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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
But it appears as though they have! Diddy's Rocketbarrel Boost will misfire occasionally, leaving him kinda screwed. (Although the barrels seem to have missile potential...).
Yea, that seems kind of unfair. Unless of course the Rocketbarrels project themselves off Diddy AFTER the full recovery. Maybe sending him flying a little farther than under normal circumcisions circumstances?

I dunno about his tail being a TR (TR! Like Theodore Roosevelt! I <3 him), but it's a possibility. I just don't see how one would execute that--unless Diddy grabbed with his tail; it is prehensile, dontchaknow. ;)
Well, the only way I could see that happening would be if Diddy's grab or fB was a tail attack, and then if that were the case it would have to hyperextend (like most other limbs during other characters' attacks [ie Mario's standard A combo]). But otherwise I just don't see it happening. And can you imagine if his tail remained extended while he dangled from the ledge!? {Youch!}

CUT = Character Update Thursday. Acronyms are fun. Sakurai loves CUT-ing! He's a CUT-er, definitely. Some people think it's a problem, but I don't really see it as unhealthy. :chuckle:
Wouldn't it be "CUTr"? or "CUTh"? If not, then what would the acronym for Character Update Tuesday be?
:p *I like to be a pest.

Does anyone else think that Fox looks like a total doofus now?:confused:
He had an actual fox-like face in Melee, and now this?
Poor Fox isn't bad-azz looking anymore...wah...
At first I thought he looked like a big cuddly teddy bear (Hey look! Another Theodore Roosevelt reference!). But now upon further speculation, he does look pretty badass. He's got all that gear, and he's keeping all his cool poses and stances and moves. And hey, it was either fuzzy Fox from SF:Command, or rabid Fox from SF:Assault.

He's the good guy. He can't look mean.

And working off of what Stryks said: It's kind of like when people accepted the Cel-Shaded version of Link. Sure you're going to be wary at first, you may even think it looks stupid and/or gay, but in the end it's going to be totally wicked awesome!

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
So, this may be a ******* move on my part, but I just wanted to stop in and congratulate myself on seeing past that whole "MetaKnight is unlockable" propaganda that's been floating around for the last several months.

Oh, and this is probably a bad time to ask if anyone missed me whilest I was on my KH1/KH2/Heroes hiatus, isn't it? :p

EDIT: On a different note (B sharp to be precise), good luck to all you folks who are going back to school this week/month/whatever.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
So, this may be a ******* move on my part, but I just wanted to stop in and congratulate myself on seeing past that whole "MetaKnight is unlockable" propaganda that's been floating around for the last several months.
"Seeing past" it? I must admit I don't know what that means in this case...

However, I'm completely certain now that my theory is correct.

Metaknight's was "delayed for some reason" ( unlockable ) and he's Kirby's rival ( possibly unlockable ).
There was a Nintendo conference today but there weren't any Brawl news. Regardless, maybe Sakurai still took it as a good time to start updating unlockables. After all, he has to start sometime. Think about it, it's still a long time till Brawl is out anywhere, and there can only be so many characters, much less characters you don't have to unlock. However many starters there may be, I'm pretty sure it won't be enough to fill the gap between now and the release of the game. And why would Sakurai just stop for a few weeks in between?

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
"Seeing past" it? I must admit I don't know what that means in this case...

However, I'm completely certain now that my theory is correct.

