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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2010
Hey guys, lets stop discussing who has the best posts because honestly, it's completely ******** and a waste of time. This is a video game forum after all.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO

Did I get it right?


Feb 6, 2009

i feel like i should earn an award for this or something.


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
You aren't. You're 5th from last.

Also I finished my list.
And nobody should take it seriously. Except a few of you. Those few definitely should.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Lower mid-tier **** yea!

And i havn't even met you guys yet~! :3 I feel a lil more loved~! Thought i wouldn't even be concluded for not wanting to talk about blazblue! o3o

BTW got my drivers permit today! The question on the test are soooo trivial though, like borderline ********. I swear half of em will never come up when im driving. ;~;

EDIT: Dan should be ranked higher imo. Dan rage is pretty amusing. '3'


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
Tim: Tim is like MK. Obviously the best in the current metagame, with the best results and matchups, but at more perfectish play, ICs are probably better.

Mikezor: Okay you’re actually my favorite but sometimes you make other people mad and they get off their computer feeling worse about themselves and maybe they think it over but it’s nobody’s fault they should just get some help. DDD.

Tony: Keeps away bad characters with nothing but Dthrow, lazers, and Jab. Good ****, Falco.

Jamaal: Overall the highest potential to make the best posts on the internet, but doesn’t place as consistently and isn’t as easy to use as Tim. Ice Climbers.

Spencer: A god among men, a Snake among Jigglypuff (s?). Best insight, but ****ing annoying bananas. Diddy Kong.

Yang: Always enjoyable to read and never hateful, but with the potential to wreck ****. I love your posts and there isn’t much else to say. Marth.

Moblin: I’ll just start out by saying the Ganondorf of this thread, but the melee one. Solid poster that’s always fun to read from because your posts are short.

Underload: When we’re not having gay little flames wars, I enjoy your posts. And you have good taste in music, women, and fine wines. Also you’re a mod so you make CO like kinda legit while Meno and I ruin everything for us. Mostly me though. The Olimar of this thread.

Jorge: Always smiling, even surrounded by violent ragequits. Also you sometimes talk about brawl, so thank you for that. The ROB of the thread.

Ferdi: Efficient style, but mostly, HIS POSTS READ YOU. Whatever character he feels like.

Roblin: Your posts are oblivious in a good way. Definite potential for amazing poster. I would say the Sonic of the thread.

Zajice: You got timed out. Welcome to mediocrity. The IC’s of this thread, because you get timed out. Or apparently the Diddy.

DTL: You definitely post the handsomest. I would say the Melee Captain Falco of this thread.

CloudChaser: Really good poster, but recent results are really going to hurt his current placing. Luckily, we all know he’s got great character and he’s shown amazing things in the past, so keep an eye out. Snake of this thread?

Bees: In the words of Steam, “Bees stop being butthurt.” You’re the Peach of this threads You bruise easily and die at super-low percentages, especially because Meno is playing you. But you still have really great combos in a game without them and a viable, unique moveset.

Sunny: You got potential. I think. You’re like a non-bad Yoshi.

Steam: “I’m quitting.” “I’m glad MK is in the game to keep out Marth.” “Lucario is decent against MK.” “I lost to an MK.” “I’m quitting brawl.” “Bees and IB.” But I like him. Pretty much the Lucario of this thread.

Sapphire: If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were Tim’s weird way of trolling Jamaal with flattery. Also your posts are still difficult to read. But I’ve never met you and I still read them, so that says something. The Pikachu of this thread.

Spelt: Oh my god. I still like you irl. The Jigglypuff of this thread.

Meno: “Hey everybody, look at me. I play Peach and I only lost to MK and other characters Dylan is stronger than me Peach Gay Brawl Men Men Ivysaur.” This sums him up. He’s the Toon Link of this thread.

Fishbait: I’ve never enjoyed one of your posts. Ever. Which is weird because you’re interesting in real life. Post better, Brawl Ganondorf.

Sapphire Dragon

Smash Master
May 17, 2009
Let go of the scars that define you.
Switch FC
Sapphire: If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were Tim’s weird way of trolling Jamaal with flattery. Also your posts are still difficult to read. But I’ve never met you and I still read them, so that says something. The Pikachu of this thread.
Lmao. <3

They're still hard to read? o.o But I thought this blue was good?
How about this one?


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
Guys, don't worry about it. I got the Loke Test balances so far for Colorado Smash Scene: Forumality Shift!:

Loke test day 1:

-Has MUCH more post-lag
-Can't follow up a Win post with a 22Win post
-1Win, 2Win, 3Win post gatling doesn't work anymore.
-Can only have a maximum of two fans per post
-Thread can only be named after him, or his actions, once per three months.
-Is now worse at Litchi, greatly lessening BlazBlue conversing ability.
-Slight nerf to old jokes, making him have to vary his jokes in his posts better.
-Music selection and effectiveness slightly increased while posting.

-WPM typing speed GREATLY decreased (from 99 to 70)
-Can not cancel into Wear Hat during mid-post
-Slightly more proration from smaller posts.
-Nerf on reading speed and reading accessibility. Makes for slightly less references, less links, and overall less hilarity in each post.
-HUGE nerf to Charlie-Dog interruption, making Tim overall post slower and harder to land counter posts.
- Has slightly more ability to take thread titles.

-HUGE Proration on large posts, making his large posts less effective...
-HUGE decrease of proration on shorter posts, allowing for more balance and variety in-between posts
-Anger mode time and effectiveness buffed slightly.
-Can now link into Anger mode off all posts with more than 2 aggro-points (approximately casual joking level.)
-Can only quote a maximum of 4 different times in a single post when in Anger mode.
-Ability to make up words slightly buffed.

