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Cliché Thread: Best Film I've Ever Seen


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
brian i ended up liking exit thru the gift shop a lot more than i thought i would, definitely took a surprising turn near the end that worked out really well.

am i the only one that thought the whole thing might be a big prank and the movie is kind of a mockumentary? in an "i'm still here" kinda way. i wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the case

oscar your taste in movies is impeccable
thanks, bro!


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
brian i ended up liking exit thru the gift shop a lot more than i thought i would, definitely took a surprising turn near the end that worked out really well.

am i the only one that thought the whole thing might be a big prank and the movie is kind of a mockumentary? in an "i'm still here" kinda way. i wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the case
I thought Banksy just made it so that he could discredit the other guy in a way (forgot his name, saw it a long time ago). I think he wanted to give more credit to "real" artists and try to make a point about commercialism and the how the general public doesn't understand good art and stuff like that.

..so basically no i didnt think it was a prank lol

And I definitely liked the movie a lot more after the twist, made me realize why it was getting such high reviews lol

I think you might be underrating Eisenberg's performance because it's so 'in his wheelhouse'. Or maybe I'm overrating it because I usually hate his performances and this one he toned down he mannerisms and played it more straight. It's really good, I kinda wanna get the Blu-Ray and watch it in HD.
sorry forgot to reply to this. maybe i am underrating him a lot, everyone else i talked to thought he was spectacular. i guess i appreciate actors who can do a wide range of things well a bit more than the ones who just do one character really well. but they are just more specialized so i probably shouldn't think that way.

but yea that's why i'm not a big fan of michael cera, i mean he kills the role that he does, but we've had enough of it already.

Edit: I think what I like about it is that it makes them look more human. more believable


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
I thought Banksy just made it so that he could discredit the other guy in a way (forgot his name, saw it a long time ago). I think he wanted to give more credit to "real" artists and try to make a point about commercialism and the how the general public doesn't understand good art and stuff like that.

..so basically no i didnt think it was a prank lol
i think you should watch it again


Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2010
michael cera is the greatest comedian of our generation

dave, your claim that he does the same thing over and over has no merit. is he funny?

is repetition funny?

comedy is simple. timing. delivery. contrast.

cera has it all.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
i dunno about comedy but i thought he was good in juno

after that i dunno, there were funnier people in scott pilgrim than he was, but i didnt watch like year one and youth in revolt or anything


Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2010
he dun make u laugh?


no sarcasm. sarcasm = aggressive. im just love. for the record. text can be hard to discern.

he's clever imo. clever > smart imo


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
He does, but i wouldn't say he's the greatest comedian of our generation by any means

and i got nothing against him personally, just looking purely at his acting performances


Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2010
our generation isn't very funny

he's 22 dude! he's exactly our age! who else is 22 doing what he's doing in hollywood? doing what he did on arrested development? how old was he then? 16?!

Arrested Development, Superbad, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Juno.

he hasn't landed nobody roles either. he lands prominent roles in whatever he wants. all of those movies / shows are quality.

how many actors do ****ty movies?! denzel washington, where are you located?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
on Exit Through the Gift Shop:
After much discussion with a lot of people (including my street art *** friends, my film *** friends and girls), the only thing I think MIGHT be fake, is that Banksy seems to claim that giving he thought giving Thierry a quote to use in his press releases would be "harmless". Banksy is one of the most media savvy artists out there, and I wouldn't be too surprised if he knew what he was doing.

Other than that, the rest of the film seems to all be true.

And after watching the Social Network on Blu-Ray a couple times (thanks roommate for buying it so I don't have to!), I gotta say it was a great movie. The script is airtight, the cinematography is gorgeous, the lighting gives me a boner, Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield are perfect in their roles, they did an amazing job making the Winklevi look like real twins.

If you've only seen it once, I'd recommend watching it again. All great movies grow on you as you watch them again. The Social Network is no different.

And I'm glad to see some Michael Cera defense on here. He's got brilliant comedic timing (watch Arrested Development and try to tell me that kid isn't a natural). SuperBad was the best comedy movie of the 00s and he gets a lot of the best (and most 'real') laughs.


Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2010
the social network is a good flick, but it's so inaccurate that it's a worthless piece of art imo

it's not a movie. just a flick.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
the social network is a good flick, but it's so inaccurate that it's a worthless piece of art imo

it's not a movie. just a flick.
I don't understand why accuracy is all that important, to be honest. In fact, I'd say that in making art you shouldn't be a slave to the facts. The movie doesn't open with "This Film is Based on True Events" or it doesn't push that this is the "true story of Facebook". It's aware that it's a dramatization of real life, and I think as an audience member that is also aware of that there is no reason for it's inaccuracy to diminish it's importance.

The Social Network is a parable. It's not a story to be taken literally, but it doesn't mean the lessons or morals are inapplicable.

I have some more to write but I'm using my roommates computer and don't want to take up too much time.

missed u posting around here dude


Smash Cadet
Sep 26, 2010
a dramatization?

it's full of lies and misconceptions!

art is about being TRUE to yourself!

not about selling lies!

art is not about a quick buck!

it's about the heart and soul!

that's what's lacking in movies nowadays. i saw scott pilgrim the other day, and the writing is fantastic!

but there ain't no SOUL!

i missed you too brian! <3

i mean, i can find the links for you that shows how wrong the social network was. would that change your mind? but you know you could find that yourself!

so you have to ask, what is the motive?

the only thing, to me, is to make money!

but the love of money is the root of all evil!

i ain't supporting that!

and here's what i would argue:

parables ARE meant to be taken literally!

talk to alan about greek mythology! pandora's box!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
i kinda get what you're saying. i think fincher's movies can be a little cold at times (although i think it serves the work sometimes, like zodiac), and the social network definitely lacks heart. but i don't really buy that lacking soul means you're just trying to cash in.
and i've read a bit about how wrong the movie is. the story they tell in the movie and the morals in play are so different from reality, but it's done so for the sake of storytelling. they chose to tell the story in a way to make the points they wanted to make, which is far more 'true to yourself' than being devoted to getting it right imo.

are there any recent movies you would classify as having soul? now that i've started to think about it, a lot of my recent favorites are on the cold side (stuff like christopher nolan's movies, there will be blood, no country for old men). eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is one i think of, although i've never liked that movie as much as others seem to.

i meant more that the social network shouldn't be taken for value on whether or not it's factual or realistic, but for what the morals and goal of the storytelling is. although i guess some of the strength of the social network's story is that it feels tangible because it's "based" on real people, places and events. i'm gonna have to think about this more.

I recently watched Steven Soderbergh's Schizopolis, which he wrote, directed, and starred in. I don't entirely get it, but it was highly enjoyable, and anyone interested in experimental movies definitely should check it out.
this was recommended to me a while back but i never got around to watching it. i wasn't sure if it was something i'd actually enjoy but i trust the sheridan opinion more.


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
**** netflix instant watch is so awful

like the library of stuff they have on there is like 1 good thing to 40 crappy things

there has to be a blog out there for good stuff to watch on netflix


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
you can try browsing instantwatcher.com as opposed to the netflix site. it has some nice tools for finding stuff (sort by rotten tomatoes score, etc). mostly i just poke around until i find something interesting, add it to my queue, repeat

here's an official brian reedy recommendation, i think you'd enjoy it oscar:
English crime movie from the late 70s (although released in 1980). Starring Bob Hoskins (of Super Mario Bros and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) and Helen Mirren (aka total babe slash the Queen). Hoskins plays a crime boss who has big plans for London. While trying to negotiate a business deal with Americans, **** starts to go down. Great electronic score, well acted, it's a pretty complete package. Plus, there's an incredibly young Pierce Brosnan (possibly his first role?) without his shirt on if that's your bag.

Just thought of one more to do:
A very early Stanley Kubrick movie, this flick is an ESSENTIAL heist movie for any fan. Kinda standard heist movie plot: There's a complicated plan to steal money from a racetrack, things don't go according to plan. This is the earliest heist movie I've seen and it's story has been echoed by many films that come after it. It's a fairly short movie, but masterfully plotted and executed flawlessly. It's not a masterpiece like some of Kubrick's later films, but it's a great genre picture and well worth your time.

