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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2006
The Negative Zone
Yoshi is going to be in Brawl, if you see one of the trailers, they show a Yoshi's Island course in the backround. The courses this time around look really exciting. Can't wait to play :).


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Losing one Ice Climber balanced out the quality of *** they kick while they are paired up. Make the person own for a while, then easily killed off.

I know the screw attack is broken and wishfull thinking, I was always so unbelievably dissappointed, though. Maybe they could make it like Luigi's Tornado attack, you have to press rediculously fast to do anything productive? Plus, it's not like you could sweetspot or manuver while using this attack. I tend to unbalance characters I like.:laugh:

I believe it would be a Yoshi Herd, they do trample in a migratory cloud of dust, after all. Or maybe we could make up a completely new word...a yoshiite.

Personally, Dante from DMC would be my 3rd most desired character. One does have to consider that he has less than a 0% chance of making it. Still, he get's a sword, dual handguns, fire gauntlets, wings, shoots fireballs from his fists, runs super fast, and can transform into his half devil form at will. Doesn't that sound like a real badass character?

I think the idea of switching between ofensive/defensive mode over-complicates things.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
what is that crest hanging on fox's hip?
I think it might be for docoration. but it could be his reflector generator. he already technicaly had a generator for the reflector, but we didn't see it. so they might have just made it visible this time around. or it could be something new all together.

also. I might have already said this, but Meta Knight looks like he's going to be awsome (a tad random, I know. but come on. it's Meta Knight!)


Smash Cadet
Nov 2, 2006
Really, I find all this talk about "confirmed characters" to be useless when discussing characters that is available in Melee.
I'm gonna quote Masahiro Sakurai of Sora, director of Super Smash Bros. Brawl:
l said:
They would make Smash Bros. without changing any of the 26 characters in any way whatsoever.
Now, this quote is a little out of context, but the rest of what he was saying is unneeded, cause it has been hastily confirmed and hinted at: The current 26 characters will be almost completely unchanged.
Removal is a very serious case of change =]

Some people may deem this message not to belong to this topic. So spank me :D
No seriously, if it doesn't belong here, please delete it and send me a PM about it so I can post it in the correct position.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Really, I find all this talk about "confirmed characters" to be useless when discussing characters that is available in Melee.
I'm gonna quote Masahiro Sakurai of Sora, director of Super Smash Bros. Brawl:

Now, this quote is a little out of context, but the rest of what he was saying is unneeded, cause it has been hastily confirmed and hinted at: The current 26 characters will be almost completely unchanged.
Removal is a very serious case of change =]

Some people may deem this message not to belong to this topic. So spank me :D
No seriously, if it doesn't belong here, please delete it and send me a PM about it so I can post it in the correct position.
You should deffinately check your facts before posting this nonsense. Sakurai can also be quoted in saying, "I am not a very smart man but I cannot tell a lie so I'm just going to type it. Some characters will disappear, deffinately." If that isn't a sign that someone is getting the boot, than I don't know what would be. He also said that "the characters will be remade on a significant scale, we are re-defining every character's ability from the very beginning."

Some characters will leave, and most will be remade. By the way, what does OP stand for?


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
OP = Original Poster.

Also, that quote is WAY taken out of context:

"They would make Smash Bros. without changing any of the 26 characters in any way whatsoever. What kind of a new installment would that make. And Mr. Iwata wouldn't be too hot on the idea of just handing the franchise over to someone else. Probably."

As you can see, what he meant was that would be how other developers would make the game had he not come aboard. And he doesn't like that idea, at all.


Smash Cadet
Nov 2, 2006
You should deffinately check your facts before posting this nonsense. Sakurai can also be quoted in saying, "I am not a very smart man but I cannot tell a lie so I'm just going to type it. Some characters will disappear, deffinately." If that isn't a sign that someone is getting the boot, than I don't know what would be. He also said that "the characters will be remade on a significant scale, we are re-defining every character's ability from the very beginning."

Some characters will leave, and most will be remade. By the way, what does OP stand for?
Hmm, I have never heard anything about that before. Have you got a link? Not that i distrust you, but I've been fooled one-too-many times to accept something like that.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity

These are translations of responses to the letters that Mr. Sakurai posted on the Japanese main page. The quote Rhyme quoted is in the "Full Story" section in the "81-90" response translation.

Reading SP's thread should be a prerequisite to posting in here. ; ;
Thankyou for that conviently timed post, it would have taken me a while to find that. Microsoft switched to Explorer 7 on me even though I told it specifically not to upgrade, and thus erased all my favorites. I have to go searching and find all of them again.:mad:

That sounds like wishfull thinking, making that a pre-requisit. Then again, it would make for far more intelligent posting...


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Hello virtualgamecafe. I don't have any idea what you're talking about or what that babble meant, but hello just the same.

Oh look, a bandwagon flaming Joner!

And to whoever posted about characters not being removed, you're off by about 180 degrees. Sakurai has been quoted as saying that not all characters will return. He also mentions his distaste of Roy.

Jeah, I know it's already been covered, but I felt the need to be cool too....


Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2005
East Coast.
Hello virtualgamecafe. I don't have any idea what you're talking about or what that babble meant, but hello just the same.

Oh look, a bandwagon flaming Joner!

And to whoever posted about characters not being removed, you're off by about 180 degrees. Sakurai has been quoted as saying that not all characters will return. He also mentions his distaste of Roy.

Jeah, I know it's already been covered, but I felt the need to be cool too....
Ha well said!! +rep


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2006
Hello virtualgamecafe. I don't have any idea what you're talking about or what that babble meant, but hello just the same.

Oh look, a bandwagon flaming Joner!

And to whoever posted about characters not being removed, you're off by about 180 degrees. Sakurai has been quoted as saying that not all characters will return. He also mentions his distaste of Roy.

Jeah, I know it's already been covered, but I felt the need to be cool too....
...repping for the same reason as cb_marth.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
characters that have a strong chance of leaving are: game and watch, pichu, shiek(thank god!),falco, young link, and all other clones:laugh:
all other clones except Ganondorf, who will be redone. hell, even young Link will probably stay in to represent the handheld Zelda games. and be given new moves to fit those games.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2006
Washington DC
I think Young link will be like the Wind Waker link for some reason <.< dont qoute this plz just a thought cause of what T Major said


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

I agree with you, actually. I think that Young Link will be turned into Cel-Shaded Link, which, in my opinion, would be **** cool.


And thanks for the rep fellas. Rep back!

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Sensai is my hero. Well, next to Hiro. And Jesus. And Link. And Chuck Norris. And Nightcrawler. Well, he made the list and that's an accomplishment in and of itself.

On a different note, anyone notice that when it comes to the clones, everyone has their own list as to who is going to return and who's getting the boot, and its always the right one?

So, here's where there used to be a long friggin rant about how everyone puts in their two cents (ack, my old catch phrase rears its ugly head), to act like they know who's going to make it into this game, and it's lunacy, pure lunacy, but it really made me sound like an angry man. And Chuck Norris would not be proud. Nor would Sensai. So I deleted it.

Instead, I would share my hopes and dreams; that no matter which clones return (please be Falco, please be Falco, please be Falco), and no matter which ones are sentenced to an eternity of torment in the flaming depths of the NOT-in-Brawl-box (please be Pichu, please be Pichu, please be Pichu) this game will kick the living crap out of everything not Brawl.

Anyway, in all seriousness, though, I think we over play the clone card when looking at what characters come back. After all, we just established that some, if not all, characters are going back to the drawing board, so what's clone status got to do, got to do, got to with it? (Anyone who's confused by that last sentence go look up Tina Turner). All this to say that I'm betting there'll be a few characters returning that we will not expect.



Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
The rAt said:
Sensai is my hero. Well, next to Hiro. And Jesus. And Link. And Chuck Norris. And Nightcrawler. Well, he made the list and that's an accomplishment in and of itself.
I can be your hero, baby!

Reminds me of a funny story of a friend of mine attempting to regain his Steam password. He told it at lunch. Something like this:

So I couldn't play CS last night. Why? 'Cause I forgot my password! God dammit! So I did the 'retrieve your password' **** and it asked me my question, which was 'Who is your childhood hero?' I tried for a ****ing hour before I finally got pissed off at it. I typed in the first sarcastic thing that came into my head. It was right...
At this point, we all asked what it was. He says:

Well...it was (points at me) MCKEE! <---my name


Back on topic...
The rAt said:
On a different note, anyone notice that when it comes to the clones, everyone has their own list as to who is going to return and who's getting the boot, and its always the right one?
Haha, I notice this too. But seriously, I'm 100% sure that my list is 100% right. I know a guy.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Sakurai publicly stated his dislike for a character? /Gasp Didn't think that would ever happen, guess we know one person who made the don't expect to see him/her in Brawl list.

Sensai, your real name is MCKEE? Or is that your funny pronunciation of it? I was thinking that there should be a hero section in this forum, where people can gather a minimum of 20 amazing posts that make a given member their hero and add that member's name to the list along with the said posts. First name...Sensai haha.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Yay! It's Sensai Day (even has a nice ring to it).

No, my name is McKee. Pronounced 'Muh-key'. Old family tradition that DOESN'T bother me at all, surprisingly. I mean, how many people are gonna confuse me with all the other thousands of McKee's there are?

Jeah...that was a joke, for those of you listening at home.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Yay! It's Sensai Day (even has a nice ring to it).

No, my name is McKee. Pronounced 'Muh-key'. Old family tradition that DOESN'T bother me at all, surprisingly. I mean, how many people are gonna confuse me with all the other thousands of McKee's there are?

Jeah...that was a joke, for those of you listening at home.
It does have a nice ring to it, surprisingly.:chuckle:

These threads are starting to look more and more like the politics of this country...we group together based on common interests, then follow eachother all across the hundreds of threads backing eachother up. So pitiful, yet unstoppable.

Nice name, very origional.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Too true Rhyme. That must be why I usually only stick to a couple of threads. This one replaced the Zelda: Twillight Princess thread until I beat it and can approach the thread without fear of rampant spoilers.

