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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
mogwai is broke tier

pof i take your troll posts about as seriously as i take any non-white race


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I started playing Tekken seriously at around 4. That's why I liked four...it was different than the other Tekkens. III, Tag, and 4 are my favs. Five was......horrible. I just liked how free you were to move around in 4.
4 was even worst than 5.
Rather than just having 80% juggle combos you can't do anything about, you'd rather also have ridiculous wall combos as well?

Don't even get me started on Saw II. Worse film I've seen in my life by far.
Go watch Killa Season. Cam'Ron's movie. And come back and say try to say that again.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
variola what are you talking about the game is exactly the same as gta 3 no changes at all

there is no depth to anything unless pof decides there is
Holy **** you're absolutely right! You've opened my eyes to PoF's logic!

Thanks for catching that, Mog.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Nah, if he wanted to take it to far he'd have said


****, just typing that made me feel sick.
I remember Starcraft 64. I told my friend how awesome starcraft was and he thought I meant the 64 version and went out and got it and proceeded to tell me how dumb I was for suggesting it.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Laijin is right though. Killa Season is the best worst movie ever.

thumbs, remember that commercial for SC n64?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Laijin is right though. Killa Season is the best worst movie ever.

thumbs, remember that commercial for SC n64?
Enter the Dragon is the best worst movie ever. I've never laughed so hard at unintentionally funny sequences in a film in my life. Seriously, tears were in my eyes during most of the running time.

LMFAO I do!! HAHA my God it did it's job rofl. Worst game rental of my life.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
imagine if Mew2King was just a big troll
biggest mindgame ever


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Am I the only one who finds Red Hot Chili Pepper's lyrics like really strange? Like they are a talented group with catchy tunes and great music, but sometimes I feel like there lyrics are nonsense.
for me, i feel this way about rock in general. since rock focus's more on instruments, thats where the emphasis in determining success would lie. hip hop pushes the boundaries of language way farther than any other genre of music (tho most ppl seem to forget this or are unaware of it or never thought of it) so lyrics should be the primary focus, but isnt because well i feel most ppl are too dumb to realize the beauty of the language (with good hip hop neway)
Why are you on a video game forum if you think all games within a genre are the same. Why did you decided to play melee and not stick with 64 if they are the same? Tekken poses a different challenge then Street Fighter. Tetris poses a different challenge than Dr. Mario. Halo poses a different challenge than Counter Strike. Games within genre's can be COMPLETELY different.

Saying that 3D fighters and 2d fighters are the same because they both involve people beating each other up is ********. I played Tekken competitively before smash and I would consider myself mediocre at 3rd Strike and all three games require immensely different styles, strategies and general approaches to the game.

I always found the GTA games similar, but you can't broaden that statement to genres.
good points.

the thing about gta is yes, the concept of doin missions in an open environment is the same from game to game, but so what? its fun to do. sports games are just you playing a sport over and over, but its still fun and kind of the point

pof, if you want everything to be different every single time, then have fun livin in pof-land
I think the term "overrated" is overrated.
agreed. ppl use this term when they dont think a band lives up to its hype for w/e personal reason, nothing more
I didn't read that part of PoF's post.

You guys who disagree with him are all dumb. No one's game ever develops, their combo video from 2009 will be exactly the same combos as the one from 2008 because that's how people's games work. For instance, this is the same PoF we play:


nothing new, he might as well not post other matches.
g ****in g
my favorite part is where pof talks about other games as if he plays them competitively and has an authoritative opinion on how to sum up said game.

Also the part where he sums up games.

mogwai is just, um..

agreed and even when he talks about smash its usually jus bs

mogwai is cool :)
Some combos are once in a lifetime things, brought about by a lot of factors like DI, stage elements, and random stuff. Recording them and putting them in a video allows other people to enjoy how beautiful this game is. Even after 8 years we still haven't seen all the possibilities in Melee. The appeal of Taj's combo videos comes from the fact that we don't often see good Mewtwo gameplay, it's a refreshing change from watching top tiers going at it all the time.

GTA 4 goes beyond the previous games in the series in many ways.

Probably the most important aspect of this game is the storyline. The main character is like a real person, he is presented with situations and decisions that affect his sense of morality. He faces questions such as: What is the American Dream? Is family worth risking your life for, even if your family does the wrong thing? Is getting revenge worth selling your soul? The characters aren't two dimensional like in all the previous games. They all have their own personalities, motivations, and flaws.

A huge improvement over the previous games is the addition of a cover system. Hiding behind doors, walls, cars, trees, and other objects provides you with protection, and you can blind fire and jump from cover to shoot easily. This gave the game a huge improvement in gameplay. The previous games were all run and gun, and it was awkward to hide behind a corner for cover because the camera wouldn't let you see around the corner.

Apart from these, there are numerous, small improvements over the previous games. You have various modes of transportation available to you. Should you jack a parked car? Take the train? Hail a cab? The wanted system was revamped so that you must escape a radius of police activity and avoid being seen. The physics of the game were tweaked for more realism when driving vehicles. Radio news reports your most recent shenanigans.

GTA IV was a huge leap for the series, and is a more mature game. The previous installments were extremely cartoonish, and glorified crime, drugs, and violence. In GTA IV, violence is brutal, people are deceptive, and drugs lead to conflict and killing. Dismissing GTA IV as just another GTA game is a big mistake.
dayum, good post


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2008
Broboro, NC


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

Chances are I'm gonna be in Glenbrook or Springdale.

Most likely by sometime in the summer, but it's possible that I may be coming before that.

Stamford's my hometown. I moved away a couple years ago, but now I'm coming back. :)
jawesome, I'm like, close to downtown Stamford on Morgan St.

why is I've Jihad It's combo video in your sig? are you I've Jihad it?


