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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Since there always seem to be 7 new posts between mine, I'll assume this isn't a double post.

EDIT: WTF CT, how was this a double post!

Sex doesn't always have to have a moral attachment. I don't understand why sexuality is so demonized in our culture. Or is it everywhere? I honestly don't know.
It's mostly everywhere that has had heavy religious influences in the development of their culture.

I would say that the moral attachment is less of a problem with casual sex than the sorta default emotional attachment that comes with being intimate with someone else.

Also, my experience with power rankings has pretty much always shown them to be a waste of time and seeing as nobody in CT really cares if they're good or not...
truf, power rankings = complete loss.

Cactuar, why'd you quit Melee?
to let HardGay emerge as the next big thing out of PA, HWOOOOOOOoooooooooo!

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Lol @ Ness in top tier -_- failure.

Forgot to show you that earlier Kevin.

Ness is top tier....either that, or top of high tier.

Dave-I think if I put time into Samus or Doc that might be the case. I think my Marth does very well against Fox and lower tiers...I guess I just have to get used to those match ups though too. I do enjoy floaty characters though....i find it is easier to L cancel and be consistent. I have my days where my Falco is beyond good.....but I'm most consistent with Marth.

I'll experiment when I get a chance with Doc and Samus. I <3 Samus' nair, dtilt, bair, and f tilt sooooo much.

Edit-Mogwai....We need to play Melee again. It has been a while. I might drive down to you...I feel bad having you drive all the time. LOL


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
PoF pick up Fox since Falco's already one of your mains. It's common to learn both the spacies at the same time. I play them both but I main Fox and it's been a long while since I've whipped out my Falco. After you learn Fox you should learn Falcon. Honestly, it's a must. You really don't play Melee unless you use Falcon.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Haha that is like me with Sheik. Nothing against her as a character...I just completely suck with her.

Marth and Samus too...

Oh wait, I cannot use anyone, but Fox.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
The only Fox I've ever seen beat M2k's Marth once he got amazing was PC Chris. Also, do you know if KDJ ever beat M2k using Fox? He went all Sheik in the matches against him on youtube. I'm just curious if he ever used Fox.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT

Girls don't like nice guys.

Nice usually means lacking in confidence.

Girls like confidence, *******s give the illusion of confidence so they're attracted to the confidence aspect.

Besides most nice guys get trapped in the friends zone.
Really? **** I wasn't aware the only way to get a girlfriend is to be a manipulative, lying ******* whose views on women are almost soley geared towards sex.....

I disagree lol. Guys can be confident and nice/polite at the same time. What's stopping them? If you treat a girl you are interested in, or any person for that matter, with respect and such and she thinks you're not confident or a pushover or whatever and bases her reasoning for not paying you mind off of that, she's probably not the best person to be interested in.

edit// this all also applies for just hooking up with a girl if that's your thing. It's the same idea, but that's not what we were talking about really.

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
KDJ always beats m2k with sheik , I'm pretty sure I'm the only fox to beat new era m2k in tournament on FD :D makes up for the other 500 times he's beaten me... well not rly but it makes me feel better :)

Edit: i'd like to make a post on the sex discussion that was going on earlier but it's a pretty much just someone's opinion, i really like Jam's and Mogwai's posts, everyone had their own valid points though. i really don't think there's a problem with having sex without having feelings towards another person as long as both people feel that way. someone mentioned earlier that sometimes people will develop feelings and could end up being hurt but from my experience that's something that happens to younger people. i'm pretty sure if you meet someone 20 years old + and they say they want to just be friends and have have sex.. they mean it so you wouldn't have to worry about it. Friends with benefits is pretty nice but i'd still rather be sexually active with someone i care about.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Yea PC is the only Fox to really beat M2K's Marth. The point I was trying to make, though, is that saying "Fox" to the whole "what character gives you the most trouble" question is kind of moot, at least for me since I'm sure as hell not picking up Marth at this point (for tourney play at least).
Basically fox ***** everything

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I still think Sheik is the best in the game.

