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Confirmed Character Discussion (Part 2)

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Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
Well my speculations on the matter are jsut from what is in the videos we have so far. Maybe it's jsut for dramatic effect, but that definitely did look like a final smash to me...


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Considering how Samus doesn't glow like the other characters when they perform their Final Smash, I don't think it is. I honestly think it was just meant to be a flashy introduction for Zero Suit Samus.

And I'm pretty sure Sakurai and the devs can think of a far more interesting can think of a far more interesting than what seems merely a more powerful charge shot.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Very true, and the only thing I've ever had to agree with you on TwoK. Lol

It's a bit disappointing. If that's the case, and I turn out to be an unstoppable Zamus player, then I'm never going to have a shot at showing the world how good I am with her. I guess the same could go for anyone else here, but it's hard to get upset for you guys, so I'll just cry for me if I have to.
There is no way that Zamus is going to be implemented that way... they're seperate characters, proved in the second video. A move that can only be her down B is in it... Yeah, theres a chance that the move will be removed and changed, but a change like that (kick move to transformation :embarrass) is extremely unlikely.

And the bomb arrow thing was thought of in the official link thread.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Considering how Samus doesn't glow like the other characters when they perform their Final Smash, I don't think it is. I honestly think it was just meant to be a flashy introduction for Zero Suit Samus.

And I'm pretty sure Sakurai and the devs can think of a far more interesting can think of a far more interesting than what seems merely a more powerful charge shot.
Well remember, when mario is executing the mario finale he doesnt glow, only when he has the final saved up, same with link, when he starts slashing he no longer has the fiery glow, kirby is the only exception, but nobody likes his final anyway...

So samus could have grabebd the smash ball, and then execute the attack, thus losing the glow... just a theory here...


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Well remember, when mario is executing the mario finale he doesnt glow, only when he has the final saved up, same with link, when he starts slashing he no longer has the fiery glow, kirby is the only exception, but nobody likes his final anyway...

So samus could have grabebd the smash ball, and then execute the attack, thus losing the glow... just a theory here...
I love Pikachus final.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006

Looks like he's still glowing, and I definitely know Link still glows while he's executing his (though he does seem to change colour). Pikachu is hard to tell seeing as he turns into a giant ball of electric death, but when they are visible they still seem to glow while executing it.

Samus wasn't glowing at all, even when she was charging up the attack, so I don't think it was meant to be anything more than a super powered charge shot, which was simply used as a means of introducing ZS Samus.

Edit: okay, I just re watched the trailer, and it looks like they've changed the Final Smashes visually a little. The aura does wear off after it's initiated in both Mario's and Link's. However, we see Samus a good deal earlier than when she uses that beam, and she wasn't ever glowing. It really looks like just a fancy charge shot really.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
And also, just to throw a wrench in my own works for a moment, Kirby is glowing when he has Mario cooking in the pot. That's probably as far into the attack as he can be, and he's still on fiya!

And Samus and Zamus are the same character, MOYD. Sakurai said so on the site before it was overhauled. Zamus will come from Samus, there's no doubt about that.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
And also, just to throw a wrench in my own works for a moment, Kirby is glowing when he has Mario cooking in the pot. That's probably as far into the attack as he can be, and he's still on fiya!

And Samus and Zamus are the same character, MOYD. Sakurai said so on the site before it was overhauled. Zamus will come from Samus, there's no doubt about that.
No, he didn't. He said there is a certain condition in order to be made for her to take her suit off, or something of the sort... That just means you have to unlock her, andhow to unlock her is the condition.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
^^^ that's probably the most reasonalbe thing that we can assume for now, but i'm having thoughts about it because we didn't see Samus doing her upB move in her update which might mean that it is reserved for the transformation, that's just my theory


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
^^^ that's probably the most reasonalbe thing that we can assume for now, but i'm having thoughts about it because we didn't see Samus doing her upB move in her update which might mean that it is reserved for the transformation, that's just my theory
Hm... the up B... thats different, i don't know but i guess it could work.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
^^^ that's probably the most reasonalbe thing that we can assume for now, but i'm having thoughts about it because we didn't see Samus doing her upB move in her update which might mean that it is reserved for the transformation, that's just my theory
I highly doubt they would remove the main way for Samus to get back to the stage [for noobs anyway] just to add in Samus, that would be pretty stupid. Bare in mind, the didn't show her down B either but I doubt they'll remove either of them.


Smash Cadet
Mar 3, 2007
Did anyone notice on the Dojo Site the new Fox update? If you read carefully when mentioning his Shine it said "take it out to initiate the reflector" Does that mean that it won't be the uber leet fast 1 frame move anymore?


