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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY

I have a lot of fun playing (Brawl) Fox.


But, yeah. I think I have a general idea of what you do to Fox: You lose to him. Very badly.


Just kiddin', bro. You're awesome from what I hear. I don't think I'd honestly win in a match. One of these days we'll play, though. In fact, I'm almost sure of it. ****in' Clearwater Florida is strewn with Brawl players. Until I get a car, it looks I'mma saddle up and play along with 'im until I get my own vehicle. I still might be playing then, but...I'll probably be playing Melee.


Smooth Criminal
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuEaAWD2vFY theres one

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-XymhMwpb8 heres another.

Im bout to upload a MM i had against a fox......boy was that funny ^_^

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota

The first one I don't put too much stock in 'cuz it was Wifi (AKA: Johns on behalf of the other guy).

Your Bowser ***** that Fox pretty hard. Then again, that Fox wasn't so hot. Not saying mine is, but cheese-and-rice---forward smash is not that good. Guy needs to learn how to up smash at the right time or space his back airs.

Good ****, though. I wanna see this MM you're uploading.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
When did my CT thread become a ****ing show off/beef thread for OoS. Please stop.

We only allow CTers to spam this **** >.>


Just kidding.

I think?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
That sucks. Oh well, yet another tourny where I don't get to meet anyone in this thread. Same old faces just like always lol. Hopefully I'll find a way to make it to the next esticle.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Try talking to Blackmage before you generalize any of GW's "bad" match-ups.
Yeah, because just because OBM is good at the matchup means that every GAW player in the world is really good at it. FYI, he told me at the first Reapers tournament that it was a tough match up. :)

Yea. GW is good so idk wtf hes talkin about. GW has prolly the best priority in teh game PERIOD. Close range u cant fight him. just cant.
Did I ever say that GAW was a BAD character or did not deserve to be high tier? At all? No, definitely did not.

Exactly! Hooray for someone who understands Brawl.
Whats there to understand? How to shield properly?

Garrett, there weren't any torrents for it, that's what I was getting at. :(
Thats nothing I can't take care of for you sir. :) Have you forgotten already that i'm the most tech savvy person ever?

LOL @ MK's only bad matchup being DK.

Bleh, I can't get Snakes on a Plane theme song out of my head. I went to a friend's friend's apartment a few nights ago and everyone was just singing and dancing to it. ><
Best random post of the night. Nus is too good.

BTW for any of you who are bored and wanna try something new.


It actually may be relevant to the future metagame of brawl, check it out
if you wanna make one go for it, its tough though X___X
Was this the video that you wanted me to watch the other night? Its cute and all but try thinking about doing that during a serious match and you'd probably get u tilted by snake and die or something. Now that i look at those drill shine combos in Brawl it almost makes me not want combos in Brawl. It looks so stupid and choppy.

I like metaknight dittos, lets discuss.
I like Ice Climbeer dittos actuallly, double CGing is incredible. Snake dittos are fun too because they are so stupid and its a race to the TILT!

LOL. Brawl.


Depending on when/where I wake up, I may not be posting for a while :D

Bye CT Thread!
When did my CT thread become a ****ing show off/beef thread for OoS. Please stop.

We only allow CTers to spam this **** >.>


Just kidding.

I think?
Sucks we only hung out once while you were in CT. You're a cool guy. Yeah, I knoww what you mean......


I see how it is.

Smooth Criminal
I'm sorry but anyone outside of PC, Dazwa, M2K (because hes M2K) and Darc really shouldnt post in the CT thread...its just weird. I mean no offence, but one day Smooth and Thumbs just started posting in here out of the blue. Thats like me going into the Arizona Player Finder (I know its non existent) and going "Hey guys! Whats up?" That would just be a waste of my time and life seeing as I know i would never meet any of those people such as thumbs and smooth probably will not ever meet half of CT.....i dont understand why you guys are here...no offence. I could see someone from NY or close to CT...or who LIVED in CT and knows the people here but yeah, you get my point.

i can't come D: i actually have a job now since i suck at brawl LOL.
Or did you start playing Melee again? (Dont lie, I heard you did.....)

how can you loose brawl talent?

**** velocity is quitting smash so i cant go to ESTICLE or anything
LOL Velocity is quitting smash? Brawl kills another one haha
Nevermind, you can post here. That was really funny and I'm happy to see this Brawl slowly fading.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
No, I don't see your point, because it's an internet forum and I can post just about anywhere I **** well please. Did you know you're the only mother****er in an OOS thread that's given me flak for posting in their respective thread?

Now I can see why most of the people here think you're a d-bag 98% of the time. Clam up.