Metaknight's was "delayed for some reason" ( unlockable ) and he's Kirby's rival ( possibly unlockable ).
There was a Nintendo conference today but there weren't any Brawl news. Regardless, maybe Sakurai still took it as a good time to start updating unlockables. After all, he has to start sometime. Think about it, it's still a long time till Brawl is out anywhere, and there can only be so many characters, much less characters you don't have to unlock. However many starters there may be, I'm pretty sure it won't be enough to fill the gap between now and the release of the game. And why would Sakurai just stop for a few weeks in between?
What? Fawriel, you know I respect you but I don't get that at all. I mean, the whole arguement behind MetaKnight being an unlockable was based on the fact that we hadn't seen him show up in the character section. And now we have. With no direct acknowledgement of his unlockable status.
And who's to say Sakurai has to show us unlockable characters at all (let alone now, when we still don't have a full list of starters)? If there's one thing Sakurai has shown us since the Dojo site showed up, it's that he is perfectly capable of elaborating on the smallest detail, and the whole "character a week" theory, while reasonably accurrate so far, Sakurai has already demonstrated he isn't sticking to that formula, so who's to say he's going to start in with the unlockable characters once he runs out of starters? He could (and should, as far as I'm concerned) just give us other things. I mean, I'm fairly certain he could give us pokeball Pokemon and Assist Trophies for the next three months and still not cover everything that's going to be in the game. But if he was beginning with the secret characters, why wouldn't he just outright tell us? I mean it isn't like it's a secret that there are going to be secret characters, and he'll run the risk of pissing people off by not outright telling us who's unlockable (because for all of our theorizing, someone would pick up the game thinking they could start as MetaKnight, and be surprised at havin to unlock him for no good reason). If he wants to play coy, I'm pretty sure he'll play coy about the HOW not the WHO (not the band, of course). Doing it the other way around makes no sense.
I really think you're reading into Sakurai's statement about him being delayed. Why? Because he was delayed. Plain and simple. He was shown in the first trailer quite some time ago, and we just now get his character profile. Sakurai would either have to be an idiot or assume we're all idiots not to acknowledge that fact.

Like I said, I respect your oppinion, but I think you're WAY off on this one. But I guess we'll see.

EDIT: Smashbot226, in your sig are you advocating a Shy Guy for Brawl or are you trying to say that it's a bad idea. Not exactly clear from the wording.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
well there's a shocker. Maybe we will end up seeing the entire roster before the time the game is released. Or Maybe Metaknight isn't hidden after all.

But yeah Sakurai why the long delay?
Maybe he thought it was time to stop mucking around.

But I never saw this one coming.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Well, yeah, I see what you mean.
First off, I didn't actually read much into the fact that he acknowledged the delay for some reason, I just took it as an indicator that my older theory was correct.

I guess I'd just find it really awkward to start revealing characters, then stop for a bunch of weeks after everyone got used to it. Wouldn't you have chosen the date of the first update to allow you to consistently update approximately a character per week until the game is out? I would have...

I think that following unlockable newcomers might only be shown as a silhouette at first to give the user the choice whether to check it out or not. Metaknight didn't get that treatment because, as you said, we all know him.

But now I really don't feel so sure about the whole theory anymore. I guess he could just take a break from character updates or concentrate on updating missing movesets or so.

...I'm still convinced that he's unlockable, though. :p

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Tell ya what, Fawriel, come December, if you're right about MetaKnight being unlockable, I'll give you a dollar.
On a side note, I really do hope he keeps the secret characters secret until the game comes out. I like having those surprises to look forward to. I was one of those kids who thought Christmas sucked if I knew what presents I was getting.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Here's my take on the "delayed for some reason" statement:

A) Sakurai had told someone to update Meta a while back, that person never got around to it, no one realized until now, and Sakurai is using that statement as a tongue-in-cheek remark to make that person feel bad (because he kinda deserves it).

B) There was an intended reason why Meta was so late to be revealed. Like... oh, say... he's our first hidden character? Or maybe he reveals something somehow that Sakurai didn't want people to know about yet?


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
I think he may be about to introduce the *other side* of the SE I dunno you can never quite guess sakurai anymore

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
But if he was beginning with the secret characters, why wouldn't he just outright tell us? I mean it isn't like it's a secret that there are going to be secret characters, and he'll run the risk of pissing people off by not outright telling us who's unlockable (because for all of our theorizing, someone would pick up the game thinking they could start as MetaKnight, and be surprised at havin to unlock him for no good reason).
Perhaps Sakurai could be revealing some of the newcomers(unlockables) because he wanted to show something new fresh and exciting rather than just reveal the older veterans new look. He has no reason to tell us wether or not someone is unlockable or not; When I started looking at the Smash Dojo I knew what I was getting myself into,
certain spoilers
and others should of prepared themselves for certain things being revealed. If they want to look at the Smash Dojo.

Tell ya what, Fawriel, come December, if you're right about MetaKnight being unlockable, I'll give you a dollar.
On a side note, I really do hope he keeps the secret characters secret until the game comes out. I like having those surprises to look forward to. I was one of those kids who thought Christmas sucked if I knew what presents I was getting.
Perhaps you should just refrain from looking at the smash dojo so certain surprises wouldn't be ruined for you. Your making the choice to go to the Dojo and spoil yourself.

