-_- Pssh i tried talking you and you just put the blame on me without seeing things from another point of view. Until you are able to see things from another point of view i will not bother to deal with you and the drama that you always seem to create. Sometimes i'm so glad i know more english than you think cause using words that try to make you sound smart makes me see that you aren't really using them as correctly as you might think you are, but ANYWAYS!!!!!! You are in the ****en wrong! and until you realize this i want you to know that i'm only trying to help and show you the wrongs that you are doing to not only yourself but to everyone around you! Think about this! Im serious
How did I put the blame on you, exactly?
Nice try on the "you aren't using words correctly" bit, by the way. Obstinacy is a pretty simple word, excel is simple; hell, all the words I used should be known by anyone who went to High School. Even if someone didn't know what a word meant, they could just go to dictionary.com, type in the word, and voila! They'd know it. I would love for you to point out how I'm "not using them as correctly" as I think I am. I'm not using them because you're insecure with others' perceptions of your grasp of the English language. When I get annoyed on the internet, I tend to be a little more uptight with my English, prolly to compensate for the fact the when I'm pissed IRL, I can't string a sentence together. I'm one of the people that doesn't just assume you're clueless, Nite. I lived with you for a while, I know you aren't stupid.
Like I said when we spoke at Nick's, I wasn't aware of some of the things surrounding this drama, and I'd take what we discussed into consideration for whenever Bees and I spoke again. I never once said I was completely blame free. However, to say it's entirely my fault is ignorant, at best. Laughing off what one person says/does to set something in motion while being more than a little willing to vilify (ohno, fancy English) me is stupid, too.
Yeah, I can get personal. I'll work on not cutting so deep. Buuuut, it would be nice if you also acknowledged a few things:
1) The double-standards you have pertaining to Mikezor (got nothin' against ya, Mike. You're pretty much da best) are ridiculous. He can pretty much say or do anything (within reason, I'd like to think he couldn't kidnap the president) and it's just "ohmikelol".
2) While I need to work on being more considerate of the other side, you need to work on not avoiding elephants in the room. It's bogging you down and putting undue strain on anyone involved. I will not expand on this point in any way, shape, or form. I don't even think I'll respond to any attempts to continue discussion on it. It's just something to think on.
3) You're no saint, either. By continuing in this thread, I had to publicly expand on a few things, some of which weren't even really your deal to begin with. I wanted to take it to PM because Drama Free Colorado thread was actually pretty **** enjoyable. Considering a good deal of this didn't even effect you directly, your willingness to continue the discussion publicly shows a desire (however small) to both draw attention to this situation and to be seen as the peace bringer/champion/hero/what the **** ever other positive terms you want to use. By continuing it here, you made it less about the actually issue, and more about others SEEING what is happening. This matter is compounded by the fact that you haven't really posted here in a while outside of your white-knighting.
No posting->drama post-> not taking to PM after the person who was actually directly effected (and effected the most) does=
Well, if you don't understand what's wrong with this, you may have some maturing to do.
To clarify, maturing has nothing to do with age, it's more mental.
Nah mean?