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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I'm pretty sure if Toad isn't in THIS Smash, then he'll certainly be in the next one...if there is a next one (and knowing Nintendo, there will be).

And dammit, I'm going to find that Sheik's a guy line in OoT, even if I have to play through the entire game again.

And rAt...what would be so bad about that? If you end up unlocking everyone in the end, then where's the problem?

And Nightcrawler for the win. That ***** Phoenix can come back and kill me all she likes, but I'll have had the coolest blue dude EVAR before hand, dammit.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Hmm...I'll probably end up saving both princesses eventually since I seriously doubt I'll be playing SE less than twenty times if it really does end up like SFC in it's branches and stuff. :/ :\

Also...if anyone was wondering, there are 70 update days left until the game comes out and at least 38 character updates until then (assuming no new characters are added :/). Of course, with stuff breaking these almost patterns (like Fox is getting two special updates as opposed to Link's one and it's hard to tell how many the Pokemon Trainer will get. :/). So ya, it's rather unpredictable. :/

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Twilight_hero, I was agreeing with you. And everybody asked my opinion. They just don't know it yet.

Shritistrang, I'll need a list of the top ten things you'd like to destroy (note: people and planets can/should be included, as well), as well as what Legend of Zelda weapon best personifies you, and a statement of undying loyalty.

Sensai, I believe you are refering to a quote by Ruto in OoT (the only in-game gender-reference that I'm aware of, and I have searched through it several times). She calls him a "young man" or something of the like. Which makes sense, because Sheik is Zelda disguised as a young man. Clearly, we (the audience) are supposed to believe she is a young man up until the dramatic reveal (otherwise, if Zelda had been disguised as a Shiekah girl, it would have been blatantly obvious from the start it was her all along), hence why such references would exist; to lead us to an arroneous conclusion. However, dressing up like a guy and convincing those around you (including an audience lurking somewhere beyond the fourth wall) that you are a guy does not make you a guy. It just makes you a fairly convincing actor. Or in this case, a character written for the express purpose of decieving us..
And with that, I get sucked right back into the same arguement for round three-hundred and twenty seven (okay maybe not that many) :cool:

In regards to the unlocking of characters, it wouldn't be that bad (so long as the effort to attain Pikachu is minimal). But if nearly EVERYONE is unlockable, and traditionally unlockable characters are secret characters, then is it not concievable to assume we won't get secret characters this time around? That the list on the Dojo is a definitive one? That would bother me, because I don't want to know all of the characters that are unlockable before a game comes out.

Also, truer words have never been regarding Nightcrawler.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2007
ya beat me to it again The rAt. (about the Ruto quote)(the thing about her quote though, is that you dont know if Ruto knows that Zelda=Sheik so she might not know that Zelda was in ''disguise'' and refered(sp?) to Sheik as a man because Sheik looks like a man.
Also Devastlian, Japan hasnt gotten a confirmed release date for Brawl yet, so there will prolly be more updates past Dec 3rd.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
Ya, that was a little misleading...

I meant at least 38 updates that have the red character icon IE character profiles, special moves, and final smashes. This is, of course, assuming no more characters are revealed until the launch (which could very well not happen...<_<), veterans get one special update (even though Fox seems to be getting two), newcomers get two, Meta Knight and Snake are profiled before the game comes out, and the Pokemon Trainer gets three special and three final smashes...This is, of course, based on a few assumptions...if Snake isn't profiled until after that's four off and Meta Knight's another four...if PT has one FS then that's two off...If some veterans get two special updates or some newcomers get one then that changes it...So...I'd say at least 30 red updates with 3+ for each new character revealed. :/ :\

Well, -NEOLINK-, the rumored release date is one week before so that'd be 65 updates...But I guess we should wait until confirmation on that...still it doesn't really effect the number of character updates.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Twin Cities
I personally hope Sheik IS back, and can't wait to see her design. If we get 40 characters even, I'll be a happy camper.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2007
i heard the release date was after and included online but of course lots of rumors include online.
P.S does anyone have tips on avoiding Marth's Fsmash edgeguard while playing as Ganon. Since im a Ganon main i need help with this because Marth's Fsmash is dangerous to ganon's up-b which leaves him open to attack.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
Yes that is a tricky one...hm...Don't fly off the edge? lol jk
Seriously though, that's not something I think you can avoid but...