I rather like knowing some of the things I'm getting for Christmas;)

Here's my take on the "delayed for some reason" statement:

A) Sakurai had told someone to update Meta a while back, that person never got around to it, no one realized until now, and Sakurai is using that statement as a tongue-in-cheek remark to make that person feel bad (because he kinda deserves it).

B) There was an intended reason why Meta was so late to be revealed. Like... oh, say... he's our first hidden character? Or maybe he reveals something somehow that Sakurai didn't want people to know about yet?
:/ the never ending question; well Metaknight be unlockable or will he not be unlockable.



Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2007
Alberta, Canada
I guess it explains why there was Meta in a bunch of screenshots cause Sakauri San thought he was already updated but you think he'd notice sooner.

My post later I just found an answer to it for those of you who care. I don't think he forgot Snake either because there'd be some shots with him in em'.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Well, yeah, I see what you mean.
First off, I didn't actually read much into the fact that he acknowledged the delay for some reason, I just took it as an indicator that my older theory was correct.

I guess I'd just find it really awkward to start revealing characters, then stop for a bunch of weeks after everyone got used to it. Wouldn't you have chosen the date of the first update to allow you to consistently update approximately a character per week until the game is out? I would have...

I think that following unlockable newcomers might only be shown as a silhouette at first to give the user the choice whether to check it out or not. Metaknight didn't get that treatment because, as you said, we all know him.

But now I really don't feel so sure about the whole theory anymore. I guess he could just take a break from character updates or concentrate on updating missing movesets or so.

...I'm still convinced that he's unlockable, though. :p
I tend to view everything that Sakurai says to have a deeper meaning in the grand scheme of Brawl. ;) I agree about the updates, though. The date was probably chosen to include roughly one character per week until the estimated time of release. I also like your idea of the silhouetted unlockables; maybe their names could be listed as "???" or "UNLOCKABLE CHARACTER #" for those who do not want to see.

I still kind of think he's unlockable, too lol

Tell ya what, Fawriel, come December, if you're right about MetaKnight being unlockable, I'll give you a dollar.
On a side note, I really do hope he keeps the secret characters secret until the game comes out. I like having those surprises to look forward to. I was one of those kids who thought Christmas sucked if I knew what presents I was getting.
I missed you, rAt! How was your KH binge? :chuckle: (I love KH, so I understand; I just never got around to finishing KHII!). I think he will keep as many secrets as possible, although some characters are likely to be revealed on or around the time of release. We're all expecting Luigi to be secret--despite returning--so it's only natural for Sakurai to let him through earlier than others.

Here's my take on the "delayed for some reason" statement:

A) Sakurai had told someone to update Meta a while back, that person never got around to it, no one realized until now, and Sakurai is using that statement as a tongue-in-cheek remark to make that person feel bad (because he kinda deserves it).

B) There was an intended reason why Meta was so late to be revealed. Like... oh, say... he's our first hidden character? Or maybe he reveals something somehow that Sakurai didn't want people to know about yet?
Hahah, I actually rather like BOTH theories! The first one sounds like something that I would do--jokingly, of course. But the second one is just so tempting, especially given MK's "alleged" involvement with the Ancient Minister and the Primid....


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
Hey I kow this is thinking too much but does anyone think this pic combined with pit's descent may solidify Meta's role in the SE???? Just a thought or Sakurai may be trying to hint Pit's 1st fight...Just a thought no flaming



Smash Apprentice
Apr 24, 2007
Round Rock/Puerto Rico
so when it will decides for ganondorf and to shiek when it will be .............
I want then to be in brawl but that is up to the next update that give to this forom and I hope that all the characters be confirme !!


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
Shiek has got to be confirmed in light of the fact that Zelda is confirmed. Ganondorf''s chances however are not good.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Shiek has got to be confirmed in light of the fact that Zelda is confirmed. Ganondorf''s chances however are not good.
Two questions:

A: Zelda in Brawl is in her Twilight Princess attire, and that game doesn't have Sheik in it. So why do you think that Zelda's confirmation alone is enough to confirm Sheik?

