Smash Ace
There have been plenty of people who proclaimed Bayonetta as a terrible character and while that ideology may or may not have died down, the entire point of my statement was that, we have actual results supporting or not supporting certain claims.First off i don't think anyone has ever called ultimate bayo one of the worst characters in smash history. Maybe one of the most frustrating character to play in smash history.
Not really the same tho. Ganon has always had a clear gameplay design and focus. Read based, hard hitting slow (or now semi slow) movement.In previous smash games the movement being as poor as it was lead to him being a bad character. an immobile smash character has never been good, heck in most fighting games if you list the characters movement from best to worst often that mirrors the tier list. Ganon's tools were constent and when the moves landed resulted in kills and strong reward. Ganon felt like the character he was: the king of evil.
WHat smash has thrived on and why people love it so much is because how accurate characters feel to their source games and personalities. Characters from third party games almost always incorporate pieces of their gameplay to smash. This is the core of the issue to many bayonetta mains especially those that have played her games.
smash ultimate bayonetta is a combo character with inconsistent combos. its similar to zelda's flaws when people call her a zoner or spacer. she's incomplete as a zoner because she cannot control enough space. Bayonetta is similar except on the combo side. Bayonetta will never have a neutral even in her own games she taunts to get enemies to approach her.
you can read this about bayonetta is a full analysis of her in ultimate and why her playerbase is really unhappy.
people love calling out her playerbase thinking they want her broken again that simple isnt true. What the bayonetta playerbase is asking for is really not different from what the marth playerbase in the beginning of smash 4 was asking: buff our character back to a playable state.
When someone claims
When someone claims
My entire point is that people need to stop basing their impressions on personal bias and start doing 5-10 minutes of simple research. If someone says
I can bet, that with rare exceptions, anybody who makes Tier Lists, pro player or otherwise, doesn't do a darn bit of research. It is based entirely on personal bias and maybe a few very large tournaments that they've gone to. While a certain level of personal input is needed, the idea of simply checking out results or seeking out results across the board has been lost on people.
People constantly say "This character isn't that low, they've got all these skills and techs and people just need to know them."
Then I ask one question. Why does that character have such poor results? Because unfortunately not everyone has Marth's excuse that a sexy female clone is stealing his thunder.