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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
You know guys, a president can't actually get creationism taught, much less a VP. Also, you clearly cherry-picked Obama's 20 years vs. her 5. If you're going to dig deep to support your opinion, at least dig deep for both. If Palin has done nothing in the last 20 years worth mentioning, that's one thing. But you probably just didn't even look.

I will concede though that saying "more experience" is a stretch; I'll modify that to "more relevant experience". I can't say that community organizing means much to me when you're talking about being president. In any case, Obama's run at the presidency has absolutely nothing to do with his ability to govern, it's about "change" and "hope" and other nebulous, difficult-to-define ideals. The less they talk about actual governance, the better for him.

I am going to vote for Obama, but let's be honest: in every objective measure of who will make a better president, McCain beats Obama into the ground. McCain is just unlucky enough to be a Republican in a Democratic year, and Obama is just lucky enough to be such a great speaker that he can get you to follow him without actually saying anything. I got caught up in all his BS during the primary season, but I've come back down to earth pretty hard since then. I think the thing that really irks people about Palin is that she's actually extremely similar to Obama, in a through-the-looking-glass way.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Cherry picking? Lol you have to be kidding me, I have no reason to support Obama I dislike his policies almost as much as I dislike McCains.

But his early political life is far more impressive and admirable then hers.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
You know guys, a president can't actually get creationism taught, much less a VP. Also, you clearly cherry-picked Obama's 20 years vs. her 5. If you're going to dig deep to support your opinion, at least dig deep for both. If Palin has done nothing in the last 20 years worth mentioning, that's one thing. But you probably just didn't even look.
After graduating college with a degree in journalism she worked for a newspaper for a few years, then ran for city council (I think?) of some **** little town in Alaska. After doing that for a couple years she ran for mayor of said **** little town. She did that for a while and then somehow became Governor (no clue how that campaign went), which she's been for roughly 20 months before McCain met her ONCE, and then called her later to ask her to be on the ticket.
btw all of that I wrote without checking wikipedia or anything...

I can't say that community organizing means much to me when you're talking about being president.
SEE I think that attitude is a problem with our country and our voters.

In any case, Obama's run at the presidency has absolutely nothing to do with his ability to govern, it's about "change" and "hope" and other nebulous, difficult-to-define ideals. The less they talk about actual governance, the better for him.

I am going to vote for Obama, but let's be honest: in every objective measure of who will make a better president, McCain beats Obama into the ground. McCain is just unlucky enough to be a Republican in a Democratic year, and Obama is just lucky enough to be such a great speaker that he can get you to follow him without actually saying anything. I got caught up in all his BS during the primary season, but I've come back down to earth pretty hard since then. I think the thing that really irks people about Palin is that she's actually extremely similar to Obama, in a through-the-looking-glass way.
#1 Being old doesn't mean you're any more wise.
#2 People vote and politicians govern according to different ideals, so there's nothing objective about it. What are these objective measures of who will make a better president?
John McCain had a raging hard-on to get into Iraq on September 12th, 2001, which should automatically exclude him from being in charge of our already ****ed military.

Obama laid out very specific policy plans in his speech in Denver, all of which are smart, sound, just and I agree with.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Now that that stupid luigi nonsense is over.....(nonsense equals something nearly every character can do)....Silly Rabbit. Tricks are for IDIOTS.
Silly faqqot, dikks are for chicks.

(Ninjalink this isn't directed at you, I just wanted to say it because it's funny)


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I think it was pretty silly to assume we didn't bother checking anything on her, I know for a fact I always do that. especially if they're even the least bit attractive (joking lol).

but in all seriousness McCain being a good president? I doubt that lol. He just seems more of the same garbs we've been getting. McCains just a rehashed Bush, it's funny considering during the 2000 primaries he was Bushes biggest critic.

You're right they can't get creationism taught in schools, but they sure as hell can get ID taught in schools which is equally as bad and just as silly as creationism in my book. as long as you control the judiciary branch, you can do whatever you want basically. Doesn't matter if you pass something unconstitutional as we've seen with bush just as long as you get the right people on your side it's okay.

since we're screwed regardless it doesn't exactly matter though, Obama or McCain at the end of the day we're still just getting a democrat or a republican. Which isn't a whole lot of change to begin with.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
You know guys, a president can't actually get creationism taught
Supreme Court justices can, they get appointed by the president, and with the court as ridiculously stacked to the right as is, we're pretty much 1 "left" judge retirement away from seeing the boundaries between church and state being completely destroyed.

In any case, Obama's run at the presidency has absolutely nothing to do with his ability to govern, it's about "change" and "hope" and other nebulous, difficult-to-define ideals. The less they talk about actual governance, the better for him.