If you think this thread is getting familiar, you should see the Zelda Timeline Theory thread from a few years back. I swear more than half of the posts were debates and rebuttals between me and two other guys.

On an equally side note, my name is nowhere near as exciting as McKee. That's why I'm brainstorming pen names now, so that when I'm ready to publish a book, I'll have picked out a name so enthralling it will grab you by the cerabellum and drag you kicking and screaming into the first chapter.

In an extremely weak attempt to tie this extremely enjoyable tangent into something relatively Brawl-related, what's this about a character Sakurai doesn't like/want in Brawl?


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
I could never discuss the history of Zelda because I don't know the first thing about the series.

Although I cannot personally confirm it, you would have to ask McKee for his source, apperantly Sakurai said that Roy didn't work out as well as he had planned in Melee. A good indication of a character being in the game is whether or not the head producer likes the character, and if Sakurai himself has something against Roy, that is reason enough to get rid of him. Maybe he will be replaced by another FE character, but it is now a much safer bet that we have seen the last of him.

As for the name, you won't come up with anything that amazing by yourself. In all my years of making names for these sites, there has only been 1 I have thought of myself that I still appreciate the value of. Even Rhyme is stale now; origionally RHYM was my tag in Melee so it made sense to make my tag people might see on Youtube and my name on various internet websites the same so others could relate. Now that I have started using THEY as my tag, Rhyme is an obsolete name, but I'll stick with it because people deffinately treat n00bs to these boards with less respect IMO. I have been making a personal effort not to, maybe others should follow in my example?


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.

Yes, he was.

The rAt said:
Too true Rhyme. That must be why I usually only stick to a couple of threads. This one replaced the Zelda: Twillight Princess thread until I beat it and can approach the thread without fear of rampant spoilers.
Man, you have no idea. I avoid that thread like a cancer kid avoids the Ebola virus. I wouldn't touch that thread with a 20 mile pole.

The rAt said:
If you think this thread is getting familiar, you should see the Zelda Timeline Theory thread from a few years back. I swear more than half of the posts were debates and rebuttals between me and two other guys.
I'm actually REALLY interested in this idea, as I've got a few ideas of my own. It's been forever since I've played a lot of the games, so I doubt my arguements would be flawless, but we should talk this through sometime.

The rAt said:
On an equally side note, my name is nowhere near as exciting as McKee. That's why I'm brainstorming pen names now, so that when I'm ready to publish a book, I'll have picked out a name so enthralling it will grab you by the cerabellum and drag you kicking and screaming into the first chapter.
Jeah...McKee is pretty cool all things considered. The only reason I don't go by that online is because people start to call me Micky and from that moment on I'm 'The Mouse' (no pun intended Rat). My alias (Sensai) derives from me being a 5th grader and not knowing how to spell 'sensei'. The other half of my pen name (which is probably used more often on the internet but not here for some reason) is 'Opti' which, again, is a typo from a game I once played. It was meant to be Optic, but I suppose the game only allowed 4 letters, thus dropping the 'c'.

Oh. And I need that cerebellum.

The rAt said:
In an extremely weak attempt to tie this extremely enjoyable tangent into something relatively Brawl-related, what's this about a character Sakurai doesn't like/want in Brawl?
I'm not sure that he doesn't like/want someone in Brawl, but I do remember reading somewhere that he was dissapointed with Roy in Melee. Hold on, lemme look for it a second...

I can't find anything in the five minutes I spent on Wikipedia. It does, however, point out that Roy first appeared in Melee and THEN in his franchise, supporting what everyone says about him being advertisement. I don't think it would be wrong to say that Sakurai doesn't enjoy this part of him, also.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
I definetely agree with you on the n00b respect thing. I've had The rAt here at SMF for something like four or five years, but haven't always had much to say, so I was at n00b status until last year. Often times I'd post something, and folks would treat me like it was my first time in the forum. Not that I was too torn up about it, but I think it's important to look at people's merit as individuals, rather their status in a given groups. After all, if Shigeru Miyamoto started posting in this forum, he'd have to start as a n00b just like the rest of us.

As far as names go, I think pseudonyms are both harder and easier than nicknames/monikers. I mean, a pseudonym is usually a real name, so you can just go shopping through a phone book, pick out bits you like, and play mix and match, while a nickname or moniker has to be clever. On the flip side, if like you pointed out, a nickname/moniker gets old or becomes obsolete, you can just move on to the next one. But if you're picking a pseudonym, you'd better pick a darn good one, because if you have any kind of success, folks are going to associate it with you for the rest of your life.

First off, you can keep your cerebellum, but only because I respect you. Secondly, I'm quite a bit older than 5th grade, and I would not have known how to properly spell 'sensei', so I hope you aren't holding yourself hostage over that one. Thirdly, once I have a chance to play through Twillight Princess (and am able to touch its topic with a twenty mile pole), I intend on digging that topic back up again. If it hasn't been erased by then.

And now, finally reaching around to topic-related material. I agree that if Sakurai said he wasn't pleased with Roy that would be a good hint that we won't be seeing him soon, I just think its a bit early to be taking him off the list, at least in any official capacity. After all, Nintendo can always excercise veto power.

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