brawl+ &/-> Melee

>_> I probably converted....15-20 people scrubs last night here on campus by turning off Brawl and hooking up my Wii and playing Brawl+. Then I overheard a bunch of kids planning to go play melee back in their room. I tried to join in, but they didn't want to get face *****.

It feels good to be the best player on campus, second best is most likely Hailey thanks to Kevin's fantastic training. ****ing **** her Peach is ****...against my high tiers anyways. Lol @ me 3 stocking her with Pichu and 4 Stocking her with Mewtwo.

idk A Lot Of The Southern Brawlers Are Also Picking Melee Up.

They're Already Making A Ssb64hd
It'd Be Possible To Redo Melee In Hd If Someone Wanted To Reskin Everything.
=o I would.

sakurai Was The Type Of Kid Who Got ***** By Everyone In Fighting Games And Vowed That'll Never Happen Again.
I lol'd.

moon Doggie And Noodles Play Melee...definitely. But They Are Definitely More Pro Brawl.

I Love Banks. Discuss. I Need Sheik Practice.

Dave Gave A Great Recommendation Actually.

Also Marc-final Fantasy Iv/ii If You Do Another One. Aesir Will Support This And I Know It.
I love Banks too!~<3 And I converted MoonDoggie to Brawl+.

I Was Thinking About Barking At Him From The Stands.
I thought this was funny. Then it started the big ****storm that took up 2 pages of my life.

got Brawl + Someone Play With Me On Wifi! D:
:D I will as soon as I get wireless working on my wii!!

i Remember When Smashboards Was Awesome.

"if I Post Something You Don't Like....simply Don't Read It. None Of It Is Attacking You And If It Is Than You Should Respond To It."

That Has To Be The Stupidest Thing I've Ever Read. Jason Is My Friend, I Will Throw My 2 ****ing Cents In If I Want. Just Because It's Not Bashing Me Doesn't Mean I Won't Intervene, Hell, I'm More Likely To Not Intervene If You're Bashing Me.

Aside From That, Your Post Pretty Much Just Said, "i Can Post All The Opinions I Want But Nobody Is Allowed To Disagree. Duh." Looooool. If You Can't Take The Responses You're Going To Get, Then Don't Post, Then Nobody Has To Read. That's What I Do, Keep Quiet For The Most Part.
>_> In addition to what shes saying, how do we know if we like it or not without reading it? Clearly that is impossible unless you mean to say that if you post and we expect not to like it, don't read it...which is basically just a "manual ignore"...and why would anyone want to do something that is much easier done automatically?

Also, every word Lil posted started with a capital...so either it was all ragecaps and filtered...or she has terrible grammar.

I just wasted an hour reading all I missed while perfecting my almost completed Mewtwo, and learning how to build 3d models[Umbreon<3], and I start classes in 8 hours. Gnite!

EDIT: I love everyone in this thread.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
whoa LOL that didn't happen until you quoted it haha. i promise my grammar isn't awful! i can differentiate between your and you're if that means anything puahaha

ps garrett, if you changed your tourney name to g dragon darc would be there in a heartbeat


P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I've decided to stop arguing with everyone.

Why? People are getting mad over nothing...along with me. K?

Thumbs-I love that movie. I still have that on vhs. I paid like 20 for the DVD and openly discuss it from time to time. I have the soundtrack, get at me.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
In addition to what shes saying, how do we know if we like it or not without reading it?
Well, Nicholas, that is an excellent question and I'm glad you asked.

You see, there are several telltale signs you'll want to be wary of when on the lookout for bad posts, but the big one that you will certainly want to avoid can be found by checking the postbit, usually located above and to the left of a post, or directly above it depending on your configuration.

Sadly, this virtually always results in an unreadable post.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
You invest so much into a video game? It's called get a job like a normal person. No one said "Yo M2K, go be the best in the world at smash." People make their decisions on their own. No other top player complains, quits out of matches, forfeits, etc. No offense to him but maybe he needs to start looking at the world the way the most of us do. Edit-There is a time and a place to feel bad for them or to comfort them but i'm sorry...because someone starts not doing good at a video game and isn't making money.........lol, get a real job. IF PC can do it i am sure as hell M2K can.
god dam you're gay. hypocracy, stfucy, dam. dam.

awww that's no fun
agreed, HI DARC

Why? People are getting mad over nothing...along with me. K?
don't post stupid poop

on a brighter note. i sure am awesome.

my house is set up for gaming now. people should come visit while i'm still a bum.

hope everyone's doing well.

(anyone wanna play l4d? i'm better than you in it)




Well, Nicholas, that is an excellent question and I'm glad you asked.

You see, there are several telltale signs you'll want to be wary of when on the lookout for bad posts, but the big one that you will certainly want to avoid can be found by checking the postbit, usually located above and to the left of a post, or directly above it depending on your configuration.

Sadly, this virtually always results in an unreadable post.

HiLARious. laughed too loud irl.

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
Yeah I'd have to agree that Jason and I are a little bit different, just a tiny bit :p. I still don't think Jason should stop completely though haha i mean isn't it profitable for him still ?

Anyways I lost the keys to my house (I lose everything haha) and I'm currently locked out LOL i think I'm going to set up a tent and camp out in my backyard LOL pew pew pew :3 someone come over for some marshmallow roasting LOL brings back memories :) i love my iphone, else i'd be bored as hell right now.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle

Sorry to laugh at your misfortune XD, at least it's nice out.

Yeah, I told him it's profitable too. He might as well just have played hax and gotten like auto-more money, but to him it's just about the title I suppose (considering all the effort he's put into the game). I think it'd be best if he just gave it a rest and got a job instead of stressin' constantly about not being the best haha.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I'll be there in two hours.

From what I've heard/he's told me, Mango doesn't play for money. He just wants to be the best. Jason is the same way, obviously. Considering the game was basically his life for a few years, I can sort of understand what he's going through (although I've obviously never been there). In a practical sense, I can't understand things like forfeiting to Hax... Just another facet of the enigma that is Mew2King.
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