I was the first one to even extend an open arm out to you the first day you attended a Chula Vista Weekly. I was the first one to invite you to Denny's immediately after CVXX. I offered you an opportunity to be a part of the blog; you said you had never done any formal writing so I thought giving you an easy job you could work your way up from would be sufficient (Right now, you're in the same boat as Nyjin in terms of the blog. You never asked to do something else.) I was going to give you a Wiimote to replace the one you lost, but you never reminded me, and now I don't think I will.
Do you even remember the first thing you said to anyone at a CV tourney? It wasn't "Hi" or "Hello" it was, "How does it feel to get 2-Stocked by a Sonic?" to ****ing Hall. Hall is the nicest person (aside from Havok) that you will ever meet and you decided to leave that impression on him. Not to mention you made the rest of CV late when we called to see where you were at on our trip to Quizno's and you hadn't even woken up. Gursalug and Underwing both graciously brought something for everyone despite them being late to picked them up. You get upset when we rightfully get upset. See the similarities?
Bone is the meanest person you'll ever meet and he decided to be nice to you and be cool with you until you told CPU what "we had said" on the car trip back. Were you not paying attention to what we were talking about? We were talking about his power rankings decisions and jokingly talking about San Diego seceding from SoCal (impossible) which you were all for if I remember correctly. And when we tell you that these are just bull**** things tossing around and that you shouldn't go telling people this stuff seriously ("I know you guys are A2 butt-buddies...") you go and do this not even 12 hours later.
A community is built on trust. I can trust for Dreamhack, Mariololxd, or even IceDX to have my back in any situation and they **** know well I'll be there to support them (unless Dreamhack fails reading comprehension again, or Mario makes another over 9000 joke or IceDX decides to let his girlfriend not let him come to smash). I used to be able to say the same for you. Despite your faults, or my faults, or anyone elses (every. single. person. in. our. community. has. faults.) Your general bad attitude just didn't help the situation.
And to not end on a bad note I'll list everyone's (acceptable) faults as according to me:
Hall - Mullet (See: Stubborn)
Havok - Overly Nice (There is such a thing)
Burntsockz - Weird.
Awex - Kills Jokes
SaltyKracka - Bathroom Occupancy.
MogX - Overly-Long-Winded Stories
Oats - Creepy *******
Bone - Elitist
TKD - Pretentious Emo-Guy
Soid - Lazy
PKSkyler - Green Hair w/o Blue Streaks (See: Life-stories)
Samuelson - Emotionless
Nyjin - Cocky and Immature
Underwing - Should Either Take Game More Seriously or Less Seriously (Depends)
Phear - ... I don't have anything bad to say about this person.
Kyubi - Eavesdropper
Jagg - Should stop doing Bomberman 64 speed-runs
Fierce - ...I don't have anything bad to say about this person.
Nog - Does Not Learn
Gursalug - Too Vulgar
Selendrile - Identity Crisis
Nicktendo - Shy
EZKL - Does Not Play
Somiyah - Her Funny Laugh
IzzyPop - Horrible Trash Talk
Falln - Does Not Know When to Stop
A.C. - Is Not Social
Gibby - ...I don't have anything bad to say about this person.
RioTijuana - ...Learn Match-ups?
Those Kids That Came to CV20 and are responsible for stealing Havok's **** - ****-ups.
Pheonix - Ungrateful
See how big our community is? We talk about each other and we recognize each other for who we are, and we're cool with that. And I'm sure I'm missing a few people here and there.
Listen, Pheonix, you may have your life problems, get those settled, but with us, if you're cool and you just want to play (SF4, Melee, Brawl, 64) and it doesn't have to be in tournament, that's fine. But yeah, it's going to take a while to earn my trust back (I rarely give it out as is.)
Sorry for everyone having to read that but the record had to be set straight.