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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
What? and you'd take Snake over Sonic sheesh! *waves hand and sighs* What has he done for the HISTORY of gaming...If they showed Megaman in the first trailor, would we be debating Sonic and Snake for Brawl? Highly HIGHLY doubt it...-noticeimavoidingtheanswer-Sonic is an obvious choice to join Smash considering he was once almost like Mario's brother from another mother and Megaman has been around for a while, probably deserves the credit he's getting, but isn't promoting an ancient third party just like what Smash is doing with Nintendo? If anything they should give Baloon Fighter, Little Mac, Pacman and other oldies front and center rolls in this game...Those are just bad examples but Where the **** did IC's come from? I bet not too many of us knew about them. G&W, great GREAT addition, really got everyone's attention and PIT!!! He very well could've been in Marios position today had they not followed the plumbers path and instead went with the guardian angel. Look how many games have been based on that over the years! A hero with a sword and/or bow fighting demons and dragons and dark forces...SERIOUSLY!! He started all of that shinanagans and we're all "OOOO! look at him!" Imagine how many characters they've lost over the years to HIGHER sellers or HIGHER sought after franchises! Next we'll see a New Comer Battle Toad and everyone will think he's the best character and he'll have an instant mass maining! The classics are classics for a reason! And besides that...If their in "competition" with eachother, (the companies that are 3rd Party) then why not promote and return a great fallen but not yet forgotten bringing something that made them looked at back in the scene, or they could just promote something already big for more marketting (possibly unnecissary but still usefull). Nintendo is respected by all and it's their choice to reawaken what truely were the roots of themselves. They have to go out of their way but I'll garantee that if Bub and Bob were the next Update, we would have an earthwide earthquake from dropping jaws.
Yeah whatever, I'm old school and Smash is bringing old school back on the table. In the distant future, Smash will be the UNIVERSAL gaming stand-off. That's the potential this series has. It's bigger than I think the owners think it is.

Boy did I trail off there!

Snake FTW! lol


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
No smash will not be the universal gaming stand off it will be a Nintendo stand off with ONLY the most deserving franchises...

Nintendo will ask Capcom "So your one of the oldest and greatest gaming companies out there who do you want in brawl?" (Same with Sega).

They wont go "So Tatio you are not anything special who do you want in brawl?" Seriously this is for gaming LEGENDS and it was because the creator of Snake and Sakurai are good friends thats why he got in Brawl (He was even begging Sakurai to put him in Melee!).


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-"dead" for a while after Fe
What if the T dudes did the same? And who says they asked the 3rd Party companies and not vice-versa? And since when was Snake a LEGEND? You think since it happened once and (so far) has had a great response that it won't happen again? Smash is growing...with the first being such an inovative game in terms of a fighting, edge based platform with stars against one another, then the G&W returning from before I was born, to the IC's duo, to changing chars mid-battle, to 3 chars in one PT, to 3rd Party that just happened to be on a Nintendo once upon a time, to configuring controls, possibly online, a bran new single player mode that really, they never even needed and now has added a whole new world (no pun intended) to a new game idea that began on a Nintendo system that's now been outdated by 2. **** I HAVE TO STOP RANTING, the territory is growing as smash does...And Bubble Bobble games are classic...LEGEND more so than many.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
They are classic but no where near Legend i cant believe im saying this but Bomber man has more of a chance.

Yes Smash is growing BUT if they do consider adding 3rd parties again next time (If there is even another smash...) then they might add Simon belmont... and thats all.

They do NOT want to be representing retro third parties or innovative third parties or new third parties or any other third parties other than legendary.

Now then Konami Capocm and SEGA are the only legendary third parties that come to mind... and like i said Sakurai and the creator of Snake are friends... and Konami was a perfect candidate.

(Its Sakurai that contacts the third parties and then the third parties negotiate and such who they want with Sakurai)

But seriously they are NOT deserving of a place in brawl.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Snake FTW!!!!!!!! I will definetly try to main Snake, and at this point I'm curious to know what his moveset will be like *close quarter combat* as well as him Final Smash *grenade rain* *bashing head against the screen because sakurai fails to give update on snake*


Smash Champion
May 30, 2007
He's gonna do the card board box and snap the nearest character's neck resulting in an automatic kill


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Okay, so Petey's just a boss, not a playable character.

Still, I've been thinking about the Subspace Emissary... I believe that you will have to play with those characters that are available through the story itself.

First, Mario and Kirby are in the arena. Then the Primids arrive and Zelda and Peach come to help.

My guess is that you fight the first fight against the Primids with either just Mario, or you can choose between Mario and Kirby, or you can choose between Mario, Kirby AND either of the two princesses.

After the battle, the Ancient Minister arrives and brings the bomb. Mario's being blasted away and Petey kidnaps the princesses (which are NOT turned into stone as somebody else believed).

Depending on which princess you'll save, I believe that princess will be the character that will help Kirby in future battles, while the other one will have to wait until later.