I am going to vote for Obama, but let's be honest: in every objective measure of who will make a better president, McCain beats Obama into the ground. McCain is just unlucky enough to be a Republican in a Democratic year, and Obama is just lucky enough to be such a great speaker that he can get you to follow him without actually saying anything. I got caught up in all his BS during the primary season, but I've come back down to earth pretty hard since then. I think the thing that really irks people about Palin is that she's actually extremely similar to Obama, in a through-the-looking-glass way.
OK, so I'll concede that his campaign is strongly centered around the "nebulous, difficult-to-define ideals," but that doesn't discredit his ability to govern. If running on issues and "objective" qualifications to lead the country were enough to win an election, is there any way that we'd have been stuck with George W. Bush for 8 years? The democratic party has tried to win elections the way they should be won, and it hasn't been working, so it's time for a candidate that can get hype, and Obama totally does that. And you know what, he's a smart guy on top of that and I really trust in his abilities to get this country back on course when he wins in November, executive experience or no. Try reading The Audacity of Hope sometime, he's got a very good outlook on politics.

And to say that Palin is extremely similar to Obama is taking things at way too much at face value. She's a minority in politics and is young and relatively inexperienced. After that, the similarities are done.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
People are trying to attribute responsibilities and ideas to the chief executive that have no basis in the job description. How does being a community organizer fit into anything the Constitution has laid out for the president? How does being a war hero? How does being a woman? All of those things are just heart strings that politicians pull to get people over to their side. Obama has done a better job of that than anyone else this year, and that's why he's probably going to be the next president.

One thing I never understand about Democrats in general: we (and by we, I mean people who are not that financially well-off) vote for Democrats who want to essentially redistribute wealth by taxing the hell put of the rich. We want that income redistributed to us, right? Well, isn't one of our goals to become rich as well someday? What do you do then when all of a sudden all those democrats you put in office 15 years ago are taxing the hell out of YOU?

That last part isn't directed at anyone in particular, it's just something that I've been thinking about lately.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
People are trying to attribute responsibilities and ideas to the chief executive that have no basis in the job description. How does being a community organizer fit into anything the Constitution has laid out for the president? How does being a war hero? How does being a woman? All of those things are just heart strings that politicians pull to get people over to their side. Obama has done a better job of that than anyone else this year, and that's why he's probably going to be the next president.
Not to sound like an Obama mouthpiece, but that's all fine and good if you want things to continue on normally and you are fine with politics as usual.
The president of the USA does have power to shape policy. He or she will have the power to make a difference in the lives of normal Americans (albeit not all). So when someone comes at that with the perspective of being a community organizer, a worker on behalf of the poor (something I find utterly admirable), I say yes. Because when he or she makes decisions or pushes initiatives that's going to figure prominently in their minds.

One thing I never understand about Democrats in general: we (and by we, I mean people who are not that financially well-off) vote for Democrats who want to essentially redistribute wealth by taxing the hell put of the rich. We want that income redistributed to us, right? Well, isn't one of our goals to become rich as well someday? What do you do then when all of a sudden all those democrats you put in office 15 years ago are taxing the hell out of YOU?

That last part isn't directed at anyone in particular, it's just something that I've been thinking about lately.
Maybe not everyone wants to be rich one day. Maybe not everyone would mind being taxed more if they #1 were rich and #2 knew it would be going to say, providing health care to those who can't afford it.

Speaking of political conundrums, http://www.amazon.com/Whats-Matter-...bs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1220375316&sr=8-1


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
People are trying to attribute responsibilities and ideas to the chief executive that have no basis in the job description. How does being a community organizer fit into anything the Constitution has laid out for the president? How does being a war hero? How does being a woman? All of those things are just heart strings that politicians pull to get people over to their side. Obama has done a better job of that than anyone else this year, and that's why he's probably going to be the next president.
How does anything fit into being a president? There's no qualification other then being 35 years of age and an American citizen.

It's all about selling yourself being a community organizer strikes a strong sense of value into the heart of Americans, the same with being a war hero.

If you're black and you're running for office and you have a really good chance of winning that strikes a very strong sense of courage to come from nothing and to make something of yourself, the same goes for a woman as well.

One thing I never understand about Democrats in general: we (and by we, I mean people who are not that financially well-off) vote for Democrats who want to essentially redistribute wealth by taxing the hell put of the rich. We want that income redistributed to us, right? Well, isn't one of our goals to become rich as well someday? What do you do then when all of a sudden all those democrats you put in office 15 years ago are taxing the hell out of YOU?
I can't speak for Dems but I can honestly say as a working class person I would like it if the rich didn't get tax cuts and would like it if they paid the same rate of taxes as everyone else.

