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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
why was there mention that to make room for more codes we can drop lagless edges? I thought this code was to be standard? I love this code, it makes the game much faster-- especially the ledge game.


what's the 1/2 decay code?


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
why was there mention that to make room for more codes we can drop lagless edges? I thought this code was to be standard? I love this code, it makes the game much faster-- especially the ledge game.
Im glad someone agrees. I see no reasoning why it should even be considered droppable. It alone makes the game SO much better


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
One thing these codes did was buff a previously overlooked character, so I uploaded a new video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vw19m6PEYM
It was recorded on New Year's Eve, so hopefully that's explination enough.

Anyways, I'm excited since my roommate is coming back tomorrow from winter break to test these new codes out with a friend. My latest codeset (untested) is at 249 lines with no MAD, so hopefully we can start combining codes.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
I also agree. I'd sooner drop dash canceling over lagless ledges.

Also, the new buffer code is GOD. I set it at 0, and I love it. Never does my character turn around right after a bair. Simply amazing.

I actually feel a bit uneasy with the lack of buffering. I'm always expecting my character to do something like crouch or turn around right after an attack, and it makes me let go of the control stick as soon as possible so that it doesn't happen. Then I remember it won't, so I loosen up a bit. But it's still ingrained in my mind lol.


Smash Cadet
Sep 6, 2007
^ i think people would start flying around the screen if that were to happen.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
I also agree. I'd sooner drop dash canceling over lagless ledges.

Also, the new buffer code is GOD. I set it at 0, and I love it. Never does my character turn around right after a bair. Simply amazing.

I actually feel a bit uneasy with the lack of buffering. I'm always expecting my character to do something like crouch or turn around right after an attack, and it makes me let go of the control stick as soon as possible so that it doesn't happen. Then I remember it won't, so I loosen up a bit. But it's still ingrained in my mind lol.
I have already removed dash cancel from mine for the time being. I'll likely add it back in when the codes start to be combined. I had to leave it out to fit in the buffer system and shield stun. I love both the new codes btw. So much better to have my inputs actually do what I want rather than working around a badly planned buffering system. I do have some times where I used buffering on SH airs that I know mess up and jump too early resulting in a smash on the ground hehe. It will take a bit of getting use to. I'm on 3 now, but after we are use to that I'm moving to 0. I'll never remove lagless edges lol, it's so good for the edge game.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Yeah, I tried 3 frames, but I just wasn't satisfied. I didn't even know about the buffering until recently, so I never relied on it. In fact, it was always a hindrance. Now that it's gone, I know I won't miss it. I sure as hell didn't miss it in 64 and Melee.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
A few notes:

I've been using Muba's Run Cancel - Stop Turn Cancel - Shield End Cancel code which is basic dash canceling I believe? It's only 12 lines
Run Cancel - Stop Turn Cancel - Shield End Cancel (12 Lines) (Muba)
4A000000 8077F780
D2000000 0000000A
2C030000 41820010
2C1C0005 40820008
3B800000 60000000
2C030000 41820010
2C1C0008 40820008
3B800000 60000000
2C030000 41820010
2C1C001C 40820008
3B800000 60000000
939E0038 00000000
works great. Love being able to dash into a down smash or side smash if timed correctly, completley removes the need for WDing IMO

I used a value of 3 for the Buffer code and I seem to be getting more buffered moves than normal. You just change both X's to 3 right? Highly considering changing it to 0, though.

Also, with the Hold L to Freeze Stage code, it doesn't seem to work consistently. Any ideas? Does it conflict with the L for Independent Pokemon code? I've successfully froze Warioware while using an independent Charizard, Pictochat with C. Falcon, but I've tried about 8 other times with various characters without any success.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Indeed, that freeze stages code doesn't seem to work on some stages. It always works on Norfair and Eldin, though.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
Indeed, that freeze stages code doesn't seem to work on some stages. It always works on Norfair and Eldin, though.
I mean sometimes it doesn't work on Warioware, even though I've had success with it once. Just got it to work on Pkmn Stadium 2, though. I'll try WW again I guess. :laugh:


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2006
Burnaby, BC
I also agree. I'd sooner drop dash canceling over lagless ledges.

Also, the new buffer code is GOD. I set it at 0, and I love it. Never does my character turn around right after a bair. Simply amazing.

