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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
lol, well that is a condition in which Zamus would appear. it would be kind of lame if that's what Nintendo meant by it though (i'd be happy, but the suspense would've been unnecessary...)

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I want Samus and Zamus to be separate, I want Zamus and Samus team matches etc. Plus I don't want Samus to transform 'under certain conditions' because they could be really ridiculous.

Let's look at the most likely possibility.

Reach X% damage:

Say it's 50% and you are in tournament, once the opponent figures out that you can't play Samus, only Zamus, he/she won't let you transform unless they can't play well.

Some circumstances won't let you transform either, such as story stages like Race to the finish, break the targets, home run contest, escaping Planet Zebes, and Captain Falcons stage where you have to F-zero cars.

I would hate to lose a character to those 'certain conditions.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Well, this could be interpreted differently. Here's how it could be read:

This isn't a pure character addition. Rather, under certain conditions, Samus will "remove" her Power Suit. Whoa! That's a woman under there!
This could merely be referring to the origin of Zamus, saying that this isn't an entierly separate character, but is in fact a transformation of Samus. This may not have anything to do with how she actually appears in Brawl.

But if it is referring directly to Brawl, then I don't think they would have the "conditions" be some crazy thing that would be detrimental to actual play. At most, it would be a transformation, like Zelda-Sheik.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I think we can all agree that we would prefer them as seperate characters. And Nintendo isn't stupid, the worst they'd do is the Zelda-Sheik bit.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I'd prefer a Zeld-Sheik type transformation over transformation occuring under 'certain conditions'.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Same here. But I really want a Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario thing >.> . Just to put out there. "Under Certain Conditions", Condtions can be anything. If I had Zero Mission or whatever the game was called, I could probably give something...
Exactly, the special conditions should be if you move your cursor over Zero Suit Samus you get to play as her, if enough of these features (special conditions) come into SSB it could go downhill just like Mortal Kombat.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Yeah, they don't I hope they don't start now.

I made a post on another thread about Samus transforming into Zamus, I prefer them separate, I'll repost it here so people can see my point more clearly.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Sorry for double posting but this is a bit long.

In response to making crazy matches like all Zamus matches or a Zamus and Samus team vs other people I posted this:

But if they can transform at will then it won't be the same, it would be a Samus/Zamus + Samus/Zamus vs whoever, match. I don't want that, I normally play crazy matches with every character but I couldn't with Zelda because instead of having it as an all Zelda match it was an all Zelda/Shiek match.

Another thing is that one move that would have to be taken out in order for Samus to transform to Zamus could completely alter how good the character would be.

Imagine Fox/Falco without their reflectors, no more shines right?
Samus without her bombs, no more bomb jumps.
Link without his up + B (just an example, let's say it was replaced by another, less versatile recovery move), worse edgeguarding.

I could go on and on, but I want Samus to remain the way she is and Zamus to be a 100% different character, and judging by this poll 840 more people do as well.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
I will admit I'm kinda worried about this game. I've heard some unsettling things, but I have faith.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I am too. My main concerns are the new Smash Attacks, how Zamus will be made playable (through selection or otherwise), online, and stuff being removed.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
But if they can transform at will then it won't be the same, it would be a Samus/Zamus + Samus/Zamus vs whoever, match. I don't want that, I normally play crazy matches with every character but I couldn't with Zelda because instead of having it as an all Zelda match it was an all Zelda/Shiek match.
I agree that it'd be cool if they were separate.

Another thing is that one move that would have to be taken out in order for Samus to transform to Zamus could completely alter how good the character would be.
Keyword here. There's also a chance that she would become plain broken, better than other characters, balanced with everyone else, worse than everyone else, or completely terrible.

Imagine Fox/Falco without their reflectors, no more shines right?
Samus without her bombs, no more bomb jumps.
Heheh. Well, that's pretty obvious. But what's to say that Fox' Reflector won't be replaced by some other game breaking move or Samus won't gain a better or other alternate recovery?

Link without his up + B (just an example, let's say it was replaced by another, less versatile recovery move), worse edgeguarding.
What if it wasn't? What if it's replaced by a better recovery move? How do you know it'd be worse; do you really think it's impossible to improve or replace with something better?

