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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
lots of hunters don't hunt for the meat. they just kill them for the sport.
I know, and I wish people wouldn't, but it's still pretty clearly less damnable than dog fighting.

you gotta pick your battles, and the quality of the animals life and length of it's suffering is way way less in hunting for sport than dog fighting. besides, there's an arguable amount of sport in going out to the wilderness to hunt a deer, whereas there is no sport in torturing a captive animal until the day it dies/you kill it.

besides, even if it's hunting for the wrong reasons, we've ****ed up the ecosystem by removing a lot of natural predators, so there does need to be something to keep, say, the deer population in check.

now if we could just get a little better at keeping our population in check...

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
****, get cog ***** GOTM

I feel good about myself for using reusable grocery bags. I don't care that it's a minute thing, it's a minute thing that I have actual, 100% power over.
ha no, keep doing it, it's still a good thing :)

lots of hunters don't hunt for the meat. they just kill them for the sport.
you'd be surprised, actually. nearly every place where hunting deer is a relatively common thing, tons of hunted meat gets donated to food pantries.
and true hunters make a REALLY big deal about killing the animal in the quickest and most humane way possible (hence this whole "shooting in the face" thing is laughable). all that said I can't stand hunting, though.

Cog, as a veggie***, how do you feel about Grass fed beef and free range poultry?
It's certainly a step in the right direction. Unfortunately just now are regulations going into place on what words can be used on packaging in reference to organic products: organic, free range, open range, grass-fed, all-natural, cage free, vegetarian feed, humane, etc etc etc can all mean different things. On top of that, you have little control over any of that when you don't buy and prepare the meat yourself (aka going out to eat).
I read about this place that has completely open huge fields for their limited number of pigs and only feeds them all-natural vegetarian feed. When they slaughter one they put heavy tranquilizers in a CHOCOLATE CAKE and take it out to the field and a pig eats it and falls asleep, and then they bring it back and butcher it. Obviously the meat is expensive but I mean that's the gold standard haha.

I encourage people to #1 cut back on their meat consumption (yes to the point of being a vegetarian if you can) and #2 buy organic/humane and local, in that order. I suppose if I really tried hard enough I could do all really good meat like that whenever I ate it but at this point killing any sort of animal and eating it kind of disgusts me so I don't bother. Maybe one day I'll feel differently.

I will say there is plenty of evidence, especially with a meat-hungry developing world, that a coming GLOBAL food crisis will massively **** us up the azzhole, and I'm going to just say I told you so!


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
pointless death is pointless death regardless of the presence of torture.
i don't like dog fighting but i guess it doesn't seem as bad as the old men who eat dog in my mind.

and lol idk about being donated, a decent of the kills people brag about around here they don't eat or donate.
usually they smoke whatever meat it is, but :/

and the best part about the above post is the sig.

<3 arrogant.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
my hat goes off to the animals peta cruelly tricks into thinking they'll find homes.... then kills.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2007
Some Surburb outside of Philadelphia.
pointless death is pointless death regardless of the presence of torture.
i don't like dog fighting but i guess it doesn't seem as bad as the old men who eat dog in my mind.

and lol idk about being donated, a decent of the kills people brag about around here they don't eat or donate.
usually they smoke whatever meat it is, but :/

and the best part about the above post is the sig.

<3 arrogant.
:laugh: Quit trippin'...


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Considering that M2K, HugS, Azen, Chu, Chillin, PC, and Cort are now pretty much gone, Cactuar stopped playing Marth, and SNES only had 61 entrants im pretty sure Melee is about to sign its walking papers.

All we really have now is Lambchops, Lucky, MaNg0, SS, Dark Rain, Hax, Darc, Scar, Pakman, DJ Nintendo, DaShiz, boss and maybe a few other really good players?

I'm pretty sure by the look of recent tournaments Genesis was a HUGE turnout because it was probably a lot of peoples final tournament. It hyped people to play Melee for about a week...than **** just went back to normal. We'll see what happens at pound 4.

In a sense, scrubs keep a tournament scene alive...the new blood. Not the veterans. There are so many of us now. Basically, if you aren't playing Melee for FUN don't waste your time.
pof you just make **** up dude

IKM1 def > IKM2 in terms of gameplay tho that was a good call

P. O. F. has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Do not give me this "it's ingrained in their culture" bull****. That is the worst. By your logic if you are born into a situation, ANY situation, there is no point in ever trying to change anything or better yourself. Just because something is institutionalized does not make it right (see: BULLFIGHTING, SLAVERY).
also yeah it is the worst but people do it, just like gaper delays -- you can't deny its existence just because it blows

think about smash. people come into the game and they see people who have been playing for 2 years and haven't gotten any better like POF, so then they decide they want to get arbitrarily good, like mid-level, and then they're good, so then they never get anywhere

The protracted legal process due to the media circus probably cost the state/county where the trial was being held a LOT more than if he was just a non-famous citizen, so I have no idea where you came up they'd "make a crap load of money through court and ****."
idk maybe but maybe vick would pay through the *** for a settlement / bail

also legal fees going to where? the courts/government? like what


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
pof you just make **** up dude
think about smash. people come into the game and they see people who have been playing for 2 years and haven't gotten any better like POF, so then they decide they want to get arbitrarily good, like mid-level, and then they're good, so then they never get anywhere
Scar's awesome for coming in here randomly and pwning pof.

