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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Props, Croove55, you're already miles ahead of the pack. And perhaps that's how he does that butt-bomb thing? Invisible, intangible, incorporeal upward egg tossing?

I was initially thinking it would function something like Ness's PK Thunder, though it would drastically change the way the attack worked.

On a side note, Twillight Hero, I just noticed the Pavlov reference in your signature (or rather that is your signature). Very nice.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
MY SUPERSEXY TIER LIST PREDICTIONS -updated with Yoshi and some shifts in the placings <3

Low Tier:


Low to Mid Tier:


Middle Tier:

Wario: A lot like Mario in terms of mobility, without projectile(?) and some mean tricks... I really can't say about this guy.

Zelda: The power of brown hair gives her super strength! Instant mid-tier!

DK: Has always been in the middle and will always be. Balanced guy, don't see him changing much.

Mario: Defines mid-to-high tier. Nothing much to say?

Pika: Improved cuteness! Also, they'll probably give him some more tricks to compensate for his lousy tilts. I hope so at least. They might make him even faster, too.

Kirby: Kirby shall absorb his rival Jigglypuff and take his rightful place as the pink master of the skies with improved aerial mobility!

Metaknight: I can't see him having any reliable killers and his constant slashies leave him open. Maybe his smashes will be escapable like Zeldas? Think about it...

Yoshi: <3
Honestly, though, he's already quite strong especially if you take into account the buffs he got in the PAL version. Add to that a recovery that should be more forgiving than before and you got yourself one strong Yoshi.

Snake: Something between Captain Falcon and Ganondorf... but with boomies! Sounds like potential to me!

Mid-to-high Tier:

Fox: Meh.

Zamus: Sure, she seems like Sheik, but something tells me that the team isn't too stupid to learn from past mistakes.

High Tier:

Samus: Boom-shacka-lacka-boom-shacka-lacka-boom-boom.

FRIKKIN LINK: Swooooooooooooooooooooooooooooord. Faster arrows. Sexier FSmash? He started at the bottom, went to the middle, now he's shooting for the top! It's the Hylian Dream!

Pit: Floaty Link with less range and power and better combos, plus a pretty awesome projectile. Also, every female player will main him.

Too Awesome Tier:

Bowser: <3


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Maybe Yoshi will somehow wind up his throwing arm, propel himself up in the air, and then throw.

I can't really imagine his eggs being controllable like Ness' PK Thunder, though...

So, the most probable veteran fighters that are still missing would be Peach and Capt. Falcon, IMO.

Others are still possible, but not as likely as those two, I think. Still it would be great if they bring back Mewtwo and Ganondorf (but improved).


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2006
In the current metagame, Yoshi's recovery is one of the main reasons he's not upper-mid tier... Perhaps this new up+b will make him leetsauce?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
I think the new recovery involves him doing a Flutter Kick (tm) while he throws an egg. Not a lot of distance, but good distance.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
the green man finaly got re-confermed.but if the egg throw gives you distance,wont its animation time cancle out the air you get? it wasnt exactly a fast attk in melee


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2007
New York
I gues it'll work like Samus' Bomb-Recovery. You throw a shortranged egg and somehow jump on it =/
Here's my sort of non-serious theory on how it will be like Samus's bomb-recovery:

Yoshi uses up+b softly then uses his b move to swallow the egg. He then poops (or whatever happens) out the egg and it propels him upward. He can do this as many times as he likes. He can really die from this method, but I guess it would be much harder to do than Samus's bomb-recovery.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
****it Aeris, quit stealing my ideas. Usually Sensai is doing that.

I'm going to weigh in on the whole Ice Climbers issue. Practically speaking, I don't think they're going anywhere. They're the main characters from an otherwise unrepresented series. The only reason I've heard regarding why they'd be out revolved around people disliking the way they play, but considering all of the characters are likely getting overhauls, that arguement just doesn't make sense.

Piggybacking off of Aeris's (that one was for you Sensai) comment, it seems that everyone has noticed how similar DK's new stage is to the Ice Climbers' level in Melee, right? Anyone else read the suggestions about a Diddy/Dixie Kong team which would (presumably) function a bit like the Ice Climbers? Coincidence? Perhaps, but what is at the top of that level?

