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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
but haven't always had much to say, so I was at n00b status until last year.
Heheh. Ya, me neither. *flashback to when I came back after SSBB was announced* "Oh...I've been a member longer than the active administrator. That's kinda...depressing (how long I've been gone, not that they're administrator)."

And now, finally reaching around to topic-related material. I agree that if Sakurai said he wasn't pleased with Roy that would be a good hint that we won't be seeing him soon, I just think its a bit early to be taking him off the list, at least in any official capacity. After all, Nintendo can always excercise veto power.
Well, maybe part of his agreeing to help was a certain degree of freedom. Nintendo may have just listed a few required characters (those that are the icons of really popular franchises, those that have games coming out soon before or after SSBB's projected launch date, etc.) and given Mr. Sakurai freedom over the others. Nintendo may force him if a character's removal causes enough of an outcry but since they're counting on him to direct a worthy successor to the GCN's top selling game (which I believe his team is fully capable of), they may give him a good amount of freedom. So really, I don't really no the point of this paragraph...but, ya know.

Maybe Mr. Sakurai or someone will think,"Hmm...maybe if Lucas [or another Mother 3 character, perhaps] is in this game, his popularity would spur Nintendo into releasing his game in other countries similar to the effect Marth and Roy caused." Well maybe they wouldn't talk all mock intelligently like I type but it should happen.

Actually, I demand it happens. Definately.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
The rAt, I'm expecting to see that topic up and running, then. Where are you anyways? My dad/sister are always playing, so I've barely just gotten out of third place. I'm trying to not give any spoilers, even the very little ones. And no, the whole 'sensei' thing has been dealth with - 3 years in therapy's enough. :-D

I've always found places to post. I think that this is just in part to me being addicted to these forums for a bit, due to the announcement of Brawl.

I honestly don't even notice the 'Smash ____' over on the side. The thing I notice the most is grammar, spelling and intelligence. Sad to say, the post count also jumps at me. If the post count's low, then I'll look at the date. If that is early (a la rAt or Devastlian), it makes me think that the person only posts when they have something intelligible to say. Rep doesn't do much for me, unless it's not green. Also, if it's massive, I'll take note of that.

And I think that the Smash series is a huge deal now, especially with the VC being alive and well (argueable, but ok). I think that around Brawl's release, we'll see Pit in his game. The popularity of Smash games are absurd, and probably lead to the sale of quite a few more games.

Once again, this is just like Roy. Whether or not that flies with Sakurai or not, I know not.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Actually, I haven't started Twillight Princess yet. See I was going to get the GC version right away, and wait on the Wii until I had a bit more financial freedom, but my folks went out of their way to track down a copy of the Wii version for my birthday last month. I didn't have the heart to take it back now that its in my possession, but I really can't afford a Wii till Febuary (I'm going to Europe [from the U.S.] for the month of January to fulfill a course requirement towards my bachelors, so I'm broker than Microsoft on Wii/PS3 release-day [yes, I'm a bit of a fanboy]). Hence, I have the game in my possession, but no means to play it. I really need to make it through my last through finals anyhow, though, so it's probably for the best. Plus if I got it now, I'd go KH2 on it (32 some hours in 3 days), because I'd want to beat it before I leave the country. And I'd much rather wait till I get back and leisurely savor every bit of it.

Also, that's probably a good way of evaluating people's info. I especially liked the part about reading what they have to say :cool: But that reminds me, I really don't think that join date is accurate for me. I feel like I joined before 2003. Maybe not. I read a lot before I said anything.

I believe you and I are thinking similar thoughts.

Anyhow, on a more topic-related note, anyone else hope they bring Pikachu back to the level of butt-kickery he exhibited in the first Smash Bros.? I mean, assuming they remove his obnoxious minature doppleganger, I'm hoping they can beef up his power a bit.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
The rAt said:
...I'm broker than Microsoft on Wii/PS3 release-day [yes, I'm a bit of a fanboy]).
I'm a fanboy too, but on top of that I enjoy examining the industry. M$ actually did fairly well for November, what with that Gears of War ****. Sony's the one who got owned. But I chuckled, all the same.

I think I'm about to go into temple 4, but I'm not sure. My parents told me last night that they're going to be getting a HD DLP. DAMMIT, why couldn't they have told me before? Now I wanna go back through and play it all again. I also gotta rustle up some component cables.

And, as towards the Pikachu comment, I never really liked the yellow rat (pun! lololol). If they buff him up, that's fine, so long as he's not God tier or _the_ best.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2006
Kendall NY
Going back up to Sensais wikipedia deal of looking at Roy.

