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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
No, he's stupid because he got the Awesome character killed, then ran away in the rain crying to Linkin Park songs.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Haha, just call me Starr, or you can call me Ryan. Please help me with this match up. Ugh! :laugh:
You me both. The only Oli exp I got was a couple of pre Holiday Bash matches with Tim. And unfortunately he doesn't main Oli. So Fino was technically the first Olimar I ever fought. He is a good place to start. Also thanks to Tim. It was the difference of me getting 3 stocked me and 2 stocked.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
Hey, meno's family is going through a rough bit right now... and we both agree it's probably better to let them sort it out without having to worry about a visitor. That being said, is there any chance I could get housing tomorrow and possibly tuesday as well?
Otherwise I'll get a hotel at $30 a night @.@

Thanks to anyone who can ^^;



Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2009
Hey, meno's family is going through a rough bit right now... and we both agree it's probably better to let them sort it out without having to worry about a visitor. That being said, is there any chance I could get housing tomorrow and possibly tuesday as well?
Otherwise I'll get a hotel at $30 a night @.@

Thanks to anyone who can ^^;

Hm... If you don't find a place, just PM me or something. We can work something out, eh yeah..

But LAST resort please T_T I've alread ygone out of my way for sooo many things.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
Hm... If you don't find a place, just PM me or something. We can work something out, eh yeah..

But LAST resort please T_T I've alread ygone out of my way for sooo many things.
Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'll wait a few hours to see if anyone else posts here and then get back to you. Just PM me your number or something, I'm sure that'll be easier than talking over swf.



Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009

Thanks, I really appreciate it. I'll wait a few hours to see if anyone else posts here and then get back to you. Just PM me your number or something, I'm sure that'll be easier than talking over swf.

Sorry I actually just asked my mom and she said no. :( Once I get my own place I am soo going to house OOS smashers whenever I can! lol


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Grats guize. We're at page 666, according to my settings!

Tony, I'm too **** tired to compress the crap and megaupload it. I'll do it sometime Monday when I'm free.

<-- Just got back from dropping Bloshi and DTL off.

...still pissed I didn't get paid.

I told you to tell me if Greg didn't pay you. You seriously need to get this sorted out.

No worries about not getting the stuff up in one day. It's not like I'm paying you or anything. Thanks for letting us use your Dazzle.

Also, how did you, of all people, get wrangled into dropping the Boulder kids off?

Tony - You're probably the greatest teacher in the melee scene, the whole time you were teaching me shiet i was like "Wtf this is so random and not helping" but i was playing some friendlies at my friends house last night and it helped so much lololol. ggs.
Nah, I'm just the only one who's always commenting on something. Our higher-end/top players can teach you a good deal, you just have to be more specific/more advanced to learn from 'em. Nite's a pretty good teacher, I feel. Ferdi's good at helping you improve your habits/playstyle, but to really catch what he can teach, you have to be pretty familiar with the game. Yang's good for learning stuff about just how gay Marth can really be. Plenty o' good teachers, just ask for help/observations while you play!

Butthankyou. I want our Melee scene to be really diverse/good. People have teh mindgames, and pretty different playing styles. We just need to get everyone up to speed.

What is an Arcade style street fighter type controller lol. Like the pad or the stick?

Good quality sticks should be around $100-$140 if I remember correctly. Don't know if Tony is still willing to make them for cheap though.

Pads go for 60 I think if they still make them. Or you can just steal a genesis controller and converter
I can prolly still make 'em for cheap, since no one took me up on my offer earlier, and I now have a full soldering set, sans the desoldering iron, AAAAAAND access to a woodshop. So yeah, hit me up if you want something, and I'll give ya a rough price.

...wait wut...? This does not help Tony's quest to turn me into a complete ******* @.@
naaaaah, here's your problem:

You're too nice, and you think everyone hates *******s. BUUUUUUUUUT

You can be loud/whatever/ASSERTIVE MO****A, and still have people like you. You need to stop letting people walk over ya, is all. Easiest way to do that is to just become an ***. There's a difference between an *** and a jerk, tho. No one likes a jerk.

I guess I could do shout-outs.

Tony: I'm not gonna cut and run. Giving up Brawl for Melee at this point to me would be just that...giving up. Sorry but I'm going to pursue this and see where I can take it. I think Colorado's Brawl scene has huge potential. If douche bags would stop laughing for one moment to see that.
Like who?

I understand sticking to a game you love. Buuuuuuuut, if Brawl ever breaks your heart, rest assured that we'll be there to catch you on the rebound.

With Melee.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
Starr: What do you mean? First game was interruped (me in the lead). We started over and I won 3 games in a row. The MM was completed lol...

MJG: I think I get it now. I would've like to play Fino in tourney MUCH more the Tim. Still, get your *** to CO.

So many things to say and so little motivation to say them lol...