Also, welcome to crazytown Shritistrang. I'm the Mayor. Sensai is in charge of law enforcement, and Aeris regulates commerce. City council consists of Chiyo-chan dad, Fawriel, and WGWOLVERINE, and roy_owns is the village idiot (just kidding).
Yayyy for commerce regulation! I feel so proud. :)

As for the IC, I agree that they are probably returning. Why would Sakurai axe a character that got him so giddy when first announced? He likes what he likes and hopes to open the minds of those who don't.

We might also pay attention to the airplane at the top of the stage. That doesn't necessarily mean anything, but Diddy Kong did fly one for DKR (albeit a different-looking one). I feel that all of Sakurai's vague hints are placed for a reason; they secretly reveal things of which we are as of yet uninformed.

I think that he'll be able to throw an egg downward, and give himself momentum upward. HOORAY NEWTON'S THIRD LAW!!!

Actually, that sounds ridiculous. Nevermind.
Don't discredit yourself just yet; I had to reassure myself as soon as that idea popped into my head, which was probably around the same time that it appeared in your own.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I'm curious as to why we havn't seen Yoshi's tongue yet? Maybe they revamped that too?! Maybe, hopefully, this time, you'll be able to adjust Yoshi's head/tongue after his licker has been released? Giving you a better chance to catch enemies.

...But basically I'm just curious why Yoshi's moneymaker didn't make the cut for any of the snapshots.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
Mid-State NY
I'm thinking that you can now aim the egg downwards, and sort of like Samus, when it explodes it propels Yoshi upwards, but more dramatically than Samus so it can compensate for the animation


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Yea, I can't wait to see Yoshi's FS either.
...come to think of it... I'm stoked on DK's, Fox's, Pit's, Meta Knight's, and anyone else's we havn't seen yet!

I find it odd the way Sakurai worded Yoshi's addition: "Among other things, he can now use his up special move, the Egg Toss, to increase the distance of his jump."

Now does that mean he'll get the 3rd jump we've all been craving since SSB64? Or will he get an extra little 'float' like Mewtwo got when attacking after his 2nd jump? Or will it not be a 3rd jump, but a little boost like most characters' fB? I'll bet Yoshi's moveset will be coming very soon to clear things up on this. It's just like Sakurai to do this to us...


Jun 7, 2005
Yoshi is teh shiz O_O I absolutely love his look, it's so adorable. There's no way I'm not gonna play this character as my main.

And about the Egg Toss: I think it will actually be made into a worthy recovery move now :o


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2007
still waiting for Ganondorf to be confirmed...

really though, I'd appreciate if they gave him a new moveset.

as long as Yoshi's FS isn't Mario's FS repackaged with eggs then I won't be disappointed.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
as long as Yoshi's FS isn't Mario's FS repackaged with eggs then I won't be disappointed.
I don't think you'll have to worry about that... I don't think anyone can imagine how that would even be possible for Yoshi to do. Throwing that many eggs to stir up a hurricane?... that would break the little green guy's arm clean off his shoulder!

Ever heard of Pitcher's Elbow?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 24, 2007
lol, nevermind his arm.

do you know what laying those many eggs will do to the poor dinosaur's sphincter?


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2007
Possible Control Configuration for Brawl

The sole purpose of my joining this forum site is to be post an image of a possible control scheme that I have created for the nunchuck in the upcoming Wii game Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I understand that most likely this thread will be removed or relocated. However, whether it does or does not, I will promptly delete this account because I dislike forums. Nothing against the smash boards because I do check em out every once in awhile and like the ease of finding new information related to the upcoming smash bros. game. I just don't like internet blogs/forums due to the lack of intelligent responses, the abundance of pointless insults and conflicts, and pretty much the huge waste of time that it can become.