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
^^^ that's probably the most reasonalbe thing that we can assume for now, but i'm having thoughts about it because we didn't see Samus doing her upB move in her update which might mean that it is reserved for the transformation, that's just my theory
They revealed the down b for Zamus...
Note that we also havn't seen any shots of Samus doing anything but charging her B and attempting to hit Link with her fAir. We havn't seen a lot of characters' moves, but that doesn't mean they're going to be deleted entirely. And yes, Samus and Zamus are the same character. If I remember correctly, Sakurai had stated something along the lines of "Though she's not a true character addition, under certain conditions she will take her suit off and you will be able to play as Zero-Suit Samus."

EDIT: Actually, if you look at the Smashwiki profile of Zamus, it says this: "Sakurai's "certain conditions" comment is ambiguous enough to allow for Zero Suit Samus to be a transformation or a seperate character. The certain conditions may be a certain event or command ingame which activate a transformation or the requirements for unlocking her. Sakurai also said that she is "not a pure character addition," though this could mean that she is still the same person, much like Mario and Dr. Mario."

I don't know what to say from this, it actually kind of changed my mind a bit but I still think that Samus will somehow transform into Zamus and not be a character addition. But even though this is what I think, I do hope I'm wrong.

Did anyone notice on the Dojo Site the new Fox update? If you read carefully when mentioning his Shine it said "take it out to initiate the reflector" Does that mean that it won't be the uber leet fast 1 frame move anymore?
I suppose so, unless Fox has been practicing and has gotten really good with his timing and reflexes. Hopefully, nothing will be changed except for the horizontal reach it has. That's the most annoying part of that move to me, if you actually had to be hit by the shine instead of being close to it, then I wouldn't mind being shinespiked and would commend people more easily for doing so.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
Well one thing we can be sure of, is she doesn't look to have a similar moveset, indicative of being a clone. That would scrap the idea of being a clone, which leaves unlockable after certain conditions have been met(maybe event matches or something), or transformations(including the final smash transformation ideas).


Smash Apprentice
May 18, 2006
Call me crazy, but one of the gameplay pics of today's announcement looks like it has Captain Falcon in it...


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Well I will double check but, you are crazy.
I just checked and there is no C.Falcon or anything like him. Maybe you need glasses or something.

The rAt

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2003
In a constant state of self-examination. In MN.
Not to enter a topic and completely change the subject... except that's sort of what I'm doing. But I'm okay with that.

Anyhow, I was reading the text on Fox's blaster at the Dojo, and I noticed it mentions that it is still rapid fire with no flinching. I can't help wondering if that has any bearing on Falco's possible inclusion? I mean, obviously its nothing concrete. But lots of people like the slower blaster because it packs quite a bit more punch, and I just don't see Nintendo completely removing it, especially considering the slow blaster was what Fox originally had in the first Smash. Any thoughts?



Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
shade 64 luigi, i udnerstand you are new, but follow this important guideline. Do not double post. Edit your previous response. And make sure your posts aren't little one sentence fragment remarks, if you do more meaningful posts, people will respect you more, and will not be upset with you as often as they will if you flood a thread with a new one sentence respones every minute or so.

i wonder if he will be able to duplicate himself when he gets ththe brawl icon like n minish cap
On smashbros.com they have already revealed Links final smash. The address for that is...


Second section down, the one after the Link bio.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
is falco going to make a return in brawl. if it's true, then they should do something about his moves
We can expect for Falco to appear which is a very likely possibility, and as for his moves well I think maybe just a little differnt form Melee but still the same because falco was a good character and his stats were good, even though he was fox's clone imo he was better than fox just lacking speed of course


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Just like I believe with Marth and Roy, Roy IS stronger but slower than Marth and I seem to be the only who thinks Roy is better than Marth.
Example: Cptn Falcon is faster than Ganondorf, but who can the majority of Smashers play better as? (the answer is Ganon)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!

You have a point there, but unlike Falco & Ganon I don't think Roy has a high chance of returning because at the time of Melee I guess he was put into the game as a "promotion" to advertise Fire Emblem at the time, but I personally would like to see Roy come back, unless they implement his moves (powerfulness) on Marth which would be even better imo


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
if there has to be another FE character besides Marth & Roy, then it should be Hector not Ike because I simply wouldn't want to see another sword character which we already plenty and bores me to see a bunch of swords and not a different kind of weapon such as an axe which makes Hector perfect for the spot

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
1. Marth's attacks do in fact deal more damage than Roy's, assuming you connect at the tip, which is much easier to do that with the end (with Roy). Marth is also faster. Roy isn't a popular FE character, and therefore has little to no chance of returning when combined with his lackluster showing in Melee.

Hector probably won't be showing up, since Japan loathes the game he appears in, and besides that, Ike's cooler.

2. I'm much better with C. Falcon than I am with Ganon.

3. I think Falco ( if he returns) will stay pretty much the same, but some of his moves will be changed, so he'll be more like "Fox's Luigi". I do think he's better than Fox in Melee, but I always have problems with how fast he falls...
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