IMMA DO MY SCHOOL POWER RANKINGS. Why? For lulz. Everybody after Spelt is a random scrub.
We have lots of Lucarios and Toon Links and Ikes. %_%
Zajice (Snake & Pikachu) / Moblin (Ganon & CF) It's whoever is having the better day. I think he's better cause he wins with Ganon and CF.
Spelt (Sheik & Random Button atm)
Jerry (Luigi & ROB)
Adam (Samus & Marth)
Colin (Lucario & Toon Link)
Tim (Lucas & Toon Link)
Tony (Lucario & Zelda)
Sage (Lucario)
Kai (Luigi)
Everybody Else (Usually Ike)
Moblin (Ganon)
Zajice (Fox) / Moblin (Not Ganon)
Spelt (Sheik)
Adam (Samus)
Kai (Luigi)
Everybody else hates melee.
Zajice (Pikachu)
Moblin (Captain Falcon)
Spelt (Fox)
Everybody else plays random people and don't seem to be any better than eachother.
Everybody there plays to have fun. They don't care about winning or losing. It's actually pretty awesome. You can **** them and they'll go "Woah! That was fun!" and even go "REMATCH!"
Only one of my friends cries about losing, and she actually hates Smash entirely because we play it all the time and she sucks at it. :/
Overall, Jerry has potential to be good if he goes down the road of the tourneyf*g. He already does really well without ever studying anything. I can't seem to get him to though. Adam is second place cause I play with him more than any other scrub, so he's much better than the average scrub. Kai is a scrub that doesn't own Brawl. That's way he's better at melee. He likes Brawl though.
Everybody else sucks and likes to Rollcario. Colin is actually a Rollcario too, but he's a little better since he actually looks stuff up here every once in a while. Cause I made him.
So there's the rundown of the smash scene at my school. We need better players for srs. >_>
Oh yeah. We have a Tim and a Tony at our school. :B