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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
I may have thought of a way to freeze Eldin, but at the expense of code space.

I noticed that when you globally freeze stages, all the stages stop moving entirely, but when you use the selective code, they don't stop moving until the match actually starts at GO! What would happen if we reversed the logic in the code? Make the default speed 0, then run a list of stages to exclude, and make those stages speed 1. Basically, switch the 1 and 0 speed values, then put lines of code in for all the stages we want to keep moving. I know there will be more lines in the code this way, but I'll try to test it out and see what happens.

Edit: It works. All stages are frozen until the GO comes up, then the ones you put on start moving. Eldin stays frozen and I like how it freezes Lylat before it has a chance to tilt slightly. The only thing obviously is the extra space it takes up. Now since not everyone's sold on the code itself, I present this only as a possibility that people can look at once other things are taken care of, and of course if there's space for it. So, that's that.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I may have thought of a way to freeze Eldin, but at the expense of code space.

I noticed that when you globally freeze stages, all the stages stop moving entirely, but when you use the selective code, they don't stop moving until the match actually starts at GO! What would happen if we reversed the logic in the code? Make the default speed 0, then run a list of stages to exclude, and make those stages speed 1. Basically, switch the 1 and 0 speed values, then put lines of code in for all the stages we want to keep moving. I know there will be more lines in the code this way, but I'll try to test it out and see what happens.

Edit: It works. All stages are frozen until the GO comes up, then the ones you put on start moving. Eldin stays frozen and I like how it freezes Lylat before it has a chance to tilt slightly. The only thing obviously is the extra space it takes up. Now since not everyone's sold on the code itself, I present this only as a possibility that people can look at once other things are taken care of, and of course if there's space for it. So, that's that.
Except I'm pretty sure it didn't work that way, either. I know brinstar didn't work on the global or specific stage freeze, meaning it has to work based on some other factor than stage speed, not being an actual part of the stage itself.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
I've used the stage freezing hack for several stages. But on Castle Seige, if i just put the first one on the list (19 Emblem) will it make it so that the stage doesn't go through the other transitions? There are two others on the list (1A TestEmblem_00 and 1B TestEmblem_01) what do those do? I assume they are for the stage's two other transitions. For example, if I put the 1B in the list, would the stage freeze after it gets to that point?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Holy God guys look at this match. I'm pretty sure that has downwards gravity and hitstun and MAD and ALC but, what value could he possibly be using for the grav? 1.4? 'Cause that missile **** Samus was doing was ****ING sexy.

Deleted member

turned out I was playing at 1.5 fallspeed all the time, and I liked it, shifted back to 1.3 now which is still okay, but definetly not lower. (9-10% histun btw)


Flute-Fox Only
Feb 7, 2007
It looks like they're using upwards gravity modifier as well since the short hops are so short. It looks like fun, but probably too high. Did you notice all of the suicide deaths from falling? Also, levels that high will have very dramatic effects on recoveries and vertical kills.

@paprika killer:
I agree with you. However, I think that gravity will always be a matter of preference until TOs start setting standards for their tournies. We have people such as yourself that prefer over 1.30, and those such as kupo who preach that no one should set it above 1.10. I'm not sure that these two sides will ever be reconciled. As much as I recommend a compromise of 1.20-1.25, we shall always have extremes.

Edit: Ahh, sorry kupo, I thought you were talking about the gravity, not the hitstun.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Falco, that match was insane. However, I don't think he was using ALC, or the downwards gravity modifier for that matter. Seeing as he refers to Brawl+ as adding Melee mechanics, I'd say he was using overall gravity modifiers and MLC, if that. Also, he didn't seem have the ledge codes on.

Good thing missile spam of that caliber would only be possible on a truly extreme gravity setting. Otherwise, I don't think anyone could ever approach Samus!


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
Holy God guys look at this match. I'm pretty sure that has downwards gravity and hitstun and MAD and ALC but, what value could he possibly be using for the grav? 1.4? 'Cause that missile **** Samus was doing was ****ING sexy.
Holy ****. I dont know what setting he was on. But i want to find out. That was sexy as hell.

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_c0S7yLQmg&feature=channel ouch. Maybe i dont want to use those settings after all. If you go off the stage, your dead lol


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Yea, as long as it doesnt turn out to look like the vid i posted in my edit then im pumped.
It looks like they are using outdated codes. As long as you dont use exteme upwards or downwards gravity it won't turn out like that. The first two stock lost in that match where tragic.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
Whats the popular value for the upwards and downwards modifier? I might play with it on tonight and see how i like it.