You cant exactly count that as 100% legit. Its wikipedia, able to be edited by the average geek.

Though they do have a team that goes through they cant possibly hit everything in a day, only santa can pull that off.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Growing weary...can't focus...too much to comment on. Everythingis going...blue.

Well, maybe part of his agreeing to help was a certain degree of freedom. Nintendo may have just listed a few required characters (those that are the icons of really popular franchises, those that have games coming out soon before or after SSBB's projected launch date, etc.) and given Mr. Sakurai freedom over the others. Nintendo may force him if a character's removal causes enough of an outcry but since they're counting on him to direct a worthy successor to the GCN's top selling game (which I believe his team is fully capable of), they may give him a good amount of freedom. So really, I don't really no the point of this paragraph...but, ya know.
That is by far THE most intelligent spam I my eyes have ever gazed upon.:laugh: You are almost making sense and then, at the very end, you tell us that we know the point better than you do. True spamming gold, I shall reminisce.

As for the Yellow rAt(hehe robbing sensai), he was my best character in Smash 64, so I certainly wouldn't mind a reworking to make Pika high tier. Put him back in his place with all his former glory.

On a side note, I heard from various people that TP is the type of game that takes upwards of 72 hours to beat for the first time? I looked at the demonstrations of people playing the game, and was debating buying TP once I finally get a Wii, which would make this the first Zelda game I will have played. It all depends on how long it takes to beat the other two games I was destined to get for Wii(Mario Galaxy and MP3). I was also considering Mario Party 8, but I'm not exactly sure how that would pan out.(They are up to 7 now, making the Wii instalment the 8th, right?)


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I understand that Wikipedia is an unreliable source. In fact, I laugh at teachers that tell us students to use it as a source. I just didn't have time to go through and look at sites that I couldn't just search on.

Rhyme said:
On a side note, I heard from various people that TP is the type of game that takes upwards of 72 hours to beat for the first time? I looked at the demonstrations of people playing the game, and was debating buying TP once I finally get a Wii, which would make this the first Zelda game I will have played. It all depends on how long it takes to beat the other two games I was destined to get for Wii(Mario Galaxy and MP3). I was also considering Mario Party 8, but I'm not exactly sure how that would pan out.(They are up to 7 now, making the Wii instalment the 8th, right?)
Um...I consider myself a hardcore gamer (especially Zelda), and I'm on (read: just entered) the 4th temple right now (I think there are 9 or 10). Before I tell you my time, let me say that I've walked around a bit and explored, but all with full purpose of doing at least some part of the game. My Wii has never been left on, nor have I just stopped and looked at anything.

I'm 30 hours in and loving it.

My dad (not a hardcore gamer, obviously), has played every Zelda to date, but doesn't enjoy other games as much. He's behind me (3rd dungeon, just entered), hasn't spent anytime just viewing anything, nor has he left his game on. I think he's just about to cross over 40 hours.

So jeah, it's long as hell. And great.

You've never played a Zelda game...? WHY?! Good JESUS you've been deprived. Do you just not like the feel of them or something? They're sheer gold. Get this game, for the love of God, or your entire Wii catologue will be 95% worse.


And yes, this is Mario Party 8.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
You've never played a Zelda game...? WHY?! Good JESUS you've been deprived. Do you just not like the feel of them or something? They're sheer gold. Get this game, for the love of God, or your entire Wii catologue will be 95% worse.


And yes, this is Mario Party 8.
Nope, never was that into Nintendo until Smash 64. I used to play playstation, so I guess that makes me an ubern00b? I have watched a few random parts of Wind Waker, including the final boss fight. I tried playing Four Swords but found it borish, and attempted to play an old SNES Zelda with an emulator, but found it stupid. I thought that if TP was such a great game, that I might like it enough to play it. So I guess there is no alternative but to get TP then.

95% worse...until I get either MP3 or Brawl.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
TP only took me 42 hours to beat...<.< >.>

And, Rhyme, that paragraph was a sort of counterpoint to The rAt's post but I ended up just supporting both sides so I just sort of gave up. I'm sure some characters are protected by the Nintendo higher-ups from removal and Mr. Sakurai believes that games are becoming less successful because of the lack of connection between the fans and the developers. So it's really pretty impossible to be sure of much about this game. ; ;


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Nope, never was that into Nintendo until Smash 64. I used to play playstation, so I guess that makes me an ubern00b? I have watched a few random parts of Wind Waker, including the final boss fight. I tried playing Four Swords but found it borish, and attempted to play an old SNES Zelda with an emulator, but found it stupid. I thought that if TP was such a great game, that I might like it enough to play it. So I guess there is no alternative but to get TP then.

