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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
im on my way to saving money and fixing my maxima. them im selling it and taking some of the money and getting a street bike and saving the rest. whos joining me in getting a street bike for the summer!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
My bad, let me rephrase:

Putting a severe conscious effort in getting action from a girl you really don't care about just for the sake of getting your **** sucked: lol.

Lolsociety. I mean, if you're going to stoop that low, just find a scummy ***** to do things with. Don't be picky, ha.

PoF, idk why but everytime I post it sounds like it's directed at you LOL. This isn't. It's just directed at males in general..or females.
I agree, however it does go both ways and that's a weird scenario sometimes. I personally would never do that but like for example:

Pof has a date so I'll use him as an example. Let's say he takes this girl with the attention of getting something afterwards and then does...so that means she has the same idea since they just met and clearly can't have that strong of feelings for him after one night, or if he doesn't have the intention yet she does. I'm just saying it's a weird situation since the majority of people are promiscuos these days and you can't really tag it on a guy or girl. Society just accepts this and promotes it so what do you expect I guess. I'm not saying any of these situations are right at all, but people do it and it's considered ok.

This isn't directed as an insult or judgement Pof, you're going on a date so it's just a hypothetical situation.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
It's ok.

I've been thinking:

With Melee on the rise again and it now being the current Smash game to play in CT. I believe it is time to get the power rankings back up and current.

With LLHS I and II, Esticle, The Four Swords Bloomfield tournament, and Mass Madness I think we have enough valid information to determine where people stand. Those top players who DID NOT ATTEND the tournaments should be inserted into the "Noteworthy Player" section, but not forgotten.

For example-Brookman and Pipe will have to be brought down. Nus should still remain in the list. He's semi-active due to the fact that he won the Bloomfield Melee tourney.

Brookman in my opinion is still EASILY top three in CT, but he does not enter tournaments anymore. He did participate in teams at Esticle, but that is a whole other ball game.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
There's nothing worse than someone who manipulates other people's feelings. Guys get away with acting that way to girls just to get in bed because it works. A good amount of it is also the girl's fault for allowing a guy to get away with something so obvious. Seriously, how can you not tell when a dude is full of **** and just wants to get you in bed. So if you want guys to stop acting this way, you'd have to get all the girls to stop acting so stupid and slutty. I'm not defending the guys that do this in any way, I think it's very wrong and am appalled at how effective it is in today's society.

On a side note, I almost got robbed on Friday.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
There's nothing worse than someone who manipulates other people's feelings. Guys get away with acting that way to girls just to get in bed because it works. A good amount of it is also the girl's fault for allowing a guy to get away with something so obvious. Seriously, how can you not tell when a dude is full of **** and just wants to get you in bed. So if you want guys to stop acting this way, you'd have to get all the girls to stop acting so stupid and slutty. I'm not defending the guys that do this in any way, I think it's very wrong and am appalled at how effective it is in today's society.

On a side note, I almost got robbed on Friday.
Because girls today feel they need that kind of ****ed up validation. Why? Because their self-esteem has been hammered and beaten and re-molded into some deformed mutant abomination :(

In case anyone missed it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1Fpd3KSNgg


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Because girls today feel they need that kind of ****ed up validation. Why? Because their self-esteem has been hammered and beaten and re-molded into some deformed mutant abomination :(

In case anyone missed it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1Fpd3KSNgg
Very true, and I hate that about girls today. I see guys who see women just as sex objects getting a different girl in bed every week at the very least. It's especially disgusting for guys like me who are looking for an actual relationship when all I can do is watch in horror time and time again at parties how this **** goes down. It's just atrocious that I'd have to act this way to increase my chances of getting laid ten fold.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist

Girls don't like nice guys.

Nice usually means lacking in confidence.

Girls like confidence, *******s give the illusion of confidence so they're attracted to the confidence aspect.

Besides most nice guys get trapped in the friends zone.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota

Girls don't like nice guys.

Nice usually means lacking in confidence.

Girls like confidence, *******s give the illusion of confidence so they're attracted to the confidence aspect.

Besides most nice guys get trapped in the friends zone.
*feels his c0ck shrink a few more inches.*

Lol. But I have to agree with you on that one, Aesir.

*is reminded of the Toonami promo for Outlaw Star*
Good Lord, Thumbs. That's nostalgia.


Smooth Criminal

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
No one initially said that we're talking about manipulation for sex. We were talking about having sex with someone you don't care about. The moral implications of having casual sex is a totally different conversation than the moral implications of manipulating someone into having casual sex. Which one are we talking about?

