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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Heart Break Kid

Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2006
Trademark should bring CT and whoever else dwn to Alukards tournament this Saturday. North NJ son, lol no car johns like at Smashtality. Nah but really you should come dwn. Its less of a drive than the Tunes biweeklys

Cnt believe the Mets lost to the Phillies.

Lol a little late but I think Fox is the best, but the fairy is a close second. Sheik Falco....this thread has mad pages


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
That it surely does, HBK.

I think it's funny how NJ hasn't really broken stride through the whole "awkward transition."

Also, I just want to point out that even though there has yet to be a single Rhode Island Brawl tournament, I can still say with confidence that the scene is stronger now than it has ever been.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
first, in response to jams post, the smash scene in ct has been the same as it always has been IMO. people playing for the social aspect without really putting the real effort into getting better at the game (better in the sense of becoming a recognized good player)
if people in ct wanted to get better, they would and some have.

Have you ever played Boss? He'll make you think Mario is top tier.
meh. when i played him at pound 3 he wasnt anything special, unless he got better since then, which i hope he has cuz i have too

MM Boss? lol
DJnintendo the best mario son.
yup, hands down
well said dave

I could not have said it better myself
yup, hands down

Trademark should bring CT and whoever else dwn to Alukards tournament this Saturday. North NJ son, lol no car johns like at Smashtality. Nah but really you should come dwn. Its less of a drive than the Tunes biweeklys
hm... i should... isnt there a tsa meeting this weekend as well?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
GG's Jam nice IC's and your TL got better since I last played it.

So the best thing happened today. I was driving and saw a free working hammond organ on the side of the road with reverb vibrato...everything it's a wiltz. I called my uncle to bring his truck I'm so excited I wanted to buy one badly but I'm too broke.

I hate college. I'm going to Porter and Chester this october instead. Pretty excited.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I haven't written any non-serious posts in awhile. Here goes:

I'm never eating at Burger King ever again. Somebody please hit me if I even think about it.

On a related note, I went to T.G.I. Fridays the other night and had the best burger I've ever eaten.

I'm going to Six Flags tomorrow. Any rides I can't afford to miss? Speaking of which, KevinM is too tall for the Superman, but snuck on and rode it anyway.

I didn't get to play Smash today, but my girlfriend told me she loves me for the first time, so I guess that'll do. I want to play with some people next week. Any takers?

And yeah, good **** @ EVO.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I haven't written any non-serious posts in awhile. Here goes:

I'm never eating at Burger King ever again. Somebody please hit me if I even think about it.

On a related note, I went to T.G.I. Fridays the other night and had the best burger I've ever eaten.

I'm going to Six Flags tomorrow. Any rides I can't afford to miss? Speaking of which, KevinM is too tall for the Superman, but snuck on and rode it anyway.

I didn't get to play Smash today, but my girlfriend told me she loves me for the first time, so I guess that'll do. I want to play with some people next week. Any takers?

And yeah, good **** @ EVO.
Woo! ZoSo feelin' the love!

Which Six Flags? New England or the one in NJ?
>_> They both have a superman, one is just a good coaster and the other one is a crappy death machine with a huge drop.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
I think it would be incredibly interesting if the Smash community started to resemble the Street Fighter community as time wears on. Honestly, I don't think it would take much more than a few of the old schoolers actually stepping up to the plate and hosting tournaments. Melee has a lot of life left in it, and even though I'm not crazy about Brawl, it's not going anywhere any time soon.
I like to spam sometimes.

Also, the scene isn't dying, milktea. You just grew out of it, I guess.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
your post doesn't look right when displayed in thread.

Also, you overrate marth by like, a lot (neutral on ftilt, marth advantage on jab, marth advantage on neutral air, marth advantage on recovery, wtf...). And also rating like, spikes over something actually useful like dash speed or dash dancing ability is pointles... Not that I agree with the methodology, but if you're going to use a chart like that to rate stuff, you need to make it better.
The post got entirely messed up Gizmo.....It wasnt all towards Marth. In fact, most of it was pretty equal...it just got messed up. I'll send you my chart if youd like...smashboards is just....gay.

The End

I was talking to my friend Rich today (he goes by The Dragon on the boards), and we were discussing what has been going on in the CT thread the last few days: the talks about power rankings and tier lists and all the other fun stuff that we do from time to time between our usual spasms of spam. But while I was talking to him, I came to a disturbing but unavoidable conclusion. I believe that competitive Smash in CT is dead. That's a pretty bold statement, and not one that I take any pleasure in making, but I will try to outline my reasoning for believing this.