She ***** lower tiers more easily than Fox and Marth do (Marth can have trouble with DK, Link, and sometimes Samus. Fox can have trouble with Falco, Mario, Doc, Roy, DK, and even ZELDA. So many low tiers have nifty tricks against top tiers. I'm not saying they are a good option against Fox...but they have the ability to win.)
Her combos are extremely simple
Shes got a low learning curve
Not too many characters can chain throw her
Good balance of on and off the stage options.
One of the best....(if not the 2nd best) edge guarders in the game.

I definitely put Marth second and then Fox. Fox is the most overrated character in Melee.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I don't ever character john, I actually like having the disadvantage. It makes winning much more satisfying (Fox vs Falco, Falcon vs Fox/Falco/Sheik).

M2k says that DK counters Fox and I believe that.

I personally think Marth is the best character in the game.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I still think Sheik is the best in the game.

She ***** lower tiers more easily than Fox and Marth do (Marth can have trouble with DK, Link, and sometimes Samus. Fox can have trouble with Falco, Mario, Doc, Roy, DK, and even ZELDA. So many low tiers have nifty tricks against top tiers. I'm not saying they are a good option against Fox...but they have the ability to win.)
Her combos are extremely simple
Shes got a low learning curve
Not too many characters can chain throw her
Good balance of on and off the stage options.
One of the best....(if not the 2nd best) edge guarders in the game.

I definitely put Marth second and then Fox. Fox is the most overrated character in Melee.
Yes Samus sure is the most overrated character in Me....

Wait, what!?

I don't ever character john, I actually like having the disadvantage. It makes winning much more satisfying (Fox vs Falco, Falcon vs Fox/Falco/Sheik).

M2k says that DK counters Fox and I believe that.

I personally think Marth is the best character in the game.
M2K says DK counters Fox on FD, not in general. Just ban FD and/or don't get grabbed.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
I kinda agree that sheik may be the best character, then again i have little tournament experience with melee. My friend mains sheik, and spends virtually no time improving his tech game, spacing, etc. All he really needs to do is get in those simple combos then i die. While I main marth, falco, falcon, and soon fox. I try and spend time with each character learning different things like spacing with marth, tech chasing with falcon and tech skill with fox/falco and i still have trouble against him. I win most of the time against him, but I put in alot more time and effort then he does and its not paying off as much as it should. I might just be very perdictable I don't know. I'll have to make more videos to be critiqued again.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I kinda agree that sheik may be the best character, then again i have little tournament experience with melee. My friend mains sheik, and spends virtually no time improving his tech game, spacing, etc. While I main marth, falco, falcon, and soon fox. I try and spend time with each character learning different things like spacing with marth, tech chasing with falcon and tech skill with fox/falco and i still have trouble against him. I win most of the time against him, but I put in alot more time and effort then he does and its not paying off as much as it should. I might just be very perdictable I don't know. I'll have to make more videos to be critiqued again.
Don't make videos with your friend to be critiqued, come play other people who give a **** about being good. That's the best way to get better.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
"not getting any action at the end of the night- priceless"

Getting action from girls that you genuinely like and genuinely like you back for free=priceless.
:D Truth!

Some of us just don't have that sort of luck, Lil.

Smooth Criminal
^_^ I do!
*huggles Sandra*

hhkj' = priceless
o_o omigawd I love you.

Oh alright. So I guess it's alright to manipulate an innocent girl into thinking that you genuinely care about her when really you just want to shove your ***** inside her ******? Just because you crave steak? My bad. Steaks, err, girls have feelings too.

edit//Same concept with the reversal of genders.

I don't understand how ppl can not care about other people's feelings. It would bug my conscious way too much. (this does not apply to people I hate, which is only people I feel deserve it, and there's not many of them).
:D M2k isn't a Robot! I knew it.

Joey is the only person I'd manipulate into bed.

...and cog...and cort...and pc...and memphis...and sleepyk...and zoso.

The list goes on.
*better be on that list*


Chivalry is dead, Thumbs. Viva la degradation.

>___> Nice guys like you and I will always finish last.