Just for kicks, here's some stuff I have in my queue, some I haven't seen yet, but all I think would be of interest to people looking for good stuff to watch:
a bunch of Akira Kurosawa movies (Rashomon, Yojimbo, Hidden Fortress, etc)
Vengeance trilogy (Old Boy/Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Lady Vengeance)
The Host
Enter The Void (Adam Madison content?)
Dog Day Afternoon
various David Lynch movies (Elephant Man, Eraser Head, Lost Highway, etc)
various Kubrick (Eyes Wide Shut, A Clockwork Orange, 2001, etc)
Mother (this has been highly recommended to me multiple times, it's near the top of my list)
A Prophet
various Coen Brothers (Hudsucker Proxy, Barton Fink, The Man Who Wasn't There)
Following (Christopher Nolan's first movie, I think Insomnia is also on WI)

anything on that list i've either watched and will confirm as "good" or has been directly recommended to me before by trusted sources.

if anyone has any good Netflix Watch Instantly recommendations for me, toss em my way. i'm always looking for something good and convenient to watch.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I finally saw Black Swan last week and I was very impressed with it. I also couldn't help but comparing with American Psycho after the ending.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Not gonna lie I thought rashomon was the most boring film ever

maybe if i was alive in 1950 i would've appreciated the innovation


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
I wasn't alive in 1950 and Rashomon is one of my favorite movies.

Also, if you found it boring, avoid Ozu movies at all costs.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
i dunno, it could've gotten better (serenity was better than any episode of firefly, so time+less restrictions+higher budget made it better at least)
but i never really bought into the world or most of the characters
why is everyone cursing in chinese when there are no asian people?
if wash is the funny one, why doesnt he say funny things?
why is everyone in space attractive
it was fun though, dont get me wrong


Smash Master
Jul 14, 2006
Los Angeles (818 Panorama City!)
I saw Exit Through The Gift Shop last night and I did enjoy it!

I thought Banksy just made it so that he could discredit the other guy in a way (forgot his name, saw it a long time ago). I think he wanted to give more credit to "real" artists and try to make a point about commercialism and the how the general public doesn't understand good art and stuff like that.
Yeah, at some point I think people just look too much into "art" and blow it the f**k up!


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2007
i dunno, it could've gotten better (serenity was better than any episode of firefly, so time+less restrictions+higher budget made it better at least)
this is exactly the point. The story of Serenity was intended to be the second season. The cruelty is that it got cut off after showing so much promise.

but i never really bought into the world or most of the characters
yeah it definitely wasn't given enough time to fully flesh those things out.

why is everyone cursing in chinese when there are no asian people?
there's no asian people because they are in a time where people aren't identified by a specific region on earth; earth is long gone. the reason there are probably no asian people in my opinion is that all of humanity is so intermixed that there are no more physical traits that would normally identify them as asian.

if wash is the funny one, why doesnt he say funny things?
why's he supposed to be funny? I thought he was just supposed to be goofy/silly.

why is everyone in space attractive
because it's a tv show.

I just wish Firefly could've had the run Buffy had.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
yeah it definitely wasn't given enough time to fully flesh those things out.
yeah, i guess. but the real truth is that most of the characters aren't immediately all that interesting.

there's no asian people because they are in a time where people aren't identified by a specific region on earth; earth is long gone. the reason there are probably no asian people in my opinion is that all of humanity is so intermixed that there are no more physical traits that would normally identify them as asian.
yeah, i understand that to be the point. but, since so many people are clearly just white on the show, it would've been nice for them to at least throw some asian people in the background or something.

why's he supposed to be funny? I thought he was just supposed to be goofy/silly.
he self identifies as the funny one at some point. in general, i found his character one giant wasted opportunity. so many of his 'wacky' lines are just him saying he doesn't understand what's going on (or something similar) right before the scene changes.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
YES! I knew there was something I meant to post about in this thread.
Blue Valentine is not a 'fun' movie to watch in any stretch of the imagination. I cried like a baby. But it is so, so, so good. I don't know if I've seen a movie present a relationship between two people in such a realistic way. I think it was the best movie I saw in 2010. Might put Winter's Bone ahead of it, but Blue Valentine is probably better.