I actually feel a bit uneasy with the lack of buffering. I'm always expecting my character to do something like crouch or turn around right after an attack, and it makes me let go of the control stick as soon as possible so that it doesn't happen. Then I remember it won't, so I loosen up a bit. But it's still ingrained in my mind lol.
I'd rather drop neither. I love both, but dash canceling is great. Hopefully we can keep both by combining codes.

And I'd have to agree, buffer at 0 is so awesome. I can't thunderstomp as Ganon at 0 though, can anyone else? I'm going to raise it a bit to see what the minimum setting is that still lets you thunderstomp.

And Kirby is fan-****ing-tastic now. Back to the 64 glory days.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
I currently use it on:

Wario - simply a must
PS2 - Nice nuetral stage now
Port town - FD with a different bottom and no edges, so a change
Castle siege - I love this stage frozen, but it's also fine normal as a CP stage
Green Greens - takes away the randomness of explosions, so just don't hit the boxes at spawn

There may be one I'm forgetting atm, but yea I love being able to freeze just a few and make them better for competition.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
So, for the buffer code, to set the buffer to zero I replace both X's with "0"?

Also, will "0" become the standard for Brawl+


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
I currently use it on:

Wario - simply a must
PS2 - Nice nuetral stage now
Port town - FD with a different bottom and no edges, so a change
Castle siege - I love this stage frozen, but it's also fine normal as a CP stage
Green Greens - takes away the randomness of explosions, so just don't hit the boxes at spawn

There may be one I'm forgetting atm, but yea I love being able to freeze just a few and make them better for competition.
I'm jealous. It only lets me freeze maybe 1/10 time. Using the background of Warioware as a judge (since if it's moving = unfrozen, easiest to tell). If I hit start to select the stage it doesn't try to freeze at all. If I hhit A mos tof the time it freezes for a second and then unfreezes as soon as the announcer says "3". Randomly it will work but it's quite rare.

This is annoying. :dizzy:


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I'm jealous. It only lets me freeze maybe 1/10 time. Using the background of Warioware as a judge (since if it's moving = unfrozen, easiest to tell). If I hit start to select the stage it doesn't try to freeze at all. If I hhit A mos tof the time it freezes for a second and then unfreezes as soon as the announcer says "3". Randomly it will work but it's quite rare.

This is annoying. :dizzy:
Yeah, I haven't had a slew of time to test this code, though, in the limited time I've used it, it was very unreliable. It'd work at random, I'm not sure what the trick with this code is-- or what I'm doing wrong.

I'll probably revert to my near 16line level freeze code which freezes all of the levels that I want... Though, I'd rather the 6line code... hmm..


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I'm jealous. It only lets me freeze maybe 1/10 time. Using the background of Warioware as a judge (since if it's moving = unfrozen, easiest to tell). If I hit start to select the stage it doesn't try to freeze at all. If I hhit A mos tof the time it freezes for a second and then unfreezes as soon as the announcer says "3". Randomly it will work but it's quite rare.

This is annoying. :dizzy:
Try using the specific stage freeze code... it takes up more lines, but I've never had a problem with it before.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2007
Try using the specific stage freeze code... it takes up more lines, but I've never had a problem with it before.
Yeah, the only problem is sometimes we're going to want to play Pictochat with the stage effects and sometimes without, same with a few other stages. Still, Warioware and possibly PKMN Stadium 2 are no brainers for us.

Anyways, my testing so far is that it works as as long as Player 1 isn't Fox or Kirby. No idea why those two, I've started just fine as the entire rest of the first row + MetaKnight and Charizard. Going to continue testing the whole cast.
Edit: Second row works, except for Snake.
Edit2: Third row works, except for Lucario and Sonic.
Edit3: Fourth row works, except for Toon Link and Olimar.

If someone who has uses the code regularly could confirm or deny my findings that would be great to know whether it's the code itself or just some conflict with another code I have.

It's odd that it's Fox, Kirby, Snake, Lucario, Sonic, Toon Link, and Olimar who it doesn't work for. As far as I know they have little in common but my suspicion is they each do something with their intro that causes the freeze not to work (but what do I know).

In the meantime I can always use the specific code, but this one would be so much nicer to use.

Edit4: Okay, so C. Falcon doesn't work on Green Greens (despite working on Port Town, WarioWare, Pictochat, and Pkmn Stadium 2), so I can only assume each stage has a different set of usable characters (above testing was all Warioware). Great. Maybe I should just forget trying to help someone get the code to work consistently, haha.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Yeah, the only problem is sometimes we're going to want to play Pictochat with the stage effects and sometimes without, same with a few other stages. Still, Warioware and possibly PKMN Stadium 2 are no brainers for us.