Smooth Criminal
>_> We only finish last because we're nice enough to hold the door open for everyone else!


Girls don't like nice guys.

Nice usually means lacking in confidence.

Girls like confidence, *******s give the illusion of confidence so they're attracted to the confidence aspect.

Besides most nice guys get trapped in the friends zone.
:D I'm confident like an *******, but still a very nice guy.

It is not difficult to be nice and confident.

D: There was a lot more that I wanted to quote, but I got tired of reading and jumped ahead to this.

Hi CT. How are we this fine October afternoon?
Its almost Halloween! Who is going to go get candy :D:D:D:D:D:D?!
I already ate all the candy my mom was going to give out.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
:D Chum make some videos with me then!

...Oh wait...getting better....uh...
>_> Well, I LIKE getting better, but care is a loose term.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
>_> Well, I LIKE getting better, but care is a loose term.

You'd enjoy playing Melee more if you would start taking it just a little more seriously. You do not have any confidence in yourself. Change this.

Seriously Quick Story-I money matched Charlie (Rocky Hill player who plays with Alex, Mike, etc) a few months back ina Marth ditto. Prior to this Charlie used to literally, **** the **** out of me with EVERY CHARACTER. I beat him in a money match for a dollar and my attitude completely flipped around. (And it was a MARTH DITTO MM, not a low tier character.) I realized that I wasn't really anything SPECIAL but the fact that I had potential to grow and develop as a player. Then after that I beat Mogwai in our Money Match and I started getting used to playing under pressure. It's difficult and I know Mogwai was using low tier...but the fact of the matter is Mogwai is CLEARLY a better player than me. I can even beat Zosos low tiers. (GAW, Bowser, and Mewtwo) I'm slowly improving. They all still **** the **** out of me....but I love this game and how far i've come since the Esticle VIII.

The feeling of developing in Melee is much better than anything in Brawl.

Smash 64....it's just tooooo fun. :)


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
o.o Uh, well, I have plenty of confidence, but I just can't back any of it up.

I only enjoy playing as Mewtwo, everyone else feels like its so much work.

I like Fox/Falco too. Well, I like JumpCanceling Shines after the first frame. :D Invisishine!

I have a list of people that I enjoy getting ***** by in Melee.
:D Darc, Dazwa, Banks, Aesir, Trade, Alex, Hazy, Geos, Spawn, awsmsean, Zoso, Brookman, Erci...thats all I can think of right now.

>_> If you're not on that list, I probably didn't enjoy that ****, or I didn't even play you.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
<3 I love you guys. <3

Big Blue? Are you kidding me? Epic Fail.

Jam and DD-I played Brawl w Noodles the other day with that wavedash and shield canceling stuff....it felt HORRIBLE. They will never make Brawl good competitively. Tournaments won't allow that glitch stuff anyway. The fact that people are trying so hard to make Brawl a competitive game when they could easily just get over the fact that it's not...and just go back to Melee makes me cringe.

Seriously, I've just noticed: Brawl is a kids game. It's not a bad game. It's just intended for kids. It's really quite obvious if you think about it too.

Also-My Wii is top tier. Ask Noodles.....I was able to make my Wii-mote work without using the sensor bar. Ask him about it. My Wii is better than everyone elses.
its true
I don't like using Fox, at all. Hes arguably my least favorite character in the game. Dont ask me why, I just hate him. I hate him and Sheik.
:D my work in melee is done


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
o.o Uh, well, I have plenty of confidence, but I just can't back any of it up.

I only enjoy playing as Mewtwo, everyone else feels like its so much work.

I like Fox/Falco too. Well, I like JumpCanceling Shines after the first frame. :D Invisishine!

I have a list of people that I enjoy getting ***** by in Melee.
:D Darc, Dazwa, Banks, Aesir, Trade, Alex, Hazy, Geos, Spawn, awsmsean, Zoso, Brookman, Erci...thats all I can think of right now.

>_> If you're not on that list, I probably didn't enjoy that ****, or I didn't even play you.
You should play me, you'd enjoy the ****.
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