95% worse...until I get either MP3 or Brawl.
..............................................................................you.......................dont............. like... Zelda games........................................no......n...n.no!!!.......... IT CAN"T BE TRUE!!!!!!! *omg brain implosion* seriosly... I can't fathom the concept of somebody not likeing Zelda games.... you must be joking... there's no other explanation! D:


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
Four Swords was definetly NOT the place to start.

However, A Link to the Past...stupid? That's not opinion, that's clinical insanity.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Devastlian: I wasn't criticizing you, I was complimenting you for introducing me to the world of intelligent spam.

T-Major: I'm not joking, I've never played through a Zelda game.

icymatt: Does the full name include "A Link to the Past" and "Zelda Four Swords"? Maybe I am that 1 in 10 million person who doesn't like the games. I will now retreat to the darkest corner of my world, suck my thumb, and wobble back and forth uncontrollably until tomorrow.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Okay... where to begin.

First off, Rhyme, I think you just gave T-Major a brain hemorage. What will you do next? (The correct answer is "Go to Disney World.").

Anyways, believe it or not, but until shortly before the release of Majora's Mask, I never played a Zelda game either. Okay, scratch that, I played through the first half of LA on the Gameboy about sixteen times (every so often it would erase the data for no good reason), but that was back in the days of yore, when Sega had their own systems, and the only Gameboy was as big as a boat. Anyhow, the one that really caught my attention was Zelda: Occarina of Time on the N64. Rhyme, if you want a good indication of the value of the Zelda series (besides Twillight Princess), that's the place to go. Its sequel, Majora's Mask, is another good indicator. I may offend a few people by saying this, but I'll say it anyway; in many ways Wind Waker was a disgrace to the Zelda series. Neither it, nor Four Swords are indicative of Zelda quality. Also, SNES Zelda (Link To the Past) is far better after you've played Ocarina of Time.

Devastlian, I'm hoping it takes me more than 42 hours, but I'd be satisfied with that. The longest game I played recently was KH2 (28 hours), so my standards are low. As long as I don't go hardcore on Twillight Princess, 42 hours should last me awhile.

Anyone else notice how these convorsations inevitably drift away from the topic at hand? Darn you, Nintendo! Darn you for not giving us a steady flow of information to discuss!

Anyhow, all other thoughts aside, I have a message for Nintendo; the little yellow rAt wants his nuggets back. He's been banished to the kiddy pool long enough, and he longs to own as he once did, back when the world was young, and there was but one Smash in the world, and one rAt with which to slaughter the masses. If it means dispensing with his mentally challenged younger cousin, then so be it, for there can be only one true rAt, and his name is Sparky McKick***, or Pikachu, for short.

Wow, I really got carried away there...



Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
First off, Rhyme, I think you just gave T-Major a brain hemorage. What will you do next? (The correct answer is "Go to Disney World.").

Anyhow, all other thoughts aside, I have a message for Nintendo; the little yellow rAt wants his nuggets back. He's been banished to the kiddy pool long enough, and he longs to own as he once did, back when the world was young, and there was but one Smash in the world, and one rAt with which to slaughter the masses. If it means dispensing with his mentally challenged younger cousin, then so be it, for there can be only one true rAt, and his name is Sparky McKick***, or Pikachu, for short.
I'll consider playing OoT, maybe find someone who has it so I don't have to exchange federally credited slips of paper for a copy.

I send my best wishes to T-Major in hopes that he makes a quick recovery. Flowers are nice but not internet accessible.

That is an amazing rant about Pikachu. Do you mind if I quote that paragraph?


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Rhyme said:
Nope, never was that into Nintendo until Smash 64. I used to play playstation, so I guess that makes me an ubern00b? I have watched a few random parts of Wind Waker, including the final boss fight. I tried playing Four Swords but found it borish, and attempted to play an old SNES Zelda with an emulator, but found it stupid. I thought that if TP was such a great game, that I might like it enough to play it. So I guess there is no alternative but to get TP then.
No, I own a Playstation also. One of the better gaming consoles, IMO.

Four Swords is DEFINITELY the wrong place to begin. Definitely. Go wash your eyes out and try again with OoT or LttP (even though you already played it and didn't like it, blasphemer). You'll enjoy TP if you enjoy Zelda games, but if you don't, I'm not so sure it would suit you. If you really just don't like Zelda, then TP isn't for you. If you really just don't like Zelda, you're the first person I've ever met to say that.