B: Why do you think Ganondorf's chances are not good?


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
Two questions:

A: Zelda in Brawl is in her Twilight Princess attire, and that game doesn't have Sheik in it. So why do you think that Zelda's confirmation alone is enough to confirm Sheik?

B: Why do you think Ganondorf's chances are not good?

A: Zelda simply being in her twilight atire doesnt mean that shiek ( the most popular new character in Melee) whould be out. Unless that is what Zero suit samus is about.

B: Ganondorf was a basicly a heavy Captian Falcon. His move set was very generic. Stands to beleive he will be replaced with a F-zero character like black shadow or something, or just out all together. He wasnt unique. Not to mention he didnt even use his blasted sword WTH was that about!


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
A: Zelda simply being in her twilight atire doesnt mean that shiek ( the most popular new character in Melee) whould be out. Unless that is what Zero suit samus is about.

B: Ganondorf was a basicly a heavy Captian Falcon. His move set was very generic. Stands to beleive he will be replaced with a F-zero character like black shadow or something, or just out all together. He wasnt unique. Not to mention he didnt even use his blasted sword WTH was that about!
A: If you believe that it's simply Zelda in a different outfit, you know nothing about the series, or at least aren't expressing yourself clearly at all. It's a different Zelda from a different game. A game that had no Sheik. If you're going to say that Zelda is just Zelda, then Zelda might just as well turn into Tetra.

B: If you believe that's the case, then you know nothing about Melee. Ganondorf has that moveset because they ran out of time. He will be back. And guess what. He'll have a new moveset.

The B argument, at the very least, ends here.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
you do realize they can and almost certainly will change Ganondorf's moveset? He was only similar to Captain Falcon because they didn't have enough time to give him a completely unique moveset, it was never their intention to have him as a clone originally.

Edit: This post was directed to the one before Fawriel's


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
A: If you believe that it's simply Zelda in a different outfit, you know nothing about the series, or at least aren't expressing yourself clearly at all. It's a different Zelda from a different game. A game that had no Sheik. If you're going to say that Zelda is just Zelda, then Zelda might just as well turn into Tetra.

B: If you believe that's the case, then you know nothing about Melee. Ganondorf has that moveset because they ran out of time. He will be back. And guess what. He'll have a new moveset.

The B argument, at the very least, ends here.
I couldn't have said that better! :grin:


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
IF they remove Shiek that whould be the dumbest move for SSB ever. As far as movesets go, well look at SSB's Track record. They have never changed the basic move set of any character ever. for example Link. He still does his basic moves, His weapons are just changed and he has a final smash and they add a few more moves to the set. As far as time is concerned. Ganondorf IF he returns, will be a copy of some one a garantee you. There is no way they will have 40+ Unique move sets. Time is runing out folks, They have only a few months left before they have to close up shop and start mas producing the game. You are all delusional if you think that they arnt going to rush some characters. Zelda was perfectly fine the way she was in melee i dont think they are going to take the time to revamp her move set just to fit in with a new game. They have too many newcomers to worry about it. Not to mention the new Story line game mode. Finally, You guys have way higher hopes than what is realistic. Not to mention you take the opinion of one person way to personaly. I didnt ever say I knew it would or wouldnt happen. I will be suprised If it happens. But playing this game religously since its debut on the 64, I doubt it. They allways have two characters that have similar move sets. Liike Alter-egos.

P.S . we shouldnt be squabbling about the characters. We should be Pushing for the Online play. That is KEY here. No online play then we are doomed to cruse forums and travel like dorks to each others houses to play tournys. And that is a far worse fate then a charcter gone. don't think for a second it is a confirmed thing. Nintendo is notorious for shafting us with the online play. Example Mario kart DD and F-zero GX.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Trust me, Ganondorf's chances of returning are far greater than Shiek's, so if that constitutes a change of moveset, it'll happen. You're looking at smash the wrong way, it's a fanservice game, they aren't going to take out one of Nintendo's most popular villains just because of something as trivial as having to change his moveset.

And honestly, if it became a choice between having Ganondorf in the game and online, I'd take Ganondorf without a seconds thought. I'm far more concerned about what characterse are in this game rather than if it's online or not.