To understand the death of competitive Smash in CT, one must first understand its life. CT Smash is a unique creature. Unlike the more competitive tournament communities in New York and New Jersey, CT Smash has always been more about friends getting together to play a game together that they enjoy. This is evidenced by the lack of any formal competitive structure. Both NY and NJ have weekly or bi-weekly events where money is paid and brackets are created. CT's closest analogous events (both Vernon, Capital and other attempts) have neither charged money nor produced brackets, and attendance to both has been underwhelming.

This is because of the nature of the CT Smasher. While everyone in CT wants to win, we're not necessarily competitive enough to charge money for what could easily be a free event. Our biggest meet-ups occur in each other's homes, as opposed to some third-party venue. We are all friends, but our friendship often transcends our competitive nature, and sandbagging in friendlies is almost expected. Smash itself tends to lend itself to a friendlier, more easy-going community, and this attitude is magnified in CT. We all know that there are several CT Smashers who could easily attain prominence on a regional, if not national, level, if only they'd "take the game more seriously". Well, they just don't want to. We compete because it's fun, not necessarily to be able to point at power rankings or tournament result and say that Player A is better than Player B. In my opinion, that decision to put friendship over competition has led to the best Smash community in the entire country (as evidenced by the involvement of people far and wide in our thread), but it has cost us in the competitive sense of the game.

Speaking of our thread, just look at it. The discussion over the last few days has been an anomaly, not the norm. We have over 1000 pages, and I'd say it's fair to say that less than 10% of it is actually dedicated to Smash tactics and strategy. While New York and New Jersey are planning a crew battle against Maryland and Virginia, we CTers pore over the daily happenings of each other's lives. That's what makes CT so great, but just not in Smash.

It's no wonder that in the last few pages of discussion, the power rankings that have been suggested are dominated by those that are willing to travel out of state. The CT competitive Smash scene is in limbo right now. Melee tournaments are non-existent, and Brawl tournaments suffer from fitful attendance. In the last four Brawl tournaments listed on SWF, the five best Brawl players have not been at the same tournament at the same time (for argument's sake, I'd consider Cort, Catfight, Noodles, Prince of Fire and Solid Jake the best). In fact, OmegaBlackMage, a player from Massachusetts, has entered more of the last four Brawl tournaments in CT than all of these people combined (OBM has been to all four, the five people I listed combine for only three). There wasn't a single person from CT that placed in the top 25 at XIIesticle. This is not my opinion, these are facts.

So what conclusion can we draw from this data? It's pretty simple. As far as Melee is concerned, there cannot be a tournament scene where no tournaments exist. And for Brawl, the best people aren't attending tournaments; in fact, almost no one from CT is attending CT tournaments on a regular basis. Smash is alive and well in CT, as evidenced by the spirited discussion in the last few pages. Smash competitively, on the other hand, is looking pretty grim.

The trend is not limited to only CT though, although I think it's most prevalent here. OBM made the comment that the Northeast in general is lagging far behind the rest of the country in Smash, and I think he's right. Take a look at NE tournaments lately. Mass Madness had average attendance. Participation in CT Brawl tournaments has been sporadic. The Northeast has two tournaments on the East Coast Regional Circuit, while Maryland and Virginia have three between them. Our best and brightest Smashers are either in semi-retirement, are boycotting Brawl or just don't care. Part of this is due to the awkward transition from Melee to Brawl, but that doesn't account for all of it. We're also all growing up, taking on greater challenges and responsibilities in our lives, and don't particularly have the motivation to spend an entire day at a tournament, or to drive for hours to reach one. There's nothing wrong with that, but of course, it leads to the decline of the tournament aspect of the community.

So what do we do about this? Frankly, who says we have to do anything? Part of the conclusion I came to today is that Smash is different than it was in 2007. I now believe that year was not only the peak for Melee, but the peak for the entire Smash community, at least in the Northeast. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Some would argue that the center of Smash has always been either the West Coast or MD/VA, but I don't buy that. I do think that they are becoming so, as tournaments shift south, such as Critical Hit, FAST 1 and The Greatest Melee Tournament Since Brawl. It may be gravity, it may be a dedication to Smash down there that doesn't exist here anymore, it may be the warmer weather. Who knows? All I know is that there are no Melee tournaments in CT anymore.