T-Major....I'm so sorry. I'd be the in bed right next to you, but I'm to busy playing Twilight Princess.

Devast: Only 42 hours? Did you rush right through it? I guess I'm only 16 hours to that...guess it's not too far away. Who knows? Maybe it's smaller then I had anticipated. My dad's just broken 42 hours, BTW.

rAt: I wouldn't say WW is a 'disgrace', but it certainly isn't a work of art. Nor would I say that having a 30 hour game is 'low' for a standard. And that last rant about Pikachu is going in the sig.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
No, I own a Playstation also. One of the better gaming consoles, IMO.
I wasn't assuming that you all thought PS sucked, I was saying that I used to play PS instead of Nintendo, which I thought would classify me as a n00b. I had a SNES at the time, and the only games I played for it was a Kirby Golf-Type game I had, Mario All Stars, and Super Mario World. None of the good games.


Smash Cadet
Oct 2, 2006
Anchorage, Alaksa
Yay! It's Sensai Day (even has a nice ring to it).

No, my name is McKee. Pronounced 'Muh-key'. Old family tradition that DOESN'T bother me at all, surprisingly. I mean, how many people are gonna confuse me with all the other thousands of McKee's there are?

Jeah...that was a joke, for those of you listening at home.
muh-key'.:chuckle: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :chuckle: roflamo!!!


Smash Rookie
Dec 10, 2006

In all honesty, I'm not up to date on all this stuff, and I really don't feel like going through the last 127 pages to see what I've missed or am repeating. That link there has a couple trailers, one of which shows Snake using an RPG as (probably) a down throw on Pit. Unless it's been confirmed elsewhere or something (again, I'm not following this as intently as all of you out there; sue me) guns are fair game for him to use it seems. Yay for being out of the loop o.O


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
A rocket launcher is not the same thing as a pistol.

Otherwise, that's old news. But thanks, anyway.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Well, I didn't rush, per se...I beat it without getting everything, though (I think I had 19 hearts and was short a couple bugs and a bunch of poes). I didn't think it was as good as WW or MM but it was better than OoT. I completely <3 WW ; ;.

Anyway...Anyone notice that Mario's hair isn't as detailed as Wario's? Maybe they haven't really gotten to him in their updates. Perhaps they're adding the new characters first and then balancing the old characters afterwards instead of just making new characters and then blending them in.

Also, isn't Fox confirmed?


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Back to topic everyone:embarrass .
So who do you think is going to be the next charater to appear in Brawl?
*turbo awsome brain healing action!*

yes, back on topic everyone. we can be disgusted by Rhyme's lack of Zelda adoration later.

now, as for what characters will be revealed next. I think they would comfirm more then one at a time. my bets are on;

~ Yoshi: they had his stage in ther newest video. no piont keeping him a secret any longer)

~ DK: it's preety much common logic that he will be in. like Yoshi, theres no piont keeping him a secret)

~ a Pokemon: I have a feeling that another pokemon (be it old, or new) will be comfirmed when Sakurai gives us more info on Brawl.

~ new character? maybe. I think it would be a good idea to add a new character that will get people talking.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Rhyme said:
I wasn't assuming that you all thought PS sucked, I was saying that I used to play PS instead of Nintendo, which I thought would classify me as a n00b. I had a SNES at the time, and the only games I played for it was a Kirby Golf-Type game I had, Mario All Stars, and Super Mario World. None of the good games.
In that case, yes, you're a noob. :-D

Devastlian said:
Well, I didn't rush, per se...I beat it without getting everything, though (I think I had 19 hearts and was short a couple bugs and a bunch of poes). I didn't think it was as good as WW or MM but it was better than OoT. I completely <3 WW ; ;.
You're one of the two people I know who thinks that MM is better then OoT, and the only person to place WW above both of them.

On topic again! Yay!

A new character. Who should it be? Let's take a look at things:

Nintendo needs to build up hype for this game so that they can get a lot of people interested in the Wii, and how much hype they build shows their interior motive. If they show a new character (or one that we weren't so sure about/one that is very popular), then we can accurately assume that they are wanting hype to build. From this, we can deduce that the game is needing the hype and will be releasing sooner rather then later. This same theory applies to if they showed more then one character, so long as one or the other wasn't a simple toss-away character, y'know.

If they show someone who is not important (a la DK/Yoshi), then we can assume that they're saving the big news for later on in development.