Anyways, my testing so far is that it works as as long as Player 1 isn't Fox or Kirby. No idea why those two, I've started just fine as the entire rest of the first row + MetaKnight and Charizard. Going to continue testing the whole cast.
Edit: Second row works, except for Snake.
Edit2: Third row works, except for Lucario and Sonic.
Edit3: Fourth row works, except for Toon Link and Olimar.

If someone who has uses the code regularly could confirm or deny my findings that would be great to know whether it's the code itself or just some conflict with another code I have.

It's odd that it's Fox, Kirby, Snake, Lucario, Sonic, Toon Link, and Olimar who it doesn't work for. As far as I know they have little in common but my suspicion is they each do something with their intro that causes the freeze not to work (but what do I know).

In the meantime I can always use the specific code, but this one would be so much nicer to use.

Edit4: Okay, so C. Falcon doesn't work on Green Greens (despite working on Port Town, WarioWare, Pictochat, and Pkmn Stadium 2), so I can only assume each stage has a different set of usable characters (above testing was all Warioware). Great. Maybe I should just forget trying to help someone get the code to work consistently, haha.
yeah, don't waste your time. Unless someone can make sense of this, and better explain it, I suppose the best option is to stick to the specific level freeze code. Hmm. Oh well, for me it's a difference of 10lines--- though it's not like I want to lose that 10lines of space for no reason..


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
yeah, don't waste your time. Unless someone can make sense of this, and better explain it, I suppose the best option is to stick to the specific level freeze code. Hmm. Oh well, for me it's a difference of 10lines--- though it's not like I want to lose that 10lines of space for no reason..
Wait... huh? What do you mean 10 lines? What stages are you freezing? The specific level freeze code takes up 5 lines plus however many stages you want to freeze. So if you're gaining 10 lines, then that means you're freezing 11 stages?


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
It's just more precise control. You need to time your actions more carefully with it, instead of having a full ten frames of leeway, you now only have three to five, depending on what value you used.
play pit, try to wingdash. This code ****s it over. Basically pits WoI gets ****ed over in general.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Wait... huh? What do you mean 10 lines? What stages are you freezing? The specific level freeze code takes up 5 lines plus however many stages you want to freeze. So if you're gaining 10 lines, then that means you're freezing 11 stages?
22623090 00000009 - Pirate Ship
22623090 0000000B - Norfair
22623090 0000000C - Frigate Orpheon
22623090 00000014 - Pokémon Stadium 2
22623090 00000019 - Castle Siege
22623090 0000001C - WarioWare, Inc.
22623090 00000023 - Green Hill Zone
22623090 00000024 - PictoChat
22623090 0000002D - Green Greens
22623090 00000030 - Corneria
22623090 00000006 - Mario Circuit
22623090 0000002B - Jungle Japes

some of these levels are definately unnecessary -- namely Green Hill Zone, Corneria, Mario Circuit, and Jungle Japes. I'll probably take all of those codes mentioned out. Initially my friend and I added them to test each level wit the code. We've already removed a ton of extra levels. Corneria is better without the ships coming in and shooting, but it still sucks-- the map is so small, vertical KOs are so easy. Frigate Orpheon is also probably unnecessary

Which levels have you frozen?


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I think you should take off Orpheon, too. It's still not a neutral in its default state, and it takes away some of the stage's uniqueness, imo. Pictochat I get, since it's a clear neutral in its default state.

I'm currently freezing just Warioware, PS2, and Green Greens. I had to take off Port Town and Flat Zone 2 due to space issues lol

I might swap GG for Castle Siege, though, since that could actually be a neutral in its default state.

Ideally, we'll get a button activator based stage freeze code without any bugs... then stages like frozen PS2, frozen pictochat, or frozen castle siege actually could get added to the neutral list.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Most of those stages probably shouldn't even be frozen, but instead put into reverse. That way they would remain in there frozen state but still have moving backgrounds and such.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
Interesting. I should try this out. I've heard bad things about mixing reverse level speed and stuff like castle siege, though. lol
Castle Siege is terrible on reverse. Its up up and away. Suicide suicide suicide.

With just one extra line to the stage specific code you can make some stages frozen when some in reverse.