He's also awesome for going double falcon with Hax at SNES. Facking raaaape.

Wish that **** had gotten recorded. Ustream sucks.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
scars just lucky mike$/trademark didnt team ;)
There's that meat ridin..... :bee:

Scar's awesome for coming in here randomly and pwning pof.
Or maybe he searched his name? People do that.

Yeah, but I make results and stuff up. I don't look at tournament results or anything. :laugh:

and stop acting like you're some big deal now Joey. It's stupid. lol.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I was going to respond and say something but this thread would then get out of hand. A.K.A-Extremely awkward.


Why most threads > CT Thread: There is not as much meat riding going on and people post about things that are useful, insightful, and aren't random. If there is meat riding, its generally toward a top level player...which is to be expected.

The great uses of the CT Thread: Announce smash fests, tournament plans, locate someone to play.

LOL at the CT thread only having like 3-4 CTers.


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Dirty Waterz
There's that meat ridin..... :bee:

Or maybe he searched his name? People do that.

Yeah, but I make results and stuff up. I don't look at tournament results or anything. :laugh:

and stop acting like you're some big deal now Joey. It's stupid. lol.
lol searched name or not you got soned lol.

Isn't this a social thread anywho? So this would mean this thread is perfect
for you considering you just play for fun. Figures people who play for
fun don't look for anything insightful that'll improve there game.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
and stop acting like you're some big deal now Joey. It's stupid. lol.
If I really wanted to act like a big deal I would have refuted all the posts you've made in the past 10 pages (40 posts per page). But no, I didn't feel like picking apart everything and just coming off as a holier-than-thou prick. Not to mention it would just be a huge waste of time.

So when someone goes ahead and points out your **** posts, I commend them for it.

I went to SNES and watched Hax + Scar beasting with double Falcon. Am I not allowed to give them props and express my wish that those matches had been properly recorded? It's not every day Scar comes in here.

joey's kind of a big deal.

especially his peniiis.
Dammit I miss you. :(

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I didn't feel like picking apart everything and just coming off as a holier-than-thou prick.
Arguably the best thing ever posted in the CT thread.


After dealing with everyone's BS for so long I've decided to touch upon this one last time.

Everyone on this thread has arguably been bothered or pissed off by something I've said or stated in the past whether it be recent, or long ago. I say something and then people say "STFU" in a matter of speaking. The problem is if what I'm saying is flaming others or is wrong....what does that make you guys? Morally correcting me? I don't think so.... As far as I'm concerned it looks like I'm just stating what I think (sometimes I think way too ahead of myself and contradict myself...I even do that in essays etc for school or repeat myself and present the same point....its kind of stupid...but its funny.) and YOU GUYS are the ones flaming me. If I post something you don't like....simply don't read it. None of it is attacking YOU and if it is than YOU should respond to it. There is no need for Larx, SleepyK, Zoso, Mogwai, Cogsmooch, Darc, and the rest of you to comment and throw your two cents in. If you don't like what I post, than don't read it. I had to read through 2-3 pages on whether or not dog fighting is a good enough warrant for an arrest on Vick. Are you ****ing ****ting me? Are you all stupid? Of course it is, but I didn't throw my 25 cents in and call anyone out for what they think or post nor should anyone else. GOTM may have been out numbered in the situation but everyone at least has a right to believe or think a certain thing whether the majority agrees or not. GOTMS situation was no different than anyone of mine. He simply thought something and everyone called him stupid for thinking differently. If you make a joke at someone or say something along those lines, that's perfectly cool but the fact of the matter is, me posting and everyone commenting on it is a spiral of an event because you all won't stop saying ****.

When I started to comment on M2K's situation you all basically said "STFU dude, no one cares what you think." Did I say m2k sucks and i hate him and he should quit? No. I didnt call him out or do anything to anyone and you all said, "zomg you dont know jason! shutup!"

When I said that Melee is dying because a lot of veterans are pretty much quitting and there are lesser scrubs you all thought, "zomg, Garretts contradicting himself again! LOL!" when in fact if you read it right instead of jumping the gun you'd understand that my point was Melee scrubs are not entering because of the lack of veterans to play with and learn from.

but no; its just easier to be a bandwagon or be an eltitist. (shrug)

sounds like you guys do more flaming than I do.

It really boils down to this: If you don't like what I say then don't read it. I don't have to stop posting just because YOU don't agree with it. I'm sick of having to explain myself to everyone and dealing w everyone's crap. Some of you on here mean well and I know this at heart but some of you purposely go out of your way to insult me.