Try using it earlier or at different points everytime just to throw them off. Even if you're falling after ^B you're vulnerable but they might not be set or ready for that (fast fall to the edge). That and timing it perfectly for the edge grab are the best ways to avoid it. Even use >B once or twice and go right above or at Marth...I donno, hopefully the endless VB jump, VB jump will get you back for the most part. You can also dodge if you're close enough.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2007
I tried lots of those already :( but still cant get through the only way i've been able to get back up is to go almost all the way down and up-b straight up onto the ledge but it's too dangerous to use as the only way to get back up.
Jul 18, 2007
San Diego, CA (in Yo Mama's house!) PM ME IF U WAN
sorry if this has already been discussed:

did anyone notice wut Sakurai said about Petey (which im glad isnt playable XD)? he said "the first boss u will encounter will be Petey." wut does that mean about each character getting their own story line? does it mean individual storylines are deconfirmed, or does it mean Petey is the first boss for everyone?


Banned via Warnings
Aug 24, 2007
confirmed. Sending Supplies.
Pokemon Trainer and Diddy Kong-

Ive been checking smash bros dojo everyday and so far i dont really like the 2 newest newcomer. ike seems pretty cool but cmon pokemon trainer? diddy kong? im sure they coulda done better than that. we need people like zant, deathborn, ridley,(cuz he was a beta melee char.) sonic, waluigi, wolf, darkrai, king dedede, them. cuz theyr cool and a stupid monkey and a ****** in a vest just wont do it. sorry.:psycho::lick:


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
I'm pretty sure if Toad isn't in THIS Smash, then he'll certainly be in the next one...if there is a next one (and knowing Nintendo, there will be).

And dammit, I'm going to find that Sheik's a guy line in OoT, even if I have to play through the entire game again.

And rAt...what would be so bad about that? If you end up unlocking everyone in the end, then where's the problem?

And Nightcrawler for the win. That ***** Phoenix can come back and kill me all she likes, but I'll have had the coolest blue dude EVAR before hand, dammit.
Nightcrawler is awesome! Iceman is my favorite of the X-Men, but they're both cool guys.

Toad will Smash someday: maybe December 3rd, maybe later.

I see Sheik as a male; but I only see Sheik as a persona, not a character. Zelda is always Zelda. She just plays the role of a boy named Sheik.


Smash Cadet
Aug 20, 2007
Urban Jungle
Ive been checking smash bros dojo everyday and so far i dont really like the 2 newest newcomer. ike seems pretty cool but cmon pokemon trainer? diddy kong? im sure they coulda done better than that. we need people like zant, deathborn, ridley,(cuz he was a beta melee char.) sonic, waluigi, wolf, darkrai, king dedede, them. cuz theyr cool and a stupid monkey and a ****** in a vest just wont do it. sorry.:psycho::lick:
I have 2 disagree with u Phanton7 i like the Poke Trainer and Diddy Kong. That aside i agree they should give controversial like character like ridely or a 3rd party guy like sonic

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Nightcrawler is awesome! Iceman is my favorite of the X-Men, but they're both cool guys.

Toad will Smash someday: maybe December 3rd, maybe later.

I see Sheik as a male; but I only see Sheik as a persona, not a character. Zelda is always Zelda. She just plays the role of a boy named Sheik.
We talking comic book Iceman, or teen hearthrob/movie Iceman? Because he kicked some serious *** in the comics, which was notably absent in the movies. Nonetheless, good character.

Toad can Smash right now. In your imagination, my friend. No one can take that one away. Well, without a lobotomy, anyway.

I don't think anyone would debate what you said about the Sheik identity (supremacy and ultimatum are different stories), but what I disagree with are the people who go so far as to say that Zelda goes through a mystical gender change when masquerading as Sheik. Clearly, she is intended to be seen as a dude, but last time I checked, that can be done convincingly without switching parts.