Thats how they should be taxed it's fair and reasonable.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
People are trying to attribute responsibilities and ideas to the chief executive that have no basis in the job description. How does being a community organizer fit into anything the Constitution has laid out for the president? How does being a war hero? How does being a woman? All of those things are just heart strings that politicians pull to get people over to their side. Obama has done a better job of that than anyone else this year, and that's why he's probably going to be the next president.

One thing I never understand about Democrats in general: we (and by we, I mean people who are not that financially well-off) vote for Democrats who want to essentially redistribute wealth by taxing the hell put of the rich. We want that income redistributed to us, right? Well, isn't one of our goals to become rich as well someday? What do you do then when all of a sudden all those democrats you put in office 15 years ago are taxing the hell out of YOU?

That last part isn't directed at anyone in particular, it's just something that I've been thinking about lately.
Heart strings get votes, it sucks, but it's the way it works. It's like hating the 2 party system, sure, it blows, but choosing the lesser of two evils is better than not choosing at all. And honestly people, if you're feeling pessimistic about how Obama approaches politics, please give his latest book a chance, I found the ideas he put out about old politics vs. new politics very refreshing.

And about the whole taxing the hell out of YOU statement, I feel very good about it. Seriously, the tax rates for the bottom 95% of the population in Democratic economic policies are barely affected compared to the Republican policies. So we're talking about what happens when you're making a very solid 6 figures when you start to get hit by higher taxes in Democratic economic policies. IMO, it makes sense for the people making that much money to be taxed higher. If/when I get to a point in my career when I'm making that much money, then I think the government has every right to take more from me than from a family that is struggling to put food on their table or even make college payments for their kids. Seriously, what would I ever do with $300,000/year? The desire for absurd wealth is ridiculous to me. After a certain point, you should be financially stable enough that the difference between being taxed 40% and 50% is just the difference between buying a new sports car every other year and every year: forgive me for not crying a river. It's not just your money, people who get to that point in their lives owe a lot to the fact that they live in a country where that's possible. What I'm getting at is that those who benefit the most from the virtues of our country should be willing to contribute more to keep those virtues in place.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Rich people carry a much higher tax load than we've been led to believe. The reason that you and I don't get tax cuts is because we don't pay taxes to begin with. Or at least I don't, due to my income bracket. And if I had to guess, you also pay less in taxes, both in absolute and percentage terms, then the average person making more than $100,000 a year does.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Heart strings get votes, it sucks, but it's the way it works. It's like hating the 2 party system, sure, it blows, but choosing the lesser of two evils is better than not choosing at all. And honestly people, if you're feeling pessimistic about how Obama approaches politics, please give his latest book a chance, I found the ideas he put out about old politics vs. new politics very refreshing.

And about the whole taxing the hell out of YOU statement, I feel very good about it. Seriously, the tax rates for the bottom 95% of the population in Democratic economic policies are barely affected compared to the Republican policies. So we're talking about what happens when you're making a very solid 6 figures when you start to get hit by higher taxes in Democratic economic policies. IMO, it makes sense for the people making that much money to be taxed higher. If/when I get to a point in my career when I'm making that much money, then I think the government has every right to take more from me than from a family that is struggling to put food on their table or even make college payments for their kids. Seriously, what would I ever do with $300,000/year? The desire for absurd wealth is ridiculous to me. After a certain point, you should be financially stable enough that the difference between being taxed 40% and 50% is just the difference between buying a new sports car every other year and every year: forgive me for not crying a river. It's not just your money, people who get to that point in their lives owe a lot to the fact that they live in a country where that's possible. What I'm getting at is that those who benefit the most from the virtues of our country should be willing to contribute more to keep those virtues in place.
lol libertarians must love you... I agree though.

Completely unrelated: these pc vs m2k vids are ridiculous. effff


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Oh **** guys, I can vote starting this year.
I'm going to vote Dazwa.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I love Jam so much.

In other news, I'm totally voting for Dazwa this election also, you know what they say.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
you guys get distracted so easily. get back to the politics plz. i'm learning stuffs

in response to what little i kno:

there are people out there that were def supporting hilary because she is a woman jus like there are people out there supporting obama cuz he's black. we cant avoid that, but i like to believe most voters arent as ignorant to completely turn the tide of the election

what were mccain's reasons for picking his VP? he met her once in his life and while she does have more relevant exp. than obama, compared to his exp it looks like nothing

as far as the taxes go, i always thought it was very simple. u have more money, u spend more of it, you get taxed more. isnt it all dealt by percents? also people making little money are def hurt more when they have to pay taxes cuz its like that whole "what is x% of 0?" statement made by someone.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Ugh politics.

Why are there no tournies in CT right now? I wanty to go to one this weekend but don't have gas or $65 for CH4. Someone throw a smashfest or something? Melee, Brawl I don't care. I want to play more people and get better.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Ugh politics.