Anyway I would highly appreciate if someone who is skilled in computers could take this image and post it on any internet web page so that it may be viewed by the public beyond this web community. Although this control scheme is my original idea, and in my opinion a fairly decent one, I have no interest in who takes credit for its creation. What I'm saying is you can say it's your idea and you drew it up on Microsoft Paint and you deserve all the recognition for it and it will not affect me. In fact, I probably won't even know if that you did so who cares. All that is of my concern is that this gets on the internet so people can see. It's not even that great or important, but I think it is an interesting idea and it would be great if people discussed it or even created similar ideas of their own.

Thank you.

btw dylan_tnga is a turd, don't let that guy push you around cuz hes a total *******. haha wow "i can kill you in melee" well congratu****inlations big guy, im sure thats really important in life.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
i have a feeling Yoshi's FS could be something with all the other Yoshi's. Maybe what you saw in the Melee intro.

Yoshi Stampede.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Um... ooooooookay (agreed, Dyce).

So anyways, Aeris, my sentiments exactly regarding Sakurai's tangents. Then again, they could be just poor transelations.

Anyone else like the look of Yoshi's Melee incarnation better? I dunno, he's just looking a bit too cutesy for me.

Regarding his final smash, all I can picture is something involving a Giga-Bowser sized egg.

Crazy Ace 01

Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2006
Manchester, New Hampshire
WOOT! The return of the lean green fighting machine is confirmed...


In melee, when you egg toss in mid-air Yoshi loses foward momentum and drops straight down. However, there is no difference between the ground animation egg toss and the air animation egg toss; it simply looks like Yoshi is standing in mid-air while tossing the egg. If the least amount of change happened I would assume that, instead of dropping, Yoshi would actually hover for the course of the animation or jump and then toss. If they change the move a lot, I suppose we are talking about a whole new animation, but in the end it simply remains to be seen... I'm glad Yoshi is getting an upgrade, whatever the case!

Whatever movement/animation it turns out to be, the addition of a recovery function to the egg toss will make it extremely powerful. You get to throw an aimed projectile at your opponent as you recover... sweet.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Um... ooooooookay (agreed, Dyce).

Anyone else like the look of Yoshi's Melee incarnation better? I dunno, he's just looking a bit too cutesy for me.
1) What are you agreeing to?

2) I thought the same thing when I woke up and saw the update this morning. Every character so far, excluding Kirby, has a realistic and darker tone about them. I can see how Kirby would seem to fall short of the ability to be "tainted", if you will. But they even gave Pikachu a more realistic look. And it's not like we havn't seen Yoshi in a realistic shape already. What's the deal Sakurai?

Don't get me wrong, I love Yoshi in general. He's my main character in MK64 and any of the Mario Party games, but I just don't see why he had to go with this look. Smash is more of an adult toned game, and Yoshi could easily fit the bill.

And with this change, I'm beginning to suspect that they shrank him a bit. I don't remember Yoshi looking bigger in SSB64 and Melee than he does in these snapshots. But maybe it's just me.


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
So anyways, Aeris, my sentiments exactly regarding Sakurai's tangents. Then again, they could be just poor transelations.

Anyone else like the look of Yoshi's Melee incarnation better? I dunno, he's just looking a bit too cutesy for me.

Regarding his final smash, all I can picture is something involving a Giga-Bowser sized egg.
This brings up an interesting point: who actually does these translations? It depends heavily on the translator chosen. All of the articles thus far feel as though they embody the same principle: information with a certain vagueness and mystery that build anticipation and leave certain questions unanswered, instilling a hunger for more knowledge within the readers. I am thus led to believe that the translator at hand either has an extensive knowledge of the Japanese language and is able to effectively convey the nuances of Sakurai's style in English as well, or is simply embellishing on his or her own basic translations of Sakurai's texts. Just something to consider. I prefer to believe the former, but that could just be wishful thinking for all I know.

Maybe I'm alone in thinking so, but I adore Yoshi's new look! I honestly don't mind the added cuteness. :) As far as his FS is concerned, I expect some sort of Egg Frenzy in which he tosses a multitude of exploding eggs all around the playing field.

Flying @ Wii Level

Smash Rookie
Nov 18, 2006
Meh... Yoshi Stampede sounded like a pretty good idea to me.
Oh gracious. Ifso-facto that it does result in a Yoshi Stampede.