^^^All of this explains why we were given so many new characters at the beginning: they wanted us to go out and buy a Wii instead of a PS3 or 360.

Now, on to my guess: I believe Brawl will usher in Nintendo's Holiday season, so I think that the next character(s) we get will be minor, middle popularity at best. I expect DK and Yoshi, maybe Luigi.

Wow, what a long post.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Back to topic everyone:embarrass .
So who do you think is going to be the next charater to appear in Brawl?
But mommy, I was having fun with my new friends... :p

Anyhow, I'd say DK is a shoe-in. Odds are they're going to start with the preestablished characters, because we all know they're coming, and he's been around longer than Yoshi. That way they can save the big guns (like new characters) for the dry spells. On that note, I'm guessing we'll see DK and Yoshi (both starter characters from the first game), then Ness and Captain Falcon (Both unlockables for original, starters for Melee), followed by Ice Climbers, Bowser, Peach, and Zelda (starters for Melee), followed by Jigglypuff and Luigi (unlockables for original, unlockables for Melee), followed by Marth, Game'N'Watch, and Mewtwo (primary unlockables for Melee) and finally any of the clones which carry over suchas Falco, Gannondorf, Roy, Y.Link, D. Mario, and Pissant... er, Pichu (clones from Melee). All asuming there are no omissions.

However, none of that is taking into consideration changes which could be made in the clones, as well as which unlockables will be primary characters. For example, Marth (Or Roy, depending on which one they decide to oust) will most likely be a starter for the same reason C. Falcon and Ness were in Melee (maximum game representation in the starting lineup). That shifts him ahead of Game'N'Watch and Mewtwo (at least one of which I assume will remain an unlockable), as well as Luigi and Jigglypuff (at least one of which I assume will remain an unlockable) in the announcement order. Additionally, Nintendo will announce all the starter characters before they even consider teling us about unlockables, and Jigglypuff and Luigi are first line for that change (though I wouldn't expect both of them to be bumped up).

All of this was building to my prediction as to the exact release order, but then I realized I've been picking on people for having their lists, and I don't want to be a hypocrite. Or, maybe I don't care about being a hypocrite, but I can't decide on who I think they'll get rid of. I'll let you decide.

In any case, I'd say the next two are DK and Yoshi, followed by Ness and C. Falcon with Marth (or Roy) coming in after that.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Lucky for me we just had that debate about disrespecting n00bs, I should fit right in here.:laugh:

I think that, in the time until Brawl's release, we will see the announcement of every Melee character that is returning plus 3 completely new characters. Any new additions such as third party characters should remain a secret. The 3 new characters will be released periodically to continue the hype surrounding the game. I also believe that we may see a new level which in some way reveals a returning character, rather than showing the character him/her-self. The 3 new characters that Nintendo introduces should conceal clue(s) towards figuring out at least 1 other character that they will never introduce, simply to keep us occupied.

EDIT: Here's a fun little game that we should play...the next person among us that finds reputable new information about Brawl gets free +rep.


Smash Rookie
Dec 17, 2006
Wouldn't it be great to switch between Zsamus' Energy sword/whip and emergency pistol? Like maybe as a down B, then some of her moves using the sword/whip would become blaster-wielding moves.
you can switch from gun to whip.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
triple post ftw??? check out the forum rules guy. but welcome to smash boards....

does neoen knwo how many characters nintendo power has unveiled yet? then we can count down how many more issues till a new character is definetly going to be unveiled


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2006
East Lansing, MI
o **** i didn't know o_• plz forgive me lord miyamoto

n_n;; I realize I only contribute to this thread in the form of criticizing the obviously ignorant people. But if you think about it, the discussion that's been goin on for a hundred or so pages has been repeating itself. Those that stay to listen are merely defending their points and the facts to those who just joined and ask questions that have already been cover.

-.<* I'm also gonna go get some sleep because I'm getting long winded. Too many asian's at the club last night. I'm tired ~_~...

I HoMiCiD3 I

Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2006
Clarkston, MI
lmao....thats shigero miyamoto...he just doesnt want us to know.....m
Haha thats funny! But anyways I think Solid Snake will be one of the better characters due to the fact many people are counting on him being their main. I love Wario too but for some reason I dont think he will have that effective of a moves list. The farting move and all...


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2006
Kendall NY
Well I have a NINTENDO POWER subscription so I can post when I see the new characters. I should go check the one I got yesterday...

and it is...

no one.

However there was a new Ness model on it. Under the ad for the new DS Earthbound game.
It was a detailed 3D one too. Perhaps a hint?
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