Only real things it I guess to tranz. You were saying good bye during Tim's and my match so I didn't really get to say good bye. Sry boot that. Good bye for now? lol

Everything was fun...for the first like three hours. My tourney endurance is terrible. I lost to a LUCAS. He was good, but I know if I had the will I would definitely beat him. No real point though seeing that I would have to somehow work my way past Tim again...

Stuff. Oh yeah, major shoutout and love to DanZ. I felt dickish asking for that ride, but really dude...Thanks again.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2008
Fort Collins, CO
Well guys, at least the tourny wasn't as bad as winterfest..

the venue closes in 2 hours and brackets havent started yet.


And apparently there is some sketchiness going on with the payout for brawl because there was too much hype and not enough turnout.



Peter, Mango won Melee singles. About what we were talking about for *pound* 4, here's my prediction list:


Based on how people are playing, that's just my opinion but w/e. Take it for what you will :D


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
You forgot a few good players, but otherwise I agree.

My prediction for Top 5: Mango, Hungrybox, Amsah, Armada, and a dark horse / some really beastly player I can't think of at the moment.

Get ***** Winterfest Brawl tourney. T'is some bad TO'ing, right there.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2009
Grats guize. We're at page 666, according to my settings!
Good to know that I'm not the only one that uses 40 posts per page haha.

I told you to tell me if Greg didn't pay you. You seriously need to get this sorted out.
Yeah... Lots of other things happened too. I'll PM you the details.

No worries about not getting the stuff up in one day. It's not like I'm paying you or anything. Thanks for letting us use your Dazzle.

Also, how did you, of all people, get wrangled into dropping the Boulder kids off?
Yeah! It's my pleasure, and I don't mind doing any recordings.

Unnn Bloshi wondered where Dylan was, and said that he was his ride home. Naturally, I told him as a last resort to come get me.
I found Dylan and asked how he was getting home. He didn't have a plan, so I told him I'd take him home.

naaaaah, here's your problem:

You're too nice, and you think everyone hates *******s. BUUUUUUUUUT

You can be loud/whatever/ASSERTIVE MO****A, and still have people like you. You need to stop letting people walk over ya, is all. Easiest way to do that is to just become an ***. There's a difference between an *** and a jerk, tho. No one likes a jerk.
I guess I don't quite get that yet O.o

I was shown the light yesterday, not gonna lie. Melee iz kewl.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 8, 2008
Fort Collins, CO
I officially own my first non-smash fighter..

Jesus this is so different from anything i've ever played before..

Any tips to a BlazBlue noob? I like Arakune and V-13 so far, but I like Arakune more I think.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
if you guys want me to teach you how to improve in melee the absolute BEST way is to show me videos. it gives me a MASSIVE amount of time in order to understand what happened/what should've happened/what you could've done and id be able to tell you guys a ****load of stuff to improve.

watching someone play on a tv just doesnt give me enough time to see whats up. but give me 2-3 videos and i'd be able to tell your habits.

i will however make a list of some small things of what you can and should immediately improve on which is probably happening alot:

1. stop rolling. learn how to wd out of shield
2. everyone's really good at tech chasing now so tech in place instead of techrolling
3. dont ever EVER jump from the ledge, its a free hit because everyone spaces themselves for it
4. if you feel like you're being pressured then light shield


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Ferdi, do me a favour? I noticed that I have a habit to sidestep after I WD or stand up from the edge. Wanna start punishing that, if you can?

I mean, everyone should do it, but Ferdi/Yang are prolly the ones that are gonna be hitting me with tippers, so yeah...

New players, listen to that shiz above mah post.

Good to know that I'm not the only one that uses 40 posts per page haha.

Yeah... Lots of other things happened too. I'll PM you the details.

Yeah! It's my pleasure, and I don't mind doing any recordings.

Unnn Bloshi wondered where Dylan was, and said that he was his ride home. Naturally, I told him as a last resort to come get me.
I found Dylan and asked how he was getting home. He didn't have a plan, so I told him I'd take him home.

I guess I don't quite get that yet O.o

40 ppp is the way to do it. Everything else is lame. I also have page 10000 of our thread bookmarked, so it automatically takes me to the last page. :D

That's madd nice of you. Weird that Dylan didn't have a ride home secured, tho.

I think that really, it's a self-respect issue. When you start being a cocky *******, you normally have a good bit of respect for yourself. I'll try to explain it sometime.

I officially own my first non-smash fighter..

Jesus this is so different from anything i've ever played before..

Any tips to a BlazBlue noob? I like Arakune and V-13 so far, but I like Arakune more I think.
Don't bother with kune. Nu is good, and she teaches you a lot of the basics. Kune's retardedly difficult for your first 2df character. I'd honestly recommend you learn Jin or Ragna first, though, since they can teach the fundamentals for any fighter.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
@DTL: I will come if there is another a Supercon

@Star: Hit me up on AIM sometime ;o

@Colorado: If you come to No Koast v3, I suggest learning the MK match up (As stupid and obvious as this sound). Wifi even helps me often (if you can adjust to the lag seeing as how wifi is stupid these days)...