And that's not necessarily bad, just different. I'm not going to try to fight the tides, or try to convince people to spend their day in a stinky, smelly, overcrowded lan center, because I'm sure that everyone has their reasons for not attending or hosting tournaments anymore, just as I do. This is not only the evolution of the community, but the people within it as well. I'll always love Smash, but I already have my eye on another game that I'm much more interested in pursuing competitively. As long as cool people want to get together and play Smash and have a good time, I'll be there.

Which, ironically, is how we got where we are today.
You're incredible my friend and a great writer. What you are saying is pretty much true. To tell you the truth I have taken the initiative to host Melee tournaments because I love the game. I dont want Melee to die. I kick myself in the head every time I play Melee because I stopped playing for a good 3-4 months to prepare for "Brawl" which made me lose time that I could use to be better than I am now. I know that I have not been in the Smash community for long but I WAS here long enough to know what the Melee scene was like VS the Brawl scene. It was a much more friendly environment, people didnt get pissed off when they lost in Melee....it was all in good fun. I was happy to get owned in Melee because I lost when I deserved to and I still do to this day. In Melee you know when you should have won....and when you should have lost and 9 times out of 10...its YOUR FAULT that you did not lose. With Brawl you lose to people who simply just camp, shield or aggressively camp. Thats why i cant stand Brawl because I lose to people who I should be beating. In Melee if you are TRULY smarter than the other person, you will win. In Brawl, too much bull crap happens that saves you and is associated with luck.

Dazwa-You told me the other day that when I missed my Marth f smash the Pit Dsmash was a good choice for my opponent, correct? Please explain how a CAPTAIN FALCON JAB clinks with a Pit fsmash or how a Kirby Fair stops a TOON LINK BOMB AND THEN FALLS STRAIGHT TO THE GROUND. (Ask Dr. Super about that if you do not believe me.) I'm sorry everyone for coming off as a ranting mother F'er about Brawl but it just sickens me to see a community that once saw Melee as the game to play...and then just shift to Brawl. It's sad......very sad. Like I said, I enjoy teams because camping is extremely minimal.

good post jam. my reason for not attending many tournaments is lack of money/rides

I loved MD/VA in the Melee days. Now, not so much. Now it's the region with the most MK and Snake users, every tourny I have been to I have been knocked out by one or two MKs I'm not even kidding. I've seen more rivalries than friendships form here since Brawl came out, and it's because people get far more upset when they lose in Brawl than when they did in Melee.

In Melee, when you lost, you knew it was because you're opponent outsmarted and outplayed you. They either surpassed you in technical skill or mindgames or both. But in Brawl, you can lose to people worse than you due to the amount of luck and bs that takes place during a Brawl match. Not to mention the broken nature of defending in this game gives a huge advantage to the person running away, and not the one attacking.

So when you lose to someone you knew you should not have, you get very angry. Angry that you tripped into an f smash, angry that they camped the entire match, angry that you know you would easily four stock them in Melee. Such things go through people's minds when they lose a match.

I know I get this way when I lose to a random scrub in Brawl. I get very angry when it's tourny and their gay, pathetic playstyle payed off. I never felt this way about Melee. No matter how many matches I lost, no matter how many times I was gimped at 0%, I always walked away from a match with a smile on my face for the experience. I have more fun getting 4 stocked by M2k than playing Brawl. That says something.
The Best Post Ever. My respect for you just went up 10 notches. I feel the EXACT SAME WAY. You just posted what i've been trying to say for like 3 months. I Love You haha

I love Jam's writing. It is also very true, I love CT and wouldn't want it any other way. >_<
Jam is one of my favorite smashers as well and a great friend too. :)

Well, my most discouraging Brawl moment...
was when I got gayed out of a set against PoF at RG3.
<_< I just floated into the loser's bracket and sandbagged into some stupid KOs from a 9 year old GaW player.
:3 Not gonna lie, I love playing the likes of Wes/Noodles/PoF/Cort/Jam/JV/Aesir/Modest/etc. in both melee and Brawl. They're my friends and stuff, and it really rocks.

XD I've never been a really competitive person, its not in my nature. I can't even trash talk. :3.
XD If I have friends, that's what'll keep me happy with this game.
Thanks man, that means a lot to me. :) I will 100% agree that was some gay ****. Its things like that that make me despise Brawl. If I remember correctly I jumped on your head.....gay. If you remember I think I slightly offered a rematch just because of how gay I thought it was?

That aside though, I love each and every one of you and despite how rough I can be sometimes i've made some great friends and I'd probably be a wreck right now without you guys. (kodak moment.)