When yoshi approaches the Smash 'Orb', he swallows it and uses some of his Special Yoshi powers from Super Mario World on SNES. Remember the different colors? Blue have wings. Yellow can stomp. Red breath fire. And also he'd gain invincibility.

Obviously his Super Smash will revolve around Yoshi's 'elements' [ tounge, egg, stomachish.]


Keeper of the Keys
Aug 9, 2001
Oh gracious. Ifso-facto that it does result in a Yoshi Stampede.


When yoshi approaches the Smash 'Orb', he swallows it and uses some of his Special Yoshi powers from Super Mario World on SNES. Remember the different colors? Blue have wings. Yellow can stomp. Red breath fire. And also he'd gain invincibility.

Obviously his Super Smash will revolve around Yoshi's 'elements' [ tounge, egg, stomachish.]
Ipso facto is what you were looking for, I believe, meaning "by that very fact". ;)

Interesting idea about the Yoshi FS, but I don't really see it happening because it's not as dramatic. These moves are flashy, extravagant, and fun. Yoshi Stampede--which totally slipped my mind, but is a great idea nonetheless--would be comical but exciting to watch as scores of Yoshis trample all over the opponents, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
2) I thought the same thing when I woke up and saw the update this morning. Every character so far, excluding Kirby, has a realistic and darker tone about them. I can see how Kirby would seem to fall short of the ability to be "tainted", if you will. But they even gave Pikachu a more realistic look. And it's not like we havn't seen Yoshi in a realistic shape already. What's the deal Sakurai?
The deal is, I think you're looking at it the wrong way.

Look at Pikachu. He's not more detailed, really.. I don't see any fur on him. In fact, he's cell-shaded.
Bowser more realistic? Hard to say. He actually has some more cartoony bits this time around, but with more detailed scaly skin. It's a mix for him.

What Sakurai is doing is not to give everyone a more realistic and darker look, it's to give everyone the look that represents them best.
Pikachu is from a children's franchise and his most famous iteration is from an anime. Cell-shaded.
Bowser is scary but at the same time bumbling and funny. He's scary but cartoony.
The Legend of Zelda characters are more realistic and have a subdued color scheme because that's the mood of TP.

Wario realistic? Nope.
Pit dark? Nope.

Fox actually looks cuter.
Zamus looks the most realistic of all, while Zelda's eyes are slightly anime-y, showing the fact that Zamus is from a completely non-fantastic, serious sci-fi game while the Zelda series is about fantasy.

Yoshi is cute, thus he became cute(r), and the games he was the main character of were directed at children, thus he's cartoony.
That's that.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
In the previous Smash Bros. games, Yoshi always had a stature that made him look what he was back in Super Mario World: A rideable mount. Now in more recent games they made him stand more upright and increased his head size compared to the rest of his body.

I think they finally have decided to use this new image in Smash Bros. Brawl as well.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
The deal is, I think you're looking at it the wrong way.

Look at Pikachu. He's not more detailed, really.. I don't see any fur on him. In fact, he's cell-shaded.
Bowser more realistic? Hard to say. He actually has some more cartoony bits this time around, but with more detailed scaly skin. It's a mix for him.

What Sakurai is doing is not to give everyone a more realistic and darker look, it's to give everyone the look that represents them best.
Pikachu is from a children's franchise and his most famous iteration is from an anime. Cell-shaded.
Bowser is scary but at the same time bumbling and funny. He's scary but cartoony.
The Legend of Zelda characters are more realistic and have a subdued color scheme because that's the mood of TP.

Wario realistic? Nope.
Pit dark? Nope.

Fox actually looks cuter.
Zamus looks the most realistic of all, while Zelda's eyes are slightly anime-y, showing the fact that Zamus is from a completely non-fantastic, serious sci-fi game while the Zelda series is about fantasy.

Yoshi is cute, thus he became cute(r), and the games he was the main character of were directed at children, thus he's cartoony.
That's that.
*does that thing where one person starts clapping real slow, which eventually erupts into thunderous applause from the whole crowd*

Perfect. I never really thought of it that way.
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