-Has to make a properly typed post after each 3 non-properly typed posts.
-Can not use Sig in every post now. Allows for less distractions and more fluidity in his posts
-Uses a new emote system to invoke more aggro from other posters.

-Cannot post-cancel into Melee discussion after a Brawl discussion
-Now has a overload meter. If he does not post at least twice a week, he'll explode, doing damage to himself.
-Stronger normal posts

-No changes.

-Changed his avatar
-Posts have to be about more than one subject. (Cannot cancel Marvel -> Marvel or LoL -> LoL anymore)
-New taunt confuses other posters within 5 posts of his.

-Each post can now gatling into Ponies, allowing for a higher hilarity combo.
-Post consistency slightly buffed.
-Can post-cancel into BlazBlue off of more normal posts.
-HUGE buff to post length, allowing for more variety and content in posts.

-Posts are now more attractive with use of avatars, sigs, and forum-based emotes
-User name is GREATLY buffed for remembrance balance.
-Posts repetitions greatly buffed. Can post more often now.
-Can now triple post, but with a 25% chance of infraction.

-Acts more girly to add to her attention combos.
- Avatar has been toned down; less cuteness damage.
-Balanced posts more for overall forumplay. Instead of only have lots of posts during certain times, she posts more evenly. Less overall damage, but better overall attention.
-Niceness toned down slightly.

-Has a new super: Super-Moderator. Allows for changes to other people's profiles without their knowledge
-Added +1 year to his age, allowing for more mature and sensible posts.
-Slight nerf to height.
-Slight buff to enjoying women's presence.
-Slight buff to argumentative posts; clashes more with DTL's and Tony's posts now.

-Text color has been slightly modified, allowing for more readability.
-Ability to hop forums increased significantly. Can now hop 6 different topics.
-Added to Colorado love and ROB love, to make her strong grabbing posts even stronger.
-Interests have been changed to allow her to keep up with Colorado threads better.
-Slight buff to popularity.
-Automatically, but very slowly, regens money. Makes it easier to charge up for taking flights.
-Slight buff to flattery, able to flatter more people consistently.

- Location is GREATLY moved to allow for MUCH LESS proration on joyfulness in posts. Joyful counts have been seen, so far, up to Rainbow levels.
-Slight nerf on Robot Unicorn Attack for flash game balancing.
-No longer has to quit forums after using Upset mode
-Buff to having prettier hair.

-Picture post ability nerfed. Can only post 2 pictures a day
-In turn, reference to memes ability has been BUFFED. Able to make very good subtle references though text and his new ability...
-Linking to YouTube videos.
-Can cancel into YT on missed reference.
- WPM slightly increased due to new text uses.
- Slight nerf to Ponies (a little less than Moblin's level now, loke testers are saying)

-Now has an RTD pass, allowing for more travel-ability. Easier to jump in on inside jokes and references.
-Can now double-post without infraction penalty during Colorado thread.
-Forum name can be canceled a 3rd time into itself (Sunny->Sunny->Sunny)

- HUGE nerf on self-pity posts. Can only make one pity reference per month.
- HUGE increase on jokes. Can be canceled into a humorous self-pity joke, but the proration is higher.
-Enjoys Ponies now.

-Has a new hair style, as to not look like Dave, upping his uniqueness.
-Buff on shamelessness of furry love, making him a slightly more headstrong poster.
-Slight increase on Furry. Can do an extra rep of the Furry loop during posts with a shameless bonus.
-New move: **** the furry haters. Allows for more defense against furry pressure.
-Able to use chain hurt-posts together better, allowing for better, and longer, posting combos.
-Buff to quitting and rejoining Brawl.

-FAR better timing on posts. Posts occur more during the day time (no nerfs during nighttime and early morning)
-Slight nerf self-aggro during posts. Allows for better constructed pressure against other posters.
-Can use self-aggro MUCH better now (people are saying it's almost as good as Tony's anger now)
-Location slightly moved, allowing for more Denver trips, and less posts about lack of BlazBlue players.
-Party-holding has been buffed by +1. Can have one more gathering per year.
-Can now double post without penalty.

-HUGE buff on posts when art is in it. Adds attention, love, and fans to his posting combos.
-Is able to take MANY more art requests.
-Buff on Peach playability, allowing for posts to reach into the Peach boards more.
-Post open-ness increased greatly. Allows for much more freedom in posts and word selection.
-Interests are increased, allowing for more thread discussion.
-Able to reply to posts with more accuracy of conveying thoughts and feelings.

-Now has other interests besides Brawl, allowing for more variety in posts.
-Is now able to post pictures and videos, giving a new virtue to his posts...
-Proof. Will not attract as many trolls about his Wi-Fi Brawl ability, and will buff how many fans he receives in return.
-Auto-cancels into charging next post upon clicking send.
-Time on Smashboards is greatly buffed, allowing for most posts in the Colorado thread. (no change to AiB posts or status).

-Noel ability is increased, allowing for more BlazBlue conversation
-Real-life mode time decreased, allowing for more time on the forums and better posting pressure.
-Ability to hype people is buffed, allowing for more attention and attraction to posts.
-HUGE buff to Mario Party, making it easier to get Mario Party hype specifically going in posts.
-User name buffed slightly to JCVGD! (Jean-Claude Van GawdDamn!)


Smash Master
Aug 25, 2008
I enjoy Steam angry real talk.

And @ Saphire, I find plain white to be the easiest.

edit: See this is what I mean about Jamaal...Clearly a better post than Tim's, but it's so much harder to pull off.

Also I have no idea what no changes means for me, but it peeves me greatly to the point of self-reflection.
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