I know kupo says 1.1 but whats the number for that?


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Depends on who you ask. I've been using 1.1, and it doesn't feel too bad, but others feel a higher modifier is better, such as 1.2 or 1.3. Two things are for sure, though: most of us don't like messing with upwards gravity, and hitstun should be lowered accordingly depending on your downward gravity.

Which reminds me: why haven't we gotten a code that increases jump launch power? While the increased downward gravity is fine, it still feels slightly odd with the jump being as floaty as ever. And of course, a floatier jump means it takes a while to get to the apex of your jump, which means shffls are slower to pull off.

So, what I propose instead of making short hops shorter is basically making your jump more powerful, kind of like what happens when you increase upwards gravity, but without the negative side effect of nerfed recoveries and jump height. That way, combined with appropriate upward and downward gravity modifiers, jumps and recoveries will yield the same height, but will execute quicker, will feel more natural than with just increased downward gravity, and will make shffls more useful by reaching the apex of your jump quicker.

Deleted member

I used to use 1.5 :p which wasn't too bad but I'm down to 1.3 which is good


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2007
In a dream
Whats the popular value for the upwards and downwards modifier? I might play with it on tonight and see how i like it.

I know kupo says 1.1 but whats the number for that?
0461524 XXXXXXXX

Replace the XXXXXXXX with the #s below

1.3 - 3FA66666
1.25 - 3FA00000
1.2 - 3F99999A (This is the one I am using with 10% hitstun)
1.15 - 3F933333
1.1 - 3F8CCCCD


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Ah, good timing, paprika. I don't mean to put more on your plate (shieldstun is the most important code to get out of the way, after all), but what would you say the prospects are of a code that increases jump launch power? Doesn't the metal box do that, for instance?

Deleted member

Ah, good timing, paprika. I don't mean to put more on your plate (shieldstun is the most important code to get out of the way, after all), but what would you say the prospects are of a code that increases jump launch power? Doesn't the metal box do that, for instance?
hm metal box might be a good one there, but I'm already working on 2/3 codes (not shieldstun right now appereantly someone else is pretty far and I don't want to waste my effort on it until monday)


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Alright, fair enough. But basically, it should be doable, right?

Would this be a good solution for you, zxeon?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Ah, good timing, paprika. I don't mean to put more on your plate (shieldstun is the most important code to get out of the way, after all), but what would you say the prospects are of a code that increases jump launch power? Doesn't the metal box do that, for instance?
Spunit is in charge f shield stun and he is halfway there. Strong hit shield stun and PSing still has shield stun so its almost done. Paprika I think is working on the hitlag stuff...
No fake hitlag would be a big improvement in itself so I am quite excited ^_^

Just wanted to clarify..


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Alright, fair enough. But basically, it should be doable, right?

Would this be a good solution for you, zxeon?
Yeah that's cool I'm just puzzled at how you'll get the characters to stop once you increase their jump speed. I think it will be like the bunny hood where you only come to rest once you've run out of momentum, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Well, the way I figure, by increasing launch power, characters will likely jump higher and faster (and I seem to recall the metal box actually making characters not only jump faster, but jump higher as well!), and in order to limit the jump height to normal levels, you would increase the upwards gravity accordingly. The end result would be a faster jump.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Well, the way I figure, by increasing launch power, characters will likely jump higher and faster (and I seem to recall the metal box actually making characters not only jump faster, but jump higher as well!), and in order to limit the jump height to normal levels, you would increase the upwards gravity accordingly. The end result would be a faster jump.
As long as the jump speed affects character recovery moves in the same way it should be OK. If not then we're back to square one.


Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2005
I was not aware that so many hackers were working on Brawl +. I'm glad to know that PW isnt overloaded by all of it. Which by the way, which code is he currently working on?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I was not aware that so many hackers were working on Brawl +. I'm glad to know that PW isnt overloaded by all of it. Which by the way, which code is he currently working on?
PW is currently on break but I have DDing and buffering in the queue


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
I believe he's on a break at the moment, but IIRC, he's gonna do dash dancing.

lol beaten to it


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Yeah, buffering annoys me quite a bit sometimes.

Oh, I'm just gonna fast-fall this attack now and- hey why am I crouching now
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