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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Cold star is crazy good lol...

Ammy's good at like everything... lol

I'll look into dante : 3
Ammys like, the ultimate assist. :D OH! AND EEEEVERYTHING GOES OVER HEEER!
Seriously its like impossible to camp ammy. .____.

But yea, give dante a try~! Hes got sooo many moves he can cover any weak spot on your team.

They steal money, charge for a venue they get for free, pretend to be a non-profit, and are generally douchebags. Don't go, you'll prolly lose to Eric and give money to c3t. Even if you win, you still lose.

I was gonna do it for experience, and ya know, to not be the non-existant ghost of this thread. :V But yea, my main concern was the pay out. Even if I get first it looked pretty low for what it cost to get in. Didn't they take advantage of dan who was helping em too? I think it was dan atleast...

Thanks for the head Dan and Tony. C:

Oh and PSN~! Xbox controllers feel so awkward for fighting games. We should battle to man~! If your up for it.

*puppy dog eyes*


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Ammys like, the ultimate assist. :D OH! AND EEEEVERYTHING GOES OVER HEEER!
Seriously its like impossible to camp ammy. .____.

But yea, give dante a try~! Hes got sooo many moves he can cover any weak spot on your team.

I was gonna do it for experience, and ya know, to not be the non-existant ghost of this thread. :V But yea, my main concern was the pay out. Even if I get first it looked pretty low for what it cost to get in. Didn't they take advantage of dan who was helping em too? I think it was dan atleast...

Thanks for the head Dan and Tony. C:

Oh and PSN~! Xbox controllers feel so awkward for fighting games. We should battle to man~! If your up for it.

*puppy dog eyes*
you aren't a real person


Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2009
I was gonna do it for experience, and ya know, to not be the non-existant ghost of this thread. :V But yea, my main concern was the pay out. Even if I get first it looked pretty low for what it cost to get in. Didn't they take advantage of dan who was helping em too? I think it was dan atleast...

Thanks for the head Dan and Tony. C:
C3 Tourneys are ****, despite what a friend and I are trying to do on the back end. The only thing I've seen C3 do well is a gameroom for conventions and whatnot. 24-hour gamerooms are definite highlights.

Yeah, Greg takes a lot of advantage over me. Tony too while he was still under the fascist rule of C3.

Come to Animeland Wasabi if you want the "experience" against mashers and ****. Otherwise, just make it to any events that we're hosting. Remember that Springsfest always happens on Friday, 18:00 - 23:00. If it's a weekend and I'm not working, I'm always down for hauling my room to another location, sitting down, and playing (even if it's in Denver).

Actually... my room is in my car right now.


Does the C stand for casual?

Surprisingly, Naruto GNT4 is one of the better fighting games I've played.
Yeah, and probably the only one I'll ever play. Even had a Naruto full bar combo down. But Choji down-special on your wake-up too good.

My team in there was Guy, Choji, and Naruto.

... I'm remembering Hitachi's bull**** now..

Damit, I didn't want to write this much about Naruto! But it's GNT4.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Just a few more minutes and I'm off to Washington! :bee:

I've bought two pretty awesome Colorado shirts, done a ton of tech skill practice, and just done a lot of thinking about the game. I'm as ready as I can be and I'm really really excited to represent! Despite my tournament performance though, I'm gonna be polite as **** and hey, maybe make us out to be kinda cool people. Cuz we are.


Well anyways.




Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2009
Just a few more minutes and I'm off to Washington! :bee:

I've bought two pretty awesome Colorado shirts, done a ton of tech skill practice, and just done a lot of thinking about the game. I'm as ready as I can be and I'm really really excited to represent! Despite my tournament performance though, I'm gonna be polite as **** and hey, maybe make us out to be kinda cool people. Cuz we are.


Well anyways.


**** face Meno!
Colorado <3s you!!!

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
I'm talking about parties. What, do you think I'm just getting drunk and going the classes? :glare:
No, I didn't think you were. XD Though once you're drunk, even though parties smell like alcohol, it is noticeably strong on breath. Though if you're talking to a girl who likes to party a lot, I'm not sure they'd care much. Oh well, your choice there. XD


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2006
Denver, CO
Just a few more minutes and I'm off to Washington! :bee:

I've bought two pretty awesome Colorado shirts, done a ton of tech skill practice, and just done a lot of thinking about the game. I'm as ready as I can be and I'm really really excited to represent! Despite my tournament performance though, I'm gonna be polite as **** and hey, maybe make us out to be kinda cool people. Cuz we are.


Well anyways.


good luck, don't get pounded too hard.....


Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2009
Hell, Colorado
k so someone hacked my PSN and now its banned.

so add TBoydSteam

also playstation is gay and doesn't let you transfer saves. yay I get to play blazblue's THRILLING story for the 3rd time to get Mu. I might just pay the 2 dollars for her >.>


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2006
Denver, CO
k so someone hacked my PSN and now its banned.

so add TBoydSteam

also playstation is gay and doesn't let you transfer saves. yay I get to play blazblue's THRILLING story for the 3rd time to get Mu. I might just pay the 2 dollars for her >.>
did it say u were banned or were u just unable to log on. Because i thought the same thing but all i had to do was exit my game and log in through psn on the home screen and accept some agreement


Smash Cadet
Nov 16, 2008
Meno just keep this super secret tip in mind. Whatever you do don't loose. You'll win Pound for sure now. But in the off chance you don't make sure you upset some ppl so you can throw it in Ill@ma@tic's face :)


Smash Rookie
Feb 18, 2011
Hi I just moved from Utah to golden, Co I played in smash tournies in Utah I won some and lost some but that was back when I played lucario I upgraded to a more op char since then. I haven't played brawl in a little while and I want to so I'm calling out all the "pros" here I want a good match I have a vehicle I'd be willing to drive. If there are any tournies coming up or anyone wants to kick it and brawl it up send me a text or call 801-669-2613 or message me on here I don't care how you get ahold of me phone preffered since I don't have internet at my house I have go use my phone a d its truly a pain in the ***. Let me know, thanks.


Feb 5, 2009
MLP if it were a 2D fightan gaem.

My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic Tier List

Top Tier
Pinkie Pie - Don't care what anybody says, this ***** is overpowered. She never dies cause she's made of toon-material, allowing for insane health. 12 tons of ACME can't take this girl down. She can just teleport all over the damn screen so it's hard as hell to predict anything. She can sit there and spam "La La Launch" like no tomorrow until you manage to get close, then even then she always has "Pinkie Surprise." "Chocolate Counter" is a high risk, high reward super but damn it's scary if it works. Breaking the 4th wall is by far her most OP move too. This one tourney, she literally popped out of the TV and smacked the controller out of my hands, and while I was recovering from the shock/trying to get my damn controller back, I had already lost.

Not to mention, "Rubber Chicken Taunt" is the best taunt of the game. Equivalent of "Show me your moves!"

High Tier
Rainbow Dash - Pure rushdown character if ever there was one. Strong and extremely fast attacks. You can't tell what a good Dash is even doing, they're too busy zipping around and wailing on you like no tomorrow. "Candy Vag Detection" breaks guards extremely easily too, so it's hard to block everything. Some say her lack of a projectile is an issue, but her "Tornado" attack spaces so well and has some kind of freaking invuln or something. The only thing that gets past it is Pinkie's cymbals (another reason Pinkie's freaking broken). And "Sonic Rainboom" does ridiculous amounts of damage even for a super.

"Junior Speedster Anthem" is a pretty cool taunt too, so that gives her bonus points.

Twilight Sparkle - Magic users always seem to be too good. The best part about this character is spacing. All her magical attacks can be used to effectively zone, "Kinesis" in particular, and then because of her magic all of her normals up close have ridiculous range. The ability to combo off pretty much anything at any range easily places her in top tier. The only thing keeping her below Dash is that she is far more predictable. The thing is, her tools are so effective, predicting really doesn't help that much. "SCIENCE" isn't a very good super on it's own, but a very good move to use in a combo.

"Read a Book" is probably the most insulting taunt. It's basically saying "I don't even give a **** that you can hit me right now, I'm gonna win anyway."

Celestia - A combo of Twilight and Dash. Speed and range with damage to boot. She's basically a deity, so it's understandable that she's high tier. She can magic up projectiles, then zoom over to you with Dash speed for combos after they land. If blocked, she effectively lays on pressure with the range of her normals. "Suddenly..." is a good approach move where she seems to just land on you from any distance. "Exile" is an instant-win super where she kicks you out of Equestria. Luckily it's hard to land and can't be combo'd into. Her main weakness is being so freaking lolhuge.

"Obey" is a more intimidating than it is a taunt.

Mid Tier
Applejack - She hits hard. Really hard. Even her normals hit hard. Being as athletic as she is, plus the extra strength that comes with being an Earth Pony to compensate for no wings/magic, it's really no surprise. "Buckin' Apples" causes wallbounce, making for easy combos. "Lasso'd Apples" is also a reliable projectile, and can be faked out, causing her to eat it rather than toss it with some minor HP regen. "The Apple Family" is a crazy effective super, summoning every single member of her family for a barrage of attacks.

"Lasso Hoop Jumping" is also a fun taunt to throw out between "Lasso'd Apples" as it's starting animation is exactly the same.

Trixie - Basically a weaker version of Twilight. Her magic attacks are much less effective, but she makes up for these shortcomings with moves like "Boast" which do more damage (through getting hurt feelings and butt devestated). One of her problems is that she's built around countering other moves with "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better." Landing it summons a customized super that's different for each character. The effectiveness of this depends on the character. For example, Twilight has no issue dodging or blocking this super, but Applejack gets wailed on like no tomorrow. This makes her a character that both hard counters and gets hard countered.