Smooth Criminal

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
No, I don't see your point, because it's an internet forum and I can post just about anywhere I **** well please. Did you know you're the only mother****er in an OOS thread that's given me flak for posting in their respective thread?

Now I can see why most of the people here think you're a d-bag 98% of the time. Clam up.

Smooth Criminal
Do not tell me what to do. Thanks.

Treat me with respect and I will do the same for you....its as simple as that. Sorry if it came off as jerky thing to say, I did not mean it to be harsh. I cant blame you for spazzzzin out.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Do not tell me what to do. Thanks.

Treat me with respect and I will do the same for you....its as simple as that. Sorry if it came off as jerky thing to say, I did not mean it to be harsh. I cant blame you for spazzzzin out.
Yea u kinda did by sayin im only a person who knows how to block properly....not cool. I was tryin to say GW vs meta/snake isnt bad at all. Once GW gets snake in the air its basically over. MK doesnt outrange GW too well so his advantage isnt much. He cant tornado spam being hes light and can easily escape also bein his dair breaks it. It has nothin to do with how many GW players are good. U have to go by every little disadvantage and advantage both chars have in the matchup.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Yea u kinda did by sayin im only a person who knows how to block properly....not cool. I was tryin to say GW vs meta/snake isnt bad at all. Once GW gets snake in the air its basically over. MK doesnt outrange GW too well so his advantage isnt much. He cant tornado spam being hes light and can easily escape also bein his dair breaks it. It has nothin to do with how many GW players are good. U have to go by every little disadvantage and advantage both chars have in the matchup.
The MK matchup for GAW is actually pretty easy due to d throw to dsmash or and smash attack at like 70% but i would definitely not say its "over" if a snake is in the air. Grenades can cover a snakes return if

A-the GAW player is patiently waiting on the edge to get a gimp...by accurately timing and throwing grenades the gaw will back off because any spark at his % at mid to high % is crucial due to his weight and the fact that hes fighting one of the strongest guys in the game.

B- hold a grenade in mid air....and wait for it to explode when the GAW hits and then go for a bair or uair...chances are a lighter character will be the first to die if both attacks are issued after the grenade explodes. It takes too much to kill a snake vertically. GAW is better at horiz kills while snakes bair, uair, and nair can easily kill GAW. Yes, GAW dair WILL hit snake but chances are both attacks will hit and GAW will suffer.

GAW can also not do the d throw to dsmash and BOTH characters have a fantastic tech chase game. U tilts also EAT GAW alive due to his weight and can kill him at around 80% if the attack is fresh. If anything, the match is even.

Good night...im off to sleep.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
NL, thats definitely a marth. lol

i'd consider playing brawl more, but i'm still not sure about the online lag. the few times i have played it online, it was gay, plus idk about how the wireless connection is over here

ugh. cant sleep. went to bed at 12 and woke up at 3 :(

also, NL since ur in this thread i'm def gonna be asking u diddy ?s since bananas are the best thing about brawl, no meatride

time to watch OC vids i guess


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I watched 17 eps of a show called Utawarerumono this weekend. It's pretty good, around ep 14 the animation changed and the show became even more violent than it was lol. I gotta say it has a ton of likable characters that are so much fun to watch.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I'm sorry but anyone outside of PC, Dazwa, M2K (because hes M2K) and Darc really shouldnt post in the CT thread...its just weird.
Do not tell me what to do. Thanks.
>_> I realized I left out the first post's edit, but seriously, I lol'd.

<_< Anyways, way to be right on the topic Noodles.

Uhh...Yea, I totally forgot what was going on, other than:
"G'Mornin' CT!"


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
lol i havent been on since last night so it was the first thing i read

anywho how many episodes are there of code geass? pisoga only has up to 25. i hate cliff hangers -_-


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
lol i havent been on since last night so it was the first thing i read

anywho how many episodes are there of code geass? pisoga only has up to 25. i hate cliff hangers -_-
Season 1 ends at 25.
There was an entire year EVERYONE had to wait before Season 2.

>_> Can you imagine how much that sucks?
But uhh...heres where you can watch Season 2:


Super Mario RPG was released on the Virtual Console yesterday.
I plan on downloading it soon, just cause I never played through it.

Also, I plan on downloading My Aquarium for WiiWare.
<_< Because I don't have cable.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I still haven't started season 2 of Code Geass and I'm on the edge of giving up. I don't think I can wait another 4 weeks. As soon as I finish Utawarerumono, I'm rewatching the first season of Geass then blowing through season 2 in a couple days.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Wow the view is like horrible.

"McCains VP has more experience then Obama!"