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2008
Broboro, NC
jawesome, I'm like, close to downtown Stamford on Morgan St.

why is I've Jihad It's combo video in your sig? are you I've Jihad it?
Alright, cool. I know where Morgan St is. Looking forward to meeting you.

It's in my sig because I made it for him. So yeah, I'm kind of advertising it for a while.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
haha, i remember one time pof tried telling me dsmash was peach's best move XD

also, ty mogwai for the gl =D roughly 1k more posts to go till 56789 =]

edit: LOL CORT
ii cant stop laughing
oh god


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
D: Sorry I missed it.


ps, we're racing DD, you have 20 seconds.

edit, now 0, gg


Cheater. I was in class.

I personally saw him combo Fox and Marth enough in Shadow Claw. I truly do not understand why people make multiple combo videos. You make a combo video to say to people, "Look what I can do. Look what I can bring to the table in competitive play." When you make another combo video its almost as if you are bragging about how good you are in my opinion. No offence to Scar but I do not see not see a reason to produce another combo video. What is going to be different about this video as opposed to I Killed Mufasa? Less knees and more bair kills? Less dairs and more forward b spikes? I think we were all beyond impressed with I Killed Mufasa and do not need to see further proof of how sexy your falcon is. Once again, I'm not bashing you or insulting you Scar...I'm just saying I don't understand why people release multiple combo videos of themselves. I think tribute combo videos are fun and dandy though because they are made by other smashers as a sign of respect towards a group of smashers or one in particular. Examples- I.A.M.R.O.B.O.T, The Worlds Best, PC For President.

GTa-All video games are the same god ****ing **** thing.

Sports games-Every year the same controls but different players
Shooting Games-Different levels, different weapons, same concept
Fighting Games-SF, MK, Capcom V SNK, Tekken--You all fight and beat eachother up and play another round.
Puzzle games-connect the dots, shapes, whatever.
Sequels of the same games are the same ****ing thing too Sonic, Mortal Kombat, GTA, NBA Live, Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, Halo. Every game is branched from something else or some other idea and is not original or special.

Music-Don't get all mad just because I don't like Eminems lyrics. Rap is all about how the music makes you feel and the mood it puts you in. If rap music does not carry a good beat, I won't listen to it because that is what rap is to me, a form of motivation while I'm at the gym or if I'm pissed off.

If you're such a smart person than please tell me the major differences between GTA 4 and GTA San Andreas and I'll start taking you more seriously because I'm pretty sure they are both the same ****ing idea with new places to walk around, people to beat up, a few new cars, and the same missions but in a different order. Oh yeah I forgot, you can answer your cell phone and play horrible multiplayer games online. My bad.

Oh yeah, and your comment about why I like Young Buck-That was ********. Who cares how successful someone is? What does that have to do with personal interest? Nothing.
>_> I think a good investment for your money would be a personal editor. Seriously. You singlehandedly caused what is probably the most devastating troll attack on the CT Thread in all of history...of the CT Thread.

Seriously though, its no different than any other YouTube movie. Don't like it, don't watch it, and don't give your [unfounded(Since you didn't watch it~)] opinion of it.

Linkin Park is the best band imo
I like them too.
Not best though >_>.

Linkin Park draws too much hate. I don't get why some people get so violently upset when hearing that someone else likes Linkin Park. I don't really love Linkin Park, but at the same time I at least find their style interesting and they seem to be competent musicians. Same thing with Coldplay (**** all yall, Coldplay's really good).
o.o Why do people hate on Linkin Park so much anyways? There are plenty more "emo" music that doesn't even sound good.

Taj inserted him as Fox or him as Marth in the combo video...that's a different story because its something different.
>.> You want to watch someone play as Fox or Marth? ESPECIALLY TAJ?! Are you insane? Seriously? You would tell Taj to NOT make another awesome Mewtwo combo video so we can see ANOTHER Fox or Marth Combo video? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY OF THEM THERE ARE MAN?! Jesus. Taj's Mewtwo is half the reason why my Mewtwo can even take a few stocks off of anyone, because I watched those videos like a bazzillion times, same clips over and over, learning how to read the DI and the %s and all the shiz that Taj may or may not do consciously and applied it to my own game after asking Taj a couple clearance questions.

>____________>;; Don't make me rage Poffy. I never rage.


dave why do you play guitar
all you do his hit strings
it's always the same thing nothing changes

actually pof if you played any other major game you'd realize that the current trend is to make games more user friendly so you can sell more copies

halo 3

"wow, we can make games for the hardcore audience and make some money or we can sell it to everyone and make HUGE PROFITS"

sound business plan imo
Lololol you post with funnies.

darc is just the absense of light

mewtwo is a surprisingly technical character, particularly for a low tier.
If he wasn't so fat and light he would be pretty good.

as far as taj goes, i already thought shadowclaw 2 > shadowclaw
I think ShadowClaw > ShadowClaw2, just cause the music was better. The combos in each vid were both awesome, but the way it went with the music in the first one took it for me.

and Libra Me From Hell is awesome. I'm playing that tomorrow in Religion Class for the "Praying/Reflection time" thing they're having me do.

Rarely there will also be sequels that completely surpass the original. Spider-man 2 and The Dark Knight eclipsed their predecessors even though they were amazing as well.
However, certain gems can never be beaten. Like Pokemon: The First Movie. No better movie than that one. People ****ing die. Its serious ****.

Did anybody else catch this? All my suspicions have been confirmed. Seriously.
=\ Yea, it made me =[.

Hanging on the edge of tomorrow
Saved By The Bell: The College Years.

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