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
Blue Valentine is quite amazing. Like brian said, the relationship is depicted so realistically is gave me shivers. And in some ways its like a depressing 500 days of summer, with the two separate plots, one of how the couple met and the other of their present relationship. a very underrated movie.

on another note, what did everyone think about the oscar results?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
Oscar results were incredibly boring. I didn't watch the show but it also sounded boring. Pretty much every award went to who I predicted except Best Director. (Also I thought Hans Zimmer might take the award over the Rez, but I'm pretty sure the Academy looooooves giving awards to people they think will attract "youth attention" [see Three Six Mafiaaaaaaa ACADEMY AWARD WINNAZ].

It sucks that they're all about politics but WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO? The acting awards (especially Best Actor/Actress) don't go to who gave the best performance. The criteria to win seems to be some calculation based on (number of nominations minus number of wins) times public opinion plus how hard the film baited the Oscars.

The fact that Gosling/Blue Valentine weren't nominated was a sham, outright. I think he was better than Eisenberg, I find it hard to believe that Bardem's performance was amazing especially since that movie got pretty mediocre reviews. Jeff Bridges was good but I feel like he got nominated because he's Jeff Bridges. Not that I really mind when it comes to The Dude.

I haven't seen The King's Speech yet, and I think that will about roundout the important Oscar winner/contenders for me. I also haven't seen The Kids Are Alright but that doesn't look all that appealing. I do like me some Mark Ruffalo so I'll probably watch it eventually.

I wanted Jennifer Lawrence to win so bad. She's so good in Winter's Bone and a total mega babe to boot.

I'm gonna try to stop rambling but I feel like I'm forgetting one more category I had something to say about...


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2007
UC San Diego
All late night talk shows said the Oscars were "boring." Was there any difference between the Oscars this year and other years'? I'm just curious as to why everyone said that it was dull.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2010
the game aint in me no more
I can't speak about the ceremony this year, but that usually sucks. The Oscars really need to modernize their program. At least let the celebrities get ****hammered. They don't even serve alcohol.
(Most of the commentary I've read about the ceremony focused on how bad James Franco was. So, there's that I guess...)
Really, the ceremony only gets interesting if people **** up.
I miss Billy Crystal.

There were literally NO surprises this year when it came to awards. I thought The Social Network might take awards just because The King's Speech is such obvious Oscar bait, but it was not to be.

Oh, and I wish John Hawkes could've split the Oscar with Bale because both truly deserved it. Hawkes might even deserve it more (although Bale's physical transformation gives him the edge for most people I'm guessing).


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
Goleta/Santa Barbara, CA
yeah I was initially disappointed I missed the oscars, but after reviews I heard, glad I was playing smash instead.

kings speech was really good. I had negative expectations going in to watch it because it had every ingredient for a movie I would not like(period film, british, etc) but I was blown away. I definitely think it deserved best picture.

I have to agree with what you said about the acting awards though. Every actor that won this year did deserve to win imo but for example, sandra bullock winning last year i thought was total bs. And crap like meryl streep and jeff bridges getting nominated all the time because they are who they are.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Awesome, I can't wait to see Blue Valentine now.

Pretty sure James Franco was high throughout that night..

The King's Speech was great, of course, although I wasn't at all in the mood to watch a movie like that at the time, so naturally I thought TSN should've won because of how engaging and entertaining it was (I don't think there was a single moment I was bored during TSN).

Kyle and I were pretty damn surprised when we saw the girl from Winter's Bone in the audience lol she is hot

The Kids are Alright was a let down to me, I probably had very high expectations but I ended up enjoying Cyrus a lot more.

I told Kyle that Blue Valentine looked pretty good and that I really wanted to see it. He then told me he figured that if I didn't want to see Black Swan (which my interest in waned considerably after it came out) then I'd probably think Blue Valentine was "too gay" and wouldn't want to see that. -_- so he never brought it up. I'm glad I found it.
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