Give a me a break, she's from Alaska, 700,000 people at most yeah she's totally ready to help run a country.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Wow the view is like horrible.

"McCains VP has more experience then Obama!"

Give a me a break, she's from Alaska, 700,000 people at most yeah she's totally ready to help run a country.
uhg, politics in the media upsets me so much. liberal media my ass, every vocal idiot on TV is spinning shit like this. How can anyone try to argue that being a mayor in Alaska, and governor of Alaska for any amount of time, let alone 2 years, comes close to giving the same amount of national political experience that being a US senator for 4 years gives?

I wasn't even a Hillary supporter and the Palin nomination offends me. Seriously? The GOP thinks that staunch Hillary supporters were Hillary supporters just because she was a woman? They supported her because she was a qualified and intelligent politician on top of being a woman. She was a legitimate shot at a female president who wouldn't be a novelty. They think that putting this bimbo on their ticket is going to steal some of the disenfranchised Hillary supporter votes? Give me a break... :mad: [/political rant]


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I still haven't started season 2 of Code Geass and I'm on the edge of giving up. I don't think I can wait another 4 weeks. As soon as I finish Utawarerumono, I'm rewatching the first season of Geass then blowing through season 2 in a couple days.
Yea. Episode 21 was beyond epic.
Like, seriously.
I can't wait until Episode 22.
Its too good.

Whatever you're doing V, be careful!!! ;__;

*Smashes head into wall @ CT thread.*

I want to meet Smooth Criminal o_o;.

Wow the view is like horrible.

"McCains VP has more experience then Obama!"

Give a me a break, she's from Alaska, 700,000 people at most yeah she's totally ready to help run a country.
VP, remember? That means "Totally ready to watch someone run a country."
But yea, I agree.
The view needs to stfu and die.
Just cause they and the VP Nominee both gots the vag doesn't mean they know diddly squat.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
uhg, politics in the media upsets me so much. liberal media my ass, every vocal idiot on TV is spinning shit like this. How can anyone try to argue that being a mayor in Alaska, and governor of Alaska for any amount of time, let alone 2 years, comes close to giving the same amount of national political experience that being a US senator for 4 years gives?

I wasn't even a Hillary supporter and the Palin nomination offends me. Seriously? The GOP thinks that staunch Hillary supporters were Hillary supporters just because she was a woman? They supported her because she was a qualified and intelligent politician on top of being a woman. She was a legitimate shot at a female president who wouldn't be a novelty. They think that putting this bimbo on their ticket is going to steal some of the disenfranchised Hillary supporter votes? Give me a break... :mad: [/political rant]
You give the American voting public too much credit.

And I would say that Palin has more experience than Obama. Even if she was only a governor for less than two years, that's still executive experience. But I've never liked the experience argument anyways, because it doesn't mean much of anything. The President has so many advisers, experts and professionals at his beck and call that I'm pretty sure I could be president and not **** it up too much.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
who cares?

she's had a total of 5 years working in the politics of Alaska, 2 in executive. That makes her more qualified? You have to be kidding me.

obama: he spent 20 years working with the poor in Chicago slums, plus he has 4 years of being a senator for Illinois.

Furthermore her experience isn't very impressive when you look at Alaska and it's population, the issues that arrise aren't nearly as big or demanding as helping to run a country.

Totally not buying the argument "She has more experience then Obama" Because it's clearly stretching the facts.

edit: I'm not even a obama supporter.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
VP, remember? That means "Totally ready to watch someone run a country."
Would be true except McCain is about 1/2 a corndog away from croaking. Dude is held together with scotch tape and spit.
Seriously imagine this: tensions with Russia escalate to dangerous levels, iraq goes to ****, pakistan devolves into chaos, china starts waving its **** around alot, iran attacks israel, and then McCain beefs it. Our future lies in the hands of a biatch that people voted for because she has a child with down syndrome and oh my how brave of her.

You give the American voting public too much credit.

And I would say that Palin has more experience than Obama. Even if she was only a governor for less than two years, that's still executive experience. But I've never liked the experience argument anyways, because it doesn't mean much of anything. The President has so many advisers, experts and professionals at his beck and call that I'm pretty sure I could be president and not **** it up too much.
Governmental experience isn't the only kind there is, you know.
for example, Bachelor's Degree in Journalism from Idaho University =/= president of the Harvard Law Review.
And yeah, what Aesir said.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
anyone actually see her stance on a lot of social issues?

wants creationism in schools along with evolution. If she wants that, why don't we teach astronomy along side psychology?


thinks man made global warming is a hoax.


If I was even the slightest bit interested in McCain it's gone now, apparently McCain is going for a more conservative outlook rather then keeping up his maverick reputation.
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