Brookman-A HUGE reason as to why I have gotten better in Melee.

Zoso-Yeah, same goes for you....even though we didnt play much...you and Mike drilled things into my skull.

SPAWN-You're a great friend and a really funny kid. You need to come down here next time we hangout and lets pray YOU dont get a 300.00 speeding ticket, eh? :psycho:

Noodles-The smasher I play the most with. I actually dont even just play smash with you. Despite your age and all of that...we've become good friends and youve helped me with that Fox dork that I hate fighting in Melee. Stop playing Brawl and play Melee....you have so much potential to be really good if you just dedicated yourself more......trust me. Guitar Hero is fun too :) One is tooooo good!

Milktea-I know i've never really spoken to you since the 9th esticle but I think you're really nice and i'm sorry if I come off as a jerk sometimes....im really not though. I just leave bad first impressions by you.

Dazwa and Darc-The best Sheik and jigs that I can think of in the area goes to you too. I'm happy to know Darc that you use Marth in Brawl at least. :) Make my name proud! You're both really cool and I wish I knew you both a little better. Maybe next time?

Swift-You're a really funny and cool guy to be around. You're too good at Melee and your Falco is sick. Call me when you are back in CT?

V-I finally got to meet you and you're a cool guy. GAW dittos were tooooo fun. Let me know when you're back in town (or us) ok?

Nus-Glad I finally got to meet you in Bloomfield! You're Marth is really good and I'm surpised I did DECENTLY against you. It was nice talking to you and hopefully we'll play eachother again soon.

DD-At first....we were rivals....but I think that ship has sailed. Now, you are one of my crew members and we've grown to get along nicely and hangout a bit more. Ummm come over soon or I go over to your place? Call a homie....

Jam-One of my favorite smashers. You were one of the first people that I met and one of the first people I ever played. You treated me with respect early on while everyone in CT wanted to rip my head off because I kept on insulting Cort and bashing him. Thanks for sticking by me ;) I know that I can always come to you for personal advice and you and Zoraida will always help me out and feed me on Sundays :bee: (I cant come this Sunday....but next Sunday?)

I'm too lazy to type everyone else....will do later.

Tom, S Jake, nana, etc will be added later.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Actually I went for a wall cling and it was that day we discovered that you can't wall cling on a certain portion of Yoshi Story's walls.

>_> No rematch was offered. Just lots of laughing.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Wow, are you kidding me? Do you have a problem with me or something? Every time you mention me all you do is talk crap about me.
i have no problem with you or anyone else.

however, when it comes to melee, if someone makes a point either irrelevant or illogical, i'm gonna call them out on it and see if they can defend their views

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Dazwa-You told me the other day that when I missed my Marth f smash the Pit Dsmash was a good choice for my opponent, correct? Please explain how a CAPTAIN FALCON JAB clinks with a Pit fsmash or how a Kirby Fair stops a TOON LINK BOMB AND THEN FALLS STRAIGHT TO THE GROUND. (Ask Dr. Super about that if you do not believe me.)
In Melee, why does Peach's bair beat Samus's Power Missles? Why does it take one of Shiek's needles to stop Samus's fully charged shot? Why can Sheik jab Link's Bombs?

It just does.


IT JUST DOES. (seriously what was with your random caps)

but uh, attack priority is a pretty simple concept =\ brawl falcon's jab happens to have a lot of it. i'm not very familiar with kirby's fair's attack priority

Dazwa and Darc-The best Sheik and jigs that I can think of in the area goes to you too. I'm happy to know Darc that you use Marth in Brawl at least. :) Make my name proud! You're both really cool and I wish I knew you both a little better. Maybe next time?
i'm definitely not the best melee sheik in new england, but considering how late you came into the community im not surprised you don't know the two people above me...

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
You were in the finals with PC at one of the last Melee tournaments (if not, the last) at Digital Mayhem. Your Sheik was sick.
Being in the winners finals against PC because of an easy bracket and Cort having an off day doesn't change the fact KDJ and Hayato both have better Melee sheiks than I do.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Being in the winners finals against PC because of an easy bracket and Cort having an off day doesn't change the fact KDJ and Hayato both have better Melee sheiks than I do.
Gawd, Dylan is way too modest.

Don't you know that the D in KDJ stands for Dazwa?
And the uh, second A in Hayato stands for Azwa?