Phantom7, you're entitled to your opinion, but you lost me at Zant.

ylink_underestimated, that's a good question. I think it could be read either way at this point. Only time, and more information will say for sure.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I'm not sure that they ever confirmed individual story-lines, did they? If they did, my bet would that it's not going to happen as they've more or less just pulled all the Nintendo universes together.

And there are people who actually think Zelda changes genders?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Minneapolis, Minnesota
I think the adventure mode wont have individual story-lines either but i do think there will be alternate paths that you go down depending on the decisions that you make as was implied in todays update


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Shritistrang, I'll need a list of the top ten things you'd like to destroy (note: people and planets can/should be included, as well), as well as what Legend of Zelda weapon best personifies you, and a statement of undying loyalty.
Okay, let's see, the ten things I would like most to destroy...

1. My old school
2. Spinach
3. Everyone who thinks Sonic sucks
4. Mt. Everest (just for fun)
5. An X-Box
6. All existing weapons of mass destruction in the world
7. All Zelda CD-i games
8. A mosquito
9. Godzilla
10. Mars, because it obscures my view to Venus

The Zelda weapon that personifies me best... Well, that would be the Quake Medallion from A Link to the Past.

I also hereby declare my undying loyalty (to myself).

Well, was that sufficient? :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2007
Between the grahm and the 'mallow.
Man, it's been a long time since I've slept in this late.

Don't lose track of the fact this is CONFIRMED character discussion. Don't want to get this closed.

As for the adventure mode, it will definantly be one set path involving all the "original" characters. I think Sakurai made it pretty clear. However, I'm open to the thought of "alternate paths" too, though, even though I think one set path is more likely in my opinion.

And as for the whole story with the cages....we don't know, and Sakurai intends it to be that way. He's probably going to be leaving us in the dark about major aspects of the game (like subspace) for the next few months. He will just keep "saturating" us with little tidbits, like the Petey thing.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
@deebz435: hopefully you catch this...

1. Link's Dair was a large part of his moveset. It was a significant factor both in advanced tourney's in terms of bouncing off of heads and back on while edge-guarding or for plain old n00bs for spamming. Link's Dair is now a fall through. Much like G&W's "key to victory" and more true to Link's "actual final blow" This however would take away a large part of the game. It was a unique move confined solely to the Links! Link is a heavier weight than his counter part so the fall through fits well. But who are they gonna give the bounce to? Marth? Maybe IC's? NO! This move was a part of Link since ssb64 so unless the bounce is another sweet spot gimmick to complicate the game...then it will go to a "bouncy" character, such as a lighter Link.

2. Young Link, (not essentially called young in many cases) has been in more games than actual Link. More than CSLink as well, which would be the other (t_heroknows I love this term) rabbit Link. But considering Young Link is more common and already has a smash fanbase because he is already in Smash, he is the best bet. The only thing going for CSL is the CSded-ness (it would add a new type of animation to Brawl). Young Link is a larger part of the Zelda franchise than the most recent Link (the Link we know as Link) and he is a completely different style of Smasher.

3. He is a variation of LINK! THE LINK! FREAKIN LINK! You could make twenty Links in smash and NEVER repeat a SM because his history is so stretched! YL could even borrow CSL grapple because the cross-over wouldn't be hard. "his diverse arsenal of equipment.." in the Link Profile doesn't even cover an 8th of his arsennal! Deku Nuts, Bomb arrows would be a nice addition, Skull Hammer and much more! His STICK even did more damage than his sword in most games!

4. Young Link hasn't been replaced yet, there aren't many candidates that still can. (a small speedster with a sword). Who are they gonna put? Wolf carrying a knife? Why don't they add blood to Brawl? YL is a bouncy agile swrodsman with fire-power, you might as well take out Samus! Who needs a char with a chargeble blast and missles? We have M2 and Megaman might be a 3rd Party entree! Plus...he's a LINK! Zelda is a bigger franchise than Metroid (not by much but still) and considering there are 2 (maybe 1 and 1/2) Samus's, and there were already 2 Links in a Smash game prior to...They're not just going to "remove" a Link! Especially not the "older" one (in terms of history, and Smash is about the "history" of N).