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
Trust me, Ganondorf's chances of returning are far greater than Shiek's, so if that constitutes a change of moveset, it'll happen. You're looking at smash the wrong way, it's a fanservice game, they aren't going to take out one of Nintendo's most popular villains just because of something as trivial as having to change his moveset.

And honestly, if it became a choice between having Ganondorf in the game and online, I'd take Ganondorf without a seconds thought. I'm far more concerned about what characterse are in this game rather than if it's online or not.
Shiek Pwn'd you really hard didn't she? and if you think twilight princess is the reason for all this why did they have a 64 version of zelda when they were working on Celda at the time. Hmmmm interesting. AND YOU ARE INSAINE! SCREW CHARACTGERS. Now you are geting rediculous here. I want the ablity to track you down a destroy you with what ever character. Way more than one character out of 40+ others. Dear lord man look at the biger picture here. People who like one player games obviously like to play with them selves. I'll never understand those types of peeps. Sheeesssh <.< lol


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
we shouldnt be squabbling about the characters. We should be Pushing for the Online play. That is KEY here. No online play then we are doomed to cruse forums and travel like dorks to each others houses to play tournys. And that is a far worse fate then a charcter gone. don't think for a second it is a confirmed thing. Nintendo is notorious for shafting us with the online play. Example Mario kart DD and F-zero GX.
Until now, I've always played Smash Bros. by myself, so I wouldn't be too upset if Brawl has no online play. It wouldn't do much for me, it would just be a nice addition. I don't care about tourneys either, I must admit.

By the way, I didn't say you have to be wrong. You could always be right about your points. I just don't believe it. As somebody else already pointed out, Zelda from TP is a different person from Zelda in OoT, she has never turned into Sheik. But again, this is just my opinion talking. Maybe Sheik does appear and you are right. But there's also a slight chance that she will be a character by herself.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
IF they remove Shiek that whould be the dumbest move for SSB ever.

Why would that be the dumbest move ever? Just because she's high on the tier list does not warrant her stay. She's been in 1 count it 1 game.

As far as movesets go, well look at SSB's Track record. They have never changed the basic move set of any character ever.

Please stop with bs assumtions do you really think that; out of every single character in Brawl that has returned from melee not a single move will be changed? Your pretty dense if you think that way.

for example Link. He still does his basic moves, His weapons are just changed and he has a final smash and they add a few more moves to the set.

Ok, w/e

As far as time is concerned.
Time is runing out folks, They have only a few months left before they have to close up shop and start mas producing the game. You are all delusional if you think that they arnt going to rush some characters.

Please shut up with your nonsense. Brawl has had a much bigger time frame than melee for production. Considering this could be Sakurai's last SSB game and the fact that this most likely is going to be the Wii's best seller; they will not rush a game of this caliber; it would be foolish and illogical to due so.

Zelda was perfectly fine the way she was in melee i dont think they are going to take the time to revamp her move set just to fit in with a new game.

Perfectly fine as; the only reason why people used her is for a Sheik transformation. If Zelda does still happen to have her Shiek transformation it may end up that you have to switch between the 2 like the PT has to switch though his pokemon.

They have too many newcomers to worry about it. Not to mention the new Story line game mode. Finally, You guys have way higher hopes than what is realistic.

It seems like your the one deluded. I mean you think that Ganondorf doesn't have a good chance of coming back because his moveset was "cloned". Tell me who is a more important villian in the Legend of Zelda series? Ganon will be back with a new moveset; It'd be stupid if he didn't. I mean if you could tell me the exact number of newcomers in the game I might understand your point of view better.

Not to mention you take the opinion of one person way to personaly. I didnt ever say I knew it would or wouldnt happen. I will be suprised If it happens. But playing this game religously since its debut on the 64, I doubt it. They allways have two characters that have similar move sets. Liike Alter-egos.

It's just what your saying is just dumb.

P.S . we shouldnt be squabbling about the characters. We should be Pushing for the Online play. That is KEY here. No online play then we are doomed to cruse forums and travel like dorks to each others houses to play tournys. And that is a far worse fate then a charcter gone. don't think for a second it is a confirmed thing. Nintendo is notorious for shafting us with the online play. Example Mario kart DD and F-zero GX.
Do you really think the advent of "Online play" will deminsh people going to tournies? I don't know about you but have you ever heard of thing thing called "lag" yeah thats going to make sure that tournies are stil going to as popular as they are today; because losing a match because your isp lagged is lame as hell.