Why are there no tournies in CT right now? Someone throw a smashfest or something? Melee, Brawl I don't care. I want to play more people and get better.
School, people need to get settled and situated with there schedules and such.

I'm hosting Long Live Hit Stun II soon....working on a date. And of course, it will be Melee only again.

Amazing statistic of the day-I quit my job at Bobs Stores today....2 hours later....the first place i walked into to look for a new job and I got it instantly! HAHA! I'm now a delivery boy at a pizza place in North Haven. All i have to do is drive around, see hot sluts and meet weirdos and cool people, listen to music in my car, and make tips!

Good ****.

PS-Marth and Fox are the only cool aspects of Brawl. Melee characters only and Snake u tilts for the win.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
you guys get distracted so easily. get back to the politics plz. i'm learning stuffs

in response to what little i kno:

there are people out there that were def supporting hilary because she is a woman jus like there are people out there supporting obama cuz he's black. we cant avoid that, but i like to believe most voters arent as ignorant to completely turn the tide of the election

what were mccain's reasons for picking his VP? he met her once in his life and while she does have more relevant exp. than obama, compared to his exp it looks like nothing

as far as the taxes go, i always thought it was very simple. u have more money, u spend more of it, you get taxed more. isnt it all dealt by percents? also people making little money are def hurt more when they have to pay taxes cuz its like that whole "what is x% of 0?" statement made by someone.
So federal income taxes are pretty simple. Based on your annual income and marital status, they tax you a certain %, which you can find here. There's more to it than that based on dependents (usually children) and other deductions.

As it has worked for a long time, the more you make, the higher the % of your income Uncle Sam takes out of each paycheck. This upsets some wealthier Americans because they believe that if taxes are to be % based, that it should be a fixed, and not determined by brackets.

Things get a bit stickier when you start talking about other taxes, such as those that get placed on say, stock earnings or estate taxes (inheretince or death taxes, all fancy ways of saying that when you leave someone in your will $10 million, the government takes a % of it, this only affects the wealthiest of the wealthy, something stupid like top 0.5% of Americans). I don't know a ton about these taxes, but some of the quirkier things that I've heard involve CEOs getting paid primarily in stocks, thereby making their effective tax rate lower than, say, their secretaries (link) and the extraordinarily wealthy people complaining about the estate tax, which only affects passing on over $4 million to your beneficiaries (being raised to $7 million in 2009 btw...).

I like pretty much everything Obama has to say about tax reform, but I'm sorta a fanboy, so I don't expect people to listen to me about it. If you care to check it out, this site is a good source on his views (link).

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota

I heard that Palin supported a bill that proposed Alaska's secession from the Union and to forge it into an independent country. I dunno about you guys, but don't you find that a bit...liberal?

Anyway, keep up with the political discourse. I love reading the stuff.


Smooth Criminal


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
my wii plays DVDs :O
:O Sweet. That only took like, 2 hours of technical frustration.
>_> I could go to Stamford except for the fact that the only reason I ever travel out that way is for my girlfriend.
<_< But unless I'm healthy this weekend she doesn't want me driving to see her.
=3=; Health sucks, I wanna see herrrr.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Why are there no tournies in CT right now? I wanty to go to one this weekend but don't have gas or $65 for CH4. Someone throw a smashfest or something? Melee, Brawl I don't care. I want to play more people and get better.
pp, should jus come to my dorm. common room = mad space
So federal income taxes are pretty simple. Based on your annual income and marital status, they tax you a certain %, which you can find here. There's more to it than that based on dependents (usually children) and other deductions.

As it has worked for a long time, the more you make, the higher the % of your income Uncle Sam takes out of each paycheck. This upsets some wealthier Americans because they believe that if taxes are to be % based, that it should be a fixed, and not determined by brackets.

Things get a bit stickier when you start talking about other taxes, such as those that get placed on say, stock earnings or estate taxes (inheretince or death taxes, all fancy ways of saying that when you leave someone in your will $10 million, the government takes a % of it, this only affects the wealthiest of the wealthy, something stupid like top 0.5% of Americans). I don't know a ton about these taxes, but some of the quirkier things that I've heard involve CEOs getting paid primarily in stocks, thereby making their effective tax rate lower than, say, their secretaries (link) and the extraordinarily wealthy people complaining about the estate tax, which only affects passing on over $4 million to your beneficiaries (being raised to $7 million in 2009 btw...).

I like pretty much everything Obama has to say about tax reform, but I'm sorta a fanboy, so I don't expect people to listen to me about it. If you care to check it out, this site is a good source on his views (link).
tyvm for the info

I heard that Palin supported a bill that proposed Alaska's secession from the Union and to forge it into an independent country. I dunno about you guys, but don't you find that a bit...liberal?
would alaska even be able to "last" as an independent country?
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