I could go on and on, but I want Samus to remain the way she is and Zamus to be a 100% different character, and judging by this poll 840 more people do as well.
But she won't; no one will. There's no way to tell if all 840 people agree with both of those points when the poll only asks about one of them.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
I find it funny how people complain about different versions of the same character getting in SSB (ie Dr. Mario) in there own character slot. but then Zamus gets in and people want her to be a seperate character. ironic... no, hipocritical if you ask me.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
I think it's mostly because Zamus is actually a different character, with a different playstyle, different moves, different everything. Dr Mario is just a clone.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
I think it's mostly because Zamus is actually a different character, with a different playstyle, different moves, different everything. Dr Mario is just a clone.

yeah, except that Zamus isn't a different character. it's Samus. a character that we've had from the beginning. Zamus is nothing more then a new feature thats been added onto Samus, and she should stay that way. she shouldn't be a seperate character, because she isn't a seperate character. not in terms of moves, in terms of who they are.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Zamus is Samus without her varia suit ,grapple beam, screw attack, bombs and arm cannon those are all main parts of Samus which means she is(or should be) more agile (as shown in the trailers). I just don't want characters to fall into the clone spell. First Zelda could transform into Shiek. That was a cool idea especially since Zelda and Shiek are the same person but they transformed through magic so it's understandable.

Now we have another character that is the same person as another, Zamus. Just because Zamus and Samus are the same doesn't mean they should be bound to each other through the same methods as Shiek and Zelda.

I don't have anything against Dr. Mario, he is the same as Mario but has different stats and such, it doesn't bother me. Therefore I am not a hypocrit.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
But she won't; no one will. There's no way to tell if all 840 people agree with both of those points when the poll only asks about one of them.
As I said this post was orginally taken from another thread with a poll about how Zamus and Samus should transform. Last time I check 840 people (other than me) voted that they should be separate characters. I think those 841 votes (including my vote) came out to 50% and some.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Zamus is Samus without her varia suit ,grapple beam, screw attack, bombs and arm cannon those are all main parts of Samus which means she is(or should be) more agile (as shown in the trailers). I just don't want characters to fall into the clone spell. First Zelda could transform into Shiek. That was a cool idea especially since Zelda and Shiek are the same person but they transformed through magic so it's understandable.

Now we have another character that is the same person as another, Zamus. Just because Zamus and Samus are the same doesn't mean they should be bound to each other through the same methods as Shiek and Zelda.

I don't have anything against Dr. Mario, he is the same as Mario but has different stats and such, it doesn't bother me. Therefore I am not a hypocrit.
I think thats the best way to do it. I personaly think it would be stupid to make them seperate characters, simply becuase they arn't. and the fact that Sakurai even said that she wont be her own character (Zamus's profile say shes "not a solid character addition"), means that he thinks it's the best way to do it too. Samus will change under certant conditions, but there will probably be that option Zelda had where you hold A to start a match as her. the latter would work for both of us.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
As I said this post was orginally taken from another thread with a poll about how Zamus and Samus should transform. Last time I check 840 people (other than me) voted that they should be separate characters. I think those 841 votes (including my vote) came out to 50% and some.
Ah..must've read that sentence wrong.

Also, isn't Fox confirmed?

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Mental dump

You know, I really wish whoever started this thread would update the list. Seems like every few pages, someone shows up and starts asking if Fox is confirmed or not. Not that I blame them. I sure wouldn't wanna try wading through all 133 pages to find out.

A few thoughts.

A) Every time I post here, I seem to rewrite my post at least twice before I can post it. This is obnoxious. I need to be more decisive.

B) Zamus. I'm starting to be less and less thrilled with her. I believe this is because I'm actually starting to realize she's going to be in this game. See, I never really played Samus much, so as far as returning characters go, I've been more into pondering which characters will return than what changes will be made to them once they get back (Pikachu being the notable exception, because if he doesn't own, the sky will reign fire and my wrath will be poured out upon an unsuspecting corporation in a way which will dwarf the apocalypse by exactly eleven times. Nintendo, you have been warned.).