*Comments in Bold



Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Shiek Pwn'd you really hard didn't she? and if you think twilight princess is the reason for all this why did they have a 64 version of zelda when they were working on Celda at the time. Hmmmm interesting. AND YOU ARE INSAINE! SCREW CHARACTGERS. Now you are geting rediculous here. I want the ablity to track you down a destroy you with what ever character. Way more than one character out of 40+ others. Dear lord man look at the biger picture here. People who like one player games obviously like to play with them selves. I just dont understand those types of peeps. <.< lol

You are a hypocrit because you're taking a calm and civil post personally enough to threaten and insult the poster, and it's a fact to say that Ganondorf's chances are greater than Sheik's. kbai

PS: Oh yeah. Tons of moves were changed from SSB64 to Melee.
And before you ask me whether Sheik owned me hard, don't try it. I was never owned hard by anyone since nobody I know is better at the game than me.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
No, I don't play in tournaments, and none of my friends use Shiek. But it doesn't take a genius to realize that one of Nintendo's most popular villains and one of the 3 most important characters in the Zelda franchise, one of their best selling franchises no less, is far more likely to appear in a game that's practically made for the fans than a one time alias of a character that appeared in a now outdated game. Note that I never said that Shiek wasn't returning either, just that Ganondorf is more likely due his significance in the Zelda franchise as opposed to Shieks lack of it.

And Smash will still be a multiplayer game regardless if it's online or not. And I never said that I don't want online anyway, but if it comes at the cost of character additions, I'd rather do without it.

and if you think twilight princess is the reason for all this why did they have a 64 version of zelda when they were working on Celda at the time
'WindWaker', wasn't released yet. Why would they use character designs from a game that has yet to be released as opposed to big Zelda game at the time which was OoT? <.<

And seriously, using the 'LOL ZOMG I CUD OWN U WIT ANY CHRCTER NUB< I WIN LOL 111!' tactic makes you look stupid. I don't care if you could and i don't doubt that you would, but it doesn't validate your argument at all.


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
Originally Posted by johnjoelw
IF they remove Shiek that whould be the dumbest move for SSB ever.

Why would that be the dumbest move ever? Just because she's high on the tier list does not warrant her stay. She's been in 1 count it 1 game.

As far as movesets go, well look at SSB's Track record. They have never changed the basic move set of any character ever.

Please stop with bs assumtions do you really think that; out of every single character in Brawl that has returned from melee not a single move will be changed? Your pretty dense if you think that way.

-I said BASIC MOVESET... i dont need to go on do i?

for example Link. He still does his basic moves, His weapons are just changed and he has a final smash and they add a few more moves to the set.

Ok, w/e

-Yeah exactly..

As far as time is concerned.
Time is runing out folks, They have only a few months left before they have to close up shop and start mas producing the game. You are all delusional if you think that they arnt going to rush some characters.

Please shut up with your nonsense. Brawl has had a much bigger time frame than melee for production. Considering this could be Sakurai's last SSB game and the fact that this most likely is going to be the Wii's best seller; they will not rush a game of this caliber; it would be foolish and illogical to due so.

-lol plenty of time they have moved back the release date...I wonder why?

Zelda was perfectly fine the way she was in melee i dont think they are going to take the time to revamp her move set just to fit in with a new game.

Perfectly fine as; the only reason why people used her is for a Sheik transformation. If Zelda does still happen to have her Shiek transformation it may end up that you have to switch between the 2 like the PT has to switch though his pokemon.

-My opinion there is based on what has happned in the past.

They have too many newcomers to worry about it. Not to mention the new Story line game mode. Finally, You guys have way higher hopes than what is realistic.

It seems like your the one deluded. I mean you think that Ganondorf doesn't have a good chance of coming back because his moveset was "cloned". Tell me who is a more important villian in the Legend of Zelda series? Ganon will be back with a new moveset; It'd be stupid if he didn't. I mean if you could tell me the exact number of newcomers in the game I might understand your point of view better.

-Ganon isn't important. No character save the orginals are "important." If that was true why did they ditch ice climbers or game & watch. hmm?