You all know that I am making a plausible point. How is your flaming a better solution to what I do?


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
If I post something you don't like....simply don't read it. None of it is attacking YOU and if it is than YOU should respond to it.

It really boils down to this: If you don't like what I say then don't read it. I don't have to stop posting just because YOU don't agree with it. I'm sick of having to explain myself to everyone and dealing w everyone's crap. Some of you on here mean well and I know this at heart but some of you purposely go out of your way to insult me.

You all know that I am making a plausible point. How is your flaming a better solution to what I do?
I don't PICK FIGHTS with anyone. I call someone out when they say something stupid. Just as you and people on here do with me. Which I do admit, I do say dumb *** **** sometimes. Like I should not have assumed OWM seeded Melee...that was a dumb *** move on my part. But its like some of you act like you are right ALL THE TIME and its really funny.
"If I post something you don't like....simply don't read it"? How do I know if it's something I don't like if I don't read it first?

Just as you have the right to post whatever you think, other people have the right to post how they feel about your thoughts. It just so happens that some people don't like your thoughts because it often seems like stuff that you pull out of your ***.

I don't care what anyone says: M2K is quitting because hes not winning. Unless he has a personal/family issue that is the entire reason. Pressure? It's not fun? If he was winning he would not be saying anything. Translation: I'm not winning anymore guys so It's no longer fun for me so I'm going to quit. He's not used to losing and he doesn't know how to deal with it. It sucks to lose when people expect you to be amazing or have high hopes for you but you can't stay the best at something forever and Ken, the 95 chicago bulls, the 2006-08 pats, and the boston celtics are prime examples of this. No one is perfect.
When I started to comment on M2K's situation you all basically said "STFU dude, no one cares what you think." Did I say m2k sucks and i hate him and he should quit? No. I didnt call him out or do anything to anyone and you all said, "zomg you dont know jason! shutup!"
People were telling you to shut up because you were judging M2K's actions without really understanding him. He was widely considered the best in the world at Melee for quite a while, someone who couldn't be beat. Now he's no longer considered the best in the world, and every opportunity he gets to take back his title has ended in disappointment. He's admitted to himself that he can't take it back now. In his situation, anybody would feel dejected and lose the will to play.

Telling him to "man up" and keep playing or saying that "it's just a game" shows you have no empathy. M2K has put years of his time and hundreds, maybe even thousands, of dollars into traveling and playing Melee. It's no longer just a game when you invest that much into something. Try and understand his perspective before you go judging his actions.


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Dirty Waterz
There is no need for Larx, SleepyK, Zoso, Mogwai, Cogsmooch, Darc, and the rest of you to comment and throw your two cents in.
I personally do not care as to what you post about. But the general Idea behind
all the people "STFUing" you is based on the fact that your judgement is not
needed. Everyone has opinions on everything but this community as a whole
understands that airing it in the FIRST place really won't get us anywhere.

The perfect example would be the Brawl V.S. Melee everyone had an opinion
and chose a side. And during this time period everyone aired there opinions and
it created conflict. If no one had judged in the first place this community would
have saved itself alot of trouble.

Just as there is no need for Larx and all them to put in there two cents, the
same applies to you.

If you wouldn't put in your two cents first, I doubt they would.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
here are the solutions

1) pof, stop posting dumb things
2) people, just stop responding to his dumb things.

i'm going to keep gunning for solution 1.

pof, here's the problem with your response explained in an analogy.

Child A is making fun of child B or telling child A something blatantly incorrect.
Parent/Guardian comes in and tells child A that child A is incorrect/chastises child A for making fun of child b.

the guardian is not flaming the child.

i'm not calling you childish or anything but you get the picture.

also if that was your point then you probably should have made it clearer since...

Considering that M2K, HugS, Azen, Chu, Chillin, PC, and Cort are now pretty much gone, Cactuar stopped playing Marth, and SNES only had 61 entrants im pretty sure Melee is about to sign its walking papers.

All we really have now is Lambchops, Lucky, MaNg0, SS, Dark Rain, Hax, Darc, Scar, Pakman, DJ Nintendo, DaShiz, boss and maybe a few other really good players?

I'm pretty sure by the look of recent tournaments Genesis was a HUGE turnout because it was probably a lot of peoples final tournament. It hyped people to play Melee for about a week...than **** just went back to normal. We'll see what happens at pound 4.

In a sense, scrubs keep a tournament scene alive...the new blood. Not the veterans. There are so many of us now. Basically, if you aren't playing Melee for FUN don't waste your time..
right, since you saying
"scrubs keep a tournament scene alive... not the veterans."
clearly states that veterans are needed to draw in scrubs.

no offense pof, but please don't bring up another weak explanation on how it's our fault that you make dumb posts. if you don't want to be called out all the time then just post smarter.

we just had a debate where people with passionate opinions about animal cruelty that had a dumb post by gotm that cog called gotm out for.
gotm didn't then go on a tirade about how it was cog's fault he had his facts wrong and made an ignorant post.
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