Anyhow, T-major's talk of the drawbacks the Samus/Zamus conundrum, the hypocracy of accepting her while rejecting clones, and of the singularity which is Samus/Zamus got me thinking. And I agree. Zamus is completely unnecessary as a separate character. Heck, I think she's completely unnecessary in general, an example of Nintendo trying to popularize an idea in a method reminiscent of jamming a D-cell battery into a Gameboy. And not one of the giant beastly white Gameboys of yore, but a Gameboy Pocket, blue as the night sky, with buttons gleaming like Patrick Stewart's bald head.

The question I am suddenly asking myself is 'Why?' Why is Zamus in Brawl? As T-major pointed out, it isn't because she's a new character. Also, I'll add that it isn't because it's going to revitalize a weak, boring character, because if she's included as a PART of Samus, its either going to end up replacing one of her existing moves or some uncontrollable condition (damage, ect.). Either way, that's going to throw off a lot of Samus players. So, why?

I can think of two reasons. The first stems from hearing people say she moves a bit like Shiek. I dunno, like I said, I haven't been paying much attention to Zamus. But if that rings true, could it be that Shiek didn't make the cut, and Nintendo was trying to pattern a new character after her, one which could potentially appear in multiple titles in the future (thus warrenting her continuing inclusion into the Smash Bros series) rather than just one?
The second is that Zamus strikes me as a lot like Roy. One appearance, and already she's potentially beating out characters that have been around for years. She's a selling point. A new idea that Nintendo wants to grab by the olives and milk for all its worth. And we all saw how well that worked for Pichu...

Don't get me wrong, going a new direction is nice. Trying to vary characters is nice. But having two Samuses (Samusai? Samusan? Didn't we already have this conversation about another character?) is pretty redundant and I just don't see how trying to have your cake and eat it too in this scenario is going to work, and personally, I favor the Samus that has appeared in nine (?) games versus the Samus which has appeared in one. Not counting endings.

Do I really care about any of this? Not really. Like I said, until now I'd been distracted by the shiney new REAL characters and the question of who is returning. But since it's been brought up, and I don't shut up, I thought I'd say my piece.

C) What's the point of having your cake if you can't eat it? And can you choose to eat your cake without havingit? It's really a terrible metaphor.

Anyhow, hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and didn't miss me too much while visions of sugar Wii's (Wiis? Wii? Wiian? Dangit, I hate pluralizing!) danced in my head. Later.


Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I'm growing tired of talking about Zamus, as it turns out she'll probably wind up just like Shiek, nothing more than a counterpart. We al know what happens with counterparts, one has K.O ability while the other can rack up damage, just like Zelda/Shiek.

Anyone care to change the subject go ahead, as long as it's on topic I'll join in.


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2006
I think that Sora from Kingdom Hearts should be in it. Are Snake,Zero Suit Samus,Wario,Pit and Metaknight gonna be the only new characters or is the big N gonna make more?

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
No, Sakurai doesn't plan on releasing that information so far from launch, and please bare in mind that this thread/sticky is about confirmed characters.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2006
wow, I thought there would be more then 10 characters confirmed by now. Hopefully there will be at least 20-30 characters to choose from when it comes out


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
The game's not coming out for a while...so it's entirely plausible that only 11 characters are confirmed so far. You know, they actually need to MAKE the characters before they show 'em off.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2006
They're probably making the game first (adventure, events, stages) Before the characters. If we're lucky, theyle have an RPG with it.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
The rAt said:
(Samusai? Samusan? Didn't we already have this conversation about another character?)

Nice post, Rat. Made me think about the seriousness which might be the exclusion of Sheik, although I don't think that Zamus will be the one to do that. Why? Because why would you have a high-tech bounty hunter dominatrix like Zamus do that? Why not replace her with someone who would be harder to form a moveset from. Zamus is too easy, as she has too many gadgets and such.

Still, interesting thoughts.

And now that I think about it, why have we been shown only 11 characters? If it's coming out within a year (some people even think by summer), then surely we would be seeing more characters. One a month doesn't seem outlandish, does it?

Unless, of course, there just aren't that many characters....
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