By the way, I would save Zelda! :grin:


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I'm pretty sure every single person that has played Melee will save Zelda on the off chance that she'll transform into Sheik.


And this update was pretty lame. For a Monday update or something, cool, but not for a Friday.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
The beauty of forum dialogue is that it is all cyclical. I mean, I've seriously lost count of how many times the whole Shiek issue has come up (and for the record, gender swapping is the most ridiculously contrived and unnecessary explanation I've ever heard in my life), and the 3rd party character debates certainly are going to continue until the game comes out. Me thinks we'll even get back to the 'Why IC's and G&W supposedly shouldn't be in Brawl' and 'Why Lucas will replace Ness' debates soon.
The upshot is I can go away for a day or two and not have to worry about missing anything that hasn't already been discussed. To death. :p

I'll go with the majority (which is something I detest) and say that Link is indeed the character engulfed in flames.
Aww, don't do that. Your ability to recognize (and not conform to) the sheep-like nature of the average person is one of the many colorful things you bring to this forum. Another is purple.

Sensai (from waaaaaaaaaay back. So, what? Yesterday?), don't worry, I won't get sucked into Super Metroid. Yet. I've been working on Kingdom Hearts for the last couple of days and now I'm going to play Kingdom Hearts 2 (although, that may not last long; I polished it off in three days when it first came out, and that was with classes to worry about). Then my life becomes devoted to the exploits of Samus (at which point, I'll probably have to lock up Metroid Prime, just to keep me from starting yet another game).

And now you know more than you ever wanted to know about my week. :cool:

On a much more SMASH-RELATED note. I was reading through tonight's Petey update, and I was struck with a horrific thought. You see, up until now, the Smash series has been a pure fighting game, thus it has always made sense to have a large starting roster and several secret characters/stages to unlock. However, with the addition of a strong, story-based single player mode, what if the character unlocking is something more like an RPG? That is, what if you start out with Mario and Kirby, and the rest are unlocked through progression of the story?
Granted it IS late, but what inspired that thought was the Zelda/Peach being held captive by Petey and Sakurai's comment regarding what happens to the one you DON'T free. Sounds like the sort of ultimatum I would expect when choosing which one to unlock.
On a side note, it reminds me of that **** Nightcrawler/JeanGrey decision in Ultimate Alliance. I mean, it should be the simplest choice ever, right? Save the coolest of all X-Men and put that over-dramatic red-head in her grave, right? But you know the Pheonix isn't gonna stay dead, and you know she's gonna come back pissed at whoever put her in the ground. So you have to sacrifice one of the best characters ever for Mrs. "I'm-so-powerful-I-can-come-back-from-the-dead but-I-can't-keep-people-from killing-me." Wow. Tangent.
Anyhow, I need someone to calm me down and tell me that we won't have to unlock all the characters one by one as we progress through the one player. Also, I need someone to tell me what my bologna's first name is. It's just one of those days.

EDIT: For the record, I for one, am saving Peach. Though, I strongly suspect Toad will just pop out and tell me that the Princess is in another cage...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2007
O S C A R and lol ''Sorry but your princess is in another cage''.
btw what would happen if you could accidently break both at the same time?(improbable though since Petey will prolly keep them enough distance apart from each other so that you can)


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2007
Alberta, Canada

EDIT: For the record, I for one, am saving Peach. Though, I strongly suspect Toad will just pop out and tell me that the Princess is in another cage...
lolz. But thats a good theory, amazing in fact. I'm saving Peach to but i think they brainwash the other one and you'll have to fight her sometime later in the story.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Gahhh no Petey on the playable roster! Hooray! Today's update has set my heart at rest (Shakespeare whatwhat).

Anyhow, I need someone to calm me down and tell me that we won't have to unlock all the characters one by one as we progress through the one player. Also, I need someone to tell me what my bologna's first name is. It's just one of those days.

EDIT: For the record, I for one, am saving Peach. Though, I strongly suspect Toad will just pop out and tell me that the Princess is in another cage...
I can't do that; sorry, rAt! :( It's too early to tell, but I have a strong feeling that you will have to start as Mario or Kirby, probably Mario. I might even go so far as to suggest that you will have to play through parts of single-player as each character, just so all players try out every character.

I'm definitely saving Peach first. I would lawl, though, if Toad popped out like that. AND THEN ZOMG HE JOINS YOUR PARTY!!!1!!11one!!!

No, seriously--I want him to join my party. :grin:


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Thank God. This has been, in my opinion, the best week ever on the Dojo. First we get Link's moves (which I've been wanting), then more about 1-P mode. The Diddy Kong--FTW! Then Yoshi's FS and the Smashville music, which rocks, and finally, we round it off with assurance that Petey is not playable. This week is FTW!

I'm still arguing about Sheik. Sheik is just the disguise Zelda wore to hide from Ganondorf for those seven years. She is not a different person. She is Zelda in disguise, and that's all. From Sheik's Smash trophy: "Strategically switching between Zelda and Sheik is key. Compared to her Zelda form, Sheik is nimble and has gorgeous moves, but she lacks a strong knockout attack..."