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
speaking of iron chef

iron chief

speaking of iron chief

**** hard

speaking of **** hard

the MMMHMMMHMMMHMMHMMM guy from that video plays brawl, and wants to attend the next maine tournament we run



Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky

Those matches were so much better, Cog. Off to work.
Yeah they really were. Weird.

Also WHO IS :3 ??? I played them on wifi for a long time and yeah GGz

any tournament that has jaaaaaapes on is a joooooooke
I beat Elen on Japes and he is alot better than me. So yeah.

The scene isn't dying. The five best players from CT don't represent the entire state. How many Brawl tournaments have there been in CT over the last two months? Five or six? It's not uncommon to have multiple tournaments happening in CT on the same weekend. That's more than we ever had in the past by a longshot, even when Melee was in full swing. The second to last Mass Madness had over 100 entrants for Brawl. The fact of the matter is that Brawl IS immensely popular. It's no secret that a lot of old school players don't like it, but it is undoubtedly attracting new players en masse.

Also, I think it's worth pointing out that New England never had a regular tournament series resembling New York and MD/VA's biweeklies. The closest we ever had was the San brothers' tournaments at their house, which averaged like 15 people. Honestly, Melee isn't any more in decline here than it is anywhere else. I acknowledged that months ago.

Personally, I don't have any plans of "quitting" Smash anytime in the immediate future, but I will say that it really sucks to prefer Melee with the way things are going.

I think it would be incredibly interesting if the Smash community started to resemble the Street Fighter community as time wears on. Honestly, I don't think it would take much more than a few of the old schoolers actually stepping up to the plate and hosting tournaments. Melee has a lot of life left in it, and even though I'm not crazy about Brawl, it's not going anywhere any time soon.

GG's Jam nice IC's and your TL got better since I last played it.

So the best thing happened today. I was driving and saw a free working hammond organ on the side of the road with reverb vibrato...everything it's a wiltz. I called my uncle to bring his truck I'm so excited I wanted to buy one badly but I'm too broke.

I hate college. I'm going to Porter and Chester this october instead. Pretty excited.
WTF I am so jealous... a free Hammond... wtf

Being in the winners finals against PC because of an easy bracket and Cort having an off day doesn't change the fact KDJ and Hayato both have better Melee sheiks than I do.
Good thing those 2 don't play anymore. :)

dazwa is too friggin' goot. also so is iron chef LOL i've been watching it all day x_x the old school japanese ones though :D *fat*
speaking of iron chef

iron chief

speaking of iron chief

**** hard

speaking of **** hard

the MMMHMMMHMMMHMMHMMM guy from that video plays brawl, and wants to attend the next maine tournament we run

*Dazwa noise*

Iron Chief is 3 good.
I totally read it as Iron Chief too. Speaking of Iron Chief, he's too good.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
{words} Too much power rangers in that thread {other words}
You take that back! There can never be too much power rangers.

I didn't get to play Smash today, but my girlfriend told me she loves me for the first time, so I guess that'll do.

I want to play with some people next week. Any takers?
Yes, preferably not Monday or Tuesday, but any other day is good.

I need to play Trademark and Mike Money, too, so let me know the next time yall are playing so that I can get in on that.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Also, the scene isn't dying, milktea. You just grew out of it, I guess.

With Brawl you lose to people who simply just camp, shield or aggressively camp.
It's the same thing in Melee, whether you realize it or not.

Thats why i cant stand Brawl because I lose to people who I should be beating. In Melee if you are TRULY smarter than the other person, you will win. In Brawl, too much bull crap happens that saves you and is associated with luck.
No johns.

Dazwa-You told me the other day that when I missed my Marth f smash the Pit Dsmash was a good choice for my opponent, correct? Please explain how a CAPTAIN FALCON JAB clinks with a Pit fsmash or how a Kirby Fair stops a TOON LINK BOMB AND THEN FALLS STRAIGHT TO THE GROUND. (Ask Dr. Super about that if you do not believe me.)
Any ground attack will clink with any ground attack. This has ALWAYS been the case, save maybe a few exceptions like Fox's usmash in Melee, which will often clink and then connect anyway (that makes a TON of sense).

Don't you just agree with me. Don't you EVER agree with me.

Yes, preferably not Monday or Tuesday, but any other day is good.

I need to play Trademark and Mike Money, too, so let me know the next time yall are playing so that I can get in on that.
I know I'll be free on Wednesday, but other than that, I have no clue.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
i linked you guys to evo videos earlier lol, there are nifty things you can do with cracker launchers
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