The long and short of it: you cannot possibly understand sex (and the lengths that some people go to for it) until you've actually had sex. Once you do, everything changes, because now you actually know what you're missing. Going 20 years as a virgin is infinitely easier than going one month being celibate. And contrary to popular belief, most women like sex as much as men do.

So here's my question: what is wrong with two adults consenting to a sex act for the sole purpose of sex itself? Don't get me wrong, sex is an extremely high-risk activity, but if you're aware of the risks and choose to act despite them, what's the problem?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
/me mostly agrees with Cog and lil

Stop with all the nice guys finish last bullshit guys. Being nice has just about nothing to do with it. It's the lack of confidence, the ability to approach and talk to new people, and the ability to actually try to take a relationship somewhere before the "friend zone" that prevents so called "nice guys" from getting laid in my experience. I mean, seriously, being nice is the only thing that's ever gotten me laid, so it sure as hell wasn't the problem when I wasn't. And perpetuating the "nice guys finish last" thing is just another way to justify the end result (not getting girls) without confronting the real problem.


@Jam: btw, I totally agree with you, it's just that Lil was bringing up manipulating someone for the sole purpose of sex, so I think that's what we're talking about, lol...

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I don't see anything wrong with two consenting adults "scratching the itch." Lord knows I've done it enough times. (<---- Be surprised, CT. I've been laid more than once and by multiple people)

I'm wary of doing stuff like that now, though. Maybe it's because I'm jaded.

Edit: I'm what you would call the "introverted extrovert." I love being around people, but I also love being able to thinkthinkthink (as Winnie the Pooh might say). I know how to approach people. I know how to talk of them. I'm one of the nicest people in the whole **** world. I project an air of confidence.

Does it net me women? No. It doesn't. Girls do not come crawling into my lap, now more than ever.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
No one initially said that we're talking about manipulation for sex. We were talking about having sex with someone you don't care about. The moral implications of having casual sex is a totally different conversation than the moral implications of manipulating someone into having casual sex. Which one are we talking about?

The long and short of it: you cannot possibly understand sex (and the lengths that some people go to for it) until you've actually had sex. Once you do, everything changes, because now you actually know what you're missing. Going 20 years as a virgin is infinitely easier than going one month being celibate. And contrary to popular belief, most women like sex as much as men do.

So here's my question: what is wrong with two adults consenting to a sex act for the sole purpose of sex itself? Don't get me wrong, sex is an extremely high-risk activity, but if you're aware of the risks and choose to act despite them, what's the problem?
The problem is that more often than not the girl will want more to do with the guy after she sleep with him, and the guy will want to have less to do with her. There's nothing wrong with two people consenting to have a one night stand. The problem arises when the girl thinks the guy actually cares for her after sex and becomes emtionally attached to him, which will happen a lot unless the girl is a complete **** or knows for a fact the guy she slept with wants nothing else to do with her. This behavior has conditioned women to keep nice guys, as Aesir stated, just as friends and have the confident douche bags as boyfriends or **** buddies. This is bad because the douche bags they keep as boyfriends will break their heart a lot more because they really don't give a **** about them. Maybe I'm just ranting, but I'm speaking directly as a nice guy who doesn't see as much play as the *******s who do all the time effortlessly.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
it never ceases to amaze me either :laugh:

seriously though, I need to meet you and Cog sometimes, <3 people who try to have intelligent discussions in the spammiest thread on all of smashboards.

I wanna meet everybody from CT. Even Aesir.

Edit: Oh, and I wanna meet Thumbs...who is from Virginia. roflrofl

Smooth Criminal

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
@ TWU: Any woman(or person, for that matter) who can't appreciate you for who you are is not worth your time. Period. They're doing you a favor by not going for you. A person who likes someone who is mean to them is stupid, that's all.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
seriously though, I need to meet you and Cog sometimes, <3 people who try to have intelligent discussions in the spammiest thread on all of smashboards.
LOL sorry about the spam thing.

I don't think I'm capable to have intelligent conversation /sigh


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great

I wanna meet everybody from CT. Even Aesir.

Smooth Criminal
What I've been saying for so long.

edit- lol I'm from Maryland, but I wanna meet you too

@ TWU: Any woman(or person, for that matter) who can't appreciate you for who you are is not worth your time. Period. They're doing you a favor by not going for you. A person who likes someone who is mean to them is stupid, that's all.
Agreed. Brilliant as always Jam <3

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
No one initially said that we're talking about manipulation for sex. We were talking about having sex with someone you don't care about. The moral implications of having casual sex is a totally different conversation than the moral implications of manipulating someone into having casual sex. Which one are we talking about?