Sheik is a woman!

I'm saving Zelda. I don't care if Peach gets eaten by Petey Piranha. (Sorry, Aeris!) I, also, would laugh my @$$ off, though, if, the second time I played it, I saved Peach and Toad popped out and said that.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Say, is anyone also wondering if Kirby will be able to swallow a common enemy (like a Hammer Bro or a Primid) and copy its abilities? I wonder if Kirby will be able to use a few more of his classic powers that way...

Swallow a Fire Keese: Fire Kirby

Swallow a Magnemite: Electric Kirby

Swallow a Geemer: Needle Kirby


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Say, is anyone also wondering if Kirby will be able to swallow a common enemy (like a Hammer Bro or a Primid) and copy its abilities? I wonder if Kirby will be able to use a few more of his classic powers that way...

Swallow a Fire Keese: Fire Kirby

Swallow a Magnemite: Electric Kirby

Swallow a Geemer: Needle Kirby
That would be sweet! Like, swallow a Hammer Bro, use the hammer (if that gets changed). Good question.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2007
Between the grahm and the 'mallow.
Say, is anyone also wondering if Kirby will be able to swallow a common enemy (like a Hammer Bro or a Primid) and copy its abilities? I wonder if Kirby will be able to use a few more of his classic powers that way...

Swallow a Fire Keese: Fire Kirby

Swallow a Magnemite: Electric Kirby

Swallow a Geemer: Needle Kirby

Might not be a bad idea, if they have enough generic enemies showing up to make it worthwhile.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
I'm still arguing about Sheik. Sheik is just the disguise Zelda wore to hide from Ganondorf for those seven years. She is not a different person. She is Zelda in disguise, and that's all. From Sheik's Smash trophy: "Strategically switching between Zelda and Sheik is key. Compared to her Zelda form, Sheik is nimble and has gorgeous moves, but she lacks a strong knockout attack..."

Sheik is a woman!
Correction; you are not arguing about Sheik, you are being right about Sheik. Saying the word "arguing" implies that there is more than a purely circumstantial counter-arguement.

EDIT: Aeris, as soon as I posted that bit about Toad, I knew you were going to go there. Hope springs eternal, right?


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
eh? people didn't already know that Sheik is a woman?
Eh, there was a debate a few pages back...dunno what started it...

Correction; you are not arguing about Sheik, you are being right about Sheik. Saying the word "arguing" implies that there is more than a purely circumstantial counter-arguement.

EDIT: Aeris, as soon as I posted that bit about Toad, I knew you were going to go there. Hope springs eternal, right?
You agree, though, right? Sheik's a woman?

I mean...hey, shut up! No one asked your opinion, rAt!

No, I don't mean that...I do wanna stay on rAt's Doominators...nevermind...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Eh, there was a debate a few pages back...dunno what started it...

You agree, though, right? Sheik's a woman?

I mean...hey, shut up! No one asked your opinion, rAt!

No, I don't mean that...I do wanna stay on rAt's Doominators...nevermind...
Say, what are the requirements to join rAt's Doominators? Could they use the half-phenomenal, nearly-cosmic powers of a powerful psychic like Mewt... um, I mean, like me?

About the Hammer Bro, I didn't give his example, as we know that Kirby will get his hammer back.

Other nice Kirby ideas:

Swallowing a Koopa might give Kirby the same ability as if he swallows Squirtle: Turbo Spin!

If he swallows a Pidgey, he gets the ability 'Wing'.

And if he swallows any enemy with a sword (Stalfos, Blade Knight,a generic Fire Emblem footsoldier), he'll be able to fence with Link, Ike and Meta Knight! :grin:


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2007
in ur Wii, savin' hyrule from t3h twilight... By t
Say, what are the requirements to join rAt's Doominators? Could they use the half-phenomenal, nearly-cosmic powers of a powerful psychic like Mewt... um, I mean, like me?

About the Hammer Bro, I didn't give his example, as we know that Kirby will get his hammer back.

Other nice Kirby ideas:

Swallowing a Koopa might give Kirby the same ability as if he swallows Squirtle: Turbo Spin!

If he swallows a Pidgey, he gets the ability 'Wing'.

And if he swallows any enemy with a sword (Stalfos, Blade Knight,a generic Fire Emblem footsoldier), he'll be able to fence with Link, Ike and Meta Knight! :grin:
Nice ideas! Don't forget Pit though! He can fence with Link, Ike, Meta Knight, and Pit.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Correction; you are not arguing about Sheik, you are being right about Sheik. Saying the word "arguing" implies that there is more than a purely circumstantial counter-arguement.

EDIT: Aeris, as soon as I posted that bit about Toad, I knew you were going to go there. Hope springs eternal, right?
But of course! I'll be hoping for Toad until SSBXII--if he doesn't get in before that, anyway. :chuckle:
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