Not to mention you take the opinion of one person way to personaly. I didnt ever say I knew it would or wouldnt happen. I will be suprised If it happens. But playing this game religously since its debut on the 64, I doubt it. They allways have two characters that have similar move sets. Liike Alter-egos.

It's just what your saying is just dumb.

-Or your to dumb to understand what I was saying.


*Comments in Bold


OK w/e man. Taking my statments Way to sirously. Of course you whouldnt play in tournaments. Because you have to much fun in here making empty threats. Instead of playing others and geting better at the game. So by your own admission you whould get trashed in this game online. which does bring to light your lack of interest in the online play.


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
'WindWaker', wasn't released yet. Why would they use character designs from a game that has yet to be released as opposed to big Zelda game at the time which was OoT? <.<

It was Majoras Mask. acually. Check your facts.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Big =/= most recent. Orcarina of Time was recieved much better than Majora's Mask and was considered to be the Zelda Game of the 64 era.

And if you are going by most recent, then the Oracle games were the most recent Zelda games before melee. If you are going to be a smartass, at least get your facts straight.

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
-Ganon isn't important. No character save the orginals are "important." If that was true why did they ditch ice climbers or game & watch. hmm?
Not all of the originals are as important as you think. You know the character Ness? he would of been replaced in Melee if Mother hadn't been scrapped. A characters importance is based on their influence that have in their respective games; Tell me right now that Ganon isn't important to the Zelda series.

Who said they got rid of the Ice Climbers or Mr. Game & Watch? Listening to your dog about SSBB information isn't really vaild.

Oh well it seems like I'm talking to a brick wall.

As far as time is concerned.
Time is runing out folks, They have only a few months left before they have to close up shop and start mas producing the game. You are all delusional if you think that they arnt going to rush some characters.
Please shut up with your nonsense. Brawl has had a much bigger time frame than melee for production. Considering this could be Sakurai's last SSB game and the fact that this most likely is going to be the Wii's best seller; they will not rush a game of this caliber; it would be foolish and illogical to due so.
-lol plenty of time they have moved back the release date...I wonder why?
Are you sure you read what I typed correctly? That statement that you said just confirmed what I just said. Even now that SSBB has a confirmed release date you can bet the game will be pushed back again if Sakurai feels it's not ready.



Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
Not all of the originals are as important as you think. You know the character Ness? he would of been replaced in Melee if Mother hadn't been scrapped. A characters importance is based on their influence that have in their respective games; Tell me right now that Ganon isn't important to the Zelda series.

Who said they got rid of the Ice Climbers or Mr. Game & Watch? Listening to your dog about SSBB information isn't really vaild.

Oh well it seems like I'm talking to a brick wall.

Are you sure you read what I typed correctly? That statement that you said just confirmed what I just said. Even now that SSBB has a confirmed release date you can bet the game will be pushed back again if Sakurai feels it's not ready.


I read that some were IGN i think. There was an article about scrapping characters and G &W and Ice climbers were mentioned. Personaly, I am against scraping characters period. the more the marry'er. But what 'ev.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I read that some were IGN i think. There was an article about scrapping characters and G &W and Ice climbers were mentioned. Personaly, I am against scraping characters period. the more the marry'er. But what 'ev.
That was proven false.

Eons ago.

Several times.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond

Hey, does anyone else think that we'll be getting another character this week? And do you think that Sakurai will continue his best new idea by giving us two posts on one certain day? And do you think we'll have to suffer through a Meta Knight moveset since we already know what it is already?

P.S.- First day of college was today. GUESS WHAT I LEARNED! I learned that "Meta" can be related to "Metaphysics", which is crudely defined as the "study of the nature of reality". For the longest time I thought the "Meta" in Meta Knight was a shortened form of the word "metaL", but now I realize that there is a way more intelligent reason for his name. Also, it gives an explanation to his Dimensional Cape.

Huzzah for higher learning! :D


Smash Ace
Sep 5, 2007
Probably brawling
off topic: im nwe

on topic: while i plan to main metaknight, his ultra spam seems to find it's true use in team battle. using hist fast combos he can either skyrocket the opponents damage or hold them there for a falcon/warlock/other insanely powerful move. if Brawl's TBA online supports team battle metaknight would be beyond god tier
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