Ill MM anyone from CO if you guys decide to come to NKv3 by the way.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Ferdi, do me a favour? I noticed that I have a habit to sidestep after I WD or stand up from the edge. Wanna start punishing that, if you can?

I mean, everyone should do it, but Ferdi/Yang are prolly the ones that are gonna be hitting me with tippers, so yeah...
problem with this one is i wait for you to roll. i just put my back towards you and if you roll i get a free grab/utilt. and if not then your shield is dropping/i force you to jump

my marth isnt aggressive at all and i would rather wait since i have a sword and wouldnt risk mistiming a grab

im a full time waiter

while waiting to post this, i wanted to make sure so i looked at all 7 of the videos you have up on me vs you as a quick reminder and NONE of them has you ever doing what you said, whenever you're holding the ledge you ledge attack(i think a total of like 7-10 times all of which hit btw), and i think one time you rolled from the ledge and you got fsmashed. other than that you never really grabbed the ledge at all in any of the matches

maybe these are in our more recent games? i forget really fast cause i have short term memory and theres no video on it

also, looking at the beginning of my post and watching these videos showed me that most of the time id go for a Dtilt or try to approach you which leads to me getting hit by your ledge attack because the Dtilt animation doesnt end before your foot comes out to hit me

thinking about it even more if i just put my back towards you it covers every option. jump > baired, roll > grabbed/utilted, ledge attack > put up shield into dair out of shield(although i think you can roll away from the dair), stand from ledge > time to play the waiting game

Wifi even helps me often (if you can adjust to the lag seeing as how wifi is stupid these days)...
>implying brawl wifi wasnt stupid from day 1

also, i have 10/15 posts per page because its the default and i dont know where or care enough to change it

ferdi edit:

online piano



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Holiday Bash was hella fun. I had a great time, got to play a lot of people, I also met some new people. :)
If I forgot any one, remind me and I'll post some shoutouts to them. This was a great experience. You missed out on a lot if you didn't show.
Good doubles starr, same goes for chicken tenders.
@ Dave: some day I'm going to beat you. If i get sleep and don't die missing a ledge stall Fair. (How do you buffer like that?!)
@ Bees and TC: good friendlies.
@ anyone I missed: Even though I can't keep track of everyone's names/tags I remember great matches.

@ whoever coordinated the Holiday Bash: Do better next time!


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Thanks to all that attended the Holiday Bash. This was a good event and lots of fun to boot. The raffle items were great and overall I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

You will be able to view vids from the event here:




Note: Smash bros brawl winner's final and grand finals are on the NVGA youtube

Here are the results:

Tekken 6:

1: saeng
2: isaak
3: DancingFighterG
5: softee
5: IDK187
7: thegue
7: ghosx132
9: rotika
9: composure
9: xx brawler
9: yangfushang
13: the late king

Smash Bros. Brawl (Singles):

1: Fino
2: Dave!
3: Fluxus
4: timotee
5: Chunky
5: Meno
7: Demonic Toon Link
7: moblin
9: DopeboyQ
9: Bubu
9: bees
9: Chicken tenders
13: captain dyslexia
13: Starr
13: JCVD
13: Munch
17: Underload
17: MES
17: yangfushang
17: Z
17: Little Guy
17: Xann maric
17: Weak sauce
17: WeyrDragon
25: thegue
25: the late king
25: L46
25: ST . CB
25: Tranzworld
25: Possum
33: BobaFettvsWobbuffet
33: Omar_Brawler
33: Marronator
33: Bloshi
33: Lunchbox
33: Gamerchick
33: kish 340
33: red
49: MES!
49: rotika

Smash Bros. Brawl (Teams)

1: Iron Chef (Dave! + Fino)
2: Timonic toon link (Tim + DTL)
3: Awwwwwww yeah! (Nite + JCVD)
4: Marronunderwater (Marronator + Meno)
5: Pop Starr (BobaFettvsWobbuffet)
5: Bubulubu
7: team Riskey
7: Meso City

Soul Calibur 4

1: DancingFighterG
2: rivera
3: chamelio
4: IDK187
5: the late king
5: thegue
7: rotika

Street Fighter 4:

1: toxin
2: chamelio
3: jedi mind trick
4: ScottyF311
5: scottyF
5: yangfushang

HALO 3 (2 v 2):

1: flying terrordactyles (tomas + carlos)
2: crossfire (richard + aaron)
3: cold & stricken (sean + brandon)
4: pandas in pajamas (eR Leeeeerooooy)
5: Online Point Check (Keep Composure)
5: phaded monkeys (aaron + jovian)
7: TRS (Bromine + A 3 shot)
7: commanders (josh + erin)
9: Teh Jelliez (colin87 + EPiK NiNjA)
9: team ricochet (brad + christopher)
9: team skynet (dantae + steven)
9: no big deal (eric + adam)
13: red (ashley + scott)
13: final resolve (brandon + christian)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Free for All)


Who won doubles? It wasn't filled out the last two spots!! Will get the results for COD asap!!
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