The long and short of it: you cannot possibly understand sex (and the lengths that some people go to for it) until you've actually had sex. Once you do, everything changes, because now you actually know what you're missing. Going 20 years as a virgin is infinitely easier than going one month being celibate. And contrary to popular belief, most women like sex as much as men do.

So here's my question: what is wrong with two adults consenting to a sex act for the sole purpose of sex itself? Don't get me wrong, sex is an extremely high-risk activity, but if you're aware of the risks and choose to act despite them, what's the problem?
Problem is, casual sex with someone you don't care about goes hand in hand penis with manipulation. Way more often than not.

And if you can't stick it out a month with no sex there's something wrong with you lol

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota

CT Melee Power Rankings. Lets get them back up, recent, and accurate.

#0: SleepyK

#1: Smooth Criminal

#2: Cort

#3: Brookman

#4: _milktea

#5: Smooth Criminal

#6: Aesir (HAHAHA)

#7: CogSmooch

#8: Mogwai

#9: Smooth Criminal

#10: Smooth Criminal

So on and so forth and...

#100: Prince of Fire


Edit@Cog: I've survived without sex for months. It sucks, but eh. I'm not really enthusiastic about much anymore.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Sex doesn't always have to have a moral attachment. I don't understand why sexuality is so demonized in our culture. Or is it everywhere? I honestly don't know.

Because girls today feel they need that kind of ****ed up validation. Why? Because their self-esteem has been hammered and beaten and re-molded into some deformed mutant abomination :(
I agree with this more than anything else, really.

Stop with all the nice guys finish last bullshit guys. Being nice has just about nothing to do with it. It's the lack of confidence, the ability to approach and talk to new people, and the ability to actually try to take a relationship somewhere before the "friend zone" that prevents so called "nice guys" from getting laid in my experience. I mean, seriously, being nice is the only thing that's ever gotten me laid, so it sure as hell wasn't the problem when I wasn't. And perpetuating the "nice guys finish last" thing is just another way to justify the end result (not getting girls) without confronting the real problem.

I'm in the process of picking up a new main in Melee.


Samus? Doc? and I might pick up Peach?

My mains will be:

1-Marth, 2-Falco, 3-???
Do you have a weak matchup that you don't feel you can address with your other two characters?

Also, my experience with power rankings has pretty much always shown them to be a waste of time and seeing as nobody in CT really cares if they're good or not...

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Do you have a weak matchup that you don't feel you can address with your other two characters?

Also, my experience with power rankings has pretty much always shown them to be a waste of time and seeing as nobody in CT really cares if they're good or not...
I just like using Samus and Doc a lot. I'm obviously still going to use Falco and Marth. I just want to gain more overall knowledge of the game. Using multiple characters helps improve your knowledge and overall tech skill in my opinion.

Also-I was looking at the most accurate tier list and I believe Sheik should be top tier. Followed by Marth and than Fox. Thoughts? Fox may be the most technical and the most spasoid but the fact that characters like Mario, Doc, Marth, DK, another Fox, and Falco all do fairly well against him or have some form of chain grab really makes me question him being top tier. I personally think it should go Sheik, Marth, and then Fox. All you need to do is get a grab off of Fox and if you know what you're doing...hes pretty much screwed. If you don't know what to do, you are screwed in the match up. Like most match ups, It is all about the grabs.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I agree. It's good to play a variety of characters, but if you spread yourself too thin it can hinder you in the long run. That said, there's no reason why you can't play/learn about every character in the game. That doesn't mean you have to use them in tournaments, which is what "maining" a character implies to me.

Do you think you'd want to bust out the Samus/Doc/Peach when it really counts? Do you think you could be successful with them?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
LOL sorry about the spam thing.

I don't think I'm capable to have intelligent conversation /sigh
heh, I don't really care, I sorta enjoy spam from time to time. Until it bumps my absurdly long post about politics/sex/life to the next page... then I hate you :mad: /sarcasm

Problem is, casual sex with someone you don't care about goes hand in hand penis with manipulation. Way more often than not.
When it falls into manipulation, I think it's generally more poor communication than the concept of casual sex that is to blame. It tough though because sex means so many different things to different people, so it's a hard situation...

wait, no, more like a sticky situation...

um, no, more like a rough situation...

uhhhh... difficult situation, yea that's the one (no possible innuendo there... I think...)

And if you can't stick it out a month with no sex there's something wrong with you lol
Unless it's that your girlfriend went abroad... oh wait, that led to something going wrong with me, nevermind, Cog is right, as usual.
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