Guys, the main point of this patch is screenshot Sharing.
This patch was probably in validation before the NA release. I hear Nintendo's cross-region validation time is around 20 business days, but it's hard to say how this relates to Smash Bros. Smash probably gets priority treatment, but also demands extra testing and coordinated multi-region release.
It's not a balance patch, so stop complaining. This is 1.0.3, not 1.1.0.
Some people will undoubtedly make a fuss that Nintendo says "Adjustments have also been made to balance the game and make for a more pleasant gaming experience." on the official help page.
However, they said this on every patch.
They said it on 1.0.2, which did nothing but fix the Peach bug.
This is because Sakurai is not personally writing the online help entries for all 13 major regions/languages. It's some random interns twice removed from the actual dev team, who are always going to follow protocol and post a generic message for every patch.
Note that the eShop page itself, and the game itself, does not allude to any balance changes.
The important observation is that this protocol for generic patch messages in the localization teams suggests that balance patches ARE planned. So that's interesting!