4A000000 90000000
1416A904 00000000 <-Freeze
22623090 000000XX <- Stage(s) to be froze
1416A904 BF800000 <-Reversed
22623090 000000XX <- Stage(s) to be reversed
1416A904 3F800000
E0000000 80008000

Port Town is awesome in reverse lol. Its like a frozen stage but it moves forward at the very beginning and then pushes back. Warioware works like frozen but the background keeps wiggling. Pirate ship has moving water and wind effects but no hazards.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
Castle Siege is terrible on reverse. Its up up and away. Suicide suicide suicide.

With just one extra line to the stage specific code you can make some stages frozen when some in reverse.

4A000000 90000000
1416A904 00000000 <-Freeze
22623090 000000XX <- Stage(s) to be froze
1416A904 BF800000 <-Reversed
22623090 000000XX <- Stage(s) to be reversed
1416A904 3F800000
E0000000 80008000

Port Town is awesome in reverse lol. Its like a frozen stage but it moves forward at the very beginning and then pushes back. Warioware works like frozen but the background keeps wiggling. Pirate ship has moving water and wind effects but no hazards.
That's actually really cool. I too didn't try this simply because I heard bad things about reverse. But if there are no side effects, it definitely beats a complete freeze if you still get background movement.

BTW looks like some buffering testing is in order. Does zero really create 0 frames of buffering? I thought we agreed that we wanted to reduce buffering, not remove it...I haven't tried the code yet, but I will tomorrow (later today lol)


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Castle Siege is terrible on reverse. Its up up and away. Suicide suicide suicide.

With just one extra line to the stage specific code you can make some stages frozen when some in reverse.

4A000000 90000000
1416A904 00000000 <-Freeze
22623090 000000XX <- Stage(s) to be froze
1416A904 BF800000 <-Reversed
22623090 000000XX <- Stage(s) to be reversed
1416A904 3F800000
E0000000 80008000

Port Town is awesome in reverse lol. Its like a frozen stage but it moves forward at the very beginning and then pushes back. Warioware works like frozen but the background keeps wiggling. Pirate ship has moving water and wind effects but no hazards.
Wow Giza! Interesting-- I'd like to play Pirate Ship reversed, as I love the wind / water effects.

What other stages work well reversed?

:) This is exciting


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Very cool. I'll need to switch over to the independent pokemon code over the no stamina/no forced switch codes I have on right now and try that out. Well, not right now lol, but after school tomorrow (today).

I should've gone to bed 4 hours ago but didn't because I've been working on something I should've done over break and instead saved for the last minute! Yeah, I'm pro.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2006
Burnaby, BC
Bah, you still crouch after some SHFLLs with buffer set at 1. I'm just gonna stick with 0.

Curious though, what happens if you set one of the variables to 0 and the other to 1? Why are there two different variable slots?

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
What other stages work well reversed?
Pokémon Stadium 2 stays in its first stage the whole time, background moves around and I think it the tv works too.
PictoChat seems to be the same as freezing. Norfair has no lava hazards... background looks a bit weird (lava streams going up and steams going down).
Green Greens works the same as frozen but background moves.

And here are some you probably shouldn't use...
Frigate Orpheon: OH GAWD MY EARS.
Ice climbers stage: OH GAWD MY EARS.
Castle Siege: Up to nowhere land.
Delphino: Invisible landscapes... what is going on here?
Rainbow cruise: The level tries to kill you at the start point... but after that its actually very good ;/

I'll test more later.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
Personally I'm going to stay at 3 this week to get used to a smaller buffer, and then next week it goes to 0. I see no need for a buffer really since it only takes away from precision. It really feels like brawl+ is starting to become complete. Most of the codes we wished for are in the game now, so it's a nice success in my eyes. I only have 2 codes left I wanted to see (dash dancing and momentum jumps) which are in the works, so I'm very happy at the moment. Sadly MAD had to be cut due to it not working well and being absurdly long lol. I really hope this can take off. I'd love a year from now to be sitting in a big norcal brawl+ tourney!

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
I'm still wondering if it would be possible to make a newer shieldstun code to cut down on the shieldpush. I would really like for there to be more shield pressuring and upclose combat. Even though this shieldstun code is a huge improvement over what was in vanilla brawl I am hoping to see a version with less shieldpush in the future.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
We can only leave that to the hackers and hope over time they remake these codes to be even better. It's an improvement over vanilla shields though, so I'm happy to use it regardless of whether a newer version comes or not.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Here are a few matches I had about a week ago with Antz. They're not too great... I was trying 9% hitstun out without any gravity change and these matches basically show the results.


There's still more I have to upload though, this isn't all.
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