That's the just of it, I made a rant on it in the LINK DISCUSS THREAD at like my 100th post or so...cause some ***** didn't want a second Link. but yeah,

Young Link Confirmed!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Minneapolis, Minnesota
@deebz435: hopefully you catch this...

1. Link's Dair was a large part of his moveset. It was a significant factor both in advanced tourney's in terms of bouncing off of heads and back on while edge-guarding or for plain old n00bs for spamming. Link's Dair is now a fall through. Much like G&W's "key to victory" and more true to Link's "actual final blow" This however would take away a large part of the game. It was a unique move confined solely to the Links! Link is a heavier weight than his counter part so the fall through fits well. But who are they gonna give the bounce to? Marth? Maybe IC's? NO! This move was a part of Link since ssb64 so unless the bounce is another sweet spot gimmick to complicate the game...then it will go to a "bouncy" character, such as a lighter Link.

2. Young Link, (not essentially called young in many cases) has been in more games than actual Link. More than CSLink as well, which would be the other (t_heroknows I love this term) rabbit Link. But considering Young Link is more common and already has a smash fanbase because he is already in Smash, he is the best bet. The only thing going for CSL is the CSded-ness (it would add a new type of animation to Brawl). Young Link is a larger part of the Zelda franchise than the most recent Link (the Link we know as Link) and he is a completely different style of Smasher.

3. He is a variation of LINK! THE LINK! FREAKIN LINK! You could make twenty Links in smash and NEVER repeat a SM because his history is so stretched! YL could even borrow CSL grapple because the cross-over wouldn't be hard. "his diverse arsenal of equipment.." in the Link Profile doesn't even cover an 8th of his arsennal! Deku Nuts, Bomb arrows would be a nice addition, Skull Hammer and much more! His STICK even did more damage than his sword in most games!

4. Young Link hasn't been replaced yet, there aren't many candidates that still can. (a small speedster with a sword). Who are they gonna put? Wolf carrying a knife? Why don't they add blood to Brawl? YL is a bouncy agile swrodsman with fire-power, you might as well take out Samus! Who needs a char with a chargeble blast and missles? We have M2 and Megaman might be a 3rd Party entree! Plus...he's a LINK! Zelda is a bigger franchise than Metroid (not by much but still) and considering there are 2 (maybe 1 and 1/2) Samus's, and there were already 2 Links in a Smash game prior to...They're not just going to "remove" a Link! Especially not the "older" one (in terms of history, and Smash is about the "history" of N).

That's the just of it, I made a rant on it in the LINK DISCUSS THREAD at like my 100th post or so...cause some ***** didn't want a second Link. but yeah,

Young Link Confirmed!

Well Dynamism I have to hand it to you those were some good points you made about YL and after reading that I would like to see him come back. I just forget that the original link was younger as i bet a lot of people do and thats part of what makes him so important. Also if we can have two samuses we should have two links as well like we did before


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Minneapolis, Minnesota
yeah, Paper or Baby Mario would be nice as the second Mario too, and I think it's quite probable (only fair really)... but I don't quite know the possibilities in that one yet...
I wouldn't mind seeing Paper mario, he could replace doc and be a 2d character like G&W but with a more mario like moveset


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
G&W needs some 2D competition, but Pichu could be replaced with Baby quite nicely and Pichu WILL have to be repaced, (he was a unique fighter in terms of feel but was just cloned). But Paper's a better pick. And he could always have his buddies too for altering his SM. Interchangable duo FTW!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Minneapolis, Minnesota
An interchangeable duo is interesting i didnt think of that and it wouldnt be so farfetched of an idea to be in the game seeing as P. Mario isn't the only one who could change between characters


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
So, I'm wondering. What's with the total lack of MetaKnight discussion around the boards?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2007
Minneapolis, Minnesota
So, I'm wondering. What's with the total lack of MetaKnight discussion around the boards?
That's a good question but i think it has to do with the fact that metaknight hasn't gotten an update so no one knows much other than he will be playable in the game which goes the same for snake


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
ill pwn wit meta knight online but y r there no updates about him
is there a reason like heas an unlockable character plz reply????????
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