When it comes

my thoughts are as such.
I think there's potentially a few characters who could be considered better than Ike including but not limited to:

I feel all these characters could prove superiority to Ike overall but hey, regardless Ike has proven himself to be a good character, definitely High Tier. Whether he's top 10 or not I really couldn't say.

however is different. I honestly don't know that much about Shulk but I do believe no matter how popular or unpopular you are, you should at least get results befitting your capabilities. Pokemon Trainer may have technical, but he/she still gets results. Ganondorf may be extremely popular, but he still falls short of the list. Results always speak louder than words and I think his placement should represent that.
For example,

has honestly shown some good improvements since the game started, perhaps due to whatever buffs she might have gotten in 2.0 and the same can be said for

.In the past, these two characters were hardly getting results and many of them deemed the two Low Tier. Bayonetta was even mocked as being one of the worst characters ever. However, both of them have made great strides in offline results, to the point where I'd easily put them at Mid Tier now. Heck, if it keeps up, I might have to put Zelda in the upper part of Mid.
Shulk is a character I'd personally put around Mid Tier, with even sliding up to the Upper Mid. He still is getting some results to his name and still gets first place from time to time. I do believe that Shulk does suffer under certain issues. A lot of his attacks have end lag to them. Jump and Speed Arts help boost him up to where he can potentially tango with some of the upper tier characters but that's the thing. Shulk isn't always going to have Jump and Speed and even if he does, that's not going to necessarily mean he'll have the advantage. It also doesn't help that Shulk is arguably one of the most technical characters to master.
So yeah, I'd currently put Shulk at around Mid to Upper Mid Tier. If I see his results improve as I have with other characters and keeps them up, I'll have no problem changing my opinion on him.