"Stroke Ego" is a good taunt for people who are full of themselves mid-match.

Luna - Take Celestia, make her normal sized, and take away some speed/range/damage. Like this she's low-tier. However her "Nightmare Moon" super transforms her into Nightmare Moon (surprise) and she grows to Celestia size and all her moves beat Celestia's in every way. Speed, range, AND damage. She basically becomes a boss character. Like this she's obviously high tier, almost even Pinkie Pie good. The problem is that she's only allowed to do this at 20% health and needs full meter. This makes getting this status very difficult and one combo will likely kill her at that point. It is enough to keep her in mid-tier however.

"Forever Alone" is a taunt where she sits down and stares dejectedly at the ground. As Nightmare moon, this becomes "Eternal Night" and forces the stage to switch to a nighttime version of itself.

Derpy Hooves - Similar playstyle to Dash, being extremely unpredictable. Only her's isn't from speed. You just don't know WTF is going on. "Herp Till You Derp" is her main attack move. It's similar to moves like "Double Edge" in Pokemon, where she hurts herself while charging you. The trade-off is worth it however. "Herpy Derpy," "DerpDerp," "HurrDurr," etc are all interchangable at any time, causing her unpredictability. I still don't know what half these moves do, that's how unpredictable they are. "Mail Time" is by far the most ******** super out there too. Basically she emulates the Mail Time song from Blue's Clues and your character takes damage from trying to kill themselves while it's happening.

"Muffin" is a taunt that needs no explanation. Muffin!

Low Tier
Rarity - Her main issue is health. She is a very fragile character unable to take many hits, and overall just isn't suited much for fighting. "Sewing it Together" however is a surprisingly good pressure move, but nothing more. "Makeover~" is a grab special where she slaps mud/cucumbers on your face, but she has no good way to apply it unless she manages to start a combo with "Sleepover." "Musical" would be a good super, however it suffers from one main problem. By the time you land it the timer is usually about to run out and it lasts a long time before any actual damage is applied, causing many would-be wins to end in a timeout in the opponent's favor. This does sometimes work in her favor though.

"Glasses" is the sexiest taunt in the game.

Spike - Spike has zero range. This is obviously a problem. He has no way to get in on opponents, and when he does, damage is average. "Snark" however causes stun from a distance, and is his main way of getting in. It would be better if the stun lasted longer, but most of the time he can't even get close enough to do anything after landing it. He does have the advantage of a small hitbox however.

"Letter to the Princess" is a not-really-taunt that's basically a copy of him fire-breathing a letter away from the show opening.

Gilda - She's a strange mixture of Applejack and Rainbow Dash that just doesn't seem to work. It's like they took anything negative about the two characters and stuck 'em together to make Gilda. "Bully," though it does a lot of damage, doesn't top AJ's "Buckin' Apples" and neither does her general damage output. Her speed also seems to be below that of Dash's. Dash beats her by a smidgen. "Roar" would have been a good super if it did more damage. It hits fullscreen, but the damage is negligible.

"Mocking Laugh" would be a good taunt if she actually had anything to mock you for.

Bottom Tier
Applebloom - No health, no damage, no range, no cutie mark.

"I want it noooooooooooooooooooow" is a cute taunt though.

Fluttershy - She just sits there and takes it like a *****. There was a rare case where she won a tourney by either making the opponent player "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW" so much that they passed out, or made the opponent's character cry by making them feel bad about themselves. This however is extremely hard to pull off and is a very unconventional tactic.

"Cry" even as a taunt is sadly one of her most useful moves.
This is what I did while winding down from homework and waiting to get tired enough for sleep.


Smash Rookie
Feb 18, 2011
I will troll til I get someone to play smash against. If I still had internet id **** you at league too ;] please dont tell me you are an ez player. That would explain your ***gyness if you are one.


Smash Rookie
Feb 18, 2011
Im just messing with you btw I truly dont know if you're a *** irl or not you have a pretty good win loss ratio just like me, search Goqqmore thats my summoner profile. Where can I go to find smash players im getting withdrawls of not playing smash or league and Ive lived in Colorado for like a whole 2 weeks I am a top end gamer looking for other top end gamers to compete against. Help me out here.


Smash Rookie
Feb 18, 2011
What is timfest and zournament? Anyone wanna play brawl I can drive just need other brawlers and a place v.v please... I'm having withdrawals.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
Because I'm feeling nice right now, I'll tell you. :p

Timfest is a tournament at Tim's house, I'm assuming. XD If you want to know more about it, ask Tim. Btw Tim, he needs to know which person you are. XD

Zournament is a big tournament that is at (I think Dan's house??) and it's a running meme to say "When/where is zournament?" because he tends to rage because the info is so readily available in his sig. For more info on Zournament, please, look at his sig. It makes Dan happy. :)
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